Včeraj se je, po dveh tednih, na Mauiju prikazal Joe Biden. Tam je zbijal neokusne šale, . . .
JUST IN: President Biden jokes about how hot the ground is in Maui after a fire ripped through, killing hundreds.
“You guys catch the boots out here? That’s a hot ground, man,” he joked.
Despite media reports of roughly 100 deaths from the fires, locals estimate that at least… pic.twitter.com/mRlVuN9kns
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) August 21, 2023
. . . se lagal o tem, kako je v požaru skoraj izgubil dom, ženo, avto in mačka . . .
“I almost lost my wife, my 67 corvette, my cat.”
Joe Biden feels the pain of Lahaina talking about his kitchen fire.
pic.twitter.com/xIeeRNJBj9— Will Cain (@willcain) August 22, 2023
. . . in zaspal sredi srečanja z žrtvami požara:
Joe Biden just fell asleep in the middle of his meeting with victims of the Maui fires pic.twitter.com/YxDneHVuWL
— Matt Wallace (@MattWallace888) August 22, 2023
Še prej pa je njegova vlada odobrila pomoč prizadetim v višini 700 dolarjev. Prebivalci so mu priredili sprejem, kakršnega si je zaslužil:
F*CK YOU: Maui residents BLAST Joe Biden after he finally shows his face 13 DAYS after fires 🔥
pic.twitter.com/1aRD37oC41— Eric Spracklen🇺🇸 (@EricSpracklen) August 22, 2023
Medtem pa prihajajo na dan pričevanja o tem, kako je policija zabarikadirala vse ceste iz Lahaine in tako preprečila ljudem, da bi se umaknili na varno.
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PS: Tole postaja lepše in lepše. Ljudi so pozvali naj se evakuirajo z avtomobili, potem pa blokirali promet. Brezdomec na videu se je rešil, ker je šel peš (2:36):