Nedavna tiskovna konferenca Johna Kirbya (, tiskovnega predstavnika Pentagona, na temo nedavnega srečanja tam nekih diktatorjev. Tule je video …
… pa še stenografski zapis, za dobro mero ( Ne ravno Ruski viri, a? No, par poudarkov:
- “The two countries have grown closer. But they are both countries that chafe and bristle at U.S. leadership around the world.”
- “And in China’s case in particular, they certainly would like to challenge U.S. leadership around the world.”
- “But these are not two countries that have, you know, decades-long experience working together and full trust and confidence. It’s a burgeoning of late based on America’s increasing leadership around the world and trying to check that.”
- “Peter, these are two countries that have long chafed, as I said to Jeff — long chafed at U.S. leadership around the world and the network of alliances and partnerships that we have.”
- “And we work on those relationships one at a time, because every country on the continent is different, has different needs and different expectations of American leadership.”
- “That’s the power of American convening leadership. And you don’t see that power out of either Russia or China.”
- “But one of the reasons why you’re seeing that tightening relationship is because they recognize that they don’t have that strong foundation of international support for what they’re trying to do, which is basically challenge American leadership around the world.”
Hja, kaj naj rečem… Kot vedno, obstaja več možnosti:
- To, da Amerika komandira ves tkzv “zahodni svet” in da države kot Finska, Švedska, Nemčija, 404, Slovenija ipd nimajo nobene besede glede ničesar, ni ravno 100% nora teorija zarote
- Sem premalo pameten in Kirbyevih globokih modrosti, simbolizma in alegorij nisem pravilno razumel.
- Sem preveč pameten in delam logične povezave tam kjer jih ne bi smel.
- Kirby je kreten, ki bljuzi v 3 krasne.
Dodatni predlogi so dobrodošli.
Predvsem pa hvala Caitlin Johnstone da je prebrala/pogledala to tiskovno konferenco in pripravila poudarke. Sam za take stvari nimam ne časa, ne potrpljenja.