
Russians are the dumbest idiots on the planet!

Russians are dumb.  Hopelessly stupid.  They are amateurs of the worst kind.  Ignoramuses on steroids.  Why? Well, for one, their so-called super-dooper biowarfare agent “Novichok” seems unable to kill anybody.  The Russians must have realized that.  This is why, when they tried to kill Skripal (after freeing him from jail) they put that Novichok thing all over the place:  on the bench near Salisbury, on Skripal’s door handle, even in

Rules for Tourists, Sevastopol, Summer 2016

by Auslander Tourist season seems to start earlier every year. This year most hotels and hostels are already booked through the end of May, many visitors are coming down for the Victory Day Parade. This year it seems season will start around the middle of April. Time to lighten things up a bit with the new rules and regulations concerning our summer plague, aka tourists. You may come for a

Russian tanks in the White House?

Check this out: a group of Russian students have somehow projected footage of the Victory Day parade on the White House.  They called their project “polite tanks” and they explained that “if Barak does not want to come to the parade, the parade will come to him”.  I love it!

Take a look at these fierce warriors :-)

Now I am really scared.  The “best soldiers in the world” have arrived in the Ukraine to train the Ukrainians in the art of war.  Check out this video: Impressive no? The “non-lethal aid delivering” US instructor teaches the Ukie recruit how to use a Russian RPG and following this advanced training, the Ukies declare that they will soon go and fight in the East. Wow! Let’s see who else

Россия не Европа (Russia is not Europe) – Humor

Note: Concerning the example of the overflowing toilet, having lived in the USA for a total of 18 years now, I can attest that overflowing and backed-up toilets are even more a US tradition than a Russian one.  There is even a special company called Roto-Rooter specializing it who is officially an “emergency pluming and drain” service but which in reality spends all of its time declogging back-up toilets.  As

Ukrainian conflict: the less depressing side

Compiled by “Tatzhit” Mihailovich One cultural/media aspect of the new “hybrid war” that goes virtually unreported in the West is the humor, political cartoons, etc. Here are some examples, organized into several categories, with appropriate footnotes being given either next to joke/picture, or in the end of the post (*Russophobes can skip to the last section – on Putin and Russia – and spare me the inane cries of “This

Putin’s Whereabouts Confirmed at the Grassy Knoll!

by Norman Ball Just when it seemed the ‘missing Putin’ rumors couldn’t get any stranger, a photo has emerged that places the Russian leader in Dealey Plaza in 1963, armed, shirtless and perched malevolently atop the infamous grassy knoll. Meanwhile, the CIA has vehemently denied any complicity in proffering a doctored photo. In fact CIA Director Brennan offered to “swear on a stack of Bibles provided I can keep one
