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Posts From Scott

Kazakhstan SITREP June 20, 2016 by Scott Humor

Kazakhstan’s President Nazarbayev and Putin say “we” at SPIEF 2016 On June 16-18 the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum took place in the Northern capital of Russia St. Petersburg Om June 17, 2016 President Putin met with President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. The presidents’ conversation took place at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum before the plenary session, in which they will take part. On Friday Russian President Vladimir Putin,

CrossTalk: Bullhorns Uncensored June 20, 2016

CrossTalk: Bullhorns Uncensored Jun 20, 2016 Know-nothing American diplomats demand regime change in Syria. Encircling Russia, NATO continues to break its word and international agreements. And how US foreign policy is now a political football. CrossTalking with Andrei Bystritsky, Stephen Ebert and Alexander Mercouris.

World SITREP June 18th, 2016 by Baaz

RUSSIA Chechnya: Republic Of Contrasts (RT Documentary) Russia’s Republic of Chechnya has undergone a revival after two military operations in its recent post-Soviet history. Today, the region is home one of the largest mosques in Europe, hosts international celebrities and even is trying its hand at high fashion. We explore this republic of contrasts to look at how the Chechen people have struck a balance between tradition and modernity. More

Uman Ukraine Israeli Hasids attacked journalists, Police, fires shots, threw stones glass bottles Updated

Little Israel in Uman Ukraine. A mob of Israeli Hasids attacked journalists, Police officers, fires shots at people, threw stones and glass bottles at locals and tries to incinerate 9 storey apartment building with people in it A Ukrainian title under the video: Hasids [pilgrims from Israel] like wild animals attacked journalists of the Latest News Як озвірілі хасиди напали на журналістів Надзвичайних новин   Uman is a pilgrimage site for Breslov

St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, SPIEF, EU, Sarkozy, Israel, Russia SITREP

St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, SPIEF, EU, Sarkozy, Israel, Russia SITREP, by Scott Humor Lavrov: “Europe is turning into a region which projects instability outside its borders.” Lavrov: “The EU’s selective approach to dialogue with Russia will no longer work” Lavrov: “We are witnesses to major changes in the international scene. Russia is part of the global world and it is changing right before our eyes.” Lavrov: “We observe such

Warsaw NATO Summit Ultimatum to Russia: Waiting for Yalta-2 Part II: by Scott Humor

Waiting for Yalta – 2 Part I: What the Kerry-Lavrov pact brings to the table   The U.S. only fails at everything Children can be brutally honest, sometimes. A small son comes into his mother’s room and asks, “Mom, have you ever seen my dad naked?” And she is like, “Huh? What?” “Dad is in a shower now. Come quick and look at this horror.” Someone recently wrote that Americans

World SITREP June 11th, 2016 Updated by Baaz

The U.S. Stephen Kinzer: Is U.S. Foreign Policy the Most Destabilizing Force in the World Today? Stephen Kinzer discusses U.S. foreign policy and interventionism and whether it is the most destabilizing force in the world today. He discusses which US election candidate would be worst in terms of increasing war tensions and also covers the legacy of Muhammad Ali’s anti-war posture and “American exceptionalism” which is a key factor in

Alexander Lukashenko: Belarus and Russia adequately respond to NATO buildup on the borders of our Union

Alexander Lukashenko: Belarus and Russia adequately respond to NATO buildup on the borders of our Union Russians keep saying that NATO is in a process of deploying new armies on Russia’s borders. I must emphasize that first and foremost NATO is on our borders, Belorussian borders. We see this, and we take all adequate measures without making any noise. I see that the Russian leadership is acting today in the

Germany SITREP June 10th, 2016 by C.

Merkel’s politics I heard some people remark that Merkel’s politics seem to have changed drastically rather recently. For a long time she has very carefully pursued very clever politics that made her more and more powerful. Even throughout the last flare ups of the so called “Euro-Crisis” (a crisis that is nowhere near over and will be back with a bang shortly) she took a very mendacious, dangerous and “bordering

Michael McFaul: We declared war on Russia. What’s next? Updated by Scott

“You conducted genocide of Armenia, sirs.” “But you’re guilty of Holocaust, Sirs!” “You are killing Kurds, sirs!” “But you slaughtered Ruanda, sirs” “And you sponsor ISIS executors, sirs” “And you genocided half of African population, sirs” From the Dialogues of the members of Democratic coalition Nations with nuclear weapons: United States, Russia, Britain, France, China, Israel, India, Pakistan, North Korea Nations hosting nuclear weapons: Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Turkey, Romania,

The World SITREP June 4th, 2016 by Baaz

Russia Crimea Kerch Strait Bridge FYI: Orthodox Christian channel with many videos in English Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges joins RT America History of the Soviet Union and Armenia. Bravery ..about which we don’t read often. The Remarkable Acts of Heroism of Shavarsh Karapetyan   Amazing drone flyby: Aerial view of Mount Athos, the ‘Holy Mountain’ of Orthodox Christianity Russian Kalmykia: The Monk’s White Path Follow the monks’ white path through the unending plains

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview to Komsomolskaya Pravda, Moscow, May 31, 2016

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview to Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper and radio, Moscow, May 31, 2016 Question: Let’s grab the bull by the horns. We have received hundreds of different messages and questions. Many of them show outright concern in connection with a very difficult situation regarding this country. They have tried to crush us with sanctions, NATO is moving closer to our borders, and a missile defence system is being

Russian President Vladimir Putin Joint press conference of with Prime Minister of Greece Alexis Tsipras

  Following the Russian-Greek talks, Vladimir Putin and Alexis Tsipras made a joint statement for the press. May 27, 2016  Athens Prime Minister of Greece Alexis Tsipras (retranslated): I would like to welcome once again President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. President Putin’s visit today after so many years concludes a series of contacts and meetings at the highest level that took place over the last year and that mark a new beginning in our bilateral relations. This meeting is part of the reciprocal Year of Culture between Russia and Greece,

Who will get Mecca after Saudis are ousted, by Scott

The following is a translation/ interpretation of Cat Motya posts regarding the issue of management of Mecca. Please, keep in mind that in Russian classic literature, folklore and fairytales,  cats are learned and wise creature whose main duty is to tell tales about life in faraway lands.   Take, for example, Alesander Pushkin’s poem, Ruslan and Ludmila.  The story of their love was told to Pushkin by a learned cat. That

The World SITREP May 28th, 2016 by Baaz

The World SITREP May 28th, 2016 by Baaz Russia Putin arrives at Mount Athos to mark 1,000 years of Russian presence May 28, 2016 – Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the Protaton Church in Karyes, on Mount Athos, Saturday. He thanked the community for welcoming him warmly and praised the acts that are conducted on the peninsula that is home to 20 monasteries. Greek Orthodox priest (Greek): “Today we are

Kiev Junta’s victims sue Ukraine for hundreds of millions in ECHR, by Scott

Ukraine SITREP May 25, 2016   Since the beginning of the week the biggest news has been information released by Vladimir Markin, Head of Media Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation He stated that over 2000 legal complaints have been filed in ECHR court against the Ukraine regime. “According to information available to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, since the beginning of the punitive operation

Failed NATO Invasion of Moldova SITREP, by Scott

NATO’s invasion of Moldova foiled thanks to coordinated actions of many nations’ patriots It’s hard to overestimate the value of planning in advance, especially when it comes to getting reservations in popular restaurants and invading countries by military force. In the week of the May 9th Victory Day two significant failures took place  each one remarkable in its own way. Each event went completely unreported by the Western corporate and

World SITREP May 20th, 2016 by Baaz

Russia How a Weak Ruble, Sanctions Help Russian Economy Grow Russian, ASEAN Energy Companies May Trade in National Currencies instead of US dollars Russia, Serbia Sign Military Cooperation Plan for 2016 Why is Mongolian neutrality significant for Russian security Russia and India agree on contract to develop FGFA Indian start-ups help Russian businessman become billionaire Is revolution in Russia by émigrés abroad possible? 27 April 2016 YEKATERINA SINELSCHIKOVA, RIR Parliamentary
