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Posts From Scott

Like with MH17 in Ukraine EgyptAir Flight MS804 crash is prequential to the US war on Egypt, by Scott

The US State Secretary John Kerry traveled on Wednesday May 18th to the presidential palace in Egypt.  In news “The US secretary of state has held talks with the Egyptian president in Cario on the country’s political situation and peace proposals for the region, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” Translating from the political doublespeak into English: The US and Israel tried to push Egypt to drop its support for the upcoming

Battle of fake Cossacks vs Navalny Liberals in several tweets, by Scott

A brief excursion into how the “opposition” in Russia makes fake “news,”  and political statements based on fake “news.” Alexey Navalny is a leader of so called “Anti-Corruption Foundation,” allegedly, the Western governments funded neo-liberal NGO organization. Recently, a documentary was released alleging that A. Navalny has been an MI-6 agent for over  a decade.   Tuesday May 17th, 2016 Navalny’s tweet: In Anapa airport group of dressed up clowns

Germany SITREP researcher C. talks to Scott May 18th, 2016

Scott:  I had today a Q&A session with a talented young patriot of Germany. The following is its summary: Before I answer the questions, please read my post “Waiting for Yalta-2”   Q:  Do you know the guy being interviewed here? Or the program he is on? Assuming the subtitles are accurate, this is stuff that is hardly ever talked about in Germany. With very few exceptions, Germans are blind

World SITREP May 13th, 2016 by Baaz

NATO acts like a country  1.US trying to gain upper hand against Russia: Analyst 2. Takfiri terrorists, US plot against resistance: Nasrallah 3.  Senior Hezbollah commander killed in attack in Syria 4.  Romania: US activates missile shield system at Deveselu air base A part of the NATO missile shield was brought online during a ceremony at the Deveselu air base on Thursday. Speaking at the event, NATO Secretary General Jens

Tell Eurovision in 1944 Stalin deported Crimean Tatars to protect them from punishment for Nazi war crimes, by Scott

On Saturday, May 14, in Stockholm’s Globe Arena an event called the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest final will take place. According to the Eurovision Official Rules 2016 posted on 1.2) Criteria of eligibility 1.2.1) Songs “The lyrics and/or performance of the songs shall not bring the Shows, the ESC as such or the EBU into disrepute. No lyrics, speeches, gestures of a political or similar nature shall be permitted

Waiting for Yalta – 2, or What the Kerry-Lavrov pact brings to the table, by Scott

I have been getting questions about Ukraine, and what’s next… Either people don’t read my posts, or they ignore everything I write. I could keep writing the same thing, but it’s gets boring and I want to finish writing a very interesting book. A month ago I mentioned that Washingtonian neo cons’ Ukro project is done, and that the US and EU abandoned it and returned it to Russia, warts

STAND for Ukraine Act H.R. 5094 and its authors, by Scott

The week before the Orthodox Christian Easter, the US senate went frantic with activities, adopting one obscene legislature after another. On April 28, US House Armed Services Committee adopted $610 billion, one of the largest single annual budget measures considered by Congress $3.4 billion effort to increase the US military presence in Eastern Europe Tackled the question of another major arms control agreement: The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty, which the

World SITREP May 5th, 2016 by Baaz

Russia President Putin and Prime Minister Medvedev attend Orthodox Easter Liturgy Mass in Moscow Chechen special forces in Arctic military drills (GoPro & drone footage) Chechen special forces on an expedition in the Arctic for military drills. The troops parachuted from an Ilyushin IL-76 from a height of 2,000 meters (6,561 ft), and then ‘attacked’ an enemy camp. Russian new Anti-Aircrafts defense system S-500 SAM Moscow wants Turkey to return

Armed conflict on Nagorno-Karabakh border April 2nd-6th 2016 and its aftermath, by Scott

Back in the USSR, the Turkish government once protested against the Socialist republic of Armenia for having Mount Ararat on its flag.  The government of Turkey protested because they claimed Mount Ararat wasn’t a part of the Armenian SSR. The People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Georgy Vasilyevich Chicherin, responded: ” the Turkish flag depicts a moon, however the moon is not a part of the territory of Turkey.” Since my

Germany SITREP May 2nd, 2016 by C.

Satire in Germany attacking Erdogan and Turkish politics Lately there has been a lot of controversy in Germany over the issue of political satire criticising Erdogan and his regime in Turkey. It all started with this video by Extra-3 on NDR Personally I think it is quite funny. But Erdogan, unsurprisingly, does not have a sense of humour, and made this a diplomatic issue. I think that was a pretty

Kolomna near Moscow home of ancient monasteries, churches, giant dogs, and movies, by Scott

Kolomna is an ancient city of Moscow Oblast, Russia, situated at the confluence of the Moskva and Oka Rivers, 114 kilometers southeast of Moscow. More than 70 movies were made in Kolomna, because of its absolutely unique preserved medieval atmosphere. Kolomna Air Balloon ride April 2016 Kolomna is famous for its Bobrenev monastery, founded at 1381. Nikola Gostiny’s church (Nikolskaya) was founded in 1530. Monument to Dmitry Donskoy in front

Orthodox Christian Georgian Assyrian Church Chants 16 & 50 Psalms

It’s real! Christ our True God, touches our Hearts but we in our vanity don’t notice it. We call upon Him, only when we’re hurt. We offer to your attention a chant in one of the dialects of Aramaic. It is real, though many say that Aramaic language is dead, but it’s not. I very much hope that our songs touched your hearts for in them we Praise God! 16

Officers of Russia’s Investigative Committee read Konstantin Simonov’s poem Motherland

Poem Motherland by Konstantin Simonov A translation of “Родина”. The three great oceans touching She lies, the towns and cities are spread out, Covered with the net of meridians, Invincible, broad and proud. But at the moment when the last grenade Has already been raised And in a flash you should recall at once Everything that in the distance has remained, You won’t remember an immense country Which you travelled

NATO is invited to leave Crimea: An Incident On Simonka book by R H Auslander

NATO is invited to leave Story never told before by R H Auslander Kindle edition is out today NATO is invited to leave Crimea: An Incident On Simonka book by R H Auslander A short story involving Sevastopol in February 2014. NATO had arrived in Sevastopol in 2010, just a small cadre at first. With time their numbers grew but the cadre was never large, at best around forty US

Ufa one of three biggest cities of Ural Region Russia

Top 6 Natural wonders of the Ural Mountains From the Jasper Mountains all the way to the ancient religious villages and sacred cities made out of stone, there are many attractions in the Ural region, which will capture the imagination no less than the famous Dyatlov Pass   Ufa Beauty of Ural Mountains   Ufa Ural   Ufa new development   Open air concert of classic music Youth Symphonic orchestra

Dmitry Rogozin has compared Russian women with Terminator [Updated], by Scott

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin published in his Twitter a snippet of the video in which the girl-pilot in a protective suit goes through a minefield. In the caption to the post he compared the Russian girls test military-industrial complex (MIC) to the hero of the James Cameron film the Terminator. Full version of video was published on YouTube on Friday, April 22. The video was filmed during testing at

World SITREP April 22, 2016 by Baaz

Russian Combat Engineers Completely Demine Historical Part of Palmyra Video of Palmira report to President Putin 5,000 Militants Entered Aleppo, Idlib from Turkey Huge battle underway for ISIS turf in eastern Syria – Map update 100 Years of Syrian Beauty   Israel wants to replace Turkey in trade with Russia We Can’t Save the Economy Unless We Fix Our Debt Addiction by MICHAEL HUDSON Serbia: You must choose the Russian

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk town on Sakhalin Russian island in the North Pacific Ocean

We shall continue our video travel across Russia Previous posts Sakhalin is a large Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is a city and the administrative center of Sakhalin Oblast, Russia. It was called Vladimirovka from 1882 to 1905, then Toyohara from 1905 to 1946. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk  Airial view   Mountain skiing in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 2016   Corporate video of Silver Wood development   April  19th, 2016 people rescued four killer whale trapped in ice near Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

Unsolicited submissions rejected by the Onion triggered FSB investigation of war on trolls, by Scott

I have a file. It’s a file with a collection of headlines, articles and opinions for the Onion online magazine. I worked on it for a while. A prospect of becoming an anonymous political satirist tickled my fancy. I talked to myself. I rubbed my cold bony hands and chuckled, imagining the effect my jokes would bring on unsuspected readers. Devastating like a Kalibr missile… Today, however, I discovered that
