The U.S.

  • Stephen Kinzer: Is U.S. Foreign Policy the Most Destabilizing Force in the World Today? Stephen Kinzer discusses U.S. foreign policy and interventionism and whether it is the most destabilizing force in the world today. He discusses which US election candidate would be worst in terms of increasing war tensions and also covers the legacy of Muhammad Ali’s anti-war posture and “American exceptionalism” which is a key factor in support of US interventionism. Dr. Stephen Kinzer discusses U.S. foreign policy and interventionism and whether it is the most destabilizing force in the world today. He discusses which US election candidate would be worst in terms of increasing war tensions and also covers the legacy of Muhammad Ali’s anti-war posture and “American exceptionalism” which is a key factor in support of US interventionism.

  • To get a deeper understanding of how propaganda functions in today’s society, Abby Martin interviews Dr. Mark Crispin Miller, professor of Media Studies at New York University.

  • Lies & Plans Against Russia at US Senate – MORE WASTED TAX Dollars






[N.B.: Ukraine is an occupied by NATO and EU part of Russia’s territory with Russian people populating said territory. It’s been separated from Russia as a result of a putsch orchestrated by the Western governments in coordination with the members of former Soviet government. Russia cannot, by definition, invade or occupy its own territory, it can only liberate it. Note by Scott]


Russia Today viewers’ comment of the day

eXtremeDR: The United Nations International Court will accuse Russia for delaying world war 3.

  • Iran, Russia, Syria agree to promote anti-terror cooperation

  • Russia’s Holy Wood: Russia’s Famous Wooden Churches through a British

photographer’s lens Economically poor, but culturally rich, that’s Richard Davies’s image of Russia’s contemporary north. He is an architectural photographer from London who takes a fascinating and thought-provoking journey to the shores of the White Sea to explore the region’s famous wooden churches.

Once inside any one of these ancient buildings, the magnificent interiors become apparent and it’s not so hard to see that they were built to glorify God. They are the product of true craftsmanship, each individual piece of wood was painstakingly shaped and prepared, it’s said that no nails were used to build these churches. This is why the local people see the wooden structures as “treasures” that must be preserved.

Against the backdrop of Russia’s spectacular landscapes, nature and villages, Richard explains why he is convinced that the architecture in this far-flung region is so distinctive and unique.

Trekking through challenging terrain, the photographer explores this rural backwater and discovers that the architecture is filled with a keen sense of life and faith in God.

An insight into how religion in Russia developed under the influence of diverse political regimes. A chance to experience the charm and mystery of these wooden places of worship.


  • Polar Nights & Northern Lights. Natural wonders and life in Murmansk Region with James Brown

Welcome to Murmansk, the northernmost part of Russia! Aside from the freezingcold winter temperatures, Murmansk enjoys the beauty of the aurora borealis, which lights up the region’s long winter nights. This miracle of nature is caused when charged particles collide with atoms high in the Earth’s atmosphere. Find out more about this wonder, and how to spend time in the Murmansk region while waiting for the next natural light show!

  • Forging the Community of Common Destiny for all Mankind: Role of Russia

Vladimir Kozin Advisory Group to the Director chief advisor, head of advisory group to RISS director Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; Professor, Russian Academy of Military Sciences; Member, Russian Analytical Association; PhD in History, Senior Researcher (Academic Rank)

  • Museum of Russian Icon in Moscow. Музей Русской Иконы в Москве

Ever wonder why Russians chose Orthodoxy over other religions?

  • Russia: New frigate The Admiral Grigorovich arrives in Sevastopol

One of Russia’s most technically advanced warships The Admiral Grigorovich frigate class arrived in its home base of Sevastopol on Thursday.

Admiral Aleksander Vitko, Commander in the Black Sea Fleet (Russian): “The Black Sea Fleet was waiting for this event for 35 years, since the 1981 off-shore maritime zone, ships were not supplied to the Black sea Fleet.”

Admiral Aleksander Vitko, Commander in the Black Sea Fleet (Russian): “The ship is equipped with the newest technical solutions and its fighting possibilities are far beyond the capabilities of the first rank of ships and cruisers built in Russia, it has unique strike weapons.”

Admiral Aleksander Vitko, Commander in the Black Sea Fleet (Russian): “I

hope there will be six vessels of this project; the last three will probably appear a bit later, plus six submarines and ocean zone guard ships which are being built now.”

  • UK media hail Navy’s ‘intercept’ of Russian sub… which was not hiding (lol)



  • Russian Army: Pontoon Bridge Construction


  • Yalta, Crimea, RUSSIA 2016.

A candid video of a British couple’s trip to Crimea


  • Forward Russia! (Вперёд Россия!)


RAW: week’s most notorious fist fights, brawls, arrests

Georgian deputies brawl on live TV


 2016.06.08 UKR court in Kiev. Vita Zaverukha, [images, 18+]

a convicted Nazi sadistic murderer, a servicewomen from an Azov death squad, with other Nazis participated in killing about 400 people in Odessa on May2nd 2014. She was filmed, making Molotov cocktails. Soon after, she and several other neo-Nazis attacked and killed a policeman on duty. These young neo-Nazis had decided that since new junta killed about 100 Mariupol police officers, the entire department, in May 2014, that it was a fair game to hunt down those “trash,” as they call the law enforcement officers. However, by the time so many police officers were killed that Kiev had started frowning upon those random killings. Plus, of course their Washington masters had decided that “Azov” had to go. Many people affiliated with this paramilitary entity were in some ways apprehended: arrested, hanged, shot, suicided. One had died from a grenade explosion being in a room with four other people. Remarkable about this one was that four other people weren’t even injured, or heard anything.

On July 8, 2016 During the court hearing a group of Ukrainian nationalists tried to break in and to “help” her to escape from prison. As you can see, Berkut officers almost ripped her head off in a process.

ZAVERUKHA`s hair extracted from the chamber of the court


Sports News

June 11th, 2016 France: Riot police and England fans clash ahead of Russia match


June 10th, 2016 French riot police disperse English and Russian fans in Marseille


While you watch clashes of football “fans,” please, keep in mind that this is one of those provocations engineered around sports. It’s the same line of attack on national sports as “Zika” virus and Drug-Resistant ‘Super Bacteria’ that was “Found At Brazil Olympic Venues.”

You, probably, have noticed his all the media was ready to report on the “fight.” The best footage was taken by the British media. Looks like they “knew” where the most outrages performance will be taken place and got the best seats in town.

This is the same “two groups” being organized by the same scenario described by me here.

Most importantly, we can’t forget that the Odessa Massacre was organized by and with “football fan” clubs.

I am quite sure that no names of participants will be revealed by the French police, and we will never be able to check and see if these people are indeed real average citizens.

Maidan, as you probably remember, also was ignited by “football fans.” Football fan clubs in Russia have to be immediately liquidated,  just on the basis of them organizing this anti-Russia provocation in France. [Scott]


A Battalion of Russian football fans is chasing the British Army around Marseille, France

For a better video of what took place in Marseille follow this link.

Eyewitnesses report about provocations of the British football fans against the Russians
June 12, 2016, 04:03
Russian  Eyewitnesses reported that the riots in the stands of the Velodrome, which hosted the match of the European football championship between national teams of Russia and the UK, broke out after British fans started insulting Russians.

The British sports journalist Simon Rowntree reported on Twitter that the British were shouting insults at Russia, President Vladimir Putin and tennis player Maria Sharapova.

Another representative of the British media, Martin MacIntyre believes that “the reaction of Russian fans is not surprising. I saw two English fans knock a Russian fan to the ground, took off his pants in front of his face, and at the end wiped his ass with a Russian flag”.

As reported by RIA Novosti, a buffer zone between fans of both countries was absent. Later,  the Police Commissaire Antoine Boutonnet stated that the reason for the violent collisions of football fans has become “excessive alcohol consumption”.

The match between Russia and England, ended with the score 1:1.

Update June 12th, 2016

Follow this link to a Russian private TV channel that posted an exclusive video of about 30 Russians being cornered on some back alley street by a raving mob of several hundred people in the “300 Spartans” style attack.

As you can see here, Russians are clearly being attacked and they had to fight the attackers, chanting, Russia, Russia.

Needless to say, immediately after that UEFA issued statement that  it’s Russian Football Federation that is likely to be sanctioned, and not British. Because the British citizens have done nothing wrong by attacking the Russian citizens., apparently.  This is exactly how they broke psychological barriers in Ukraine, by randomly attacking everyone who spoke Russian language on the streets and then posting videos online. All this to demonstrate that was “OK” to attack Russians.

Europeans are literary being programmed for attacks on white Christian Russians.

As you understand, this attacks were also orchestrated, apparently with the involvement of Junta in Kiev and EEFA, to force cancelation the  FIFA 2018 World Cup football championship in Russia.

I don’t know how credible is this: “BREAKING NEWS: Ukrainian Pravy Sektor Right Sector Nazis attack England fans in Marseille

Thanks to  Veritas, who wrote:  I don’t know how true this is but seems very plausible as the whole thing stinks of a set up.

Another REN TV video of a dozen of Russian fans walking calmly and singing Katusha, through a crowd of what looks like a standing army, including the local Police officers.  



Thank you for your time

And don’t forget your kevlar…