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Tag "Russia"

Two more briefings: Colonel General Sergei Rudskoy and Colonel General Mikhail Mizintsev   March 25, 2022 Speech of the Head of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Colonel General Sergei Rudskoy (This should be read with the previous statements of this morning:   In accordance with the decision of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief since February 24 this year. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are conducting a special military operation.

China, Russia and India: Foreign Ministers Joint Communique

Joint Communique of the 18th Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Russian Federation, the Republic of India and the People’s Republic of China November 26, 2021 1. The 18th Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Russian Federation, the Republic of India and the People’s Republic of China was held in the digital video-conference format on 26 November 2021. The meeting took place in the backdrop of negative impacts

Meeting of the Supreme State Council of the Union State: Russia-Belarus November 4, 2021 Sevastopol Documents signed during the meeting included the Decree of the Supreme State Council of the Union State that sets forth the Guidelines for Implementing the Provisions of the Treaty Establishing the Union State in 2021–2023. Also, following the meeting, the sides signed resolutions of the Supreme State Council of the Union State On the Results of Russian-Belarusian Trade and Economic Cooperation Throughout 2020 and in January-June 2021, On the Union State’s Military Doctrine, On Awarding the 2021 Union State Prize in Science and Technology, as well as the Resolution of the Supreme State Council of the Union State On Implementing the Decisions of the Supreme State Council

Russia’s position at the seventy-sixth session of the UN General Assembly 1.      The goal of the 76-th session of the UN General Assembly (GA) is to reaffirm the central and coordinating role of the Organization in international affairs. Owing to its representativeness and universality, the UN is rightfully viewed as a unique platform for an equitable dialogue aimed at reaching compromise solutions with due regard to different opinions. Attempts to undermine the authority and legitimacy of the UN are, in

Press release on consultations with a Taliban delegation

8 July 2021 19:30 – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation On July 8, Special Presidential Representative for Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov held consultations with a delegation from the Taliban’s political office. The discussion focused on the situation in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the prospects for starting intra-Afghan talks. The Russian side voiced their concern over the mounting tensions in the northern regions of Afghanistan and

Statement by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia and the President of the Russian Federation

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation We, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, hereby declare the following: 1. A complete ceasefire and the termination of hostilities in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone will become effective as of midnight, Moscow time, on November 10, 2020. The Republic of Azerbaijan and

A Call to Divine Unity: Letter of Imam Khomeini to President Mikhail Gorbachev

Introduction by the Saker: a Muslim friend of mine sent me the document below and when I read it, I decided to share it with you.  Why?  Because I happen to think that Putin actually did follow much of the advice given by Imam Khomeini.  Not to the letter, of course (Putin has not converted to Islam, but chose to embrace Christian Orthodoxy), and not necessarily because he was aware

Hypersonic Strike Systems Of United States Even two years ago, hypersonic weapons were barely an item of discussion among the US national security establishment. Today these weapons are all the rage. What accounts for that sudden emergence of US interest in this category of weapons, which has spurred research and development on several different weapon systems that are to enter service at some point in the upcoming decade? And what are the implications of their

How to treat Coronavirus infection COVID-19

Interview with the member of the Russian Academy of Science Alexander Chuchalin Translated by Scott Humor Source   If a situation with the CAVID-19 coronavirus infection follows the same scenario as the SARS epidemic, then by April- May the problem will be less acute. In his interview to the RT the academic Alexander Chuchalin, the Head of Department of Hospital therapy of the Russian National Research Medical Pirogov University. In

The West Will Try Again to Blow Up Russia From Within – Year Results

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Sasha Captioned by Leo   The home front is the most complicated for Russia if only because it was by sabotage that our implacable partners destroyed the USSR in the previous century. This is why taking stock for 2019 on the home front is the most complicated. During the holidays our channel (PolitRussia) subscribers were able to see a series of episodes dedicated to the

Drazha Mikhailovich: the man upon whom the future Serbia will be rebuilt!

This is a very special day for me, because the topics I will be covering are all very dear to my heart and to my entire family.  Following the Bolshevik revolution my family and another 1.5 million Russians fled their beloved motherland at the end of the civil war.  All our so-called European “allies” immediately betrayed us (what else is new?), organized an intervention and backed the russophobic Bolshevik regime

The Saker interviews Professor Seyed Mohammad Marandi

[this interview was made for the Unz Review] Introduction: first, several friends recently suggested that that I should interview Professor Seyed Mohammad Marandi; then I read this most interesting text on Moon of Alabama and I decided to ask Professor Marandi to share his views of the current situation in Iran, the Persian Gulf the rest of the Middle-East who very kindly agreed to reply to my question in spite

The Saker interviews A.B. Abrams about the geostrategic developments in Asia

[This interview was made for the Unz Review] I recently received a copy of a most interesting book, A.B. Abrams’ “Power and Primacy: the history of western intervention in Asia” and as soon as I started reading it I decided that I wanted to interview the author and ask him about what is taking place in Asia in our times.  This was especially interesting to me since Putin has embarked

The Other Ukraine

by arras for The Saker blog Ukraine is a country in the Eastern Europe, which doesn’t require introduction to most readers as it was and still is filling pages of the newspapers and screens of a TVs. Courtesy of ongoing geopolitical conflict between the United States and the Russian Federation there. Some say, this is a conflict between East and West and thus suggesting that it is not just a

Regime Change In Venezuela: Army Defectors, Russian Mercenaries And Disappearing Gold

Regime Change In Venezuela: Army Defectors, Russian Mercenaries And Disappearing Gold Over the past few days, the intensity of anti-government protests in Venezuela has declined despite attempts of the US-led bloc to warm them up through both public and clandestine measures. However, the conflict continues to develop amid the acute standoff in the media sphere between the Maduro government and its opponents backed by the US-led bloc. On January 29,

Liberals scream Putin sells Russia and call to give away the Kurils to Japan

By Ruslan Ostashko Translated and subtitled by Scott Humor Can a person simultaneously shout that the authorities of “this country” are selling out Russia, and advocate for giving away the Kuril Islands to Japan? A person can, if it’s a Russian-speaking, pro-Western liberal.   We have long been accustomed to the fact that the Ukrainian media writes all sorts of nonsense. However, when it comes to a “Kiev expert” it
