Documents signed during the meeting included the Decree of the Supreme State Council of the Union State that sets forth the Guidelines for Implementing the Provisions of the Treaty Establishing the Union State in 2021–2023. Also, following the meeting, the sides signed resolutions of the Supreme State Council of the Union State On the Results of Russian-Belarusian Trade and Economic Cooperation Throughout 2020 and in January-June 2021, On the Union State’s Military Doctrine, On Awarding the 2021 Union State Prize in Science and Technology, as well as the Resolution of the Supreme State Council of the Union State On Implementing the Decisions of the Supreme State Council of the Union State.
* * *
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Lukashenko, friends,
The meeting of the Supreme State Council of the Union State we are holding today is, without exaggeration, truly important. We will be adopting a series of documents for further promoting and enhancing the economic, political and military integration of Russia and Belarus.
It is symbolic that this meeting is taking place on a special day for Russia – National Unity Day. Mr Lukashenko, thank you very much for your congratulations. This holiday symbolises the sincere and deep love of our Motherland, as well as the triumphant spirit of unity that has been passed on from one generation to another for many centuries.
In this regard, Russia and Belarus have much in common. We share the bond of centuries-old brotherly friendship, a shared past, spiritual and moral values, and quite often, family ties. In all times, our peoples have assisted one another in their hour of need. Together, we have defended freedom and independence, fought shoulder to shoulder against external enemies, and worked hand in hand to ensure the wellbeing and prosperity of our peoples.
I have said this on many occasions, but still I would like to reiterate that for Russia, Belarus is not just a good neighbour and our closest ally, with whom we have built a relationship of mutual respect and support, seeking to take into account each other’s interests, but also a truly brotherly Republic, a brotherly people. Making sure that it stays this way forever is our unwavering commitment.
Since the citizens of our countries want unity, 25 years ago Russia and Belarus embarked on a journey to establish a political and economic integration structure, the Union State. Over the past quarter of a century, we have accomplished a great deal together for our common economic space.
Our countries’ economies are closely intertwined and deeply interconnected. Russia is the main business partner for Belarus and accounts for almost one half of Belarus’ foreign trade. We rank first in terms of direct investment in the Belarusian economy, that’s about US$4 billion. Some 2,400 Russian companies operate in Belarus. In turn, Belarus is Russia’s number one trading partner within the CIS and ranks fourth among all our foreign trade partners with a share close to 5 percent.
Even during the coronavirus pandemic, as the President of Belarus has just mentioned, there has been some positive momentum in our bilateral economic cooperation. In particular, according to the data we have, in the first eight months of 2021 bilateral trade increased by almost 36 percent to US$24 billion, while Mr Lukashenko has data for the first nine months: the numbers could be approaching US$28 billion, which is a very robust result.
Multifaceted sectoral ties and industrial cooperation between Russia and Belarus are also picking up steam with new shared value chains and a growing common transport infrastructure. We are carrying out high-tech, research-intensive projects, including the construction of a nuclear power station in Belarus – the first unit was launched this year.
I would like to remind you about the proposal put forward by Belarus; the President of Belarus also mentioned this in his remarks. It deals with adding a Belarusian cosmonaut to the International Space Station crew. Yesterday, we discussed this with Roscosmos executives in Sochi. We are ready to support this proposal and to carry it out soon. We need to agree on some aspects, but these are not challenging matters, so I am sure we will resolve them.
As for integration, we will not rest on our laurels. The President of Belarus said we would be approving a comprehensive and far-reaching document today: the Guidelines for Implementing the Provisions of the Treaty Establishing the Union State for 2021–2023. This is the fruit of lengthy, intensive, and sometimes challenging talks between our governments and corresponding agencies. Mr Lukashenko and I kept a close eye on the progress of these talks.
This document covers 28 sectoral Union programmes designed to promote a coordinated macroeconomic strategy, introduce unified taxation principles, which is extremely important, implement a common policy in the credit and financial and banking sectors, in industry and agriculture, harmonise regulations for the unified oil, gas and electric power markets and for transport services.
By the way, I have just mentioned the oil and gas markets. We keep a close eye on these matters since they are very important and often cause controversy and heated debate. Nevertheless, even in this sphere we have achieved serious progress. You are probably aware of what has been going on in the global oil and gas markets. Today, Belarus receives natural gas from Russia at a price that is seven or eight times, and at certain points, nine or ten times lower than the European spot markets. Even if we are talking about gas supplies to our consumers under Gazprom’s long-term contracts and make a comparison with them, the price Belarus pays is still three or four times lower. This concerns the people of Belarus and the households there that get energy at the lowest possible price. This also benefits the entire Belarusian economy and its industry, placing it in a favourable competitive environment, which facilitates its development.
By carrying out these sectoral integration programmes, Russia and Belarus can create an equal and unified business environment. The two economies will follow common rules and standards, which creates new, truly broad opportunities to promote their progress and will benefit all sectors without exception.
Of course, full economic integration would be impossible without progress on establishing a single migration and visa space. It is essential that we fully deliver on the promise of unimpeded labour mobility and guarantee our citizens the freedom of movement while taking into consideration all associated security risks. This is the purpose of the Union State Migration Policy Concept as drafted by our governments. A lot has been done on this front as well.
Building the Union State is not just about intertwined economies, but also about coordinating our efforts in other spheres, including political and defence matters. The President of Belarus has mentioned this as well. In this regard, it is essential that we facilitate close ties between Russian and Belarusian ministries and agencies. Of course, the role of the Permanent Committee of the Union State will be growing.
Creating an atmosphere of stability and security along our external borders has special importance in this context. We will work together to counter any attempts to interfere in the domestic affairs of sovereign states. Make no mistake, Russia will continue supporting the brotherly people of Belarus.
The Union State will make meaningful progress in promoting integration. At the end of the day, this will improve the standard of living and wellbeing of our people. Of course, we will keep up our targeted efforts to give new significance to the Union State and fully unlock its creative potential.
Thank you for your attention.
”Creating an atmosphere of stability and security along our external borders has special importance in this context. We will work together to counter any attempts to interfere in the domestic affairs of sovereign states. Make no mistake, Russia will continue supporting the brotherly people of Belarus.
The Union State will make meaningful progress in promoting integration. At the end of the day, this will improve the standard of living and wellbeing of our people. Of course, we will keep up our targeted efforts to give new significance to the Union State and fully unlock its creative potential.”
Lithuania and Gównopolska — haven’t they got any aces up their sleeves? The Euro-trash harridans Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and Ursula von der Leyen? TIkhanovskaya and her playmate BHL? Analny Navalny? Ukronazis? Biden? So many extremely talented people in the service of the rules-based order around and, yet, here we are with the two authoritarians Putin and Lukashenko prevailing like this? /sarc off/
Belarusian SSR patriotic song, Марш Перамог:
This sounds great. I was just surprised that this is the culmination of a 25-year process. If so, how long will it take to reunite with the Ukraine eventually once the current neo-Nazi regime is out of power and things turn toward normality? My relatives and others who value their Russian roots, even while living in the land-mass currently called “Ukraine”, deserve better.
Ukraine will become part of the RF proper, because it has no functioning government to speak of whatsoever. The depopulation and utter destruction of what was once the scientific and industrial heartland of the erstwhile USSR will very soon make Ukraine becoming up for grabs, and Russia — united with Belarus — will have very little problem taking back what is rightfully hers. The Ukronazis are the West’s most worthless bootlickers on the planet as of almost 8 long years and their foreign sponsors are almost as mentally compromised, LOL.
yes and I heard that Ukraine has the best soil on the planet – anywhere you go its got about 8 ft of black soil…as though at one time it collected huge amounts of silt from fresh waterflow, That’s why its called the breadbasket of the world and that’s why George Soros has set up farming and food companies there. He was allowed in by the PTB powersthatbe.
Bill Gates too ?
It is heartening to note that, Russia and Belarus are progressing on the proposed union.
There are two different perspectives of looking at it. While the old socialists/ communists around the world would like to see a ‘reunion’ of at least 2-3 statelets with mother Russia as a negation of the breakup of Soviet Union (though it is not so), the Slavic communities can look forward to a real positive ‘deal’. A new union straddling across Eurasia will boost the power and prestige of Rus civilization tremendously! And, I can see a bright future of anew union, as I described in an article last year –
To recommend in extended connection with this topic:
“Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Rossiya 24, Moscow, November 1, 2021”
Important Update from Turkish news website:
“Today, the lead ship of the US 6th Fleet, the USS Mount Whitney (LCC/JCC 20), departed Istanbul and set sail towards Ukraine to take part in operations with other NATO allies and Partner Nations in the Black Sea region”.
This seems to be confirmed via official NATO website:–enters-black-sea
It appears (from other media souces) that Russian forces in the Black Sea region are responding and there is noticable activity in Sevastospol, Crimea, and at the naval base in Novorossiysk.
For those not aware of the significance of the USS Mount Whitney, it is one of the worlds most sophisticated Intelligence and electronic warfare ships (and is also a designated “afloat” nuclear strike command post, or ACP for short).
It should be noted that although an old vessel, the USS Mount Whitney (LCC/JCC 20) has been equiped with State-of-the-art electronic warfare and intelligence gathering equipment more sophistated than currently fitted to any US Supercarrier, and it was intended to support a large scale amhibious assault against a balistic missile (nuclear) capable adversary (ie Russia and China). The significance of its deployment to the Black Sea and Crimea area therefore cannot be missed by even the casual observer.
This can be seen as nothing other than a major provocation (or warning?) to Russia, particularly if the ship sails close to Crimea or does actually visit Ukraine as Turkish media suggests (or has leaked).
”USS Mount Whitney (LCC/JCC 20) has been equiped with State-of-the-art electronic warfare and intelligence gathering equipment more sophistated than currently fitted to any US Supercarrier”
Allow me: The devil, as always, is in the details. To wit, ”more sophisticated than currently fitted to any US Supercarrier”. Put in layman’s terms: Slightly less junk than on average. So here we have this supposed marvel of true Pindo technological prowess joining up with the usual garbage of ”allies” for another naval stunt of drooling, panting, and chest-thumping. I can’t help wondering, given that the vessel put out to sea in Istanbul, if Erdogan was deliberately goading the US (easy enough) into making another massive blunder, adding to the recent one in Afghanistan and the present one unfolding in the Taiwan Strait
“Slightly less junk than on average”
Got to disagree with that Nussiminen. I think experts on the systems an ACP carries would disagree too.
The suite on that ship is amongst the best in NATO – and not to be underestimated – just ask any Russian or Chinese expert and they will confirm.
But arguments about the electronis aside, it is Interesting that one of the systems on board uses an AI software integrator which allows the ship to monitor, commuicate with, and upload to (read control) any NATO system running the correct software – which would of course include drones of all types including the Turkish “Bayractar”.
As Ukraine has just announced it is to buy additional Bayractar combat drones from Turkey:
and as the USS Mount Whitney has just stopped off from Istanbul, the message is clear – Ukrainian Bayractars will be linked to NATO command and targeting systems on board US and UK warships at the very least.
I have little doubt that the Russians will be ‘allowed’ to observe some high tech interactions between the Ukranian Navy / Army / Air Force and the US 6th Fleet flag ship – the USS Mount Whitney – as she sails around the Black Sea with her escort and the US airforce wing attached to the excercises / missions.
Her escort at the moment is being provided by the USS Porter – which is integrated to Aegis Ashore system covering the Black Sea.
An interesting Twitter post for those with the eyes to decode these things:
The targeting data and overall intel now being shared with Ukraine (and programmed into thier Bayractar systems) by the US is a clear message to Russia – that although Ukraine may not be a “member” of NATO, it is being prepared for membership right now.
I cant think of any greater provocation at this current time (following the recent Bayractar stikes on Donbass) than the Turkish visit of this ship quickly followed by a Ukraine visit to integrate Ukrainian Bayractars into NATO systems.
Because of the very slow ‘tip-toe’ appraoch to integration of Ukraine into NATO, Ukraine may for all intents and purposes become a giant FOB for NATO without her ever becoming an actual member. The sophisticated anti-ship and balistic missile naval facility in the sea of Azov the British have designed for Ukraine and signed the deal for:
would potentially check mate any forces inside Crimea by maintaining a neutalising rapid strike capability againt all infrastructure in the region.
Crazy Times,
The Whitney is another unnecessary, idiotic and dangerous attempt at poking the bear.
My take is that the command ship is there to practice commanding the ships of the ‘allied/partner’ countries, a sort of familiarisation exercise.
As is, the Yanks know that the Whitney and its escorts are too puny to threaten RF, not even Sevastopol. At any rate the RF navy have prepared a reception just in case. We’ll see if the Aegis-equipped Porter can deal with supersonic sea-skimming missiles.
This has been said before by many: The Bayraktar drones are not a that big a deal. They are of no real threat to Crimea/RF — who have lots of real-life experience killing drones in Syria — although they may be used to harass the Donbass, for a time anyway; and further aggravate the delusions of the nazis running the Ukraine who in their feverish moments see themselves piloting drones over Moscow.
I’ve come across certain articles that discuss a union between Belarus and Russia. This would be accompanied with the idea of a “common currency” that both would use.
Should this union occur, will Russia and Belarus still be using their own ruble currencies domestically (with this new ‘common currency’ being used for international trade), or will one side have to replace its ruble with that of the other? In the latter case, whose will be used?
(Russia’s current ruble was introduced in 1998, whereas Belarus’ was introduced in 2016. Personally I’d prefer the Belarusian one – you can buy more with the Belarusian 1-ruble coin than with the Russian 10-ruble coin – but that could just be me. But I digress.)
The Union State is a huge regional success for the Russian security. It has immensely aided by the color revolution attempts against Lukashenko’s government and then the plot to assassinate him.
Now, the combined military forces and instant availability of military bases makes the threats to Kaliningrad moot.
Ukraine now has a new border filled with danger to “defend”. A few years ago, they knew Luka would not join with Putin against the Ukies. Then the Ukies decided to join the US/NATO attempts to decapitate Belarus. The subsequent attempts exposed Ukraine more and more as a true enemy of Belarus.
Putin’s patience has paid off again. And Shoigu got exactly what he wanted for his military–basing in Belarus.
Lukashenko gets to stay alive, still the leader of Belarus, and probably, a nice comfortable retirement in the coming year or so.
Kiev is only 433 Km from Minsk in a strait line, one hour by air (529 Km driving, average time 6 hours). Much less from the border. How quickly would Kiev be occupied?
They are surrounded already. Kalibrs will do the job. A salvo or two and the Ukies will be in a foot race to Lviv, Poland and parts west.
Gaining Belarus is a major strategic ‘get’ for Russia. There is no more ambiguity about the Union State and when 404 falls to pieces, the parts Russia receives will be in the Union State sooner than later.
Q: How quickly would Kiev be occupied?
A: In a heartbeat, although I would not put it past the swine and scum of Ukronazis and the like-minded neocons to raze that city in an act of ”heroic spite”. It’s all what remains to ”make a difference”. Remember: The neocons will not start any WW3 unless their own worthless lives are 100% guaranteed to be spared in the process. Their self-love takes precedence over their omnicidal masturbatory fantasies by at least an order of magnitude. By contrast, I don’t believe they care one bit what happens to Galicia since Russia clearly is not the least interested in that backwater.
To paraphrase the specimen Michael Ledeen: Every ten years or so, Russia should take some very hapless or endangered region under her protection against Western fascism to show that she means business. The Union state is an excellent case in point, just like Chechnya and Crimea.
so its good. I wish more countries would smarten up with Putin’s Russia
hmmmm…no chance of a road bridge being created right the way through to Kalininagrad….sealing off the Baltics?