This week reviews, analyses and news

1. [Source] State of emergency: the gravediggers of the French Republic
2. [Source] Oil and the ISIS: Another US-NATO War on Libya is Imminent by Stephen Lendman
3. [Source] Kosovo: NATO’s Success Story? by DAN GLAZEBROOK
4. [Source] SERBIA’S CHANCE FOR FREEDOM Slavisa Batko Milacic
5. [Source] Serbia: President Nikolic attends Orthodox Christmas service led by Patriarch Irinej
6. [Source] Hilarious Christmas greeting to Putin by Bosnian Serbs

1. [Source] Wall Street Kicks Off 2016 With a Faceplant by MIKE WHITNEY
2. [Source] State Dept confirms ‘working document’ laid out timeline for Syria regime change
3. [Source] How U.S. and EU Manipulate Public Consciousness: Montenegro
4. [Source] The US joins the New Silk Road
5. [Source] Why US Sees Kosovo As Its 52nd State?
6. [Source] The Rise and Transformation of American Militarism and Imperialism after World War Two
7. [Source] Bush Military Official: The Empire’s Ship is Sinking
8. [Source] US Elite Wants to Destroy Russia at Any Price: Since the end of the USSR, the US and its allies are the world’s aggressors

The Middle East
1. [Source] Syria: Russian military hold Orthodox Christmas service at Hmeymim Airbase
2. [Source] The Unviability of an Islamic Caliphate: Ethnic Barriers by L. ALI KHAN
3. [Source] The Geopolitics of Cheap Oil by JOHN FEFFER
4. [Source] Turkey’s Middle East Policy: What Goes Around Comes Around Andrey ARESHEV
5. [Source] Saudi, Iran embarrass the Muslim world
6. [Source] Saudi Wahhabi donkeys calling for help against Iran!
7. [Source] Saudi Arabia to Allow Israel Use of Its Airspace to Strike Iran
8. [Source] HDP leader says Ankara has ‘neither the power nor means’ to eliminate Kurdish movement
9. [Source] New Whitehouse policy; Assad can stay till after every Western politician who ever said ‘Assad must go’ has gone
10. [Source] Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah – Speech – January 3, 2016 – Shaykh Nimr Assasination
11. [Source] Assyrian Christians forming militias to fight against ISIS with no outside help
12. [Source] Turkeys Erdogan “The Chosen one” war on Kurds
13. [Source] Iran unveils 2nd underground missile facility
14. [Source] Press TV’s exclusive interview with Abdullah Abdullah
15. [Source] India: Thousands decry Sheikh Nimr’s execution at Lucknow protest
16. [Source] Convert or die’ Stranded Yazidi refugees on ISIS threats (EXCLUSIVE)
17. [Source] Jewish-American on Israel’s Fascism: “No Hope For Change From Within”
18. [Source] Orthodox Christmas Eve: Patriarch of Jerusalem arrived at the Church of the Nativity

1. [Source] Orthodox Christmas service held in priest’s garage in Ptycha
2. [Source] Remembering Vasyl Stus: Ukraine’s symbol against Soviet repression
On January 6, Ukrainian dissident poet Vasyl Stus would have turned 78
years old. The well-known figure spent more than 20 years in Soviet
prison camps where he died at the age of 47. Thirty years later
mystery still surrounds his death.

1. [Source] Russia: Orthodox Christmas celebrated at Moscow’s Christ the Saviour Cathedral
2. [Source] Pierre Verluise: Soviet and Putin’s Strategy
3. [Source] Russia continues launch of early warning defense satellites
4. [Source] Syria: Russian servicemen hold Orthodox Christmas service at Hmeymim Airbase
5. [Source] Feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
6. [Source] Here’s what blind prophet Baba Vanga predicted for 2016 and beyond: It’s not good
7. [Source] Analysis – Russian Status-6 aka KANYON nuclear deterrence and Pr 09851 submarine
9. [Source] Head of Berkut Veterans Union – Yuri Sivokonenko | Eng. Subs
10. [Source] Lex Pluriversalis – foundation for next world order by Leonid Savin
11. [Source] With eye on Hillary Clinton, Russia and China enter 2016
12. [Source] What’s behind the new investigation into the murder of the Romanovs
13. [Source] Russia: Night Wolves wow Moscow with dazzling New Year show
14. [Source] Coca-Cola Recognizes Crimea as Part of Russia, Makes Kiev Leadership Angry