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Tag "Europe"

Europe, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and Turkey’s future

by Thomas Bargatzky An opinion article published on 14 June 2017 in Turkish online newspaper Hürriyet Daily News, makes a strong case for a rapprochement between Turkey and the EU. According to the author, political problems with the EU notwithstanding, bilateral economic and commercial relations are on the rise. In addition, not only the economy plays an important role. A rapprochement should be also in Turkey‘s interests with regard to

Tell Trump the Soviet Union didn’t invade Poland in September 1939

List of Pre – WWII pacts and Agreements with Hitler’s Germany Invasion of Czechoslovakia by Poland, Germany and Hungary in October 1938. Did the Soviet Union Invade Poland in September 1939? (The answer: No, it did not.) “No doubt a big reason for this falsehood is this: Britain and France did sign a Nonaggression Pact with Hitler that “partitioned” another state — Czechoslovakia. That was the Munich Agreement of September

In Germany NATO films “Freedom Shock” with Russian speaking civilians

On the last day of March my true love came to me and asked for the Russian (Polish) speaking extras to act as the “villagers” being invaded by the US military. What notably absent here is the demand for some Ukrainian or Belorussian speaking actors, even though they might get the migrant workers from Ukraine mostly. RT posted more details on this NATO’s open casting call, NATO acting up: Alliance looking

GONE TO HELL Paris – October 3rd, 2016

GONE TO HELL Paris – October 3rd, 2016 When good Americans die, they go to Paris.  said Oscar Wilde. Paris is also the place where good Africans and Arabs come to survive after good Americans and French destroyed their countries, their way of life, their healthcare and education systems, their governments, their homes, roads and water supplies. In Russia it’s called Ukrainization of Europe. It’s an old  tried-and-true method to

Europe Germany Turkey September 2016 SITREP by C.

Western “Culture” is a Cult of Death / Some thoughts on BREXIT and Coup in Turkey / Translation: Interview with Green Youth spokesperson I have been meaning to write an article for a very long time now. But whenever I sat down to actually do it, it did not work. It sort of feels like a rotten tooth. You know it needs to get out. It hurts while it’s still

Men don’t arch their backs, or why Russians reject “Western values” by Scott Humor Updated

European Military Expenditure per capita 2016 map   Virtual beads and all that… Cat Motya on the meaning of the “European values” “I have been thinking about how mice have brainwashed the European tribes. The technology of brainwashing is very simple and has not changed with the colonization of the Americas, but with one difference. Native Americans were selling their lands for glass beads.  Since then, the “global elites” of

World SITREP January 8th, 2016 by Baaz

This week reviews, analyses and news Europe 1. [Source] State of emergency: the gravediggers of the French Republic 2. [Source] Oil and the ISIS: Another US-NATO War on Libya is Imminent by Stephen Lendman 3. [Source] Kosovo: NATO’s Success Story? by DAN GLAZEBROOK 4. [Source] SERBIA’S CHANCE FOR FREEDOM Slavisa Batko Milacic 5. [Source] Serbia: President Nikolic attends Orthodox Christmas service led by Patriarch Irinej 6. [Source] Hilarious Christmas greeting

Scott’s Collection of Russian Humor (Hilarious – MUST READ!!)

A warning from Scott: Prior to writing for thesaker, I collected antiques and art. Since I started writing, I gave up my family, my job, my business, sleeping, showering, and other bad habits. Hell, I even stopped shaving my beard. Being a compulsive collector, now I only collect Russian jokes and anecdotes. First, they are free. Second, they are more effective than booze and drugs combined. You have been warned.

The cognitive dissonance of the European Union’s position

By Mikhail Khazin Source: м.хазин, “о когнитивном диссонансе в позиции евросоюза” Translated from Russian by Robin   The problems with the European Union’s basic ideology of course involve Germany’s position more specifically. To see it with the utmost clarity, we must recall the standard mantra of the proponents of Western liberalism, whether they are from the European Union, from the United States or homegrown: the West’s main goal in relation

The painful issue of today’s Europe – what are Russia’s options?

I think that it is time for me to directly address the issue of today’s Europe role in world affairs.  In this blog I have often voiced very harsh criticisms of both “old Europe” and “new Europe” – to use Rumsfeld’s classification – but I have never addressed this issue head-on, and this is what I propose to do now.Let me begin by a little disclaimer and say that while

Detailed description of the Russian Iskander-M missile

I have mentioned the Russian short range missile Iskander-M several times on this blog: this is the missile which Russia will deploy if the USA persists in fielding its anti-missile system in Europe. Some have asked how exactly this new Russian missile could defeat the US anti-missile systems. Here below is a very interesting article below partially answering this question. I will try to find an equally well-informed article about

Obama’s first foreign policy initiative: scrapping the anti-missile system in Europe

Russian and western media outlets are reporting that Obama has offered a deal to the Russians: help us with Iran and we will not deploy the anti-missile system in Europe (see, for example, here). Officially, the American logic goes like that: IF the Iranians drop their nuclear program and IF they stop the development of long-range missiles, THEN there is no more need for an anti-missile system in Europe. Talk

Impression from a trip outside the Imperial Homeland

As I have mentioned in a recent post, I have had to travel to Europe for 10 short days, most of which were centered on my mother’s health issues. Still, crossing the Atlantic and returning to Europe was not without interest for me as it allowed me to take a short, but interested, look at what had changed since my departure six years ago. While some things had not changed
