List of Pre – WWII pacts and Agreements with Hitler’s Germany

Invasion of Czechoslovakia by Poland, Germany and Hungary in October 1938.

Did the Soviet Union Invade Poland in September 1939?

(The answer: No, it did not.)

“No doubt a big reason for this falsehood is this: Britain and France did sign a Nonaggression Pact with Hitler that “partitioned” another state — Czechoslovakia. That was the Munich Agreement of September 30, 1938.

Poland too took part in the “partition” of Czechoslovakia too. Poland seized a part of the Cieszyn area of Czechoslovakia, even though it had only a minority Polish population. This invasion and occupation was not even agreed upon in the Munich Agreement. But neither France nor Britain did anything about it.

Hitler seized the remaining part of Czechoslovakia in March 1939. This had not been foreseen in the Munich Agreement. But Britain, France, and Poland did nothing about it.”

By September 17, 1939, when Soviet troops crossed the border, the Polish government had ceased to function. The fact that Poland no longer had a government meant that Poland was no longer a state.

On September 17 when Molotov handed Polish Ambassador to the USSR Grzybowski the note Grzybowski told Molotov that he did not know where his government was, but had been informed that he should contact it through Bucharest. See polish_state_collapsed.

In fact the last elements of the Polish government crossed the border into Rumania and so into internment during the day of September 17, according to a United Press dispatch published on page four of the New York Times on September 18 with a dateline of Cernauti, Rumania. See polish_leaders_flee.html

Without a government, Poland as a state had ceased to exist under international law. This fact is denied — more often, simply ignored.”

Why did Churchill say that Poland was the “greedy hyena of Europe”? Could it be because Poland participated with Germany in the partition of the Czechoslovak state?

19 August 1939 The Soviet Union and Germany signed  non-aggression  agreement, pr so called “The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (Germany, USSR).”

It was the last no-aggression agreement Germany signed.

Prior fascist Germany signed the following agreements with other European and Western countries


January 1934, Pilsudski – Hitler pact or The German Polish Non-Aggression Treat . Five years prior to the Germany Soviet Union non-aggression agreement!

This agreement had a clause that it will remain enforce even in time of a war.

Let’s recall also the Pact of Four, signed between the Britain, Germany, Italy and France in 1933.

  1. The Pact of four (Italy, Germany, England, France).

“Pact of four” was an attempt to oppose the League of Nations’ “dictate” by four great powers that sought to impose their hegemony all over Europe. Ignoring the Soviet Union, the four powers attempted to pursue a policy of the isolation of the Soviet Union, eliminating it, at the same time, from participation in European Affairs of the other States of Europe.

“Pact of four” meant “conspiracy of the British and French governments with German and Italian fascism, that weren’t hiding their aggressive intentions. The Pact with the fascist state meant an abandonment of the policy of strengthening the United front of peaceful countries against the aggressive states like Germany, Italy and Jpan.

June 18, 1935. The British – German Naval Agreement (A.G.N.A.)

“Exchange of Notes between His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom and the German Government regarding the Limitation of Naval Armaments”

The British government has agreed with the Hitler’s demands  that the “power of the German fleet was 35% in relation to the total power of the British Empire’s fleet”. The proportion of 35:100 was used as the total tonnage of the fleet, and for each class of vehicles.

In relation to the submarine forces of Germany was entitled to equality with Britain, but must not exceed 45 % of the tonnage of the British submarine force. Provided that in case of violation of this limit, Germany would inform the British government.

Germany also took upon itself the obligation to comply with the qualitative restrictions imposed by the Washington Treaty of 1922 and London Treaty of 1930.

August 31, 1935, The U.S. Congress passed the first Neutrality Act  (1935-1937)

The 1936 Montreux Convention Regarding the Regime of the Straits was agreed to. It was signed on July 20, 1936 and came into effect on November 9, 1936. Participated Australia, Britain, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Greece, Japan, the Soviet Union, Turkey, and Yugoslavia.


  1. The Anti-Comintern Pact was an anti-communist pact concluded between Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan (later to be joined by other, mainly fascist, governments) on November 25, 1936 and was directed against the Third (Communist) International. Signed by Ribbentrop and Mushakoji.

Text of the The Anti-Comintern Pact of 1936

The agreement with Germany and Japan, who (under the banner of struggle against the Comintern) set up the military alliance in order to gain world domination.

It was an anti-Soviet Union pact.

In November 1937 to the “anti-Comintern Pact” was joined by Italy, and later a number of others.

In 1939-40, the Pact turned into an open military Alliance (see Berlin Pact).

Ber the Britannica Encyclodedia: “Anti-Comintern Pact, agreement concluded first between Germany and Japan (Nov. 25, 1936) and then between Italy, Germany, and Japan (Nov. 6, 1937), ostensibly directed against the Communist International (Comintern) but, by implication, specifically against the Soviet Union.

The treaties were sought by Adolf Hitler, who at the time was publicly inveighing against Bolshevism and who was interested in Japan’s successes in the opening war against China. The Japanese were angered by a Soviet-Chinese nonaggression treaty of August 1936 and by the subsequent sale of Soviet military aircraft and munitions to China. For propaganda purposes, Hitler and Benito Mussolini were able to present themselves as defenders of Western values against the threat of Soviet Communism.

March 12-13 – Anschluss – German union with Austria.

  1. The Munich agreement (Britain, France, Germany, Italy).

The agreement relating to the transfer of Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia to German .

The meeting in Munich Führerbau was held on September 29-30. The basis of the agreement was Italian proposal but it does not differ from the demands made earlier by Hitler at a meeting with Chamberlain. Chamberlain and Daladier accepted the proposals.

In the morning of 30 September 1938, Chamberlain, Daladier, Mussolini and Hitler signed the Munich agreement. After that, the Czechoslovak delegation was invited into the hall where the agreement was signed .

Leadership of UK and France put pressure on the government of Czechoslovakia, President Benes, without the consent of the National Assembly took agreed with the agreement.

The Roosevelt administration publicly hailed the Munich Agreement of 1938 for avoiding war but privately realized it was only a postponement that called for rapid rearming.

October 1938 – real beginning of the WWII – per Munich pact Germany, Poland and Hungary invaded and partitioned Czechoslovakia.

The Munich Pact was signed by Britain, France, Germany and Italy and hailed by the U.S.

Historical photos of invasion



Britain and France refused to sign an anti-Hitler pact with the Soviet Union.

September 30, 1938 Britain and Germany signed a Declaration on mutual nonaggression.

December 6, 1938 the French-German nonaggression pact was signed.

  1. German-Romania economic treaties and agreements.

Contracts imposed by the monarchist-fascist Romania, made the Romanian economy dependent on the military needs of Nazi Germany.

March 1939, a non-aggression Treaty between Germany and Lithuania was signed already in after the German ultimatum regarding Klaipeda.

May 22, 1939 – “Pact of Steel” signed by Germany and Italy.

  1. The non-aggression Pact between Germany and the Baltic States.

For Germany, the purpose of the Treaty was to prevent the Soviet influence in the Baltic States. A non-aggression Treaty with Lithuania was signed already in March 1939.

The Baltic States were to serve as a barrier against the Soviet intervention in planning invasion of Poland.

Germany proposed to conclude a non-aggression treaties with Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden on 28 April 1939.

Sweden, Norway and Finland declined. Draft contracts were ready in early may, but the signing was postponed twice, because Latvia asked for clarification.

September 5, 1939 – The U.S. issued Two Neutrality Proclamations after the WWII has began.

Roosevelt also orders Navy to perform a neutrality patrol along the U.S.’s Atlantic coast or the West  Indies.

In the late 1930s. Nazi Germany was in a position where it essentially controlled more than 50% of the imports and exports of Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Yugoslavia.

September 27, 1940The Tripartite Pact is signed by Germany, Italy, and Japan

June 18, 1941, Turkey signed the Turco-German Non-Aggression Pact with Germany.

Secret History: The U.S. Supported and Inspired the Nazis


Featured image of Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa map of invasion of the Soviet Union.

Scott Humor

Director of Research and Development

author of The enemy of the State

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