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Tag "Trump"

Apocalypse Later? Trumponomics on the Eve of 2020 Presidential Election Written and produced by SF Team: J.Hawk, Daniel Deiss, Edwin Watson; Voiceover by Coby B By way of introduction, it should be noted that the US economy is showing many signs of a classical bubble, starting with the incredibly over-valued US stock market. Only slightly more than a decade ago, at the peak of the real estate bubble, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) barely managed to clear the 14,000 mark,

And now, please stand for a new message from our Imperial Overlords

  Each week, the Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) is energizing and mobilizing the Jewish electorate in support of candidates and elected officials who share our values. We are advocating for policies consistent with our values, including support of the U.S.-Israel relationship. We know that Jewish voters are overwhelmingly pro-Israel, despite the fact that Jews are voting predominantly on domestic policy issues. For more information on the Jewish vote,

Statement from President Donald J. Trump on Standing with Saudi Arabia

Note: A friend of mine sent me this today with the following words: “We are post honor, post decency and post rules based society and into perhaps the final step before total collapse in the West now in my view. Floating on oil fumes.”  I can only agree. The Saker ——- America First! The world is a very dangerous place! The country of Iran, as an example, is responsible for

Major General Soleimani sharply reacts to Trump’s recent military threat

Press TV reports: Iran’s Major General Qassem Soleimani has sharply reacted to the recent “cabaret owner-style” military threat by US President Donald Trump against the Islamic Republic, saying he takes the position to respond “as a soldier” since it is beneath the dignity of Iran’s president to do so. Addressing Trump, the commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) said, “You threaten us with an action

Russian president gets message from Iran Leader Ayatollah Khamenei A senior Iranian official has conveyed a message from Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei to Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting in Moscow. Ali Akbar Velayati, a senior aide to Ayatollah Khamenei, also submitted another message from Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to the Russian head of state during the meeting on Thursday. The talks were also attended by Ali Asghar Fathi, the Leader’s special

North America is a land run by Galician zombies

  Scott Humor Galicia – The Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, also known as Galicia or Austrian Poland. For a historical background see an excellent essay of Oleg Yakovenko How Rusyns disappeared and Ukrainian chauvinism was born, originally published by Regrum new agency. If you can’t open the link, here is the mirror Instead of the epigraph: “We (Poland-IA REGNUM) could find a place as the Reich’s allay almost the

Did the CIA stop a bloodbath in Saint Petersburg?

(Here is the original report, for my evaluation, please see below – The Saker) RT reports: The Russian President Vladimir Putin has thanked his US counterpart Donald Trump for help in preventing a terrorist attack in St. Petersburg. Data provided by the CIA enabled Russian security services to find and detain terrorists The Russian leader expressed his gratitude in a telephone call, adding that the Russian security services would also

A short commentary on Trumps latest SNAFU

Okay, I admit it: Trump is a Russian agent.   I tried really, really hard to deny it, but now I can’t continue anymore because I am presented with an absolutely incontrovertible truth: only a Russian agent infiltrated to the highest levels of power in the USA, the White House, could have done what Trump did a couple of days ago: recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.  That, truly, was

Trump’s Pivot to Asia – An Arms Sales Bonanza – An Anti-Peace Trip

by Peter Koenig for the Saker blog President Trump’s 5-country Asia tour has nothing to do with seeking peace anywhere, it has not even to do with diplomacy – it is entirely a warmongering business trip for the Military Industrial Complex. It is amazing that the world doesn’t catch on. We know about Obama’s several years of pivoting to Asia. It resulted largely in the TPP, the Transpacific Partnership, a

Trump goes full shabbos-goy

I won’t even bother discussing the substance of what Trump had to say today because what he said deserves no such attention.  I will quickly mention that yesterday Trump pulled the US out of UNESCO on behalf of Israeli interests.  Today he basically announced a tepid, possibly hot, war on Iran.  I am tempted to say “so what else is new?”.  In fact, nothing, nothing at all. This topic, the

The Neocons are pushing the USA and the rest of the world towards a dangerous crisis

This analysis was written for the Unz Review. First, my writing on the wall In October of last year a wrote an analysis I entitled The USA are about to face the worst crisis of their history and how Putin’s example might inspire Trump and I think that this is a good time to revisit it now.  I began the analysis by looking at the calamities which would befall the

Why is the Green Climate Fund costing the U.S. a fortune?

by Scott Humor So far, the US government has paid $1 billion to the GCF and the Russian government paid nothing citing the need to review and evaluate this hair-raising financial and political mechanism. In The Air Merchant, one of the most read novels of Alexander Belyaev a Soviet Russian writer of science fiction, a British villain Bayley uses a gigantic air-sucking device, built by Swedish scientist Engelbrecht to slowly

Trump and the bubbles from a sunken (old) world

This article was written for the Unz Review: First, a confession: I really don’t know how the corporate media has covered the Trump trip to NATO and the G7 summit. Frankly, I don’t really care – it’s been a long while already since I stopped listening to these imperial shills. There is a risk in completely ignoring them, and that risk is the risk to say “white” when everybody

Trump: dancing with wolves on the Titanic

This article was written for the Unz Review. Robert Fisk put it best: “Trump Is About To Really Mess Up In The Middle East”. Following his fantastically stupid decision to attack the Syrian military with cruise missiles Trump or, should I say, the people who take decisions for him, probably realized that it was “game over” for any US policy in the Middle-East so they did the only thing they

Why voting for Trump was the right thing to do (7 reasons)

This article was written for the Unz Review: Now that Trump has already comprehensively betrayed all his campaign promises and that he 100 first days in office are marked by nothing else but total chaos, incompetence, betrayals of his closest friends and allies, recklessly dangerous and utterly ineffective grandstanding in foreign policy, there are a lot of people out there who say “I told you so!”, “how could you take

Trump has lost control over the Pentagon

The Pentagon’s more aggressive military approach Here is a short timeline of the Pentagon taking the presidential commander-in-chief power from Trump. The ultimatums came on March 1. On March 1, 2017 the Atlantic’s article “Trump and the Generals” announced that Trump’s military leaders “increasingly sound like they’re working for a different president altogether.” They complained about the lack of funding, even after Trump pledged to give them additional $54 billion

Syrian War Report – April 11, 2017: U.S. Ready For More Syria Strikes If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via: Voiceover by Harold Hoover The US does not rule out the possibility to conduct new missile strikes on Syria, White House spokesman Sean Spicer has said at a news conference on Monday. “The sight of people being gassed and

Trump orders a military attack on Syria – a crucial moment for Russia

So now we finally have the answer to the key question whether Trump was for real of a fake: he has just ordered a cruise missile attack on Syria.  Words fail me to express my total disgust with Trump. All I will say is this:  this is a moment as crucial as the US/NATO aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999.  When that happened, Evgenii Primakov, then Prime Minister of Russia, who
