This article was written for the Unz Review:
First, a confession: I really don’t know how the corporate media has covered the Trump trip to NATO and the G7 summit. Frankly, I don’t really care – it’s been a long while already since I stopped listening to these imperial shills. There is a risk in completely ignoring them, and that risk is the risk to say “white” when everybody else says “black”. This is a small risk – and, after all, who cares? – but today I will take it again and give you my own take on Trump’s trip to Europe: I think that it was an immense success. But not necessarily for Trump as much as it was an immense success for the enemies of the Empire, like myself. Here is my own rendition on what I think has taken place.
First, Trump was consistently rude. I cannot judge if this lack of manners is the real Trump or whether Trump was tying to send an unspoken message. For whatever this is worth, I know of only one person who had personal and private dealing with the Trump family, including The Donald Himself, and according to him, Trump is an impeccably courteous person. Whatever may be the case, whether this was nature or no so subtle “messaging”, Trump truly outdid himself. He unceremoniously pushed aside the Prime Minister of Montenegro, who richly deserves being treated with utter contempt. Then he blocked out Angela Merkel during the official photo taking. He made the G7 wait for over an hour, he refused to walk to another photo op by foot. He didn’t even bother putting on his translation headset when others were speaking and, crime of crimes, he told the NATO members states to pay more money while not saying a single word about Article 5. It is hard to gauge what the rest of the assembled politicians really thought (prostitutes are good at hiding and repressing their own feelings), but Merkel clearly was angry and frustrated. Apparently, everybody hated Trump, with the sole possible exception of Marcon (but he is a high-end prostitute). As much as Obama was a charmer, Trump seems to relish the role of ruffian. But most importantly, Trump treated the EU/NATO gang with the contempt they deserve and that, frankly, I find most refreshing. Why?
The ugly truth about NATO: Eurosissies and Eurodummies
What is NATO? Originally, NATO was supposed to be a military alliance to oppose the Soviet armed forces and, later, the Warsaw Treaty Organization. Now that these two have disappeared, NATO has no real mission. What NATO still has is a huge bureaucracy. There is a lot of money to be made through NATO: salaries, contracts, investments, etc. Heck – these guys just built themselves gigantic and brand new headquarters, probably to “deter the Russian aggression”, right? NATO is also a huge bureaucratic lift which can pull people up to the real centers of power, including financial power. Furthermore, NATO is also a gang of people who use NATO to advance their petty career or political agenda. At best, NATO is a gigantic fig leaf covering the obscenity of western imperialism.
What NATO is not is a militarily useful alliance. Oh yes, sure, the Americans can use NATO to force the Europeans to use US military hardware, that is true, but should a war break out, especially a *real* war against Russia, the Americans would push all these Eurosissies out of the way and do 90%+ of the fighting. Most NATO armies are a joke anyway, but even those who are marginally better fully depend on the USA for all the force multipliers (intelligence, logistics, transportation, communications, navigation, etc.).
And then there is the “New Europe”: the crazies in Poland or the Baltics who are making an immense effort in trying to get the Old Europeans (who made the huge mistake to accept them into NATO) on a collision course with Russia. From a pragmatic point of view, NATO member states should have never EVER incorporated the “New Europeans” into their alliance. The same goes for the EU, of course. But in their illusions of grandeur and their petty revanchism they decided that *real* Europe needed to be joined at the hip with “New Europe” and now they are paying the price for this strategic mistake of colossal proportions. Of course, the Americans are bastards for encouraging the Eurodummies in their delusional dreams, but now that the deed is done, the Americans are doing the rational and pragmatic thing: they are letting the Eurodummies deal with their own mistakes. This is best shown by Trump’s new policy about the Ukraine: he simply does not care.
Oh sure, he will say something about the Minsk Agreement, maybe mention Crimea, he might even say something about a Russian threat. But then he turns away and walks. And the Eurodummies are not discovering something which they should have suspected all along: the Ukraine is *their* problem now, the Americans don’t care because they have nothing to lose and nothing to win either, and so besides empty words they will offer nothing. Much worse is the fact that it appears that it will be the Europeans who will end up paying most of the costs of rebuilding the Ukraine when the current Nazi regime is finally removed (but that is a topic for a future article).
There is karmic justice at work here: all the Eurodummies will now have to deal with the fallout from the total collapse of the Ukraine, but the first ones to pay will be the Poles who tried so hard to draw NATO and the real Europe into their revanchist agenda. Besides, is it not simply justice for the Poles who for years have been ranting about a Russian threat and who for years have been supporting nationalist and even neo-Nazi movements in the Ukraine to now be faced with a deluge of problems (social, political, economic, etc.) coming from “their” Ukrainians will the Russians will be looking at this mess from the east, protected by the two Novorussian republics and formidable National and Border guards. As most Russians will, I wish the Europeans “bien du plaisir” with the upcoming waves of Ukrainian refugees and the “European values” they will bring with them.
[Sidebar: will Russia fare any better with her refugees? Absolutely! Why? Because the Eurodummies are not just Eurodummies, but also Eurosissies. When faced with a refugee-generated crimewave all they can do is roll over and go into deep denial. In Russia any such crimewave will be met with all the force and even violence of the state. Take a look at these guys:

Russian National Guardsmen
and imagine how they would react to the kind of events which have taken place in “Old Europe” recently. Try raping their women!]
The sad truth is that NATO and the EU are do not deserve to be treated with any respect at all. Trump’s condescension is fully deserved. Worse, the Americans don’t even have to pretend to take the Europeans seriously because, for the past decade, the latter have sheepishly obeyed the most ridiculous and even self-defeating orders from the Americans.
Truly, Victoria Nuland’s famous words about the EU were expressing something of an American consensus about the Old Continent.
The G7: “bubbles from a sunken world”
“Bubbles from a sunken world” is not an expression I coined. It was the Russian author Ivan Solonevich who wrote that about the kind of exiled Russian aristocrats who still thought that they would one day recover all their properties seized by the Soviets in Russia. Still, this expression also applies to the G7 leaders who meet with a great deal of gravitas and pretend like they really matter. In truth, they don’t. There used to be a time when the G7 really was huge, but now with China and India missing at the table and with Russia expelled, the G7 has become just a kaffeeklatsch for ugly rich people, an occasion to reminisce about the good old days when Europe still mattered.
In reality, of course, and just like with the EU or NATO, the G7 is an anachronistic leftover of a long gone past. G7 countries are simply not the place where the real action is nowadays. But even worse than that is the fact that the leaders of the G7 suffer from the same form of senile dementia as the EU or NATO leaders which is unsurprising since they are more or less the same people: they have nothing original or new to say, nothing important for sure. They have no vision at all, very little legitimacy and even less credibility. Yes, sure, in France Macron did win, but only because the French establishment engaged in a massive propaganda campaign combined aimed at beating Marine LePen. But if you consider that only about 20% of the French voted for Macron in the first round and that he achieved that rather pitiful score even though he had the full support of the French establishment then you realize how unpopular that establishment really is with the French. While the Rothschild propaganda machine tried to present Macron like some kind of de Gaulle, most French people did see him for what he was: a hollow puppet in the hands of the transnational plutocracy. And yet, of all the leaders of the G7, Macron is undeniably the most dynamic one, not only due to his young age, but simply because he does not come across as some kind of fossil from a distant past.
We are told that the G7 is composed of the seven major advanced economies on the planet (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States), but the only real power in that list is the USA. Next, it would be Germany, but Merkel’s immigration policies have resulted in a EU-wide disaster and she is very much an embattled leader. She is also a prime culprit of the Ukrainian fiasco. Next in line would be the UK, but the UK has just left the EU and May is presiding over a process which she herself opposes, as do the British elites. Which leaves us with Japan, Italy and Canada. Japan’s past economic power is being overshadowed by China’s immense economy while in political terms the Japanese are voiceless US subcontractors. Italy should not even be part of the G7, at least not in political and economic terms, because Italy is much closer to her Mediterranean neighbors such as Spain and Greece and therefore looked down with contempt by the “northerners”, especially Germany. Which leaves Canada, arguably the most irrelevant and subservient country of them all (when is the last time Canada had anything of relevance to say about anything? Exactly). The bottom line is this: in economic terms the G7 has pretty much been replaced by the G20 while in political terms the G7 is an empty shell. Trump fully realizes that and that is why he does not even try to be polite with them.

Trump and the Eurodwarves
Obama was a born used car salesman: he could be charming and polite with anybody and everybody. Trump has never had any need to act in such a way and, in the case of the Europeans, he does not even feel like trying.
Trump’s contempt for European leaders is definitely undiplomatic and shows a basic lack of education, but it still is a contempt the European leaders richly deserve. Furthermore, while it is true that the AngloZionist Empire is sinking, the European part is sinking much faster than the American one. Which is unsurprising since the USA is truly a very unique country.
The American Sonderfall
As I was writing this article have been listening to the press conference of Donald Trump in the Rose Garden explaining to the world that the USA would now withdraw from the Paris Agreement. I don’t want to discuss the merits of this agreements or the reasons behind Trump’s decision, but I will stress that this places the USA in direct opposition to 195 other countries who signed this treaty expecting the USA to abide by its terms. 195 countries really means just about the entire planet. And yet Trump feels confident that he can afford taking a separate path and the rest of the world will have to shut up.
Trump is right. The USA is a “special case”.
There is absolutely nothing the rest of the planet can do to prevent the United States from withdrawing from this or any other agreement. The best proof of that fact can be found in the more or less official US position that it does not need a UN Security Council to impose sanctions on another nation, threaten it with military aggression or even go to war against it. Right now, the USA have attacked Syria several times already and there are US forces deployed inside Syria and nobody seems to care, which is kind of ironic considering how many lawyers there are in the USA and, even more so, in Congress. Yet everybody sheepishly accepts that the US is, for some reason, above the law, that laws are for “others”, not for the “indispensable nation” with a “duty” and a “special responsibility” to “lead the world” (sorry, I indulge, but I just love this kind of imperialistic language!).
In politics, power is not absolute, but relative. Sure, the US military is basically dysfunctional and doesn’t seem to be capable of frightening anybody on the US list of “enemies”, but compared to Europe the USA is a powerhouse. As for the Europeans, they are depending on the Americans for pretty much everything that matters. Trump understands all that and he seem to have more respect for Kim Jong-un than for Angela Merkel. I can’t blame him as this is also how I feel.
The many sweet ironies of it all
The traditional British foreign policy has always been to fosters wars in Europe to prevent any kind of continental unity. As for the US, its main objective has always been to keep “keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down”. And now we see the Brits leaving the EU and the Americans pulling out well, maybe not out of Europe per se, but out of most of Europe’s problems. So why are the Anglos pulling out? Is that not a clear sign that Europe is sinking?
One of the favorite slogans of the Ukronazis is “Україна – це Європа” (The Ukraine is Europe). Alas, as I wrote in a past article, it is Europe which “became” (like) the Ukraine: poor, corrupt, lead by hypocritical ideologues totally detached from reality and, most importantly, totally fixated on imaginary threats. The only difference between the EU leaders and their Ukronazi counterparts is that while the latter have declared that they are already fighting a Russian invasion, the former are only preparing to counter it. That’s it. Other than that, I see no difference, at least none that matters. Oh, I almost forgot the Americans: they don’t fight the Russians (yet?), but they are “defending” their country from the onslaught of Russian hackers and pro-Russian moles in the entourage of Donald Trump. Brilliant.
In this world got mad, only the Russians are patiently trying to convince their western partners to return to some semblance of sanity. But, frankly, I don’t think that they are very hopeful. They see how the so-called “West” is falling apart, how the ruling elites of the West appear to be hell-bent on self-destruction and they wonder: why are our “western partners” so determined to bring about their own demise and why are they blaming us for what they are doing to themselves? They also often laugh at the quasi magic powers the paranoid crazies in the West seem to ascribe to Russia. One senior US official, James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence, even thinks that Russians are “almost genetically driven to co-opt, penetrate, gain favor, whatever, which is a typical Russian technique” to subvert democracy (I can’t decide if he sounds more like a Nazi racist or a clown… probably a mix of both). As I said, the Russians are mostly laughing at it all, but just to make darn sure things don’t turn ugly, they are also re-creating their famous “Shock Armies” (including at least one Tank Army) and doubling the size of the Russian Airborne Forces bringing them to 72’000 soldiers and generally preparing for World War 3.
But for the time being, war is far less likely than it would have been the case with Hillary. What we see is Trump making “America great again” by stepping on its allies in Europe and by contemptuously disregarding the rest of humanity. That kind of arrogant megalomania is not a pretty sight for sure – but way better than WWIII. And “better than WWIII” is all we can hope for in the foreseeable future.
The Saker
Putin on Trump’s climate change reversal … ‘Rain and snow in Moscow will be Trump’s fault’.
ha ha then he speaks in English … a real leader
Care to speculate when the chickens will come home to roost?
By way of example I carry a 100000 ruble note from the 90’s, then worth about $20. Average pension about 100 rubles – the price for a plastic bag in moscow grocery store.
This Fed money scam cant last forever.
If you think a bufoon and clueless idiot that can barely read and is probably suffering from severe mental health issues as commander is chief is a good thing. You got another thought coming. The Chump will not make america great again, in fact he’s selling what little functioning infrastructure left in America to Saudi Arabia and Blackrock. In the end, the bureaucracy will continue to run circles around Trump to push the permanent war policy. Trump already lauched a 59 missile tweet to appease his handlers, his only way out of the current mess seems to be war.
Lighten up, Sol. A bunch of MSNBC pundits are what we should take seriously now??
OK, OK I get the joke! Good one!
I’m only a “Sometimes Trumper”.
One of those times was Nov 8, 2016 in the voting booth.
Reminds me of the Mounds-Almond Joy commercial: “Sometimes I feel like a nut—-sometimes I don’t.”
I don’t like the maskirovka and the missiles coming out of chocolate cakes either. However , when you are in a clown show like G-7 you may as well engage in some one-upmanship.
If Trump is part of the Empire NWO he is doing a pretty good job of wrecking it and ridiculing many of its prime spokespersons. Much to the displeasure of your MSNBC pundits. We know the garbage lies they want us to read and what they want to make sure we don’t read..
Not that I think Trump is enough. Far from it. I don’t trust that he is nearly enough. Not by a long shot! The requirements at this late,late,late date are far, far more than one man could now fulfill, even if he were 10 times better than the Donald. And that hero is not yet visible anywhere in America. Do you see him or her anywhere???
Until you do, it were better to push the Donald to do more NWO wrecking than to join the chorus of MSM clowns that depend upon it for their salaries, and want to tie him up in knots and dump him in the East River for their bosses.
Trump may finally end up being dragged kicking and screaming into war, which I suppose is better than rushing in headlong — at least on the surface. Can a tiger change its stripes? Learning of the role of Milner and friends (fiends?) in the Boer War doesn’t make me hopeful (I haven’t got to WW I yet).
Here’s a clip. Watch trump evicerate Hillary and the establishment and then force them to give him a big round of applause against their will. Hardly a buffoon. Brilliant actually, and a rather fascinating insight into his mind.
No, buffoon Trump won’t make America – nor the AngloZionist Empire – great again, because he’s a complete fraud, but the lying sissies in your vid. (Angela Hitler clearly was angry too) are even worse.
The Saker is right and actually made a pretty good estimation of Trump all along. The deep state (Roth-child mob) wanted the Nazi mobster Jebya Bush, or Hitlery, certainly not the eccentric Roth-child mobster (buffoon, loose cannon) Trump, or Bernie Sanders. The Nazi establishment is infighting, which is a good thing (better than WWIII).
Thank you Saker for this article.
If you haven’t had a chance yet do listen to President Putin at the SPIEF plenary session today. You could hear and see many times his utter frustration at it all. He also had to deal with an awful moderator called Megyn Kelly (ex Fox) – who seemed to have the inability to listen to answers and ask the most inane questions. The laughter you mention above was witnessed in the audience and some of Pres. Putin’s replies. The video is in this article from RT:
This session ties in nicely with your article.
Remember, Megan Kelly got her job at Fox becuase the Boss over there wanted to sleep with her.
Probably true for most bubble-headed, big-breasted blondes that dominate the American “news”, but we know its true for Megan. The good news is that I’d never watch NBC nor FOX, so I don’t really care where Megan landed or what her new boss thinks of her body.
President Putin has the patience of a saint in answering M Kelly’s questions. I know this will be aired on US TV later – wonder how they will edit it. The US press is entirely ignorant of the facts of international affairs (well except for those who are in collusion in the spreading of disinformation) and so the questions seem puerile – yet Putin does his best to answer clearly and maintain a sense of humor. It was interesting to see the other participants responses. Contrast this interview with RT’s “Worlds Apart” series for instance, where the host is well informed and articulate and so the exchange is actually informative.
In withdrawing from the Paris Agreement on climate change, the United States will leave the ranks of more than 190 nations committed to the international deal and join Syria and Nicaragua as the only other countries that are not participating.
According to the announcement by President Trump Thursday afternoon, the U.S. will become the third country in the world to reject the pact, which is intended to slow the rate of global warming by reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
Syria, in the midst of a civil war, wasn’t expected to sign the agreement and had no involvement with the 2015 negotiations.
Nicaragua denounced the global pact during the 2015 talks, citing concerns over the voluntary nature of the agreement and the lack of punitive measures in place for countries that violate the deal. The nation also balked at the agreement’s aim to limit the global temperature to 2°C, calling for a more ambitious target.
But the carbon emissions of both Syria and Nicaragua are far less than that of the United States, which means that America’s withdrawal could have far greater consequences.
Syria and Nicaragua produced about 70,000 and 16,000 kilotons of carbon emissions, respectively, in 2012, according to World Bank data. The U.S., however, emitted about 6.3 million kilotons — more than 67 times the total emissions of Syria and Nicaragua combined.
Though a U.S. withdrawal wouldn’t take effect until 2020, the shift would send a strong message about the nation’s prioritization of climate change.
Trump had decried the 2015 agreement during his presidential campaign, vowing to withdraw from the agreement within his first 100 days. He claimed that the U.S. economy would save trillions of dollars by abandoning the agreement. In the past he has called the very idea of human-caused climate change a “hoax.”
([url=]Booklet printing[/url], [url=]printing in China[/url]).
Some of Trump’s own advisers and Cabinet members, as well as American business leaders and world leaders including Pope Francis, had asked Trump to keep the U.S. in the agreement.
I’d like to see Tomsen
or famerbraun, from NZ give their rebuttal perspective. This is one of those wedge issues the globalists use to control minds. Using fear, as always.
You and Phil and Marcel debating tomsen and farmerbraun: I’d pay good money to go to that one!
Before you spit on Trump know what he has to say. Just listen to his expose at the White House when he told the reasons why he is leaving global warming treaty. Better yet read independent researchers that claim that that warming issue is totally fake. Of course you would not be able to find it on mass media as it is controlled 100 percent by globalists. Ill just tell you that NASA claims that total mass of ice and snow on both poles increased by 10 percent during last 15 years. There is one more easy thing to consider…why did they change slogan from “global warming” to “climate change”? If I were you I would definitely pursue “unpaid for” science before definite writing some ridiculous statements on that matter. Or you might end with your hand in the night pot as the saying goes.
“Better than WW3” pretty much sums up why I voted for Trump.
I’d long been a Green party member and activist. So, in every election, we of course heard the constant attack that we Greens just had to support the Democrats in America’s rigged, closed, 2-party system because the Democrats were the “lessor evil”.
In this last election, it quickly became clear to me that this time Hillary was the Greater Evil of the two parties at the top of the ballot. A vote for Hillary was a vote for nuclear war. And there was no worse outcome than to destroy human civilization in a nuclear war. So, for the first time, voting for the Lessor Evil meant voting for the Republican. After all, its better than WW3.
This is hilarious! Those snowflakes in US uniform are demoralized by hours of speeches by Polish officials. If already this is a problem for them then what will they do if they face the Russian army?
“The US soldiers were not able to cope with the narrow Polish roads and their sharp curves and had initially produced accidents. The Polish hope of becoming a full front-line state by the presence of US troops had been disappointed in any case. The magazine also cited US military personnel, who, while maintaining anonymity but certainly not without their permission, expressed their anger at the fact that the Polish side had left the soldiers without a sense of purpose for hours, to give long-winded political speeches by Polish officials to the local audience to listen. Curtis Scaparotti, the US Fourth-Quarter General, had “explicitly abandoned his own prepared speech,” out of respect for the soldiers “.”
I also heard that some US commander was run over by a truck
do you know anything about this?
All I heard was that his name was George and that he wanted to keep going east, because in his mind Germans were “at least civilized”, so he thought that defeating their army alone was leaving his “duty” mostly undone.
The guys in the truck probably wanted to go home, instead.
Oh, sorry, that was 62 years ago. You probably meant more recently.
A US soldier was injured in a Humvee crash and the US army killed at least one Polish civilian and injured several others.
Oh, it was early, my coffee had not yet been ingested. Even so, I was off by 10 years. It was 72 years ago: 1945.
I blame the fog of war cinema. White fog hiding White Tiger lingers in one’s memory and subconscious, throwing the math off.
I thought Saker might have been referring to this super-rude commander:
Now I remember his last name: Scott
George C Scott
The commander he played died in an accident involving a truck, I thought.
Probably the inspiration for Mad Dog Mattis.
I don’t recall Trump calling anyone an SOB, but of course a bunch of brainwashed fools in US 1980s cinema houses would eat up that kind of behavior out of a tank commander wanting to impress and get high ratings, and Mattis no doubt wishes he could have a movie about himself some day, also. Hence the Patton worship and rude ignorance we admire so much in our pathetic actors in uniform.
Buddy, They put them in most backward, least developed part of the country. Roads there are good well pawed and more than sufficient for local use. But they are too narrow for tanks of course. Think Appalachian when you talk about this. It is relatively flat but it is in the middle of huge lakes and forests. Beautiful countryside if you ask me.
Anyway they put them there for two reasons. This is the closest area to Russian border with Kaliningrad oblast on other side and there is nothing to rape except wild boars :)
NATO is a remake of the Anti-Comintern Pact and Tripartite Pact. It was Germany that first pushed for NATO expansion to the East. Germany is dependent on US military power to enforce “unchecked access to markets and raw materials all over the world” and “to integrate the East European peoples”(VPR 1992) again.
“German military circles are debating NATO’s continued eastward expansion and the partitioning of the Ukraine.
… In March 1993, Bonn’s Minister of Defense at the time, Volker Ruehe, was the first to publicly declare that the war alliance should be expanded to include several East European nations, says Brill.”
“Varwick considers that, at least for the time being, it is conceivable that Berlin and Brussels should “grit their teeth and continue to flexibly attempt to benefit from US capabilities,” because for now, the EU’s military capabilities are insufficient for an independent global hegemonic policy.[6]”
In the 90s German leaders openly demanded more Lebensraum in the East again:
“expansion to the East”
“outwards it is essential to achieve something whereby we have failed twice before”
“Without Germany it is impossible to integrate the East European peoples.”
“We must force Serbia to its knees.”
Say what you want about the Paris Accord, but considering the abysmal track record of international agencies, I doubt that CO2 levels will be affected at all. If anything, they’ll go up due to governmental corruption and incompetence.
the crazies in Poland or the Baltic who are making an immense effort in trying to get the Old Europeans on a collision course with Russia.
You are very mistaken here, Poles what really wants is Russians out of Europe, they don’t want a war with Russia. And second they don’t have cozy relation with USA; the Polish Defense Blog is a vivid proof, post any crime committed by USA or any other shameful acts and is printed right away ( no censorship). They use Americans to achieve their goal, and of course USA use Poles for their agenda. But as always this will end one day.
Poles what really wants is Russians out of Europe,
Absolutely false. For one thing, Russia is not in Europe to begin with (other than geographically and I don’t think that the Poles want to use giant scissors to change that). Second, did you ever look at when Russia “came” to Europe in the past? Did you notice that it was always after an “invitation” of sorts in the form of a military attack. Tell me, how does deploying US troops or ABM systems in Eastern Europe help keep Russia out? Yes, sure, Poles are nationalists, possibly even worse than the Ukies, so they will print all the bad stuff on their blogs about the US and everybody else. So what? The Poles also hate Germans, but that did not prevent them from seeking an alliance with Hitler long before the Soviet signed the non-aggression treaty with Hitler.
Right now, Poland is basically servicing the USA: be it by hosting the CIA’s torture centers or by spewing all sorts of nonsense about an imminent Russian invasion. And you ain’t getting much in return, to put it mildly. One frustrated Polish Minister even contributed this pearl of wisdom:
but even that made no difference, Poland is still the USA’s “poodle” in Europe and that they have done everything in their power to sour relations between Russia and Europe. I won’t even go into the outright psychiatric nonsense about the Russians murdering the Polish government in Smolensk.
The irony is that nobody respects that, not the Russians,of course, but neither do the Americans. What Poles are doing to themselves and to their country is a crying shame, really. I feel most sincerely sorry for the relatively few Poles who fully understand that (and write me very sad emails).
Poland is just like Ukraine: A highly consenting victim of US imperial rape. Would serve both of them damned right if Soros flooded them with third world refugee torrents. Unlike Viktor Orban in Soros’s native Hungary, the scum pretending to rule Poland and Ukraine pose no threat to Soros and he knows it. He could settle non-European immigrants en masse there and have Psheks and Ukros blame Putin and Russia for it.
If the Poles are aware of their own best interests they would be well-served to scale back the anti-Russian rhetoric. I have no military background, yet even to me it is obvious that the US has no intention of fighting a land war against Russia. They simply do not have the manpower for this even had they the desire.
Any war against Russia will be fought by the front line NATO states and Ukraine with perhaps logistic or air support from Western Europe. So the Baltics, Ukraine, Poland, Romania, etc. will be the parties fighting and dying in such a war.
Good luck thinking you will use the Americans to achieve such goals. And remember, in any situation always look for the patsy, and if you don’t see one, it’s you.
The ordinary Poles have about as much to say concerning the fate of their country as you, Jonathan David, has to say in your country. And what do you have to say in your country? Nothing!
Who does the ant-Russian rhetoric? Zionstream media. In Poland and in your country!
Like Western Europe, Eastern Europe has been Zionized 200, 300 years ago, or earlier. What we see now in Poland, the Baltics is simply a mob-up operation by the deeply embedded Jewish and crypto-Jewish oligarchs. Who should stop them? There is, like in the States or Western Europe, simply no independent, strong enough counter force around. Shocking, but true.
Like many who’ve always hoped for the defeat of the neocons, the only hope was for them to defeat themselves which they have done in spades. Geopolitical defeat after defeat, you’d think they would finally lose credibility with the stewards of the empire, but just like mafia they’re “too juiced in.” And that’s what Mr. Trump is dealing with. All those who have followed them and allowed themselves to be used by them are crumbling and that is well deserved karma!
Brilliant! Saker, where do you go then, when the USA disintegrate and Europe has sunken? Join Dmitry Orlov and off to Russia? Maybe we should try to get 1 ha land in the far east of Russia ;-)
Another question:
Where are you regarding alternative methods of donations?
There are reasons to be moderately optimist. The retreat of America is inexorable. The question was whether it would accept that and work out some face saving scenarios, or on the contrary to attempt a desperate rearguard battle.
The encouraging signs are precisely the progressive disengagement on different fronts.
“The United Nations Secretary General António Guterres said, “It’s proven now that vacuum can exist in physics. But vacuum cannot exist in geostrategic dimensions. Which means that if one country decides not to be present — and I’m talking about countries with an important global reach like the United States or China — if one country decides to leave a void, I can guarantee someone else will occupy it.”
And guess what?
“it turned out to be perfect timing that Chinese Premier Li Keqiang landed in Europe – on a visit to Germany and for attending the EU-China summit – just as the European leaders returned from the NATO and G7 summits. Li began running no sooner than he hit the ground, tapping into the polarization within the western camp”.
“China is on a roll. With the relations with Russia at their highest point in history, being Asia’s principal driver of growth, networking extensively via the Belt and Road, and, now, getting into a strategic embrace with the EU, China is well on the way to fill in the void resulting from the US’ retrenchment on the global arena. A containment strategy against China on the part of the US is simply unthinkable anymore”.
Now, Europe knows that the shortest and most economic way to China is through Russia.
Yes. Great Circle route bending toward the nearest pole is always the shortest route on a globe/sphere between two points in the same latitudinal hemisphere.
Plus less time consuming border/customs stops = Russia for Eurasia
And Canada for Seattle to NY. LOL.
“I wish the Europeans ‘bien du plaisir’ with the upcoming waves of Ukrainian refugees and the ‘European values’ they will bring with them”
Yes, and Saudi financed wahhabi monsters too. Poetic justice for Russia and, in particular, for Syria watching the Euro-trash sink in the cesspit which was meant for ‘lesser peoples’ governed by ‘evil dictators’. But to the honorary Euro-trash such as Gównopolska this will, most likely, further boost their silly delusions to the effect of being the last true Europeans holding their ground with the tender, loving care of the great and glorious Pindos.
I just cannot help being amazed by these Psheks: Forever and correctly despised by American humour in the form of Polish jokes, the Psheks try even harder to ‘prove’ their worth at the expense of Russia. Verdict: Germany and Russia should terminally carve up Poland once and for all.
On a more positive note, respect for religion is gaining ground in Amerika . . .
“Which leaves Canada, arguably the most irrelevant and subservient country of them all (when is the last time Canada had anything of relevance to say about anything? Exactly)” Not entirely true. Canada let the charge to recognize the new Nazi regime in Kiev following the coup, and our Foreign Minister has honest Nazi roots, so Canada is a “leader” in the re-Nazification of Europe, if nothing else.
“What is NATO? Originally, NATO was supposed to be a military alliance to oppose the Soviet armed forces and, later, the Warsaw Treaty Organization. Now that these two have disappeared, NATO has no real mission.”
Not entirely correct. NATO does have one crucial mission and that is perpetual imperialist terror and looting of the Third World. What’s new is the “Open Border Policy” which is being rammed down the throats of the Western middle classes and labour aristocracies who correctly perceive this as a big “F**k you” from what used to be their solid, dependable benefactors. And with the resurgence of Russia in general and her growing international presence and prestige in particular, the Zionazis are getting ever more criminally insane. Their victories during the years 1989 – 1991 have been turned into something unpleasantly different, to say the very least. Enter 24/7 Russophobia.
He is one man against the Empire. This means that the Establishment will prevent him from making peace with Russia, China or anyone else they deem useful to their hegemonic designs and their efforts at a one world government. So what can he do about that? Fight them by openly challenging them? Not much chance he could succeed at that – lessons learned from JFK.
There is one area, however, that the AngloZionists can not do much about – the President has enormous power to represent the USA on the global stage. What better way to foil the NWO than to destroy the reputation of the USA, destroy confidence that it can resolve world problems, and destroy the comfort that rises on the part of world leaders that they can rely on US influence and power to keep their corrupt governments going.
So Trump uses his presidential power aggressively to push people around physically, to say insane things that turn the world against America, to hurt European confidence in America’s ability to preserve and protect their interests, to show how subservient the UK is to US policy, to refuse to go to Bilderberg meetings and the like to show the NWO elites how disdainful he is of their project and to embarrass them openly, to refuse to participate in the Paris Agreement (a toothless piece of paper designed by committee) in order to cast further resentment towards the USA on the part of the international community, to lose interest in the Ukraine project and shove it in the face of Europe, and to demand more money for NATO an association he intensely dislikes.
If you are the world’s most powerful country and suddenly the world can no longer rely on your teats for nutrition, what does that do for the NWO project but to seriously hamper its ability to make progress?
Trump is crazy, but perhaps crazy like the fox.
Trump is a Fool, a Mob Water-Boy
Google “Roy Cohn” or “Felix Sater”, Trumps entire life has been a faux-goy front for the Kosher-Nostra Mob.
This doesn’t make Trump smart like a fox, more like the weakest man in prison. Trump is not subservient to Europe because he doesn’t fear them.
What will Trump do? What he has always done, make for wealth for Kosher-Nostra.
Interestingly in UK…polls saying could be a hung parliament…maybe the people’s are seeing through the charade of the politicos and realising social and community issues are much more important than useless political posturing such as flim flam Boris Johnson as a ” fine” example of the standard of uk politicians……
“Trump responsible for the rain and snow in Moscow”.
If this joke accurately reflects President Putin’s opinion, it raises a serious question.
He is an intelligent man, so he ought to know that his joke is expressive of utter ignorance about the climate.
The alternative is that his is a case of short-term rationality, but long-term folly. It may be that he sees it as his duty to maximise Russia’s return on its reserves of hydrocarbons. The long-run consequence is the extinction of the species.
A nice video of the 4th gen RuAF Su-35 fighter acting as close air support for SAA forces. It is taking on the ‘rebels’ near the Syrian-Jordan border. These forces were minded by USUK ground forces until the SAA/Russians showed them the error of their ways. The US is getting rid of the A-10, just about the only US aircraft that could do the same thing. The US ground forces rely on air support to get them out of trouble. I guess they are going to have to wait for the F-35 to be upgraded (snigger)
Remember the story about a Russian Su-24 disabling the comms of the USS Donald Cook? It seemed a little outlandish and far-fetched? Well, there may actually be something to it.
Gen. Mark Milley told the Senate he will likely finish a “rigorous, thorough and painful” review of the $6 billion Warfighter Information Network-Tactical, to determine whether it can provide secure communications to soldiers in war zones as intended. WIN-T is being developed to provide integrated wireless and wired communications between commanders and soldiers in the field and has included contracts with General Dynamics and Lockheed Martin. “It’s already been in development for 10 years,” Milley said. “A lot of this stuff is already out of date.”
Sen. Tom Cotton, a Republican Army veteran from Arkansas, said he had seen “credible reports” that WIN-T has ineffective line-of-sight communications, is too fragile to survive in war and has other serious problems including “an electromagnetic signature so loud that it practically would call for enemy artillery on the top of its users’ heads,”
Donald Cook
Remember the story about a Russian Su-24 disabling the comms of the USS Donald Cook? It seemed a little outlandish and far-fetched? Well, there may actually be something to it.
Tis a “funny” world where conspiracy theories are deemed “fact” and “facts” are relegated as conspiracy theories.
The Donald (duck) Cook incident is real –
And you don’t have to rely on US sources for vague confirmations.
The Russians (navy/military) speak openly and unambiguously about the incident.
Watch “Krim, Long Way Home”
(There are better links, but you’ve got a search engine and can find them yourself, if you want to really know)
I did have bookmarked the point where the Russian navy top brass talk about causing the Donald Cook to do aimless “figures of eight” in the Black Sea, and how it fled once control was returned.
I recommend watching the whole 2hrs+ as this is a brilliant documentary about the Ukrainian coop and the return of Crimea (by popular mandate of the people) to Russia.
Brilliant and 1,000% true. Am reading the “Rise if the Fourth Reich” by Jim Marrs and finding true as well. Would Trump or any of his family read it? Naturally not!
A born Netherlander I must find a true asylum and citizenship in a country that lives under International law., living now in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Holland does what it is told. As the Low countries have done for over the last 100 years. Ordered to hate Russia for winning WW11 and beating Napoleon, they do so. Making them completely vulnerable to the theft of sovereignty and Indonesia.
Theft of Indonesia?
Lol. Yeah right.
Thank you for this excellent analysis, Saker.
A lot of people are still making up their minds what kind of person Trump is (and then I will leave shrieking snowflakes out). Therefore I found it quite intruiging that -as you stated- he is actually of impeccable politeness, so a lot of it is just show. That might be. He is not a politician but a businessman, coming out of the less clean real estate world.
I might want to add something about the present pussy leaders of Europe. They are not like former real statesmen like De Gaulle or Schmidt who really led their nations. Do not underestimate the present bureaucratic monster of the EU. The EU has only one goal: power. What stands in their way, is the still present nation states that are part of it.
Therefore their aim is to destroy the nation states within the EU.
In the EU, which organisatorally is shaped like a copy of the Soviet Union, there is nowadays almost a dictatorship of ‘political correctness’. Mantra’s like ‘tolerance’ and ‘diversity’ are constantly vomited over us from leaders and the MSM. Unfortunately these terms are not applicable to opinions.
The EU overflows our nations with what they call ‘refugees’. This is a lie. This was already planned years ago. I have read an official EU document which planned to immigrate Africans into the EU, with a planned rate of 60 million up to 2050.
For the people outside Europe (unfortunately also a lot inside it) I may want to invite you to look at this documentary of 12 minutes of Paul Joseph Watson:
I know it is a sometimes shady site, but almost all documentaries of Watson are good and factually right, this one for sure.
The videos in there are true. Those Africans demolishing traffic lights and throwing containers on the road, that’s in the south of Italy. A complete ‘Autostrada’ of 50 km. and all surrounding villages, are completely under terror of African gangs. Authorities are powerless.
Those Africans hitting each other with sticks, and those streets completely covered with matrasses, that is what Paris nowadays looks like (near the metro station Stalingrad). That African yelling in front of the camera and waiving his fist, he belonged to a group that stormed the fences of Spanish enclave Mellilla in Morocco. He’s yelling ‘money, money, money!’ and was recorded by Russia Today.
Those people will on the average of 80% live on welfare their whole life. Many lack all skills, education and even the capability to get it. Already now the social system in Sweden is on the verge of collapsing. Sweden is the Ground Zero of correctness, not all Swede people are like the former wife of Tiger Woods who chased him with a golf club when she found out some unmarital hobbies of him.
This is all no coincidence. The present leaders of Europe (with the exception of Victor Orban and another few in Estern Europe) are pussies, many of them are on the payroll of George Soros (who looks more and more like Lord Sith from Star Wars to me).
Don’t expect from the EU to be a threat to Russia, that’s laughable. We might prepare for civil war in our own nations within years, and pray for the Russians to save us. Because I doubt the Americans will do it.
To give away a taboo fact: in several raids of mosques by the German police, they have found massive presence of weapons and explosives.
The EU is the acceptable face of the Fourth Reich. Israelites and the USA stand behind the curtain and pull the levers,
just as they did for the fourth Reich. The eradication of culture and its replacement with, in this case, CIA kulcha, is as old as Egypt. If a people has no historical. common memory, it is no longer a people but a group of slaves.
I believe there is something about this in the Israelite book of ‘How to Dominate the Earth’ aka The Old Testament in the chapter called Exodus, which never happened historically by the way.
I watched the documentary you linked to, and was appreciably more amused than horrified. All this sanctimonious crap about Europe’s culture, traditions, and values which never mattered to the arrogant peoples of Western Europe happily embracing US imperialist psychotic anti-culture all along the line. It was in the Communist countries of Eastern Europe that the classical culture of Europe thrived and prospered. Also, the neoliberal rot which now is utterly beyond repair was at the proud and arrogant Westerners’ own discretion — at least initially.
US imperialism is going down the drain and its ardent lackeys in Europe now face the less pleasant tasks of crisis management — being forced to accept ‘the great unwashed’ from countries ravaged by imperialist war. The documentary makes a lot of boohoo about Italy — especially Sicily — but doesn’t even mention the heinous crimes perpetrated against Libya by the Zionazis. It’s quite telling when a dreg such as Soros looks like having higher morale than the Euro-trash.
Interesting views.
You are actually right that the cling to traditions and ‘what holds us together’ are more vivid in the Eastern part of Europe. But that doesn’t mean that in the West we are getting tired of our ‘leaders’ that are just puppies of Washington and the City of London. They are bowing as governors of colonies, which we in fact are. But don’t think -at least a part- of their cattle doesn’t know.
You are right that Paul Joseph Watson didn’t diverge too far from the shameless and unlawful destruction of once the most well-doing nation of Africa. But I know that on other occasions he did.
Putin made a remark on this, while adressing the UN. He was concentrated talking, and about this only then he looked up and looked everybody in the eyes, and said ‘do you realize what you have done?’. I will never forget that.
I’m still on the opinion that Soros is pure evil. How can the EU listen in admirement to him, while he personally almost destroyed the Bank of England in the nineties of the last century? He’s like Imelda Marcos -the widow of the former Philippines dictator. She had 5000 pairs of shoes. Try to imagine that you want to wear every pair at least once a year, than you have to change shoes every 20 minutes. And still she was prepared to kill to have another pair of shoes. For some people, it’s never enough. They are simply not sane.
But I appreciated your comments.
Thank you Rob for your kind reply,
As regards the situation here in Sweden, the neoliberal rot I referred to earlier is turning chaos into violent chaos. But that’s not primarily a matter of immigration. Sweden’s social system is deliberately being hollowed out due to applied neoliberalism in the form of profoundly corrupt and evil privatizations and deregulations. And it’s just as bad with the postal service, public transportation, schools, and housing. The immigrants exacerbate the problems, since the EU lackey politicians here have no visions, let alone any will-power, to break ranks with the Zionazis and make a difference internationally. Olof Palme’s fate shows convincingly how that is rewarded by Sweden’s own Zionazi loyalists.
Soros clearly is pure evil, but unlike the presstitutes and much of the West’s populace at least he is intelligent.
“Soros clearly is pure evil, but unlike the presstitutes and much of the West’s populace at least he is intelligent.”
I couldn’t agree with you more.
Actually, I’m quite curious about the circumstances about the murder of Olof Palme. I have to admit that I’m no too aware of various facts around him. But you are right that there are many question marks around that.
I like to read your opinions about that, maybe this is not the right platform. This is a thread of the Saker, I don’t want to pollute it too much. Actually, I already did that. My bad.
Best greetings, Rob
It just struck me that Donald Trump’s fate as US President may be seen against the backdrop of Olof Palme’s last years as Sweden’s PM 1982 – 1986. The most reactionary segments in society — the US neocons and Sweden’s organized capitalist employers and her military — launching very noisy media campaigns as well as outright popular ones (think colour revolution) insinuating treason in the service of Moscow is the truly striking parallel. The tragedy in Palme’s case was his growing isolation, having to confront the entire brunt of carefully orchestrated hatred — backed up by power — with ever less support. Trump for his part might not sense the danger just yet. But given the parlously violent mood permeating the US throughout its entire history, he’d better do. If anything, Palme’s murder showed that trying to appease right-wing extremists high on paranoia is 100% futile.
Corollary question: Who killed Olof Palme? According to the renowned, very serious researcher Sven Anér, now in his eighties, the answer is Anti Avsan. In the 1980s Avsan was a full-fledged, brutal Nazi working within Stockholm’s Police force (not the only brutal Nazi there, mind you). Some years later, he became — and remains to this day — an honourable conservative MP committed to, yes, national security. It goes without saying that few people here ever have heard of him. They stick to the MSM ‘party line’ according to which Palme was shot by accident by a down-and-out alcoholic who had difficulty walking, let alone running. It remains to be seen what the Pindo garbage media will make of a successful attempt on Trump’s life.
“Soros clearly is pure evil, but unlike the presstitutes and much of the West’s populace at least he is intelligent.”
“I couldn’t agree with you more.”
To understand George Soros one has to think of him not as a person, but an CIA-Zionstream multimedia show involving huge resources and hundreds of persons.
This is how it has been done by the masters of deception for aeons:
Zion’s elders have a new toxic plan and in order to sell it to the goys they put a sexy label on it like ‘George Soros’. The goy is happy. He heard the name before, he unconsciously identifies with it as strongly as with apple pie and ‘the American dream’. He further understands the ‘man’ is rich, famous and always in the news. Exactly what the goy wants to become himself, but never will. Therefore whatever is sold as ‘George Soros’ can’t be that bad, after all.
Better than World War III works for me.
Dear Saker,
yet another impeccable post. Or almost impeccable. Yes, i’m Italian, so I do harbor a conflict of interest for I’m going to write. I would like to disagree with your brushing aside of my country. Now, Italian élites are to be blamed for their rabid self-racism and anti-Italian hatred (one for all, the infamous book Italians written (1964) by Luigi Barzini jr, Italian liberal MP and MI6 agent). I know. However, you should frankly put my country in the same category of France and UK, that’s where we belong. As a matter of fact, Italy is the second industrial power in Europe after germany. We rank first or second, worldwide, in several manufacturing categories. With all due respect, we have little in common with either Spain or Greece. Btw, Italy has the fourth accumulated wealth in the world, as weird as it may sound for those accustomed to listen to our élites’ rants against their own country.
Speaking of military matters, I know that some unfortunate events of WWII still cast a shadow of shame over my country. Alas, one day WWII history will start to be written in a proper way, and many obscenities will be amended. Far from disagreeing with your main point (that besides US and Russia there are no real military powers on the European continent), but some EU countries, including my own, do have some interesting technologies that, in their specific sector, are on a par or even better than US and Russian ones. This does not change the picture, though. So, I agree with your post, with the exception of where my country belongs.
I would add, it’s an unwanted but immense social course for the entire planetary consciousness, this new bluntness of the “red” America, this bluffment and this
betting without scruples but only acting on the stage of relativity and surprise.
Who knows, what the spirit is speaking in this man’s Twins- heart while he
is giving American lectures instead of the pathethic global ones in the good old days.
Wednesday’s previewing diary of the currently unfolding week:
Saker, sorry, suffice to say, I love every sentence of your analysis.
Merci Saker pour cet article, si vrai, hélas ! “Adieu vieille Europe, que le diable t’emporte” pourrait-on dire, si ce n’était si apour les pauvres peuples concernés ! Mais le réveil de ces populations a commencé, en France notamment, même si cela ne se voit pas encore beaucoup. Les grandes manifestations contre les réformes sociétales de ces dernières années, ont donné le coup d’envoi. Maintenant, il faut être patient car il est plus facile de descendre la pente que de la remonter ! Pour le centenaire de Fatima, le groupe français était le deuxième plus nombreux, alors qu’un seul évêque français était présent !! Quel signe de la rupture totale entre le peuple et ses soit-disant “élites”, religieuses ou laïques ! Prions la Vierge pour qu’Elle obtienne de son Fils qu’il suscite des chefs dignes de ce nom dans ce misérable Occident !
Bien à vous !
Dear Mr or Mrs. Zabo
Do you realize that this is an international forum?
Actually, I can understand what you are stating because I speak and understand French, but I ‘m afraid that is not applicable for almost all of the commentors here. We are quite curious what you are trying to say. I don’t want to be your interpretator, maybe you want to say something in a special way. But like this, most people simply won’t understand you.
Btw, I wish you all the best. Greetings, Rob.
Do you realize that this is an international forum?
True. Though 99% of posters here post in English, there is no rule against posting in other languages, as long as the person posting the comment realizes that many might not be able to understand.
I don’t want to impose an “English-only” rule and I recommend using an online translator which, in this case, would give this result:
Thank you Saker for this article, so true, alas! “Good-bye old Europe, that the devil take you” could be said, if it was not so for the poor peoples concerned! But the revival of these populations began, in France in particular, although this is not yet seen much. The major demonstrations against the societal reforms of recent years have given the kick-off. Now, it is necessary to be patient because it is easier to go down the slope than to go up again! For the centenary of Fatima, the French group was the second most numerous, whereas a single French bishop was present !! What a sign of the total rupture between the people and their so-called “elites”, religious or secular! Let us pray to the Virgin that she may obtain from her Son that he should raise up leaders worthy of the name in this wretched Occident!
Yours truly!
Not great – but readable, no?
The Saker
Yep, that is how this monolingual ‘murrican read this entry.
Speaking of bubbles ……
I remember hearing about the USS Liberty when it took place, but to be honest the details were vague to me at the time. However as the 50th anniversary approaches, we have so much more understanding about what types of nefarious things the intelligence agencies around the world get up to, and the degree to which allied intelligence collaborates. People also develop a conscience, and authorities can’t be bothered to keep tabs on all the crewmen who were muzzled at the time.
The linked article gives a somewhat detailed account of how the Israeli’s saw conditions on the ground in June 1967. The following article gives a lot more detail from the Liberty crew’s perspective. It also gets into the US chain of command coverup, and the massaging of military communications data by the NSA and Israel: It’s really a dirty, dirty tale.
After digesting that Counterpunch article I was better able to interpret what is given on Wikipedia (which I generally don’t trust for history and politics). There is some very interesting information in the last section of the Wikipedia article, on points of controversy, and in the well documented footnotes. Of particular note to me was the alledged comment by LBJ that he wished the US sailors had all drowned because he wasn’t about to embarrass an ally. The Commander-in-Chief supporting the troops!
How much current history will be revealed in all its stark truth 50 years from now?
You skipped France somewhere. IMO that’s #2 or #3 because it does have nukes and something close to full military independence (an army and ways to produce high end gear on the whole spectrum). Also Germany has a substantially bigger day to day economy but figures are in part cheated (lag in defense spending, infrastructure, energy makes for a commercial balance way better than what it should be ; also unemployment figures are awfully doctored ; bottomline Frenchs and Italians are substantially richer than Germans. That’s even true for the very rich, surprisingly, although for pretty different reasons).
Sure, France is small but at least when it goes to Mali it more or less achieve to keep costs down, civilians up, get its modest military goals achieved. That’s better than most US operations. I think US military should be, in US interest, much more like french military than the opposite. Reasonable size, reasonable costs, limited capacity. So much money then available to actually improve people’s life in the US : education, health !…
The whole point of color revolution in Ukraine for the US neocons was getting Sevastopol and Yvpatoria. They had dreams of setting up shop in the Ukrainian portion of Sevastopol base, and eventually weaning Ukraine from the Kharkiv Pact, and eventually owning the Black Sea.
There was a whole sequence of events mapped out long before the Yanukovich ouster. This was demonstrated by the US Navy tendering contracts for construction work in Sevastopol in 2013, among other things. Of course, not just Russian intelligence, but every intelligence agency in the world was fully aware of what was developing.
The neocons were too stupid to realize, though, that Crimea and its installations were a red line that Russia would not allow anyone to cross. Once Crimea seceded, Russian missile batteries lit up the USS Donald Cook on its 2014 probing mission, the Ukrainian army got whipped by the Novorussians, and Odessa became humanitarian disaster; they realize they were snookered, and Ukraine was becoming a useless money sink and diplomacy disaster they did what you would expect such weasels to do: they abandoned the Ukrainian mess to the Europeans (& Russians)
“The only difference between the EU leaders and their Ukronazi counterparts is that while the latter have declared that they are already fighting a Russian invasion, the former are only preparing to counter it. That’s it. Other than that, I see no difference, at least none that matters.”
Actually, there is at least one other difference which has appreciable significance or, rather, is bound to have some “funny consequences”: When asked by their beloved EU superiors to settle substantial numbers of Third World immigrants in their worthless Ukro pseudo-country (pity the immigrants), the Ukronazis will go totally bonkers. City slums with third world immigrants are clearly not conformant to a Ukronazi’s view of “Europe”, even though that is contemporary plain reality. Most likely, being the incurable Euro-grovellers and Russophobes that they are, they will blame Russia and Putin.
Personally I’m saddened by the apparent loss of totally independent nation states in Europe. Given the rise of global corporatocracies, actively supported by the privately owned banking cartels, I doubt whether there have been truly independent nations for a long time. However the existence, in varying degrees, of nationalism can provide colour, vibrancy and some pride in the lives of the peoples of those nations.
Yet nationalism, along with religion, has been the prime fulcrum in many wars and social strife. A nation cannot be effective in a war without the heartfelt support of its population. The rise of ever more sophisticated forms of propaganda make appeals to an emotional response to complex issues. Closely held control of mass media has conspired to deny the truth of things to the populations at large. This state of affairs is counterproductive to logical approaches to problems within the human race. So, obviously, the problems of the many do not concern the self-interests of the few.
Attempts at diplomatic and economic balance in international relations can generate a level of peace and prosperity even though the benefits, and ills, are not equally allocated. Nation states that are imbued with a common language, culture and shared history can provide a meaningful place to live. Something of this was achieved in the Golden Age between the end of the Franco-Prussian war in 1871 and the outbreak of the Great War in 1914. Perhaps this was an anomaly.
There was still competition between great powers, there were still small wars (a legacy of our ascendancy as a species) but certainly in Europe and North America there was an explosion of economic and technological development, and a huge increase in the standard of living for many. Unfortunately, despite the appearance of relative tranquility, this was in large part provided for by the exploitation of colonial peoples and resources. However, diplomacy was still a respected and productive endeavour amongst nations.
Current geopolitics are dominated, not by a few dozen independent nation states and their colonial empires, but by the rise of a single hegemon, possessing hundreds of military bases and lily pads around the world. The current construct of the US political system and its administration, which for all intents and purposes represents the needs of the military/industrial/security complex and an economic configuration for the benefit of the nation’s plutocracy, isn’t designed for world peace and prosperity. Diplomacy is not a realistic option.
“It is unclear if the Russians and Chinese understand that Washington’s hostility toward them is not just some sort of misunderstanding that diplomacy can work out.” – Paul Craig Roberts
Dr. Roberts’ article also makes a clear case about the neoconservative effect on Washington’s real agenda, and ends on a sombre note:
“Truth is the most rare element in the Western world, and we will not be permitted to have much of it much longer. Increasingly, truth is difficult to find. Soak it up while it is still available.”
I’m a lawyer and I wrote the song ‘NATO Blues’ (posted on this site half a year ago) because I do not “sheepishly accept” that my country is above the law, etc. Sadly, however, the Saker is correct in that most of my colleagues and countrymen do. That is why I’ve largely abandoned my law practice to focus on music. I do have a few friends who remain spirited in their advocacy on behalf of any oppressed person, so there’s few of us who keep the dream alive. In case anyone missed it, the video link for ‘NATO Blues” is attached below, enjoy!
Patrick Henry from One Earth
I don’t believe that you have gained the kind of sound insight into the US government needed to support your otherwise high-level analytical skills. This government DOES actually represent the ‘people’. It is the people who are in the driver’s seat. These folks failed to get the warning messages sent in the 50s, 60s, 70s and early 80’s. They drive the agenda. President Trump does not, of himself, drive anything. Any contempt for International rules/protocols is Joe football-watcher’s contempt. The people – not elites – are causing the trouble. Because no reproof was accepted early on in the latter-half of the twentieth century a callousness to reality has set in – permanently.
Dear Saker
I know this is not geo-politics, but I’ve always been fond of going to the ultimate sources of vice, trouble, wrongdoings, problems… it is far profitable to rake the root than trim the branches. So I would like to point out what I think is the root of the European demise on the world stage (actually it is the demise of a culture, a Christian culture), the demise of EUROPE as we use to know it: the treason to God and the shooting of Europe’s Christian feet. One century of Masonic Republics, Nietzsche declaring God’s death and secularism have now derailed Europe. It started with Iluminism and the French “revolution”, followed by Rationalism, than Marxism and other Materialist conceptions of life and History. Russia is now exactly on the opposite track, going back to its Baptismal cradle. Europe is under a very strong Satanic grip (infiltrated even in the Roman Church) and ONLY CONVERSION will bring her back, if it is still possible. I think it is, because of Fatima (Portugal) and I think it will be the Triumph of the Mother of God, or the Theotokos as the eastern orthodox Christians fondly name Her. Folks we need to rediscover the power of…Prayer!
Thanks to the Saker for providing the readers with accurate historical coordinates of our current point in time. Purely for the sake of argument, the “paranoid crazies” in the US political oligarchy believe that mad are those who live outside their institution.
When a recent director of National Intelligence says that “…the Russians are “almost genetically driven to co-opt… etc.” it’s appropriate to answer with Shakespeare “Will thou whip your own faults in other men?” More seriously, who does not ask himself how this ass who speaks from his ass, could ever be appointed to such a position of power and responsiblity? Which shows the disease of oligarchical power, disguised as ‘democracy.’ It’s sad that all we can say of the Clappers of this world (and there are many), “God made him, therefore let him pass for a man.”
In general, when many state that the US are “in decline,” they naturally assume that there are uniform standards of societal measurement. There aren’t. For the oligarchical sewer in power and control it was never better, and the image of the country never greater.
Lots of questions. Is Ukraine still controlled by the US – or has Trump really turned his back on the country, allowing it to implode under its own negative energies? But do we really know how the US is ‘playing’ Ukraine? There has been an upsurge of UAF violence against the LPR and DPR – daily shelling – and UAF forces have been moving men and equipment right up to, and in some cases beyond, the ‘demarcation’ line.
This could be Ukrainian stupidity (plenty of evidence of that – Turchinow recently said that the war would end when the Ukrainian army took Moscow!) or it could be that Trump is feigning indifference and in secret still pursuing the “attack Donbass and provoke Russia into defending the republics and then declare war on Russia” tactic.
Putin had some extremely sensible things to say (to Megyn Kelly) about Trump and the Paris climate conference. There were no binding agreements to be signed! There were certain relatively vague commitments for CO2 reductions by 2025 – but Putin, sensibly, pointed out that the proposals implied enormous changes in production methods that would potentially mean the loss of millions of jobs, and that care had to be taken to ensure that millions of people would have new jobs to transition to.
In any case, ‘climate change’ is a scam. The genuine data (satellite) shows no increase in global temperatures for 19 years. In fact, as NASA has also stated, we are facing a period of significant cooling that will have major impacts on agriculture – and the need for adequate energy production for heating and cooking.
Of course China welcomes the spurious climate change story! It is well-placed to benefit enormously from its production of ‘green’ technology.
As far as Trump is concerned, we still do not know for sure if he has been totally captured by the Deep State – or whether he is playing a smart game. The illegal US attacks in Syria suggest the former.