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Tag "sandbox"

Butt-hurt Clinton crybabies in the Ziomedia

I know, I know.  The Internet is just full of such compilations.  This is just one amongst many.  But I can’t help it, it just too sweet.  I had to share it with you.  Is this Schadenfreude?  You betcha it is!  And I make no apologies for it, since God knows these guys really, really deserved it.  Call me infantile (I am in many ways!), but as soon as I

The Rhythm Of Time

There’s an inner thing in every man, Do you know this thing my friend? It has withstood the blows of a million years, And will do so to the end. It was born when time did not exist, And it grew up out of life, It cut down evil’s strangling vines, Like a slashing searing knife. It lit fires when fires were not, And burnt the mind of man, Tempering

A few kind words of advice to American drivers (Saker rant)

Dear American drivers, My heart goes out to you.  You have a huge country, millions miles of road, no public transportation system to speak of, you drive since the age of 16 and yet, nobody has ever bothered to teach you even the basics of driving.  This is very unfair to you and it turns your otherwise mostly decent roads into a total nightmare.  So let me help you out

Wanna see the “New European” homo-erotic “culture”?

Frankly, when I saw this I just could not believe my eyes.  Switzerland, the country where I was born, the country of Euler, Piaget, Dunant, Einstein, Paracelsus, Piccard, Dürrenmatt and Barth has now turned to some kind of degenerate form of satanic homo-erotic “art” as an expression of its “culture”.  Sickening.

Trump chooses his master

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon”.  (Matt. 6:24)

Dugin’s Guideline – In Trump We Trust

Note by the Saker:  I hesitated before posting this video.  Not only do I not share Dugin’s ideas,  I also hesitate to contribute to the absolutely false myth that he is some kind of “special advisor” or “personal friend” of Vladimir Putin.  This is all nonsense.  In reality, Putin has done more than any other person to deflate and marginalize the kind of National-Bolshevik nationalist ideology Dugin represents in modern

The US tells Russia “put up or shut up”. Russia unimpressed

US State Department deputy spokesman Mark Toner made an interesting and very significant statement today.  He told Russia to “put up or shut up”.  Here is what he said exactly: “I don’t know how to put it any better than saying: ‘It’s put up or shut up time,’” (…)  “It is time for them to show through action rather than words that they are serious about what they profess to

Song about the clairvoyant Cassandra

Some events today inspired me to post this ;-) Translated lyrics: Besieged by Greeks, so many months Troy couldn’t be taken, And it remained for long an undefeated town; But had the Trojans listened to Cassandra’s statement, Then, maybe, Troy wouldn’t have collapsed and fallen down. Without stopping cried Cassandra, mad and raucous, “I clearly see that soon in ruins will Troy quake!” Despite the fact that people loathe those

A beautiful Hindu chant from the 8th century

Dear friends, I wanted to share this with you for a long time already, but I just did not have the time or opportunity to do so until now.  Today, I can finally share with you one of my favorite texts and chants.  My problem now is that I don’t know how to introduce it without writing a very long text, so I will try to be very concise, but

End the year with The Nation of Five

Since we are nearing the end of the year, I wanted to share with you the music of a very talented jazz group from Philadelphia, PA: Nation of Five.  This is good music, filled with joy and creative vitality.  Enjoy! The Saker  

If you understand Russian and German

Dear friends, Yesterday I had to go for a long night drive and since one of you (салам БП!) was kind enough to send me some music, I discovered “DJ Russak ft. Kasach” and what I think is the title of either a recording or their group – “Heimweh” (homesickness)  I had no idea was this was, but 30 seconds into the first song I was already laughing and by
