Dear friends,

Yesterday I had to go for a long night drive and since one of you (салам БП!) was kind enough to send me some music, I discovered “DJ Russak ft. Kasach” and what I think is the title of either a recording or their group – “Heimweh” (homesickness)  I had no idea was this was, but 30 seconds into the first song I was already laughing and by the second one I couldn’t help and sing along (probably scaring a few alligators and or coyotes along the way).  I found this YouTube version of my favorite song (so far – I only have 5 of them right now) “Tankschtelle” (gas station) which is both hilarious and quite beautiful actually.  You can only truly appreciate this music if you speak Russian (including slang) and German, as DJ Russak and Kasach are exiles from Russia and Kazakhstan (probably born in families of ethnic Germans deported during WWII) now living in Germany, so their music mixes both languages.

If you can send me more of their music, or tell me where I can download it, please let me know!

Enjoy the video, cheers,

The Saker