Russian President Vladimir Putin says Russia is “stronger than any potential aggressor” because it has modernized its nuclear missiles and other forces. He also said the US withdrawal in 2001 from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty had “created the conditions for a new nuclear arms race.”
Putin: “Dear comrades,(Уважаемые товарищи) Russia is stronger than any potential aggressor”
The US Department of State immediately went into an overdrive trying to proclaim that the US military is stronger than Russia’s defense forces. The Russia’s Foreign Ministry responded by saying that President Putin said any “potential aggressor” and unless the US sees itself as an aggressor it should just shut up.
On December 23rd, as an annual tradition, before the New Year, president Putin met with journalists to answer their most urging questions.
Putin talks arms race, US election & Syria ceasefire in year-end Q&A (IMAGES, FULL VIDEO)
The US president-elect approved his administration’s list of potential threats, and Russia in not on it.
Russia won the 1st World War of 21st century, and the collective West lost it. Talking about losers, I don’t even mean the US or Germany, it’s the deep state, the supranational proxy government, that has lost. People who work for the deep state and benefit from it, live everywhere. They live in London, In Washington and in Moscow. They are those who bite into carotid arteries of nations and suck the living lights out of all of us. They are those without nationalities, morals, and religion. They like to call themselves “world elite,” which is contradictio in adiecto, because there can be only national elites. Any supranational ruling class placed in the position of a national elite causes depravity, dearth, and eventual death of all nations.
The US has about 200 nuclear missiles on the territory of Europe, their flight time to the border of Russia is less than 10 minutes. Those are modified weapons located on the territories of Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, Germany and Turkey. But the most troubling is the deployment in Poland of interceptor missiles on the base in Redzikowo, and in Romania, the deployment of the ballistic missile defense system Aegis Ashore, including radar, a control center, and mobile battery MK-41 of the missile-interceptors SM-3. “All of these create a special problem for Russia, that cannot be ignored,” Sergei Shoigu said at the Defense Ministry Collegium on Dec. 22, 2016.
On Thursday, defense Minister Sergei Shoigu at the final Collegium of the Russian defense Ministry announced that the implementation of the Armed forces by the instructions of the President for neutralizing cruise missiles “Tomahawk” has been completed. (these missiles are believed to be able to be placed in close proximity to the Western borders of the country). What measures Shoigu had in mind, speaking about the fact that Russia is now ready to neutralize the threat of “Tomahawks,” is not being reported.
They have lost, but the armies which were supposed to die for them, the US and NATO armies, they are not potential aggressors any longer. Their Anti-Missile systems have been neutralized. All of it, including those on their aircraft and battleship. They can be turned off from the distance… stations and all. Our favorite president was pleased.
However, the deep state is not surrendering yet. On Friday December 23rd, Obama signed a “Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act” that was adopted by the US Congress on Dec 08, 2016.
In essence this legislature imposes the US domestic legal system on every single person on earth and makes it potentially very expensive to use any US based financial institution.
“The United States Congress passed historic legislation empowering the U.S. government with the authority to place sanctions on corrupt public officials across the world who misappropriate state assets (what state?) as well as anyone who attacks journalists and human rights defenders.”
The Global Magnitsky gives the US President standing authority to impose sanctions on non-U.S. citizens guilty (?) of corruption or gross human rights violations perpetrated against whistleblowers. Global Magnitsky also enhances congressional involvement in the designation of individuals to be investigated for human rights violations, and helps to ensure that U.S. financial institutions are not complicit in supporting those profiting off of atrocities.
Just in and this explains why the “Global Magnitsky act” is needed so urgently
Exiled Ukraine Parliament Member: I Witnessed Presidential Corruption
Alexander Onishchenko: “I am an elected member of the Ukrainian Parliament, and I personally witnessed President Poroshenko engage in corruption on a massive and unprecedented scale.”
“As a Ukrainian citizen, it was and remains my duty to voice these misdeeds and crimes by the Ukrainian government, because they will not only destroy public confidence in our government’s institutions, but they also threaten regional security. The time has come for the rest of the world to call for reform, instead of turning a blind eye to these crimes and atrocities. We cannot allow President Poroshenko to continue the same practices that his predecessor President Yanukovych started. The time to put an end to these lies is now.”
The US wants to try to recover the IMF money stolen by Kiev authorities.
Also, it might to do something with the nationalization of Privatbank.
Privatbank was a recipient of IMF loans. Money reportedly had vanished.
The U.S. Is ‘Missing’ Millions in Ukraine
BREAKING: IMF Officials Helped Steal Ukraine Funds – US Investigating
Now, Kiev regime bailed out Kolomoyski and took on $5.7 billion deficit that the population of Ukraine will be paying back to IMF and other investors.
In 2017, Putin and Trump will dismantle the UN.
But, before the UN goes down in history, the UNSC passes resolution demanding end to Israeli settlement building on occupied Palestinian land
Adoption of Resolution 2334 (14 yes, 1 abstention – USA) results in sustained applause in the Security Council chamber.
“Obama’s refusal to veto UN resolution against Israel is latest shameful chapter in Obama presidency. US has no stronger ally than Israel.” tweeted Liz Cheyni, an the elder daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney.
Investigation into the murder of the Russia’s Ambassador has just started, we have already seen some results.
According to Scott Bennett, a former US Army psychological warfare officer, Mossad plotted Russian envoy’s assassination in Turkey.
“This is a typical move by third-party elements such as the Israeli Mossad and [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu or genuine ISIL sympathizers to trigger an alienation between Russia and Turkey,” Bennett told Press TV on Wednesday.
Russian Military Police Battalion arrived to Aleppo Syria
to protect safety and order in the liberated city.
The UN approved a draft resolution on the Use of mercenary forces and the Right to Peace
The Committee approved a draft resolution on the use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right to self-determination.
With 117 votes in favour to 50 against, with 6 abstentions. Among other things, it would have the General Assembly call upon States to take legislative measures to ensure that territories under their control were not used for — and their nationals did not take part in — the recruitment, assembly, financing, training, protection or transit of mercenaries. Slovakia’s representative, speaking for the European Union, explained that the bloc had voted against the draft because it would add private security firms to the mandate of the Human Rights Council’s Working Group on those issues.
The representative of the United States, described The Right to Peace, as a veiled attempt to stifle human rights. Nonetheless, the Committee approved it by a recorded 116 votes in favour to 34 against, with 19 abstentions. Iran’s representative said the right to peace was a prerequisite for the enjoyment of human rights by all peoples. Other speakers, including the representatives of Canada and Japan, objected to the draft.
I think that the question of the use of mercenaries and private military companies will be very hot in 2017. As I wrote before, private military companies and mercenaries are prohibited in Russia.
More on the related issues of the mercenaries see:
- On the Night Before Christmas Comes the Ghost of Russian Private Armies
- Breaking News Syria Names Foreign Secret Agents Trapped in Aleppo to the UN Security Council
Ramzan Kadyrov called “unprecedented insolence” an article about the murder of the Ambassador of the Russian Federation
Grozny, December 22. The head of the Chechen Republic strongly criticized an article by an American journalist Gersh Kuntzman, who expressed satisfaction with the murder of the Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov. According to Ramzan Kadyrov, the author glorifies terrorist who killed the Ambassador.
“Neither the author of the libel Hersh Kuntzman, nor the editor of the newspaper don’t feel guilty,” said Kadyrov on his Instagram page. It is an unprecedented arrogance, lack of the slightest sign of compassion for human grief, public support of terrorism.”
The head of Chechnya said that true Muslims around the world reacted to the vile murder of Karlov with righteous anger.
News in brief
- On December 18th, grateful Russia celebrated Stalin’s birthday
5000 RED CARNATIONS FOR Stalin on his birthday Dec 18
Более 5000 гвоздик возложили сегодня москвичи к могиле товарища Сталина у Кремлёвской стены
— Красный Рассвет (@Communist_ru) December 21, 2016
The Tekhnodinamika Group, part of Russia’s state hi-tech corporation Rostec, is developing a parachute for low-altitude jumps, the group’s press office said.
The Shturm parachute that lacks a parachute pack deploys safely at an altitude of 80 meters. In future, the parachute will allow performing safe jumps from an altitude of 50 meters. The future parachute will allow the Airborne Force to effectively suppress hostile weapons.
- Interesting news reported by the local people, not by media. Two days ago all 800 Ukrainians migrant workers who were going across the border from the Kherson region to work for Crimean TITAN chemical manufacturer in Armyansk, which is a large titanium dioxide producer, were fired. They received two months’ severance packages and were told not to come back.
- To refresh your memory on some issues of the deep state:
- the US & EU Power Structure
- How ‘Obscure’ US Bureaucrats Foment Wars
- How the myth of American “exceptionalism” is perpetuated
- Is allocation of Developed vs Developing permanent?
- The West had a perfect plan, until Russia interfered and everything went horribly wrong
- Aleppo international airport opened
On December 14th, a cheap performance played out in Uman, where “unknown” persons spread some paint and left a pig’s head in some unidentified room. This was reported as “terrifying anti-Semitic attack.” Two details tell me that this was done by someone close to a synagogue. First, there isn’t any swastika on the walls. Second, they carved swastika on a dead pig’s head, which a real Nazi would never do, they would carve a star of David.
More on the situation in Uman:
and prior to Euro-Maidan here
Ukrainian news in brief
- Just to remind you who are those who made Maidan possible, those who call themselves Ukrainians patriots and whom we call Ukro-Nazis.
Meet Nathan Hazin: a citizen of Israel, served in Tzahal. Took part in the war on Donbass, a commander of one of the armed punitive battalions, an executioner of Russian people, a founder of Azov armed formation.
- Ukraine’s regime is supporting an international terrorists by arming and training so called “patriots of Belorussia”
US-made Raven RQ-11B mini-drones offered to Ukraine as part Washington’s military aid are useless for combat missions in the east of the country, as forces in the self-proclaimed republics can easily intercept or jam their analog video and data feeds, Reuters said.
Donbass SITREP will be posted separately
Thank you for your time.
Please, post your questions in comments for the next SITREP
Under Putin’s watch, nobody is going to attack Russia. The mere thought of it is ludicrous.
The hundreds of trainloads of weapons systems and war material the Pentagon has been moving over the last two years to the Russian borders will be used by the Zionist axis to keep Germany at bay – yes, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, the Baltic, Scandinavia, Holland, France, Italy, Spain, etc.
Should Marine Le Pen become Mme President coming April, breaking point will be reached and the Zionists currently disguised as sheepish Snowflakes will go from borderline psychotic to full-blown Bolshevik, Jacobin genocidal mayhem. But will it work?
Interesting times ahead.
The proposition given by author that Russia has won the war may be in error. A contrary view includes the idea that what has been won is not the war, but a campaign. If so, then another campaign seems nearly certain to be undertaken.
Obviously there are impediments to this, but there are also imperatives as seen by the Dark Forces.
The change in regime in DC may possibly be seen by the Dark Forces as an impediment. Duh!
Thus it may be, maybe, that the reluctance evidenced by former presidents to RSVP to their invitations to the inauguration is due to their expectations of a public disaster on that occasion. This seems far-fetched, but so do many recent events….
War not over. “Stalingrad” is over. Berlin has not yet surrendered, or collapsed. Barky remains. Culprits and mass murders walk free. Where is the victory?
It may be that people ought to bear in mind that it is on the cusp of victory where the betrayal is born. Always.
US Adds Individuals, Entities to Russia Sanctions List – Treasury
US Commerce Dept Adds 23 Russian Entities to Sanctions List
Russia to Respond to ‘Destructive Policy’ of US Sanctions Expansion
Obama Administration Ready to Help Any ‘Destructive Forces’ in Syria – Moscow
“It has long been noticed that, under the current administration, Washington in its pursuit to shift power in Syria is ready to help any destructive forces. [It is] protecting and covering Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist group that is none other but a subdivision of al-Qaeda, which has commited the most horrible terrorist acts in the history of the US,” the statement said.
“It seems that the White House has forgotten that, under the US law, aiding terrorism is a criminal offense,” the Ministry pointed out in the statement.”
US ‘protects’ Nusra terrorists, ‘punishes’ Moscow for Assad support – Russian FM
“On December 8, US lawmakers introduced a Stop Arming Terrorists Act, aimed at preventing any government support to terrorist groups through covert operations and third states.
“If you or I gave money, weapons or support to Al-Qaeda or ISIS, we would be thrown in jail. Yet the US government has been violating this law for years, quietly supporting allies and partners of Al-Qaeda, ISIL, Jabhat Fateh al Sham and other terrorist groups,” the Democrat Tulsi Gabbard (who introduced the bill) argued.
During her statement in the House of Representatives, Gabbard said the CIA provided weapons and financial help to terrorist groups via Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar among others.”
Despite the huge mistakes commited, since taking into account the continuous harassing and ill advise he was put through and so I suppose him well intentioned towards general Russian people, I congratulate comrade Koba in his posthumous birthday there in the “Olympus of Soviets”:
The guy playing the flute looks almost the same as Dmitry Roghozin…
Sounds like Khibini is getting everywhere these days. Effective against Aegis (so will neutralise cruise missiles in Romania and Poland) and also effective against American cheap crappy mini drones…no surprises here after the 100% effective trial on the USS Donald Duck in the Black Sea (known to Americans as the USS Donald Cook)!
Anyway, a Merry Christmas to all my western readers…but you Eastern Orthodox types will just have to wait a few days longer for yours…and a happy New Year…
“Sounds like Khibini is getting everywhere these days”.
In block-diagram view Khibini is easy to understand – advantage for now, but history teaches us that technical innovations are transient events that are defeated in the fullness of time. Not my pigeon, but I am pretty sure about this and assume that if I know people that could do it…if I had to do it I believe I could…
But more generally machines along these lines are essential – and I rather expect that the K gadget is simply the gadget of to-day, soon to give birth to a littler of new gadgets.
The solution to those missiles on the border? A truck and forklifts and cutting torches… Meantime, a standoff – and that’s transient too…
One way to deal with the zio-gay media problem:
Justifying terrorism must be treated as actual attacks – Russian senators
“The Russian parliament is preparing a message to other parliaments around the world, calling on them to officially recognize any “information support” of terrorism, such as justifying their actions in the media, as “passive terrorism.”
“I suggest that we charge the Commission for Information Policy with the task to address the parliaments of foreign nations, the Council of Europe and the Inter-Parliamentary Union with a call to develop a definition under which information support to terrorism will be treated as a form of passive terrorism and punished in accordance with the law,” he said.
Upper House chair Valentina Matviyenko supported the proposal.”
Turkey’s Ruling Party Senior Member Killed in Ankara – Reports
“Yilmaz Bulut, Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Cankaya district Vice President, was killed in the country’s capital city of Ankara, local media reported Saturday.”
Was this murder ordered by the same zionazi subhumanoids who were behind the recent murder of the Russian ambassador?
Cedo brixo u-risheh d-shato brëxto! Syrian
Merry Christ’s Mass.
Feliz Navidad.
Joyeux Noel.
Xructoc Rozhdajetsja (to those Orthodox celebrating tomorrow).
Russian PMCs. Seems there are at least one if not more in Syria.
The ultimate deniability is they are not “legal” in Russian law.
But Rogozin in 2012 indicated they were being considered.
Probably, a feature of the Donbass Northern Wind is “volunteers” who are contracted through some entity offshore.
I think the way you don’t have casualties and funerals for the fallen is to use PMCs. They don’t count. But they are often the spec ops and trainers for spec ops of the natives.
Hi, Larchmonter445,
It’s unfortunate that you don’t read my articles.
It’s also unfortunate that rbth is propelled to spread disinformation. That’s one of the reasons why I stopped reading and using this resource. Them posting this article tells me everything. .
The history of the hoax called “PMC Wagner” is described here.
On the Night Before Christmas Comes the Ghost of Russian Private Armies
Scott, you are mistaken when you say:
“The US has about 200 nuclear missiles on the territory of Europe, their flight time to the border of Russia is less than 10 minutes. Those are modified weapons located on the territories of Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, Germany and Turkey.”
You are referring to the 180 B61 gravity bombs (carried by aircraft) that the US has forward-based via NATO. See this article:
B61-12: The New Guided Standoff Nuclear Bomb
The Mark41 launch systems used by the Aegis Ashore facilities are indeed dual-use systems, which are capable of launching nuclear-armed cruise missiles.
It appears possible for the US to quietly swap out the interceptors (used by the Aegis Ashore facilities) with nuclear-armed cruise missiles.
President Putin referred to this in his St. Petersburg warning
Both the US and Russia have the ability to use their launch-ready nuclear forces at any given moment. Should they do so, it is likely that the long-term environmental consequences of such a strategic nuclear war will make agriculture impossible for years, causing most people to starve to death.
More info out about Karlov’s assassin(s):
Assassination of Russian ambassador was not killer’s ‘own initiative’ – Turkish Interior Minister
“The assassination of the Russian Ambassador to Ankara, Andrey Karlov, was a well-planned and premeditated murder, Turkey’s interior minister told journalists. He said it did not happen at the initiative of the killer or out of personal vengeance.
“At this stage, we have clearly defined a relationship with the terrorist Fethullah Gulen movement. The assassination was not the result of individual initiative. The terrorist attack was planned,” Soylu said, Anadolu reported.
The investigators, the minister added, are trying to identify Altintas’ links to terrorist organizations both inside and beyond Turkey. The probe, Soylu said, already unearthed “very important” details of the attack, but at this point the Turkish side decided not to share it with the public.”
From what altintas’ father is quoted saying, it sounds like the assassin was psychologically manipulated like charles manson’s little group of killers were.
>>Russian President Vladimir Putin says Russia is “stronger than any potential aggressor” <>The plane was also carrying more than 60 members of the famous Alexandrov ensemble, an official army choir of the Russian armed forces, who set off to celebrate the New Year with the air group of Russia’s Aerospace Forces at the Hmeymim air base in Syria. The choir’s conductor Valery Khalilov was also on the list of passengers.
The Defense Ministry said that debris from the Tu-154 had been found 1.5 km off the coast of Sochi at the depth of 50-70 meters.<<
Just have been aware of this new tragedy. It seems that, as I told the “old strategist”, these are not going to be a peaceful Christmas at all.
I wonder whether, by the timing, this have been an accident or another terrorist attack. if this is so, there is seomeon who is embittered enough so as to commit these actions in Christmas. Curiously, or not so, yesterday night I woke up disquiete at about 4:40 UTC +1 , not being able to sleep again for about an hour or so….
My deepest condolences to family, relatives and friends of the deceased, to all the Russian people and the Russian Army for this new tragical event.
Alexandrov Ensemble was one of our favourite choirs fro both, my father ( deceased many years ago ) and me myself since childhood.
A great loss for the resistance, the Red Army, the Russian Army, the Russian people and the world culture.
You will bright for ever in our memories, tovarischi!
The best thing we can do, apart from mourning some days, is continue fighting, without rest.
Some will fall, but many more will rise against these fascist beasts.
To victory, always!
No pasarán!
@ mods: Hi. My access to the cafe has been blocked since Dec. 21. However, a later comment inquiring about this did appear in the “recent comments” section at the bottom with the black background but I’m not sure anymore at what thread. The actual comment did not appear.
I am attempting to get through here at this thread. Unusual things have been occurring and still are, such as the cafe section of 12/19 still appearing on the headline banner until I toggle to the War News from the All News section; then the 12/22 cafe appears in the chronological format but my comments don’t.
It’s confusing to explain because so many “normal events” are all jumbled up since I attempted to post my Count Khazar piece on December 21 but which never appeared. Sorry for the confusion but it’s the best I can do under these circumstances.
dennis I replied earlier to you via email .. if your email is correct. your pages are being cached on your personal computer … just use the ‘refresh’ button and ‘style page’ will be replaced’. google ‘browser refresh’ and it will explain how to do it …. mod-hs
Thanks, Herb. Have a blessed Christmas. The refreshing seems to work. Ironically, in looking through some notes on another matter, I found out how to refresh and tried it before receiving your message. I will refresh on the other “stuck” areas and hope for the best. Cheers.
I just noticed that the site is back to normal again and no more need to refresh after every page change.
There is some link between the choir killing plane with one that went down kiling the Polish delegation. Did the choir plane stop in Poland or Ukraine or Germany prior to or in the early stages of the Ukraine cricis. Has the plane been used to carry nato or members supplies. How long ago and on how many airframes could instructable charges be set. Sure carrying German military equipment and things like that are simply asking for it.
This article by AK presents a very interesting analysis. Worth considering.
Did Obama Actually Help Israel at the UN?
While I think what AK wrote may be on the money, there is one aspect I think might be off. The revenge motive of obama.
I don’t think he did it out revenge, I think his zionazi handlers ordered him to abstain on the UN vote in order to reinforce the the most rabid wing of massa israel and provide them additional clout in the incoming trump regime. I seriously doubt obama has any sort power over “his” decisions, I think his role continues to just read them fr teleprompters. The zionazis are using the sod to in a backhanded way (their usual method) to influence and control trump, and preset the “justifications” they will have trump employ to pursue zionazi interests.
Another, though related and not necessarily opposed, thought vector is the UN resolution vote is part of a internal split between zionazi factions. There may be a wing who want to see netanyahoo removed, who see his, and his owner faction, as genuine obstacles to israeli/zionazi geostrategy, and are working at a way to dethrone the freak.
A couple of things that suggest this are the recent investigations against the corruption of his wife, and the possibility that his hysterical reaction to the vote was expected, and will be used to show his lack of competency and put an end to his faction’s control.
This latter line of reasoning is highly speculative, as is that which posits trump is representative a specific zionazi power block, or that such an internal conflict exists among the zio-oligarchy.
I like your analysis, but I am reminded of trips to Cuba in which, locals (deplorables?) always protected Castro with the phrase: “If only Castro knew, but he is surrounded by bad advisors.”
I am not at all certain that Obama can any longer be termed an ‘innocent’.
As I suspected, the zionazis are using the unsc vote as a reason to expand and justify their Palestinian land stealing in “defiance”. In other words, the zionazis are doubling down, as Saker describes tactics of neocons (who are zionazis by another name), rather than making sensible adjustments to their war criminal policies.
Israel to approve 100s of new homes in East Jerusalem in defiance of UNSC resolution – reports
“According to other Israeli media reports, the Committee might approve as many as 5,600 homes in response to the United Nations Security Council resolution which condemned Israeli settlement activities and called for a halt to illegal construction.”
The article says the zionists claim that “they didn’t build settlements during the 8 years of Obama”. Another of their lies. The same article then says hundreds of homes where built in the last 2 years alone on stolen Palestinian land. They can’t even get their lies straight. Any “other” country openly defying a UNSC resolution would immediately be subject to sanctions. But the Israelis “know” the US would veto that.So they have no fear. What “should” be done,but I doubt “will” be done.Is for other countries to impose sanctions on Israel over that. Not depending on the UN. But on their own impose sanctions.But the weakness of the “World Community” as its called,is beyond disgust,and they won’t place be sanctions on Israel.
I immediately had the same thought on the US abstention on a meaningless resolution.
It achieves nothing in reality except one thing – it gives Israel a substantial amount of so-called political capital to spend on the incoming Trump Administration.
Besides netanyahoo freaking out, the UN vote has aipacs most loyal trough feeding traitors freaking out, as well.
GOP Bigwigs Slam UNSC Settlement Resolution, Obama; Echo Calls to Defund UN
The reactions of the zionazi quislings could provide an abundance of self incriminating evidence for their trials judging their serving the interests of a hostile foreign power in time of war. Unfortunately, it is highly doubtful a trump regime will correctly assess israel as the hostile foreign (and occupying) power it is, nor their zionazi 5th column as the same sort of nazi equivalent they in fact are.
Sadly, Israel does not need more than one nuke targeted on it.
They have nothing more to lose.
An Evil Empire in its death throes is a dangerous thing.
Looks like it was blown up
There should have been at least 5 million red carnations at Stalin’s gravesite. This would be more symbolically accurate as to the amount of Russian blood that he facilitated in spilling.