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Saker Analyses and Interviews

A short follow-up to my post about the urban armed insurrection in Kiev

I have just finished watching a very interesting panel discussion on the First Russian TV channel about the events in the Ukraine.  The participants were a rather diverse mix of Russian and Ukrainian experts, all very strongly opposed to the nationalist insurgents but otherwise with a wide spectrum of opinions.  The majority of the panelists, both from Russia and the Ukraine, were extremely critical of Yanukovich whom they blamed for

Dealing with an urban armed insurrection: back to basics

Written for the Asia Times As the dramatic events in the Ukraine are unfolding the topic of what President Yanukovich can, or can not do, regularly comes up and I think that this is a good time to go back to basics and look at what a government – any government, regardless of its political orientation – can and even must do when confronted with an urban armed insurrection.First, a

State repression in France only makes the Resistance grow stronger

Last November I wrote a piece entitled “Is a new revolution quietly brewing in France?” in which I described struggle which was taking place between the French people and the Zionist plutocracy which has ruled France over the past decades (roughly since 1969) and today I am returning to this topic as events have rapidly accelerated and taken a sharp turn for the worse.  A number of most interesting things

Yanukovich’s latest move might make a partition of the Ukraine unavoidable

In my past articles about the Ukraine (see here, here, here and here) and in many posts in the comments section I have expressed my complete disgust with Yanukovich whom I see as absolutely immoral, weak, stupid and corrupt.  Every move he has made so far has only strengthened my absolute loathing for this man whose role in igniting the current chaos in the Ukraine cannot be overstated.  But I

Foreign Minister Lavrov – “A mistake – but not a disaster”

This is what Lavrov said today in reaction to the disinvitation of Iran: “this is a mistake, but not a disaster”.  He also pointed out that Iran had been disinvited for saying exactly the same thing as Russia: that Geneva I could not be “interpreted” as mandating Assad’s departure.  And then he added: “so what, they are going to disinvite us next?  this is crazy!”.Guys, I am sorry, but Russia

Double bombing in Volgograd – a first assessment

The recent double bombing in Volgograd (ex-Stalingrad) represent a definitive escalation in the low-level but constant war which has opposed Wahabi insurgents to not only the Kremlin, but also to all the traditional Muslim authorities in Russia.  Before looking into what these latest attacks could mean for Russia in general and for the upcoming Sochi Olympic games, it would be helpful here to go over some basic fact.Chechnia:First, it would

My hypothesis as to why three FBI agents ended up murdering Ibragim Todashev

RT TV is getting better and better, mostly thanks to the truly excellent reporters they hire. And no, I don’t mean Larry King (Larry King Now), though hiring him was a nice PR coup, but rather folks like Peter Lavelle (Cross Talk) and Abby Martin (Breaking the Set) who talk to the right people and ask the right questions. This time, I want to draw your attention to a most

Possible signs of real changes in the Russian security and elite military forces

One of the more exotic technologies for tracking deeply submerged submarines consists of using a satellite based radar to measure the tiny elevation of the water surface of the ocean above an otherwise well hidden and silently moving submarine.  Some less exotic techniques including detecting wakes, tiny differences in water temperatures, magnetic fluctuations and many other “indirect” methods.  What I propose to do today is something similar: to try to

Will the Muslim world ever show enough courage to deal with the Chechen insurgents?

“Emir Dokku Abu Usman” According to the BBC, the self-styled “Emir of the Caucasus Emirate” and former “President of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria” Doku Umarov (aka “Emir Dokku Abu Usman”) has declared in reference to the bombing of the Domodedovo airport in Moscow that “”This special operation was carried out on my orders and, God willing, special operations like it will continue to be carried out“.  Fair enough –

The Saker’s Q&A with “Lebanese Christian” about Hezbollah-Christian relations

Today it is my real pleasure to submit to you the text of a Q&A I have had with “Lebanese Christian”.  One of the most misunderstood aspects of the socio-political reality of Lebanon is the fact that Hezbollah is very open to Christians as long as they are real Lebanese patriots and not proxies for Israel and the USA. I asked “Lebanese Christian” to comment on some of the aspects

Why am I not hearing the endless rumble of jaws dropping to the floor?! (UPDATED!)

For those of you who have been regular readers of my blog it is no secret that after 8 years of doubts and confusion I have finally come to the conclusion that 9/11 was an “inside job”.  I would refer those who are not aware of my fairly recent “conversion” to the “truther” camp and of the motives which caused it to my paper “How I became a dedicated 9-11

7 Questions for Carlo Moiana about the current situation in Latin America

Today its my very real pleasure to publish my interview with Carlo who, since our “meeting” in August 08, became a regular commentator on this blog. Carlo is extremely well-informed about the situation in Latin America (his other specialty is Russia) and I asked him to agree to a Q&A about the current developments on this continent. It is hard to overstate the importance of Latin America in the worldwide

10 Questions for David Rovics

It is truly a huge pleasure for me to publish this Q&A with David Rovics, a phenomenal artist whose music I have only recently discovered, and about whom I wrote a piece entitled “David Rovics – the beautiful voice of the American Resistance“. Three months have passed since I wrote this piece. I discovered more of David’s songs and I came to the conclusion that he is probably the most

Gilad Atzmon: “Ethics and morality are far more crucial than some UN decision”

It is a huge pleasure for me to share with you the transcript of a Q&A by email which I did recently with Gilad Atzmon. I first discovered Gilad the jazz musician years ago when I myself was still playing jazz guitar (btw – I recently reviewed his latest album here), and only later did I learn of his political activism. Having since read as much of his writings as

The Saker interviews Taimur – a Muslim student living in Indian controlled Kashmir

Little did I know that when I would open my own IRC channel it would yield such amazing possibilities as interviewing somebody at length from inside a war zone! (In fact, I had no idea that my blog was read in such places…). Taimur agreed to be interviewed in very bad conditions, the electricity supply on his side was iffy, and the 10 hours difference means that he was typing

The Saker interviews ‘anticapitalista’ in Greece about the demonstrations this week

Dear friends, Here is the transcript of an interview via IRC which I made this morning with ‘anticapitalista’, the author of the article “Days of Rage” which I posted yesterday: ——- The Saker: Hi again Anticapitalista: – can you update us on what happened this week? Anticapitalista: Yes. On Monday school students started to occupy their schools and university students had mass meetings to do the same The Saker: what

The Saker interviews Roger Tucker, author of the One Democratic State blog

After a lengthy break from making interviews, I am finally returning to this aspect of my work with what I consider one of the most interesting interviews I ever made. One of my readers (thanks RC!) pointed me to the website and work of Robert Tucker, truly an immensely interesting and courageous person whom I consider to be the living proof of the fact that no amount of propaganda and

How a medieval concept of ethnicity makes NATO commit yet another a dangerous blunder

Acting as one – which of course they are – President Bush and the US House of Representatives announced yesterday that they both favor the entry of the Ukraine and Georgia into NATO. That Dubya would take such an idiotic position is of no surprise of course, but that the House would pass such a resolution unanimously is quite shocking: not a single Representative had the brains to understand what

The Saker interviews Scott Horton

Its been a long time since I wanted to ask Scott Horton about his political ideas. I have to confess that ever since I discovered his fantastic radio show and his blog I have been listening to it on a daily basis. Never before had I heard a radio show with such a more interesting list of experts invited or with a more knowledgable and free thinking host. Scott, whom
