According to Ha’aretz and the BBC, Egypt will permanently open the Rafah crossing into Gaza The Rafah crossing will be opened permanently from 0900 to 2100 every day except Fridays and holidays, beginning Saturday 28 May: the crossing will be opened permanently from 0900 to 2100 every day except Fridays and holidays, beginning Saturday 28 May.

If that is true, this is wonderful and long-awaited news!!

Brick by brick, the racist abomination of the “Jewish state of Israel” is being dismantled.  There remains much to still be done, but punching a hole through the blockade of Gaza was always a top priority and a first step towards bringing down the “Apartheid wall” in the rest of Palestine.

I don’t believe for one second that this decision has been taken thanks to the deep humanism of the military caretaker junta running the Egyptian state.  I therefore can only put the credit there where I believe it is due: to the pressure of the Egyptian people themselves.

We all – not just the Palestinians of Gaza – owe them an immense debt of gratitude!