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Tag "Rafah"

Another major victory for the Egyptian people?

According to Ha’aretz and the BBC, Egypt will permanently open the Rafah crossing into Gaza The Rafah crossing will be opened permanently from 0900 to 2100 every day except Fridays and holidays, beginning Saturday 28 May: the crossing will be opened permanently from 0900 to 2100 every day except Fridays and holidays, beginning Saturday 28 May. If that is true, this is wonderful and long-awaited news!! Brick by brick, the

Thousands of Palestinians stuck under appalling conditions at Rafah – 31-year old mother of five died yesterday under the blazing sun

Thousands of Palestinians stuck under appalling conditions at Rafah – 31-year old mother of five died yesterday under the blazing sun – Gush Shalom demands immediate opening of the Rafah Crossing for which the government of Israel and the European Union share responsibility After the translated press release follows a call for action Press Release, July 2, 2007 – Hebrew attached / עברית מצורף Gush Shalom, the Israeli Peace Bloc,
