Pentagon has finally discovered a “link between Russia and Libyan commander Haftar”

Marine General Thomas Waldhauser, the head of U.S. forces in Africa told reporters on Friday March 24 that there was an “undeniable” link between Russia and powerful Libyan commander Khalifa Haftar, underscoring U.S. concerns about Moscow’s deepening role in Libya.” as Reuters reported.

General Khalifa Haftar, commander in the Libyan National Army (LNA), visit to Moscow was announced last summer and he visited Moscow in November 2016,. His meeting with Sergey Lavrov took place on November 29, 2016

The information about the meeting between Lavrov and General Khalifa Haftar was posted the same day on the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs website.

The Pentagon’s presentation of this fact four months later as some kind of deeply classified Intel just discovered by their Intelligence services just to show you what kind of complete and utter morons work for the US military and intelligence.

That’s however, doesn’t mitigate an interference of the US into the relations of Russia with other countries.

It’s none of your business, Pentagon!


A district court in Moscow threw out a civil complaint filed by Yuri Kanner, the head of the Jewish congress in Russia, and the vice president of the World Jewish congress (WJC). The complaint was filed against  Maksim Shevchenko, an opposition journalist and a member of the Council for Human Rights for the President of the Russian Federation.  A year ago Shevchenko published an article that criticized the policies of the state of Israel against occupied Palestine.

What makes this court decision truly remarkable is that the Jewish World Congress alleged his article to be an example of “anti-Zionist speech,” instead of traditionally used by them term “anti-Semitic speech.”

The court’s decision has underscore the fact that freedom of speech protects people as individuals, not political organizations and their geo-political concepts.


An aftermath of Balaklaya arsenal explosion

The Balakleya lost one civilian killed, two wounded. And according to Vice Premier Zubko:

“We identified five destroyed private houses. Damages of different degrees were identified for 243 building, including 117 apartment buildings, 87 private houses, 12 social facilities, 22 facilities and industry. Assessment of volume of damage and destruction of these buildings is still underway”

90 servicemen were on duty at this military facility at any given time. Not a word a word about them from the government of Ukraine.

An unofficial  search was conducted across the local hospitals. No one reported any injured people arriving from this area. It looks like those 90 troops just vanished into thin air, literally or figuratively.

According to the Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Center:

NATO troops are moving into the area around Kharkov.

NATO envoys arrive in Balaklia to assist in humanitarian demining NATO representatives are arriving in the town of Balaklia, Ukraine, to conduct demining operations in the area where a large-scale fire engulfed a military munitions depot on March 23, head of the Kharkiv regional state administration Yulia Svetlichna said on air of 112 Ukraine TV channel.

 “I can say that NATO envoys are already arriving to carry out demining the military munitions depot, at the request of the president,” Svetlichna said.

She also noted that the city’s electricity supply would be resumed on Sunday, while gas services would be renewed before next Thursday. Svetlichna emphasized that the residents had already been provided with humanitarian aid. She also reported on the preparation of applications for financial assistance from the Cabinet of Ministers to carrying out restoration work. Read also Almost 20,000 residents evacuated due to blasts at Kharkiv region military depot As UNIAN reported earlier, overnight Thursday, March 23, a fire broke out at Ukraine’s largest munitions depot in Balaklia, Kharkiv region. Mass detonations led to an evacuation of nearly 20,000 residents of nearby settlements. There were no casualties among the military, but one civilian woman was killed and several others were injured. Poroshenko said on March 23 that he instructed the Foreign Ministry, the Defense Ministry and the State Emergency Service “to attract NATO assistance for humanitarian demining in Balaklia.” On March 24, Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze said that the United States and Slovakia had already expressed their readiness to assist Ukraine in demining the military arsenal in Balaklia in the framework of cooperation with the Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Center.”


Also, there are reports of NATO troops moving to take over Ukrainian nuclear stations.

This is a full-fledged overt NATO invasion of Ukrainian territory.

Now, we can safely suggest that it was NATO behind the organization and execution of this explosion at Balakleya in the middle of Donbass. Most likely, they will proceed with consolidating their army against the Donetsk and Lugansk republics.

By taking over the nuclear power stations with 15 nuclear reactors, NATO gets a tool to start blackmailing Russian government with the threats of nuclear explosions.


Who makes claims for Daesh?

This question was asked by a blogger I closely follow, Cat (Matvey) Motja, after the attack on the military base in Chechnya left six servicemen dead and three wounded.  So, I decided to look into who or what was the initial source for this information.

After a bit of research, I came to a conclusion that an initial source of this claim was the SITE Intelligence Group.

It was their website  that has announced that it was ISIS, and not some kind of CIA special ops or Mossad, that organized and executed this attack on the territory of Russia and by the hands of the Russian citizens.


Last night, the Kulak had dropped me this link to an FP article about a new TV show recently broadcasted in Russia titled “Adaptation.” The FP recommends us to watch this show, which means that this shows is yet another Russophobic anti-cultural project financed by Gazprom.

The Kulak: “Reminds me of that old Russian joke from the 1980s Cold War: the CIA dispatched an elite operative whose Russian was perfect to infiltrate the country. When he parachutes in with his secret radio into eastern Siberia, a babushka captures him with the help of some local militsiya. As the CIA agent is led away to be flown to KGB headquarters the dejected agent asks ‘How did you spot me as an American spy?’ and the babushka ‘ Oh, dear, we don’t get many blacks in our region.'” It’s worth noting that the gas behemoth’s media arm, Gazprom Media, owns the TNT network.”

Gazprom Media also owns Echo of Moscow, one of the most liberal and anti-Putin and pro-Washington and pro Israel news opinions dump.

The question is, who owns Gazprom Media?

The Foreign Policy article quotes Alexey Kovalev, “a Russian journalist and founder of Noodleremover, a Russian site that monitors the media”

Just a reminder that he dedicates himself attacking RT, TASS and Sputnik News for  what he calls “Russian propaganda for the West.”

Another FP sentiments, which is exactly why they posted this article: “is that sanctions have put several oil and gas exploration and drilling projects on hold, such as a huge Arctic gas plan with ExxonMobil.”

This should explain to you why a Russophobic show that depicts “drunk Russians working for Gazprom” is made and why it’s being promoted by the FP.tru to get a Pro-Russian TV show to be promote by the FP.

To create a fake reality and to demonstrate that Russia cannot function under sanctions and without the US technologies.

In reality

In 2017 Russia LNG export from Yamal will increase by 12% to 11.2 million tons.

Photo gallery of  Russian Arctic gas exploration capital  Sabeta, Yamal

They went on without ExxonMobil, with mostly Russian made equipment

People living in Norilsk said that the show hurts their patriotic sentiments and that Yamal was much better than it was depicted in this show.
They even started a twitter hashtag #Yamalisbetterthaninthemovie #ЯмалЛучшеЧемВКино

In the US the entertainment industry depicts the US as ‘shining city upon a hill” above everyone else, disregarding the reality of how dilapidated and crumbling it really is.

In Russia, it’s a complete opposite. People employed by an entertainment industry try to instill gloom and doom upon the country that is growing, building, inventing, investing in its economy and has the best prospects for the future than anyone else in the world now.

Infrastructure of Yamal, a hometown for the liquefied natural gas project located deep in the Russian Arctic

The most colorful town in Russia – Anadyr, a capital of Chukotka


Kadyrov awards the servicemen of the Russian military police who have recently returned from Syria


March 26th demonstrations in Russia

Red Jackets provocateurs

A professional provocateur “glued” himself to the road


Videos with the similar type of actions were also taken during the March 25th demonstration in Minsk.

In Belarus, these people were coming for the demonstration with arsenals of weapon and bottles of Molotov cocktail.

What kind of future do you think this arsenal owners would bring to Belarus?


On March 23rd, the Police searched a car that belonged to Sergey Kuntsevich, 32yo Minsk resident, and discovered bottles filled with flammable fluids.



MOD video: Performance by Russian Knights at the Lima’17 International Expo



Cadets of the Ryazan Higher Airborne twice Red Banner Order of Suvorov Command School named after V.F. Margelov take horse-riding lessons



Known also as the Ryazan Airborne Senior Command School of the General of the Army Vasily Margelov

The Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School is one of Russia’s oldest military academies, having been established in 1918. The academy serves since 1941 as the premier staff college and advanced training center of the Russian Airborne Troops, named first in honor of the Komsomol and at present after one of the greatest commanders of the Airborne Troops, Vasily Margelov, who was instrumental in the modernization and capability upgrades done to the service in the 1950s, as well as for its full independence as a separate arm directly responsible to the Defense Ministry.


Paris – the situation is very tense between the forces if law enforcement and 200 protesters

Kuwait News Agency: France strongly concerned over Russian repression of demonstrations

“PARIS, March 27 (KUNA)– The French Foreign Ministry on Monday said that France was “deeply concerned” by the Russian break-up of an anti-corruption rally in Moscow.”



Scott Humor

Director of Research and Development

author of The enemy of the State

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