The Western hemisphere may be slowing down due to the Christmas season but the wars in the Middle East still rage on. It seems that the wars don’t take into consideration Georgian calendar holidays.

Syria, Russia:
• A Russian naval submarine operating in the Mediterranean fired Kalibr cruise missiles against ISIL command centers inside Syria. [Source][Source]

• The submarine was an improved version of the Kilo-class (Project 636-M) featuring improved operability in severe conditions, improved radar and sonar capability, the ability to strike land, air and sea targets, increased range, and a host of advanced stealth technologies. [Source]

• Since the beginning of the Russian involvement in the Syrian conflict the Russian military has used a series of weapon systems and military equipment that has rarely, and sometimes never, been used in the past including strategic bombers such as the Tu-160, the TOS-1 thermobaric ‘flamethrower’, Kalibr cruise missiles, and the Su-34 fighter-bomber to name a few. [Source]

• The Kweires air base launches its first air sorties on December 15. [Source]

• In Kobani US, UK and French military advisors have been spotted alongside the Kurdish forces stationed there (YPG) [Source]

• Syrian troops were killed and injured in an alleged US coalition air strike [Source][Source][Source]

• The biggest faction inside the Islamic Front (which is part of the Army of Conquest) is the Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham, which issued 10 demands as part of its negotiation posture. The Army of Conquest is a GCC-supported operation group. [Source]
• Translation:
1) All Iranian and Russian military personnel must leave Syria.
2) The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) should be disbanded, along with their Shabiha (Popular Front militias, etc.)
3) All of Syria shall be united – no partition.
4) Syria will become an Islamic state.
5) No negotiations with the Syrian Government.
6) Fighting ISIS is secondary because rebels have lost family members because of the war with the Syrian Army.
7) Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham asserts – once again – that Syria will be an Islamic state. (Just in case you didn’t believe them the first time)
8) A secular Syria will only empower ISIS. (Is this a demand?)
9) Any agreement without HarakatAhrar Al-Sham will be considered “unsuccessful” and “unofficial”.

• The line Assad Must Go™ is being echoed by Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the US.[Source]

• The US has been on and off about the Assad Must Go demand [Source]

• Assad doesn’t care. [Source]

• Assad and his wife feel safe in Damascus to make a surprise visit at the Lady of Damascus church in the capital. Crowds took selfies with the president and first lady. [Source]

• Syrian rebels have left another enclave of Homs under a truce deal allowing the government to exert control over the entire city. Now the northern outskirts of the city are in open contest. [Source][Source]

• Russian ships en-route with more TOS-1 rounds [Source]

• Syrian Arab Army forces launched operations closer to the Turkish-Syrian border in Latakia.

• The video showcases a drastic addition to Syrian Arab Army tactics which makes use of an artillery weapon system, the 2S1 Gvozdika, as an assault gun. Meaning that these self-propelled artillery units (SPA) are not kept kilometers away in the rear for indirect fire support but are used in direct fire situations at the front line point-blank fire at enemy positions, using the powerful howitzer as a sniper cannon. [Source][Source]

• Other visible and notable features is the explosive reactive armor seen on T-55AMs (potentially the upgraded T-55MVs), TOS-1 bombardments of hilltops as standard operating procedure, and the adoption of infantry and vehicle markings (such as white crosses) to help pilots identify friendly units in close-air support missions [Source] [Source] [Source]

• The T-90 has been debuted on video finally, seen in combat in a bid to retake Khan Touman and Qarassi near Aleppo. The second source not only shows a video of the T-90 in action but in the end shows a dead terrorist dawning a Saudi Arabian National Guard jacket (warning, graphic timestamp 5:26). [Source] [Source] [Source]

• Syrian Arab Army forces, supported by Hezbollah and local Russian Air Force assets, have initiated new offensives in Palmyra against the Islamic State for control over the city. [Source]

• The Turkish invasion of Iraq highlighted that lack of military capability the Iraqi military currently has at its disposal (a mere shadow of the Saddam-era Iraqi military) [Source]

• Militias openly threatened the Turkish force [Source]

• Ramadi is still an ongoing battle between the Iraqi military and Shia militias against forces of the Islamic State [Source] [Source] [Source]

• The offensive in Ramadi has seen the deployment of Iraqi Special Forces as well as the use of coordinated US air strikes.

• A US airstrike has killed Iraqi soldiers fighting near Fallujah [Source]

The Islamic State:
• ISIL has a sophisticated supply chain which operates on the backs of black market weapon merchants, government intelligence agencies, and other facilitators. Although bomb making materials (such as agriculture-grade fertilizers) may come from Lebanon and Iraq, the majority of military-grade weapons flow from Turkey. [Source]

• Even without oil the Islamic State enjoys sizeable monthly revenue from taxes levied on the population under its administration [Source]

• ISIL looks towards Afghanistan for recruitment, launching messages throughout the airwaves (probably by having pre-recorded messages attached to a transmitter powered by a generator as to avoid being bombed by US air forces once triangulated). [Source]

• Islamic State territory has shrunk by roughly 14% over 2015. [Source]

• It can most drastically be seen in Iraq in where territory held by the Islamic State in May, 2015 (first source) has decreased compared to November (second source) of the same year [Source] [Source]

• The Islamic State has made the car bomb into a science [Source]

• The Islamic State seems to be suffering from a culture and societal issue much like the Peoples Republic of China in which its subjects do not respect public queues, steal each other’s shoes, and carry themselves in a despicable manner. [Source]

• Al-Shabab wants nothing to do with the Islamic State and has chased away anyone who pledges allegiance to the Islamic State. Al-Shabab is firmly in Al-Qaeda’s camp.[Source]

• Turkey has withdrawn SOME troops from the Iraqi expedition after facing a moderate level of pressure from the US and NATO for its rash decision [Source]

• The Turkish base in Mosul was very modest at best [Source]

• In various media outlets the idea of Erdogan’s son (Necmettin Bilal Erdogan) directly connected to the illegal Islamic State oil trade is being highlighted more and more, with some presenting a picture of his son associated with Islamists as proof [Source]

• Turkey has declared it has captured two ISIL agents inside Turkey with 148 original passports, the majority being European of nature. [Source] [Source]

• Turkey has deployed troops into Iraq in the past, such as in 2008 as part of an anti-PKK operation. [Source]

• It has been revealed by a Turkish MP, Eren Erdem, that Turkey has been directly involved in supply the Islamic State with chemicals for use in chemical warfare. [Source]

• Turkish troops inside Iraq have been attacked by the Islamic State, wounding 4 Turkish soldiers and killing 7 Kurdish fighters. [Source]

• It is unclear if any Shia militias in Iraq have committed any attacks against the Turkish forces that are stationed near Mosul.

• There have been several official and unofficial reasons for Turkey’s incursion into Iraq. Turkey sent forces into Iraq to do one or more of the following:
o To resupply the Islamic State
o To use Turkish forces as meat shields for the oil infrastructure inside Iraq used by the Islamic State to sell illegal oil
o Turkey has handed a series of game-changing weapon to militants (the rumors range from chemical weapons to anti-air MANPADS)
o The official reason; to train Kurdish forces (or Turkmen militias) to fight the Islamic State
o To retrieve Turkish nationals that were a part of the Islamic State before its imminent collapse.
o To execute several high-position Islamic State leaders who may have intimate knowledge of Turkish involvement.
o A cover for the insertion of US and NATO forces of varying levels (Special Forces, etc.)

Jordan, Qatar, UAE, and other Arab Countries:
• Jordan has published a list of known terrorist groups operating inside Syria, so far the list includes the right names [Source]

• Qatar is attempting to buy Soviet-era OFAB 250-270 bombs from the Ukraine (same bombs dropped by Tu-22s in Syria). Undoubtable the bombs can be detonated on ground in a civilian area inside Syria and be pinned on Russian air forces. Experts called to the scene will quickly issue statements how the bomb that was set off was Russian in origin and only Russia operates airplanes capable of carrying such bombs. In terms of false-flags this is very plausible and quiet easy to accomplish. [Source]

Yemen and Saudi Arabia (including Coalition Members):
• Islamic State attacks on Aden have increased, with the killing of Aden’s governor and his five body guards in a bomb attack. [Source]

• The UAE has deployed its French-manufactured AMX LeClerc tanks since the onset of the conflict. The LeClerc was the world’s most EXPENSIVE tank during the time the UAE purchased it (the recent devaluation of the Euro has put it behind the South Korean K2 Black Panther tank). Only the UAE and France, the original manufacturer, can afford to deploy the LeClerc. [Source] [Source] [Source] [Source]

• Yemen Houthi-aligned forces fire more ballistic missiles at Saudi Arabia with KSA air defense intercepting one of the two missiles. Most probably the Yemen-based KSA patriot missile batteries were the interception platform described in the source. [Source] [Source]

• The UAE is stepping down its national forces and placing BlackWater mercenaries in their place. The first Blackwater causalities were recorded from December 8th to 11th which included a Mexican mercenary who was commander-in-chief of UAE Blackwater forces, a retired British officer, one other Briton contractor, an Australian commander, a Frenchman, and six to ten Columbians (depending on sources) [Source] [Source] [Source] [Source] [Source] [Source]

• The fact that so many died in such a short while might indicate an attack on a leadership unit or command facility/vehicle which may have had many private military foreigners within its vicinity. Generally mercenaries (private military contractors) are working for the money and are placed in areas where their expertise can be utilized (such as UAE hiring Western military personnel to man advanced weapon systems that locals are untrained in handling). Rarely do they ever do front line fighting.

• Much like the Soldiers of Fortune in Africa during the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Mercenaries generally kept their head down and would primarily set up impressive fireworks, do a couple of maneuvers and then sit comfortably in a local bar for the whole thing to blow over. (In the case of Africa those minor maneuvers proved intimidating enough to bring opposition factions to the negotiation table with the hiring government).

• Blackwater has lost 3 Apaches, 40+ military vehicles along with 7 regular cars & 5 armored vehicles during this operation [Source]

• Video of a downed American-built AH-64 helicopter gunship [Source]

• Yemen and Saudi Arabia held peace talks but the ceasefire broke down when Saudi Arabia violated the truce by launching airstrikes on Houthi targets inside Yemen (signature strikes). [Source]

• Video of Houthis going through Saudi Arabian positions after they’ve been overrun. Take note of timestamp 27:58 and 40:05 which highlights the pampered lifestyle of the Saudi Arabian military compared to their skeleton-thin Houthi counterparts. Yes I think that might be a Saker in 40:05 [Source]

• The KSA finally takes the Hanish Islands from Houthi forces displaying a strategic victory in this entire debacle [Source]

• Houthi forces are converting older SA-2 surface-to-air missiles into makeshift surface-to-surface rockets. [Source]

• Two senior Gulf commanders, Sultan Mohammed Ali al-Kitbi of the UAE and Abdullah al-Sahian head of Saudi Special Forces, were killed in an OTR-21 Tochka missile attack committed by Yemeni Republican Guard forces aligned with the Houthis. [Source] [Source]

• A Tochka missile was used in the past against a coalition ammo depot which killed 52 UAE, 10 Saudi, 5 Bahraini, and unspecified number of Yemeni troops loyal to the exiled prime minister. Another was used to strike a Saudi Arabian naval base. [Source] [Source]

• Tochka is another type of “short” range ballistic missile produced by the Soviet Union/Russia but augmented and modified by North Korea as well. [Source]

• KSA paratroopers are conducting a massive infantry airborne drop near Sana, some are rumoring this is a big bid to recapture the capital from Houthis. [Source]

• Saudi Arabia has been targeting infrastructure and civilians since the inception of the conflict, now focusing on fishing boats, assuming they are the primary source of smuggling weapons for the Houthis (which would sail through the Omani coast as Oman has been a silent partner in the Arab Coalition against Yemen. Oman shares a border with Yemen but has yet to send troops to support the Yemen operation). [Source]

• Saudi Arabia buying the silence of Western media now covered by wikileaks. [Source]

United States and Israel and friends (EU, NATO, etc.):
• If anyone wanted proof that Israel will fight to save the lives of Islamists then look no further as IDF troops risk their lives to provide medical treatment to this terrorist (video inside) [Source]

• Israel air strikes continue to kill Hezbollah members, this time a well-known commander by the name of Samir Kuntar who has a notorious past. [Source] [Source]

• Samir Kuntar was a Lebanese Druze who at the age of 16 snuck into Israel along with four other infiltrators. These infiltrators killed a police officer before breaking into an apartment building and taking a father and his 4-year old daughter hostage. Israel claims, with evidence, that Kuntar shot the father point blame and smashed the girls’ skull into the rocks while Kuntar claimed that it was the botched Israeli rescue attempt that got them killed in the crossfire.

• Although Israeli news outlets claim that a “youtube video by the FSA” has taken credit for the killing of Kuntar with an artillery rocket I can’t find the actual confession of the video. Israel maintains its ambiguous stance on the subject and denied to comment.

• Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of the Party of God (Hezbollah), has decreed that Hezbollah will retaliate at a time and place of its choosing. Even the Israelis have noted that Nasrallah does not lie, taking his threats serious (including ones where he openly claims Hezbollah has missiles capable of reaching Tel Aviv). [Source]

• Hezbollah will even target Israeli politicians abroad as witnessed in 2012 when Iranian scientists were being bombed left and right. [Source]

• The first US commando mission into Syria is considered a success as units made contact with potential Syrian rebels to formulate new Western-centric strategies for Syria as well as help organize them to put pressure on Raqqa by harassing supply lines and assassinating ISIL fighters. [Source]

• American AC-130 Spectre gunships have been assisting the YPG for some time inside Syria flying under Russian radars. Take note of American YPG fighter Jordan Matson video of an AC-130 attack [Source]

• Compared to other Kurdish initiatives such as the Mutasim Brigade which captures the rounds from the Spectre howitzer as it assists them alongside the Sultan al-Murad Brigade against ISIL before the recapture of Harjalah, Aleppo on November 21st (timestamp of strikes 2:04-3:50) [Source]

• Another video of the same Spectre firing its 40mm Bofors cannon at ISIS in Harjalah. Impacts at the bottom right of the screen between timestamp 1:35-2:20

• The AC-130 Spectre gunship is a unique piece of military aviation only found in the US arsenal and has proven itself to be a very capable and robust close-air support weapon platform [Source]

• US withdraws a series of fighter jets from Turkey, stating the rotation is merely routine, but its timing right after the Su-24 downing may indicate otherwise. [Source][Source]

• It seems in the West two things will drive military recruitment campaigns, war-centric recruitment movies (ie Top Gun) and terrorist attacks. France has seen a wave of new recruits signing up to defend the republic. [Source]

• After a lot of manhandling, threats, incentives, and posturing Libyan factions are finally unifying to end years of chaos and perhaps finally unite against ISIL, even though its grip in Libya is quite strong [Source][Source]