
1. Ukrainian oligarch Firtash: Ukraine is being ruled by foreigners. The US governance of Ukraine has been proven to be ineffective and turned the country into a political bankrupt. [source]

2. Washington via Kiev junta is blocking Transnistria [source]

3. Junta in Kiev forcefully mobilizes people from Donbass into its military. Now, even women are being mobilized [source]

4. Another documentary about the Kiev coup: Maidan Massacre [source] [source]

5. Federalization of Ukraine: Yugoslavia or Czechoslovakia? [source]

6. Ukraine Bonds Crash After Economy Minister Resigns Over “High-Level Corruption” [source]

7. True reasons for the “color revolution” in Ukraine
U.S Control Over Crimea – the Aim of the Coup in Kiev

8. Poland throws a monkey wrench into Ukraine’s dreams of joining the EU [source]
New Foreign Minister of Poland Comments the Eastern Partnership Policy in his Recent Address to the Parliament on the Priorities of Polish Diplomacy. “Waszczykowski explained that the EaP had, according to him, its origins in the project then called „Eastern Neighbourhood Policy Plus” dating back to 2006/2007. ENP Plus had been „a German idea […] to create a buffer zone between Russia and Poland and the EU and pull a couple of countries away from Russia but give them no chance of had joining the EU” he said. When, according to the minister, the Maidan protesters in 2014 called for EU membership for Ukraine they put an end to this plan. New thinking was now needed he implied. However, Waszczykowski did not mention that Poland now supported an EU membership perspective for Ukraine.”
“The Eastern Partnership initiative does not provide the possibility for its members to become members of the European Union, Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski said.” [source]

9. Denmark Warns Ukraine: Follow Minsk Agreement or Europe Could Lift Russia Sanctions [source]
Denmark’s foreign minister. Earlier this week other western powers criticized Kiev, following the resignation of a key minister.
If Ukraine doesn’t come through with the reforms linked to the Minsk peace process, it will be very difficult for Europe to continue united in support for sanctions against Russia,” Kristian Jensen told Reuters at the EU foreign ministers’ meeting in Amsterdam on Friday. “Ukraine has a deadline. They need to push those reforms now, they can’t wait.”


1. Mega-construction projects in Russia
• The third largest producer of polymer Tobolsk- Polymer “Тобольск-Нефтехим” и “Тобольск-Полимер” [source]

• New system of public transportation in Sevastopol, Crimea [source]

• Sochi, two years after the Olympics: in 2015 about 5 million tourists have visited Sochi. Profit from the infrastructure built for the Olympic games and harshly criticized by the West has amounted to 200% projected. Scroll down for amazing views of Sochi [source]

• Russia’s railroad as seen by a Ukrainian, who hasn’t been in Russia since 1990s. [source]

• Uaz restarted production of off-road vehicle Hunter due to the increased demand. Due to the sanctions, Russian auto-industry sees an increase in production and profits [source]

• In February Russia’s Air Forces receive more of new SU-30CM [source]

• New hydrazine rocket fuel plant has started production in February in the first time since 1990s when production of fuel was stopped in Russia and completely destroyed. Since then rocket fuel had been purchased from Germany and the US. The sanctions against Russia has banned sale of this fuel to Russia. [source]

• While Baltic Dry Index, which measures the cost of moving major raw materials by sea, collapsed to all time low, Russia’s sea ports see steady significant growth: Ust-Luga (+16.1%) in 2015, Vostochny Port (+12.8%), Primorsk, largest Russian port on the Baltic, (+11.1%) in 2015, Caucasus Port (+14,9%), maritime port Туапсе (+13,9%)
In May 2014, Russia’s economic development minister Alexei Ulyukayev, an upstanding representative of pro-Western neo-liberals, announced that the Taman port project in the Black Sea was dead in the water. Just two years have proved him wrong: 2014 — (+7.3%), 2015 — 12.3 (+20.8%)
In 2015, Russia’s ports moved more million tones than the entire Soviet Union in its peak in 1984
In 2015 tonnage of all Baltic ports was almost equal to tonnage of one Russian port in Novorossiysk

• Invented in Russia first exoskeleton is being tested before coming into production [source]
• As a result of the government program, Russia takes the first place in Europe in broadband internet users 30.3 million, and the fourth place in the world after China, US, and Japan [source]

• Sharing the Harvest: Russia Poised to Become World’s Largest Grain Exporter [source]

New Silk Road finally has reached Russia’s Kaluga
First train from China came to Kaluga multimodal logistic center Freight Village Vorsino.
Logistic center Vorsino plans to process up to 150,000 freight containers per year initially with an increase to 350, 000.
It’s the fastest transportation way from China to Europe, instead of 50 days by sea, it takes 9 days by train.
Projected Map of the Silk Road

Don’t Look Now…But Russia Just Overtook the US in Agriculture
This year Russia is set to export 23.5 million tons of grain vs Canada’s 20 million tons, and 21.8 million tons coming from the US

Right back at you!

1. Murderers of Muammar Gaddafiare being killed one by one [source]

2. The Prosecutor general of Ukraine called Right Sector an unlawful armed formation. In response, the leaders of the Right Sector called “Maidan revolution” anti-government coup. This is a rare example when both sides are right. [source]

3. Let’s never forget: In 1992 the US declared its victory in the Cold War. Even a medal was minted [source]
24 years later the US declared Russia it’s enemy #1 “EUCOM Announces Updated Theater Strategy”

4. – To see an exhibition of Russian artist Valentine Serov, a Russian Thomas Eiken, people waited in line for 6 hours. At one point the crown stormed the building and broke a door.
-So, what?- said Ukrainians. – We storm buildings in Kiev, also.

5. The US Air Force warns airmen against talking politics on social media [source]
In a statement sent to the Standard-Examiner, Hill Air Force Base spokesman Rich Essary said Hill airmen are encouraged to fulfill their “civic obligation” to vote, but in order to avoid the implication of Air Force backing, they are prohibited from participating in partisan politics.
Hatch Act: Law restricts government personnel’s political activities
For covered federal employees, the most severe penalty of violation is removal. The minimum penalty is suspension without pay for 30 days.
If you see the US military personnel trolling Russia, feel free to report this violation to their superiors.

5. To keep Europe occupied the US sends combat-ready tanks to Europe, along with another brigade’s worth of infantrymen. If approved by Congress, the initiative will quadruple U.S. spending on operations in Europe, a region that has climbed up the list of Pentagon priorities. $3.4 billion. [source]
Hopefully, Europe is ready for the US vs. Russia tanks battles in Stuttgart and Brussels.
What’s quite interesting that while beating drums of war with Russia and celebrating the huge increase in military budget, the military are grumbling about neo-cons, whom they call “Wang Dang Sweet JOOOOS-tang

Found on the Net

1. “Snow, Tanks, Russians… Where am I?”
2. Dmitry Medvedev: “Guys, where have I been yesterday? How much did I drink? Why am I a president of Latvia?”