So it has happened: Hillary did not win! I say that instead of saying that “Trump won” because I consider the former even more important than the latter. Why? Because I have no idea whatsoever what Trump will do next. I do, however, have an excellent idea of what Hillary would have done: war with Russia. Trump most likely won’t do that. In fact, he specifically said in his acceptance speech:
I want to tell the world community that while we will always put America’s interests first, we will deal fairly with everyone, with everyone — all people and all other nations. We will seek common ground, not hostility; partnership, not conflict.
And Putin’s reply was immediate:
We heard the statements he made as candidate for president expressing a desire to restore relations between our countries. We realise and understand that this will not be an easy road given the level to which our relations have degraded today, regrettably. But, as I have said before, it is not Russia’s fault that our relations with the United States have reached this point.
Russia is ready to and seeks a return to full-format relations with the United States. Let me say again, we know that this will not be easy, but are ready to take this road, take steps on our side and do all we can to set Russian-US relations back on a stable development track.
This would benefit both the Russian and American peoples and would have a positive impact on the general climate in international affairs, given the particular responsibility that Russia and the US share for maintaining global stability and security.
This exchange, right there, is enough of a reason for the entire planet to rejoice at the defeat of Hillary and the victory of Trump.
Will Trump now have the courage, willpower and intelligence to purge the US Executive from the Neocon cabal which has been infiltrating it for decades now? Will he have the strength to confront an extremely hostile Congress and media? Or will he try to meet them halfway and naively hope that they will not use their power, money and influence to sabotage his presidency?
I don’t know. Nobody does.
One of the first signs to look for will be the names and backgrounds of the folks he will appoint in his new administration. Especially his Chief of Staff and Secretary of State.
I have always said that the choice for the lesser evil is morally wrong and pragmatically misguided. I still believe that. In this case, however, the greater evil was thermonuclear war with Russia and the lesser evil just might turn out to be one which will gradually give up the Empire to save the USA rather than sacrifice the USA for the needs of the Empire. In the case of Hillary vs Trump the choice was simple: war or peace.
Trump can already be credited with am immense achievement: his campaign has forced the US corporate media to show its true face – the face of an evil, lying, morally corrupt propaganda machine. The American people by their vote have rewarded their media with a gigantic “f*ck you!” – a vote of no-confidence and total rejection which will forever demolish the credibility of the Empire’s propaganda machine.
I am not so naive as to not realize that billionaire Donald Trump is also one of the 1%ers, a pure product of the US oligarchy. But neither am I so ignorant of history to forget that elites do turn on each other, especially when their regime is threatened. Do I need to remind anybody that Putin also came from the Soviet elites?!
Ideally, the next step would be for Trump and Putin to meet, with all their key ministers, in a long, Camp David like week of negotiations in which everything, every outstanding dispute, should be put on the table and a compromise sought in each case. Paradoxically, this could be rather easy: the crisis in Europe is entirely artificial, the war in Syria has an absolutely obvious solution, and the international order can easily accommodate a United States which would “deal fairly with everyone, with everyone — all people and all other nations” and “seek common ground, not hostility; partnership, not conflict“. The truth is that the USA and Russia have no objective reasons for conflict – only ideological issues resulting directly from the insane ideology of messianic imperialism of those who believe, or pretend to believe, that the USA is an “indispensable nation”. What the world wants – needs – is the USA as a *normal* nation.
The worst case? Trump could turn out to be a total fraud. I personally very much doubt it, but I admit that this is possible. More likely is that he just won’t have the foresight and courage to crush the Neocons and that he will try to placate them. If he does so, they will instead crush him. It is a fact that while administrations have changed every 4 or 8 years, the regime in power has not, and that US internal and foreign policies have been amazingly consistent since the end of WWII. Will Trump finally bring not just a new administration but real “regime change”? I don’t know.
Make no mistake – even if Trump does end up disappointing those who believed in him what happened today has dealt a death blow to the Empire. The “Occupy Wall Street” did not succeed in achieving anything tangible, but the notion of “rule of the 1%” did emerge from that movement and it stayed. This is a direct blow to the credibility and legitimacy of the entire socio-political order of the USA: far from being a democracy, it is a plutocracy/oligarchy – everybody pretty much accepts that today. Likewise, the election of Trump has already proved that the US media is a prostitute and that the majority of the American people hate their ruling class. Again, this is a direct blow to the credibility and legitimacy of the entire socio-political order. One by one the founding myths of the US Empire are crashing down and what remains is a system which can only rule by force.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn used to say that regimes can be measured on a spectrum which ranges from regimes whose authority is their power and regimes whose power in in their authority. In the case of the USA we now clearly can see that the regime has no other authority than its power and that makes it both illegitimate and unsustainable.
Finally, whether the US elites can accept this or not, the US Empire is coming to an end. With Hillary, we would have had a Titanic-like denial up to the last moment which might well have come in the shape of a thermonuclear mushroom over Washington DC. Trump, however, might use the remaining power of the USA to negotiate the US global draw-down thereby getting the best possible conditions for his country. Frankly, I am pretty sure that all the key world leaders realize that it is in their interest to make as many (reasonable) concessions to Trump as possible and work with him, rather than to deal with the people whom he just removed from power.
If Trump can stick to his campaign promises he will find solid and reliable partners in Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. Neither Russia nor China have anything at all to gain from a confrontation or, even less so, a conflict with the USA. Will Trump have the wisdom to realize this and use it for the benefit of the USA? Or will he continue with his anti-Chinese and anti-Iranian rhetoric?
Only time will tell.
The Saker
Three cheers to the readers of the chronicler
and the real rednecks of america
and put the little star- flag on Sakers Cafe
It’s not over yet
Expect the response of dying hegemon
It’s not over yet they are not just begone
But with an Aquarian Mars muster
Let the elites storm and bluster
Vox Populi now rules
no longer is fooled…
Yet the question still remains
how the ‘regime’ to retool
and our world order sustain.
As I stated earlier today on another thread:
“He came, He saw, She lost!”
«President Elect Trump has promised to change Washington, DC and that will start with identifying and recruiting the finest men and women from across the country to serve in his Administration. Any individual who wishes to serve the Administration should utilize this online application in order to participate.» Apply here:
Perhaps the Saker should consider applying to join Trump’s team, seeing as he has so much experience and wisdom in the geopolitical field :-)
One can only hope for the future…Roll on Jan 20th.
Yes,we have almost 3 months more of the current regime. And there is a lot they can still do to cause harm. It would be “nice” if they wanted to “help” their country. And start now with trying to make peace. That would be at “least” some kind of a “legacy” for Obama to leave with. But I doubt it. His legacy will remain a failed Presidency. I heard a quote from Chavez about Obama on CrossTalk that was fitting,”Obama had the choice to lead or live (i.e.enjoy the rich high life as President),he chose to live instead of lead”. Lets hope he doesn’t do anymore to poison the future than he already has.
@ Uncle B:
” [..] I heard a quote from Chavez about Obama on CrossTalk that was fitting,”Obama had the choice to lead or live (i.e.enjoy the rich high life as President),he chose to live instead of lead”. Lets hope he doesn’t do anymore to poison the future than he already has”
As I always say, I might be wrong; but I have the feeling this Obongo guy, is one of those ‘hit and run’ type guys.
I often feel people give him more credit (for better or worse) than he ever deserved to begin with. He’s just a puppet, the ultimate puppet in fact. He has no investment on his ‘legacy,’ his “presidency” or anything else for that matter. (Why do you think he spends so much time improving his golf handicap instead of properly running the US? And that’s a well known running joke about him!)
So, if I were you… I wouldn’t worry about that :)
Obama is a black man who got himself elected president of the United States. That takes some intelligence and political savvy in addition to plain dumb luck.
To be teleprompter-in-chief isn’t given to just anybody; puppet or not the powers of the Presidency are real. Also real is the Deep State; its hard to blame the actor for a bad script.
Obama beat out Hilary when she seemed the 2008 anointed one. That was a potentially world-saving moment, but one can never prove a what-if. Back then the choice was sell the regime change wars with a black man or white woman, and they went with the black man who just happened to be available.
What Obama did do was things like enshrine the Drone Wars as official and normalized American policy, actions which should never be forgiven by history, but at least history will likely be written.
Chavez was right, it was lead or live. Most of the bad decisions were foisted upon Obama by people who did not respect his intelligence but could compel cooperation. There seem to be heel-marks on the floor to prove it, like the red-line on Syria incident.
Other hints drop like Obama’s proposal to abandon first use of nukes, overridden by Ash Carter and his cabinet. That would have really helped Hilary’s campaign. Obama seems to have had plenty of opportunity to let opponents hang themselves while nonchalantly taking a selfie. He couldn’t stop them from doing stupid stuff, but it sure was obvious when they did. They couldn’t shoot him for letting them do what they wanted to do and failing.
Obama seems to have played a successful long game keeping the U.S. alive when the apparent momentum from the Shrub era was ruinous total war with another world power or near total (as opposed to merely severe) social collapse. It is a legacy of fail only because his only options were greater or lesser failures.
A President is only as good as his team, and its too easy to die as opposed to living with consequences, making them the best they can be as perhaps only he could make them.
Obama was an effective caretaker President, its just that America and the world needed much more, especially in the moral accomplishments.
Obama is half black, half white.
You give him way too much credit and gloss over the damage he has unleashed domestically, doubling the national debt and in foreign affairs.
The neo-cohens knew Obama had more chance of getting elected at that point, but Obama greased up the pan for a Hillary run.
Effective caretaker. I don’t see it.
Glossing over?
The more one understands about the Deep State, the more one understands the difficulty of governing the U.S. via the public government.
The last guy who threatened too much independence was Reagan, tamed by one assassination attempt.
Not much really changed under Obama. Calling him a caretaker President is hardly praise nor is it inaccurate.
So Obama got himself elected? Pigs can dance as well? Your statement is not steeped in reality and is typical amerikan delusion. Wall Street and more specifically Penny Pritzker, current secretary of commerce and heir to the Hyatt Hotels fortune, worth some $2.4 billion, were Barry’s means for going from inconsequential junior senator to POTUS. The part he played in it all was orator in chief. Wake up!
The Caretaker in Chief had it easy.
The real action starts now as there is a high probability the next phase of the American collapse may be about to be triggered.
I disagree that this is entirely by design; if Hilary got in, there would be attempts to stall change further and prolong the game.
We’ll soon see what kind of President and man Trump is, as American nativism is attempted to be ‘put in its place’ by globalist forces.
Yes,we have almost 3 months more of the current regime
70 days sound much better!
So the American people themselves have gone out and elected Trump as their next US President and thus voted criminally insane warmonger Hillary out. (without any help from the the armchair naysayers here). Thus possibly saving us all from the brink of world war three.
Restores my faith in the good sense of humanity if not perhaps also in a bit of divine intervention as well.
An interesting article at The Duran on why Trump connected with the average Joe:
Meanwhile Soros’s colour revolution has come to the USA:
It seems to be all the “major” pro-Hillary cities……..oh the irony! People protesting democracy/a democratic vote – the complete disconnect is astounding.
sounds all good. you are right here, and i agree.
But. dont you think first business should be to figure out who we really are and where we live ?
we dont live on a ball, spinning. we are not here to chase money and time. we are not here to kill each other in endless wars. we are on earth to thrive and learn !
what about the nuclear hoax keeping the worlds population in fear and agony. there no atomic bombs.
what about the water always levelling everywhere, everybody can see the see level. nobody can see it curving ?
what about the sun getting smaller when moving away in the evenings ?
what about big companys harvesting electric energie in the skys and then pretending it is produced by themselfs ?
i suggest you figure out who you are yourself before you write any more about our new world order. wake up saker and enlighten us with wisdom.
god bless
Huh? Wake up yourself!
The Saker’s comment is very on point and I agree with his cautious, very cautious, optimism.
Here is something really good from The Duran:
Take a look at the video linked there by Hollywood stars trying to use their celebrity to tell people how to vote. Unbelievable, the arrogance.
A lot of people drank a LOT (excuse caps!) of Kool Aid.
@ Katherine:
Hear! Hear! Sister.
hans seems the most awake here already.
Wake up TL2Q.
The West and much of the World is controlled by a satanic cult, literally, no joke ! It’s based on rabbinical mysticism and magic, in correcting a flawed creation (the tikkun olam of kabbala). They had an easy game back in monarchic, pre Englightment time, with that narrative because the roman cantholic church with her hardcoded disgust for nature, thanks to Paul , the Saul – murderer of the apostles – which planted the eternal sin of man myth on earth (a devastating double bind). The Enlightment then erected the anti-god of Self and the hommunculous (god like) capitalistic machine, which is a manifestation of black magic thinly covered by a veil of so called rational reasoning, very far from being reasonable, itself a magic underaking. Marx for example was a confessing satanist just read some of his early poems for instance (Invocation of One in despair), also: Marx And Satan : Richard Wurmbrand. It’s by no means coincidence that magic satanic symbols are displayed everywhere, because the erected system itself is satanic down to the core, replacing god, by the negation of god. All bourgeois epistemes are just flavours, All of them !!!
FEA – Flat Earther Alert !!!
According to our friend Hans the earth is flat and nuclear weapons don’t exist.
Well Hans, even if you were right neither of us here would like to perish by some other more conventional WMD, or do you think that these are also non-existant? In that case would you please explain to me how (your? city) Dresden got flattened to the ground?
By the way, in the evening the sun appears bigger than at mid day although slightly further away from our point of view. Your physics teacher should have explained you how come, but you probably missed that class.
What was that about water “always levelling”??? Ever watched a water droplet fall? Would you mind explain its shape please? Kind of like our planet, hey?
The country I live in produces most of its electricity with nuclear energy and the countryside is littered with around 126,000 metric tons of nuclear waste that never got cleaned up (thanks Areva!!!) Now you think they did that just to make us believe that producing electrity is really difficult so they could hike the prices while in reality they’re harvesting it from the sky? Yeah, yeah, right!
You seem to know it all, so why don’t you enlighten us?
“You seem to know it all, so why don’t you enlighten us?”
You seem to know a lot too. Did your physics teacher explain this
“Most people would agree that it is strange that particles in free fall suddenly disappear. Surely it is reason enough to denote such a pathological spacetime as singular, in the sense of “unusual,” “peculiar,” or “odd.”
As an aside, note that this definition of singularities does not encompass all conceivable spacetime pathologies. In a spacetime that is, by our definition, free of singularities, particles in free fall will behave normally, yet we might still encounter very odd behaviour by, say, accelerating particles. For instance, an accelerating rocket – which, due to the action of its booster engines, is definitely not in free fall – could suddenly disappear. However, having noted this limitation of our definition, let us leave this different kind of weirdness aside and concentrate on the pathologies characterized by geodesic incompleteness.”
Could you enlighten us?
Or maybe you’d now prefer be a little more like Michael Dine
““We’re not in a position where we can afford to be particularly arrogant about our understanding of what the laws of nature must look like,” said Michael Dine, a professor of physics at the University of California, Santa Cruz, who has been following the new work on scale symmetry. “Things that I might have been skeptical about before, I’m willing to entertain.””
it’s this moment: man’s Mars on wings UTC 14: 29 new in Aquarius,11,2016&stimpdf=15:29:56&ract=
I do not read astrology, could you please explain what it means?
After listening to both Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton for the last many months I sincerely hope I am reading Mr. Trump correctly. I have not doubts what so ever that I read Mrs. Clinton very clearly and I can tell you now we had ‘Plan B’ ready to roll if she had won.
We were up all night, we got about three hours of sleep well before dawn and both of us were up long before dawn. We had some trepidations in the early light but by 09:00 we began to see a pattern. We had on five different feeds concerning the election and by 10:00 I told VCO that Mr. Trump would win albeit not in a landslide but with a significant margin. He did.
We spoke to our dear ones in Novorossiya early this afternoon and the other three squirreled away in safe haven shortly after. All were, not euphoric but relieved at the election results. Out of the mouths of babes, sometimes, come profundity and the twelve year old tried to assure her weeping older sister as we spoke to them, saying ‘Don’t worry, my dear //////, now we will have no war and we can go see Mommy and Daddy again’.
We ran some errands this afternoon and the election is the talk of the town, and admittedly many were ecstatic. I did not rain on their parade, I and my charming bride simply spoke to them and told them our thoughts in general about the possibility of the end of this seemingly endless crisis between Russia and USA. The clever ones understand that change, if it comes, will not be overnight but at least they now have hope whereas before there was nothing but gloom at the prospect of Mrs. Clinton becoming president. We will see if Mr. Trump can and will fulfill the hopes and dreams of not only American citizens but many tens of millions of citizens of other countries who have grown to fear and despise American rather than admire and like America.
Hope springs eternal.
Author Never The Last One
A very positive sign is the hysterical hate from the establishment, including the republican establishment.
Trump is like Kennedy. He will finish what Kennedy started!
“The speech that got John F Kennedy Killed ”
Anon, you have to listen to Kennedy’s speech ‘The President and the Press’ in full.
Because then you will find out the he actually said the exact opposite of what the whole world is fond of believing… But that is not today’s topic.
I was astonished how relieved i felt this morning, when I saw that Trump had won.
Well done American people!
Hillary for prison!
(Very, very difficult times ahead. The Empire will strike back.)
sure, but at least we won’t be afraid of a nuclear strike in the immediate. One step at a time.
God bless all goodwill men and women on Earth, no matter in which Country they live !
@ _smr,
that video sounds like a blueprint request to setup the NSA and a welcome to 1984.
Are you going to travel there again, then?
I remember you saying, several times already, that you will not travel there anymore since the Nazi coup in The Ukraine took place, but then, If I am not wrong, I remember you telling us after traveling there again…..So, in any case, I guess that you will not go anytime before January, doesn´t it?
Although, do you think that a total replacement at any level of “national security” will be done in a short time coming after he taking over?
Elsi, no, I have no plans to return to US for a visit and I can not and will not go to Ukraine for the time being, not that there is anything I need to do in Ukraine.
I am not sure of any time frame that Mr. Trump will have to normalize relations with Russia and Ukraine or for that matter The World. He will have a lot of fences to mend and it will take time. Still, I feel he will make the effort. He is a business man first and foremost and he fully understands negotiations and the give and take therein. I think Russia will be of prime importance for him.
Time will tell and at least now we seem to have the time instead of waiting for what I know would happen if Mrs. Clinton had won. Our prayers were answered.
Well, we’ll have to pray some more now. The main thing seems the extent to which Trump understands that the Ziocon deep state is not just a power and money hungry crowd, but profoundly evil people who will not go away quietly – even if he did manage to get the kind of team that will really push them off the ship of State.
Really, the only hope is that a group of farsighted and competent fighters stands behind him, people who know what I doubt he knows as regards the forces he has challenged, as he defeated that woman and proclaimed his desire to “seek common ground, not hostility; partnership, not conflict.”
Clearly a call to Russia. Putin understood it as such, and responded, stressing “the particular responsibility that Russia and the US share for maintaining global stability and security.”
Hence giving the matter its maximum weight: the future of humanity hinges on this cooperation.
This is certainly “enough of a reason for the entire planet to rejoice at the defeat of Hillary and the victory of Trump”, but it also brings the planet to a most dangerous point:
This is a declaration of war to the infernal forces which actuate “deep state.”
Putin knows this. Let’s hope Trump’s reference to the secret service and the two dozen generals and admirals who stand with him is a sign that he understands he has poked the hornet’s nest… More importantly, let’s hope he has the wisdom to take the steps suggested by The Saker.
For our part, let’s keep praying: the demons are surely abroad already, prowling.
You will need more than pray, just wait.
Indeed, yes.
But those who are able to act in those cases will be helped by our prayers and good will and good wishes.
And the adversaries may see their evil power diminished by that much.
Ausländer, I too am relieved. I have been filled with dread. I have seen first hand what this woman and her husband did to my country. I congratulate the American people for choosing the better candidate!
From the wonderful Nassim Nicholas Taleb:
“Who got buried? Saudi Barbaria, Goldman Sacks (note not Sachs ,-), Syrian Jihadis aka “rebels”, Academic Economists, PseudoNobels, NYT & other bullshit venues”
I would add the Nazis in Kiev to his list.. what do you think?
Serbian lass, I know exactly what this evil woman and her just as evil husband did to your country and your fellow citizens, more so than you will ever know.
I think you can include the Kiev junta in your burial list but I’ll qualify that statement with they are at this time very dangerous as is the half out of power junta in Washington. I do not know what, if anything, those with a remnant of power will do to make trouble for Mr. Trump but I am certain they will try something. However, some events seem to be in formulation that may stop at least most of their last attempts at murder and mayhem.
The bombardments of mainly Donetsk Peoples Republic have been ongoing for the last 36 hours and have not abated in the least. Since OSCE abandoned their Donetsk responsibilities not a word is heard of this in the western media. This might be the harbinger of what the Kiev orcs may try, one last and desperate offense. They will fail and they will not goad Mr. Putin in to attacking them, Novorossiya Armed Forces are more than strong enough now to need any help, but the sad thing is civilians and soldiers are dying almost by the hour. Sooner or later this must be stopped and we hope and pray that these seemingly endless and pointless wars stop. Citizens need peace and tranquility and that is one thing Mrs. Clinton and her ilk have never and will never grant to them.
KSA an QR States are in a state of Shock and Awe. And Political Elites in countries where they purchased the entire ruling political class are making downright bizarre congratulations declarations. It is a shame that the French President does consider that his 4% approval rate (probably within the margin of error itself) gives him such a commanding stature that he could indulge himself in digressions around “an opening period of uncertainty”. Such a pity these guys all over Europe and USA were not able to deliver what they were paid for.
I don’t remember these guys expressing some worries when congratulating Chinese Premiers or Middle-East Heads of States.
I personally could not care less about somebody insulting the candidate Trump (considering he is lnot shy of fighting back) but, once elected President by its countrymen and women, the institution deserves respect and polite congratulations are the first step in opening peaceful diplomatic reactions.
I understand QR and KSA, financial backers of regime changes, do not like being swallowed into shifting sands. But it is childish and ludicrous for a soon to be replaced President of a world power to believe that these madmen would “forgive” people they bribed to deliver if they express their worries on the victory of Mr. D J Trump.
At the last roundtable in Lausanne, the French were already considered as a total waste of investment, hence were not even invited. But they were promised by USA that Mrs. Hillary R Clinton would “finish the job”, most probably in exchange of some additional contribution to defeat the self proclaimed billionaire Trump.
So, here we are now with 3 choices for these sponsors:
1. Take revenge by spilling their beans to Wikileaks or others, providing evidence of the money spent on corrupting these hacks.
2. Use some contingency money to get them whacked in bathroom accidents or multi bullets suicides.
3. Contact President Trump and his inner circle and check if he can be purchased. Not sure they have enough money left, judging by the oil/gas market prices. He also knows a little about negotiation and I am not sure he would be interested in this type of deals.
Actually I’m hoping they keep up their insults on Trump. There is no “surer” way for them to be marginalized than that. He won’t like that,and hopefully has a long memory.
I am happy for you and your extended family – the US has murdered too many people everywhere
Trump will go i the opposite direction rest assured – even Israel will be better off
Putin is a great leader i look forward to peace with the people of Russia
It is amazing, first Brexit, then Trump, if we get Marine Le Pen for president in France, that would be whoa, what a wonderful time we live in.. I was so worried the non-whites had become so many that it would be impossible for a non-establishment candidate to win. But it seems not, although all is not perfect at least now America and the world has a chance. With Hillary it would have been legalization of illegal aliens, continued massimmigration, and war. And after that, there would be too many non-whites for an oppostion figure ever to win again.(Non-white overwhelming vote establishment)
Trump Wins! We did it.
whoa, and Corbyn in Britain :-)
Marvelous times! :)
@ Anon:
“whoa, and Corbyn in Britain :-)”
Corbyn (and as much as I’ve already said before that I actually do like the guy) he is weak. He doesn’t have the spiritual fortitude to turn the Labour Party into a true workers-party [and/or movement] as it was intended to be to begin with.
On top of that: he knows… second and third generation aliens are making the biggest bulk of his party voting-base, compromising him badly and further turning the Labour Party into something that has little to do with the working-class.
He’s no better than flip-flopping – I endorse Killary – Sanders even though she plotted to keep me out of the primaries by hook or crook (mainly crook). Yet I, your so-called “Socialist” hero endorse her unreservedly, after she robbed me and YOU all of the most popular candidate the Democrats had to offer.
Yay! Let’s all cheer! Yay!
He was also a sham/decoy, form the get go.
I have that same feeling about Corbyn, I’m afraid, even if the circumstances are somewhat different.
And in Australia an ‘unheard-of-outside-Australia’, intensely ridiculed political party whose leader served time as a political prisoner and whose followers are lambasted as xenophobes and rascists (the usual tactic of marginalisation) now holds the balance of power in the senate…. Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party.
There is a sea change sweeping the planet. People are finally waking up to the lies and BS of the MSM.
Very tough times ahead, but hopeful days indeed.
A double win….not only has this insufferably loathsome woman been thoroughly vanquished, also as you correctly point out, the reptiles of the mainstream media have shown their true colours to the world.
Denial, Frustration, Outrage: Kiev Having Trouble Dealing with Trump Victory
Apparently the orcs didn’t get the american election results they had been banking on. :D
literally-their gov bonds are crashing………..
Let me say immediately what exactly there will be no more of. There will be no miracles. None. There is no need to expect friendship or a radical change in US-Russian relations from Trump. The fact that Trump won the elections, despite the strong resistance put up by a significant part of the American political and economic elite, was already a miracle. Demanding a bigger one is tempting fate. There’s no need to do this.
The new president is a man who is very, very strongly disliked by those who have formulated the US’ extremely aggressive foreign policy over recent years and dragged the country directly towards military confrontation with Russia and China. Now American politicians of a different nature with different interests and ideologies have the chance to work out a different foreign policy.
This is the first time in many years that this could really be in the US’ interests. No, I haven’t misspoken. Trump’s victory is to a certain extent a victory of the American elites, specifically those elites who have preserved at least some kind of American identity and the feeling of being Americans, not globalists. This is their victory over the supranational oligarchy and bureaucracy about whom Vladimir Putin recently spoke as the main problem of the world.
This supranational oligarchy and bureaucracy has used America as a tool for its own aims and, in a certain sense, as a cash flow. The statistics show that a significant portion of those who voted for Trump are people who feel that they have become poorer over recent years. As it turns out, there are many such people in the US. They became poorer at the same time that the supranational elite, part of which lives in the US, and its intellectual underlings all grew rich by robbing the rest of the world and the rest of America. Yesterday, this part of American society, for whom George Washington is nearer and dearer than George Soros, rose up.
We have not so bad chances of negotiating with this segment of American society represented by Trump and his entourage. We never had the slightest chance of talking with Soros or Brzezinski. But this does not mean that Russian-American friendship will suddenly bloom. The opportunity to avoid a real global war is a big step froward.
Remembering Putin’s words on the situation in Syria, I think that there are no surmountable obstacles standing in the way of negotiating with Trump and those whom he represents. Remember, at Valdai our president said that he managed to conclude a deal on Syria with Obama, but other forces in Washington disrupted the deal.
These forces have a symbol, and this symbol has a name and surname: Hillary Rodham Clinton. After Trump’s victory, these forces will have serious problems, as their influence on US foreign policy will be reduced drastically. If Putin was able to negotiate with Obama, then I think that this is quite possible to do with Trump.
Finally, I, as is known, am very skeptical towards the moral and intellectual capacity of many Kiev politicians. However, it would be wrong to assume that they are all stupid. Sure, they are no Newton or Descartes, but they have some kind of instinct of self-preservation.
Trump’s election has provoked real panic among Ukrainian politicians and experts which wouldn’t exist if all of them were sure that the new administration in the White House will continue to feed, pay, and support them. Their instinct, in addition to information received from their US State Department advisors, apparently tells them that a huge ‘betrayal’ is on its way.
To understand this, I watched what Trump does in situations when he has an expensive and unprofitable project on his hands. For example, a big tower which was built and supposed to be a casino hotel with spas and upscale offices. But either customers didn’t come our the money finished or the construction partners were idiots. Observing this, two things became clear.
First of all, Trump, being a good businessman, quite quickly gets rid of such unprofitable assets. If the situation seems hopeless to him, then no matter finished or unfinished, he immediately puts it up for sale.
Secondly, Trump, as befits a good businessman, can look at things realistically and sell assets at very low prices in the hope of regaining at least a part of the lost money. In the worst case, he can sell assets in small parts to get at least something out of them.
I propose that we think about what exactly this means for the future of “project Ukraine.”
———————————–Director of Policy Analysis and Management, Institute of Ukrainian Ruslan Bortnik believes that the victory of Republican Donald Trump’s presidential election in the US is a “bad sign” for the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and representatives of the Ukrainian “party of war”.
“Winning Trump – this is a very bad omen for Poroshenko and his entourage, especially for the” party of war “Yatsenyuk Turchynov and the rest for them this will mean the end of a political era and a minimum bet on other people.” – Bortnik told RIA Novosti.
he also believes that the victory Trump would mean a revision of US policy, if not in relation to the whole of Ukraine, in relation to the Ukrainian authorities.
However, he said that it could be that the US will not abandon support for Ukraine, but do not bet on Poroshenko, and on other people.
Nevertheless, the expert believes that the conditional range will depend on whether he would be able to agree with Russia. This Bortnik said that real change in US policy towards Ukraine should be expected no earlier than February 2017.
At the same time the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko hopes Washington’s support for the reforms and restoration of territorial integrity, and have hastened to invite the newly elected President of the United States Donald Trump to Ukraine, the press service of the Ukrainian President on the results of his meeting with the US Ambassador in Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch.
He also hopes that the Commission will resume the work of the strategic partnership in the near future.
“The president invited the newly elected President of the United States, Donald Trump’s visit to Ukraine,” – also said in a press service.
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Lots of crime syndicate which now wonder if the party will end .
Trump may not recognize them nor keep their game in play.
From the Opium poppy fields of A Stan to Nato office,
The deal may be over.
War has probably/possibly been avoided. Climate change has been confirmed as irreversible. The death toll will all too soon be at least as high.
Of course climate change is irreversible by human action. That fact is enough to nullify any proposition for government action to attempt to control it. The climate changes. It always has. Humans have absolutely nothing to do with it.
That organisms can change the climate is demonstrated by the fact you’re breathing oxygen. That you think you can second-guess the scientists, I can’t explain.
It’s a known fact that the crust of our earth expells many times more greenhouse gases than human beings, transport and industry together will ever be able to.
The moment carbon dioxide levels rise so does the growth factor of plants and carbon dioxide assimilation (most of that in the oceans, thus good reason to keep the oceans healthy!!!). There was a time that England was warm enough to have a rich wine production of good quality, enjoying temperatures way higher than nowadays and that without fossil fuels causing it.
Climate fluctuates, and the English vineyards are long gone. But the same crooks sporting the NWO plans want even more control, more taxation, and an even bigger piece of the cake. They invent common enemies like communism, terrorists (while they themselves are such), and global climate change…
There has been constant global climate change as long as this planet had an atmosphere, so yes indeed, global climate change, but, definitely not ANTROPOGENIC.
On the other hand, particule pollution may be(come) more so a problem than greenhouse gasses. But than we have to blame our governments who are gladly polluting the atmosphere (and more so stratosphere) with their so-called geo-engineering, telling us that it’s to fight global warming but in reality causing the problem. Hegel would be darn proud of such good students…
Jac Cuse
Earth’s climate fluctuates? Even without human intervention? Who knew?
If microbes can generate the oxygen we breathe, we can cause fluctuations to the climate over and above those that can be accounted for by other processes. The evidence is that we do indeed.
As you know, governments are essentially clearing houses for business interests, a mechanism to settle their conflicts. Particular parties get elected by promising economic growth. The last thing any government wants to do is disobey business interests and reduce growth in the next few electoral cycles to ensure sustainability beyond.
JC, The ice cores that have been studied since the 70´s show an interesting fluctuation in climate. Change is the only constant. All of the planets in our solar system are heating up. Major cataclysms may be regular occurrences, every 12 or 24 thousand years. All the science is interesting, but does not disprove the anthropogenic hypothesis. In a system this large and complex, there are many factors in play. Still, using petrochemicals is dirty and stupid. Its true that the financiers would like to have another wheel to bet on (the carbon futures scam), but that is not to say there is not a carbon crisis, even worse, a methane crisis. Switching to organic agriculture would absorb tons of carbon. Local, complex systems are more stable and sustainable. I wonder that since we know the waters will rise, why are we not shoring up the most dangerous ad dirty facilities along our coasts and waterways?
@ lindsay hall:
“War has probably/possibly been avoided. Climate change has been confirmed as irreversible. The death toll will all too soon be at least as high.”
I’m with Anonymous here, if you said overpopulation and/or human over-breeding, instead of the boogie-man that “climate change” is supposed to be the ultimate threat to the environment/life on our planet, you might have had a point… oh… but you didn’t, did you?
Give it the hell up already, Brexit plus the Donald victory shows the people are not buying what, your lot, snake-oil salesmen, have to peddle…
…anymore :/
How do you decide which scientists you think peddle snake oil and which you trust? Do you undertake post-graduate studies on each and every one of the sciences out there? Or, does your brain get fatigued after a little while, so you decide you’ll disbelieve some “just because”? Is this altogether wise? (“I can’t see no “radiation” or whatever, so I’ll just walk right into Chernobyl, despite what these fraudsters and snake-oil salesmen say. What they trying to hide? No, since Brexit, we’re not going to believe no nuclear scientists, or whatever fancy name they give themselves.”)
The only ones who benefit from The Donald’s ignorance on climate are the fossil fuel industry, who have employed the same strategy as the tobacco companies to the same end – to perpetuate profitable damage to their customers (the strategy involves “independent” “research” “institutes” funded by the industry to convey the illusion that there is reasonable doubt – there is no evidence of a causal link between tobacco and cancer – indeed any science that says otherwise is snake oil.) Why anyone would think this an example of the common man breaking free from the tyranny of the neoliberal free-marketeers – by falling for the propaganda of the neoliberal free-marketeers which allows them to continue profiteering!
Answering ‘lindsay hall’ ….
^ Typical example of a – not climate change advocate – but a WARMIST troll. I’ve encountered so many of you lot over the years that by now you stick-out to me like a sour thumb.
The funny thing is that you think you don’t “stick out.” You think you’re perfectly camouflaged under cover of the presstitute media/academia, who are eternally running ’interference’ for you… just like when the usual suspects were ganging-up on Trump and his supporters, calling him a ‘Kremlin Manchurian Candidate,’ or a Homophobe, Islamophobe, Misogynist (whatever) [while calling his supporters “the basket of deplorables”] , and the Presstitute Cartel thought their non-stop lies would stick, eventually.
Well! They didn’t!
It’s the same with this so-called “climate change” nonsense. That won’t stick either.
Deal with it :/
PS: Don’t bother answering me, I know you’re a time waster already. I won’t be answering to you (It’s a shame the new Saker Site features don’t include an ignore feature :/ )
Curious. Responded to no point put to you. Yet, you “know”. Why this dangerous irrationalism?
lindsay hall – I’d up vote you if I could. Personally, I don’t argue with climate change deniers since that’s what they want – to make it appear it’s still open for debate… although there actually are some people who can’t figure it out – no hope to be had there.
We’ll see but trump son has said daddy will make Amerika great again and pence will run the country. We’ll have to wait to see who he names as cabinet members.
This is a little long but explains the problem with demodog party and is fun to read. Enjoy
I voted Green
I found this long drool by Jeffrey St. Clair at Counterpunch very boring.
Surely Counterpunch can print something a bit more interesting on this most interesting of days.
Instead, I found it very interesting, illuminating, enjoyable, the best approach to the truth I have ever read in an analysis abou the US society´s nowadays reality, included all those broadcasted in this site, and, at the same time, very hopeful, in the sense that there are good people everywhere, pptential allies, especially to be found amongst the most knowledgeable awakened people, because, of course, not always those self-awarded the most intelligent and knowledgeable are in any way near to be so.
Obviously these truthfull analyses are to be brougt down all the way by we know well what forces….
@ elsi:
Random note; [not an answer to what you wrote] – glad to see you back *hugs*
Same here, hugs!
I venture you being younger than the average people here, TooLegit2Quit, since you are able to put up with my oppinion even when, I fear, coming from likely opposite ideological stance.
Obvioulsy not so opposite so as to be glad to see me here.
@ elsi:
Hey! Great news for both of us: 1- I’m not as young as you (and/or others) are guessing I am, 2- I’m not coming from such [a] likely “opposite ideological stance” from yours – not as much as you’d think I am, anyways….
As far as I’m reading you, despite minor details here and there, we’re both more or less on the same page.
So, at the end of the day I can see your ‘gut instinct’ (for a lack of a better word) was sport-on when you said… “ [..] I fear, coming from likely opposite ideological stance.
Obviously not so opposite so as to be glad to see me here.”
[If you allow me this…] You ain’t wrong there my good lady ;-)
PS: In any case: great to see you back and kicking butt!
As an Algerian, i do hope that Mr TRump could end the foreign madness that has caracterized the US, and in general Western, policy toward the thirld world “un-peoples”.
But what an entire life under corrupt puppet oligarchy have told me is that things will never fix themselves alone, and that it is always a “clan” replacing another “clan”.
Will Mr Trump accept to sacrifice the entire way of life of the US and the West in general in order to “seek common ground, not hostility; partnership, not conflict”, how will the western populace react when they will learn that their entire economic system cannot be sustained anymore if the US abandon their imperialistic Petro $ wars ???
Is there a solution for a less “unjust” world and the stopping of the exploitation and misery of the thirld world “un-peoples” without destroying the entire way of life of the westerners recipients of all this “wealth” ??? this is the question the Mr Trump need to answer if he truly mean what he said.
>>”The truth is that the USA and Russia have no objective reasons for conflict – only ideological issues resulting directly from the insane ideology of messianic imperialism of those who believe, or pretend to believe, that the USA is an “indispensable nation”. What the world wants – needs – is the USA as a *normal* nation.””
Russia is rejecting the very foundation and the only thing that is preventing the USA from total collapse (the petro $), that is why i highly doubt of any change in the Russo-US bilateral relations.
“Russia is rejecting the very foundation and the only thing that is preventing the USA from total collapse (the petro $), that is why i highly doubt of any change in the Russo-US bilateral relations.”
You’ve nailed it, Riadh.
All the main points on Trump’s platform were good: make peace with Russia, stop meddling abroad, stop outsourcing jobs and technology to foreign countries, and stop insourcing cheap foreign labour. In a word, concentrate the USA’s human energy and ingenuity on solving the country’s formidable domestic problems that have been allowed to build up during the lost decades of seeking profit and adventure abroad. Will he deliver what he promised?
“By their fruits shall ye know them”.
I hope that Mr. Trump has decided that this is his chance to do good and to leave a positive legacy in this world.
Let’s not get overexcited.
Trump has a good heart but his higher chakras are very much under-developed.
I hear one of Trump’s favorite business scams is to drag companies he owns money to the courts. He employs the most expensive lawyers who know how to keep these legal battles going on forever.
Clever tactics, yes, but kind of unrefined and… sheepish. Trump is no Putin.
Well said, brother. We cannot ignore the magnitude & significance of this most unexpected result but at the same time we cannot be lured into the gingerbread house as we did with Obama 8 years ago. My initial intuition of Trump is that he will be the benevolent trump card that we have all been waiting to catch for a very long time… By seeing the reaction of the Neocon whores and the miserable minions of this monstrous malignant tumour that has plagued this planet like the cancer it is, I feel more hopeful that my initial thoughts are true. I also get certain enjoyment when I see them squirm their weak selves when forcibly having to say that they will do everything within their power to lick the boots of the new American president. Malcolm Turnbull & Julia Bishop were particularly pathetic. Hopefully Trump will be able to separate the wheat from the chaff.
I worry that Trump will be intimidated by the oligarchs, who may threaten him and, by extension, his family. What kind of dressing down do new occupants of the oval office receive? I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes.
I think the priority for the oligarchs is the US dollar. If its exchange value drops too much or too quickly, life will get very hard for Americans. Not that the oligarchs care two pins about the common people, but they do value their own assets and the domination they enjoy by virtue of a dollar backed by military might. With a collapsing dollar they lose their power.
Hopefully, Trump fully realizes that he must out-maneuver the oligarchs. I hope he can benefit from Putin’s advice and experience, assuming he developes a good relationship with Putin. At least for the time being we can catch our breath, realizing that WWIII is, in the short term, less likely. That is, if rogue elements do not decide to go for it before Trump takes office.
“I worry that Trump will be intimidated by the oligarchs”
When in the Earth oligarchs intimadate each other, except when tha state has been derailed to failed state and they fight as pedrators they are for the biggest piece of the cake?
“I think the priority for the oligarchs is the US dollar. If its exchange value drops too much or too quickly, life will get very hard for Americans. Not that the oligarchs care two pins about the common people, but they do value their own assets and the domination they enjoy by virtue of a dollar backed by military might. With a collapsing dollar they lose their power.”
So, if The Donald is an oligarch, how on Earth do you expect any change?
For God´s sake, HE IS NOT Mother Teresa of Calcuta!
Vladimir Putin was part of Boris Yeltsin’s cabinet/security council. In this sense, he was very much an “insider” when he came to power, just like Donald Trump, being a billionaire oligarch, is an “insider” to the oligarchy that rules the US.
Being an oligarch /insider is, in itself, NOT a disqualifying characteristic to being a change candidate. On the contrary: Insiders know exactly how the deep state works, as they have been able to observe it close at hand, so can be more effective at handling it and bringing about change.
PS no-one is saying Trump is mother Teresa. Why the sour grapes? Were you supporting Hillary?
Roosevelt was an insider too.
The Donald does not know even where he has his right hand, how in the Earth he is going to be an “insider”, not even joking in the below tabern.
I am starting seeing whay is the next target here, trying “to equate Mr Putin with The Donald”, to the detriment of comrade Mr. Putin, to whom The Donald does not reach even the sole of his shoes
Putin reversed the policies of his predecessor(s). One may hope that Donald Trump could do the same. No-one is “equating ” Trump with Putin.
You may have to wait till the Final Judgement.
Get yourself a chair asap, for God´s sake.
A chair? Asap? That’s fine with me. With Hillary Clinton I probably would have needed a coffin.
” With Hillary Clinton I probably would have needed a coffin.”
In that, I totally agree, but with The Donald there will be little change, It was for that that I advised the chair, no offense intended. It´s a saying here, not offensive at all, used anytime.
Actually, Mother Theresa was a very canny old lady who well understood her way around a dollar bill. She was a mistress of the “black arts” of PR. She and Trump would very likely understand each other very well. But Mother Theresa and the Witch of the North, Hillary, would have understood each other even better. The are both fraudsters. Unless they were both lying at the same time . . . Mother Theresa’s game was better than Hillary’s.
Yes, maybe there is also something of that, but, anyway, compared with your Donald, what I have said, a saint…..
What’s with the “your Donald” trope? Sounds kind of sarcastic.
It is pretty hard for me to understand where you see a problem with “our Donald” that has not been discussed in detail at this blog, on many threads, and elsewhere. Of course he would not have been anywhere near the first choice of any Americans or any others who comment on this blog (that I know of).
What “new inside information” about The Donald are you suggesting or supplying that is not already known and pretty clearly reflected in The Saker’s comment above?
Maybe you really know more about Donald Trump and Saint Theresa than others here???!! Huh.
Sounds like you are grinding an ax of some kind that arises from a preoccupation with or projection of your own situation and possibly a misreading of the situation surrounding the Trump election and his support on this blog. I think every thinking person is keeping fingers crossed and more or less holding breath, hoping that Trump can rise to the historical moment, as Sanders so clearly failed to do.
What I can not understand is how he reached that position. I guess that he does not arrive there without any ballot at all.
Well, we will see.
I am willing to apologize if I am wrong.
I am hoping Mr. Trump can learn from President Putin’s experience with the sanctions imposed upon Russia. Now he may face similar policies internally. If he continues to bring popular support into play, as Putin did, I think he can use such obstructionist policies to his benefit. I don’t think he’s a judo expert, but he has some smarts, obviously, or he wouldn’t be where he is. I really hope he will seek out pragmatic policy experts who will keep him on this path.
The legacy begins now.
The more balanced expectation I have read here with difference, although, still, too optimist.
“I have always said that the choice for the lesser evil is morally wrong and pragmatically misguided.”
Completely agree, usually the lesser of two evils idea is used in a false dilemma. ‘The lesser of two evils’ used another variant of ‘TINA’.
Right, because the *greater* of two evils can be ‘better’. What kind of twisted, idiotic logic is that. ‘The lesser of two evils’ refers to a situation that occurs *after* it is clear you have *zero* say about the list of options.
‘The lesser of two evils’ is *not* a cry to withdraw from the process of drawing up the list in the first place- just an acceptance that usually the composition of the list is outside your control.
Who ever said that making a choice in an election was agreeing to the statement “my choice is the best person who could have been standing for this position”. Oh, that’s right… ***nobody***
I’m seeing a disturbing amount of groupthink here, driven by peer-pressure designed to make people uncomfortable to admit Trump was the best choice in the circumstance. And this after Trump’s acceptance speech was the first I recall where the winner was *not* boasting about America’s military strength, but instead placed 100% on the focus on inward civilian infrastructure.
There are whole forums on the Internet where not *one* person is allowed to say they supported Trump. Here it feels like people are actively discouraged from stating they feel optimistic about a Trump win. Those that do not cheer Clinton’s loss loudly are very suspect to me. We already watched as Michael Moore sold out to the Clinton Crime Family- much to the suprise of many.
“groupthink” “peer-presure”?
But if it´s only me and two more realists, who are not afraid enough of the homogeneous celebration of the victory of The Donald!
Do you need more peers celebrating or joining your cause?
Man, don´t be hoarder and accept some dissonance. If not, this would be a club of like minded friends and not a forum of discussion.
Of course it is your right to have supported Hillary, and to say so on this blog.
Sorry your candidate lost. That is never pleasant.
Twilight, it seems perhaps you missed what was meant. False dilemma means there are other alternatives.
Twilight: “‘The lesser of two evils’ refers to a situation that occurs *after* it is clear you have *zero* say about the list of options. ”
I know for a fact that people are presented with false dilemmas in which it is pretended there are zero other options, when there are other options that are on purpose hidden. This is what the comment was about. It wasn’t about the Trump/Clinton situation. Before calling people idiots with twisted logic, it is useful to find out what they are talking about first. Perhaps you are a mind reader and know what the situations are that I know about?
The comment about false dilemma was not about Trump/Clinton. it was about the use of false dilemma more broadly as a variant of TINA.
Thank you for this insightful post. Very spot on. I submit that God had heard our prayers and has had mercy on our country. He has chosen to save our country from all ou disaster, not on account of our merits, but for the sake of the Noble Giants who have gone before us. There is yet a remnant of their Good Spirit alive in the U.S. I will disagree that the Empire, however, is dead. It was alive before the U. S. A. and it will continue. I suspect, however, what we are beginning to see is is a rend in ththe old cloth; the powers of the Empire, having been thwarted from using the Presidency to wield their power, will turn to a differnet tactic. They, while like a parasite, will continue to use the resources of the U.S. to strengthen themselves, will take another route to achieve their goals. What route, exactly, I do not know. If the race had been close, I would be in mortal fear for Trump’s life. I do suspect they will do their best, as The Saker said, to influence his policies, but Trump is no weakling, and I have no doubt of his capability in shutting them down as he sees fit. I believe what they will do is distance themselves from and work to diminish the power of the U. S., both from within and without. They will do whatever they can to weaken and cripple the Trump government, and more importantly they will not go silently. Even now the media is spewing their venom on the President Elect’s statements and policies. Do not think the Empire will take kindly to being defeated. They will not only seek to thwart any actions of the government, that are contrary to their schemes but seek revenge on the United States as a whole. I believe that they will succeed, and this very action, this rending of the seams, will be the salvation of our Nation. This does not mean America will be great again, to borrow words. If we come out alive, we will be crippled, weak poor, broken and humbled. Pehaps we shall be unrecognizable, and men will weep over what once was. But God has had mercy, and our times are in his hands. May he continue to have mercy on us.
It is “fun” to read Gordon Duff’s pathetic anti-Trump ranting today:
“…Hitler, like Trump was elected into office but then seized total control after the Reichstag fire which was blamed on a crazy Dutch man. Trump, or rather the puppet masters controlling him, for he is nothing more than a puppet with little brain of his own, will probably carry out at least one false flag in order to shore up Trump and further their nefarious agenda….”
So duff has finally come out of the closet and said who he writes propaganda for.
Yeah, you are right on the spot. Sooner or later they do come out of the closet, because of unspeakable itch in the private parts that requires _______.
Those schizophrenic rats (pardon my language) running “Veterans Today” really came out of the closet during the Oregon stand-off, and the cowardly and brutal ambush/assassination of LaVoy Finicum by FBI thugs.
Really, I followed ‘VT’ for quite some time, and they’ve proven then, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they are the most disgusting backstabbing CIA/Nazi or Trotskyite-Bolshevik psychopaths imaginable, comparable to Jack the Ripper, Yagoda, Goebbels, Pinchuk, Soros, or Hitlery herself.
Their main job is to discredit the very info (a lot of it is actually very true) they publish, as many CIA/Nazi sites do, like the ‘hans beimler’ comment above.
Yes. VT will have a hard time ahead, I assume they are currently falling like a stone. Duff had to close all his ludicrous anti-Trump sermons for comment. He cannot jump over his shadow and is living in the past and dreams of a democratic party where unions once provided something for America, all looooong gone. It will be interesting to see how VT will adapt over time.
I used to write articles for VT several years ago and stopped once they started their ‘secret space wars’ series. I needed no part of that type of website!
While VT does publish some good articles it’s important to understand who their supporters, sources, and contributors are claimed to be – ex-military and intelligence types. It’s therefore wise to cross check everything they write.
Duff went off on a rant a few years ago about how Gaddaffi had to be removed and that the western forces were ‘doing the right thing’. Even after factual data was published refuting his viewpoint he would not back down. It seems he pounded the same stick in the sand over Clinton and refused to back down or even debate it as he disabled comments on all pro-Hillary or anti-Trump articles. Sad!
Will the zionazi-nazi-bum bandit consortium try to apply their “maidan” template in the usa?
US anti-Trump protesters block streets, smash windows (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)
I had not discarded that scenery anytime.
Yesterday, seeing an special program on the US election, wee hours here, some were saying that Hillary have made a boredom campaign, so as to make her difficult to win, even neglecting social networks in the internet age. Do you think for a moment that the Hillary´s campaign makers have not analized the amazingly impact of these networks in previous elections, for example in Spain in the last European elections ?
Not for a moment.
I predicted the other day, previous to the election that, regardless of the outcome, the riots would explode. Here:
I found this electoral campaign a great circus all the way and thought that this was prepared to get the same goal.
No wonder that our far right “friends” here are uncorking the champagne and watching the “window of opportunity”.
Here in Europe, at least, some of us have knowledged from experience by our ancestors on how to go underground.
The empoverished working class only have supported Trump becuase they are scary to death of losing what they still even have not and never will have.
On to be scary to death, well, you still have not seen nothing.
When the beast was released, some of those who have supported it maybe will die of horror, as happened to Professor Unamuno after supporting Franco´s coup, others simply, will collaborate, disgusted and, at the very least, will have a stomach ulcer, others will take advantage to make good profit and here you will be surprised to find even the most “Bro-therly” amongst us ( they never thought of anything but to recover the ammount inverted, which, as we have been informed is quite a bit ), as happened in Nazi Germany, Nazi Spain, Nazi Italy, Nazi France, Nazi Ukraine, and so on, and so on….
History teach us, teach you, if you let it.
I always thought of you as someone in need to go underground in such an scenary….but, well, I may well be probed wrong, as with so many here…
I have always been a progressive/leftist—further to the left than most in this country.
I personally do not think the left/right lens is particularly useful in trying to understand this election, which is an American one, not a german one, not a replay of Germany 1933, etc.
My own view of this election, and of the evolving political terrain in the USA, in terms of the left/right dynamic is that when you go far enough to the left you suddenly find yourself on the right—and vice versa. It seems to me somewhat blinkered to see the Trump win as a triumph of “the right.” Most of “the right,” actually, having flocked to the banner of Clinton, are gnashing their teeth. Ditto most of those on the left. None of them seemed to mind the strange bedfellows they found themselve next to in the politics bed!
Meanwhile, I would love to know how many progressives became disenchanted enough with Clinton to vote their brains (mind over matter: Vote Trump) and not their emotions (I just *cannot* vote for a Republican with a comb-over!). Hopoing for some useful analysis, but not really expecting it, as I expect most “pundits” will be spending their time ex post facto justifying their own erroneous assumptions (a la the Iraq War) and not searching for genuine illumination on some of the outliers as to Dem party members who voted for Trump in otherwise always-blue states such as New York and Massachusetts.
“No wonder that our far right “friends” here are uncorking the champagne and watching the “window of opportunity”. ”
Did I read this correctly?
So, according to you, we are all the “far right”?
Not all, but quite some yes.
You preferred Hillary to win? Because that was the alternative.
No, madam, there were other alternatives and you know it.
Of course, no other alternative for people from the far right, that yes, but for other people there were more.
Please close down this conversation – it is getting personal. Any further comments will go to the trash. Mod
MODS: No problem, Just remove my pending comment to another thread. I don’t want to create more work for you and certainly don’t wish to engage with this person anymore.
Thanks for everything you do!
Hey Serbian Girl, I didn’t like Bernie Sanders at all…he completely turned 180 degrees like Tspiris did in Greece
Hi Ann,
I agree, it was strange how quickly he folded to Hillary. I’m sure many Democrats still wish he had been their candidate against Trump, especially now since Hillary lost.
Les Deplorables Trumps Hillary
I hope the Saker is correct
But I fear even b4 he takes office he will be brought into a room for intelligence briefing and be genetically modified into the US version of Boris Johnson
That would require a lobotomy
“what happened today has dealt a death blow to the Empire.”
I’m sorry that I can’t agree. The election only drove a stake through the heart of the Clinton campaign. The empire is still alive and kicking. True, the election forced the media to reveal its rotten core, and it awakened a lot of people to what lies are pushed by the MSM daily.
A realistic hope for 2017 is that Trump chooses a cabinet made up entirely of people who have never held any government position, complete unknowns who have no handles for anyone to grab onto. An unknown but competent defense lawyer as AG would be a good start. This is probably too much to hope for, since Trump has already begun to make very bad choices, starting with Pence as VP.
“A death blow to europe”… Europe has cancer… it is only a matter of time……
A realistic hope for 2017 is that Trump chooses a cabinet made up entirely of people who have never held any government position, complete unknowns who have no handles for anyone to grab onto. An unknown but competent defense lawyer as AG would be a good start. This is probably too much to hope for, since Trump has already begun to make very bad choices, starting with Pence as VP.
I see this a lot on various web sites, and I agree. But the reality is how far down the “A” list does one go until someone say’s yes. Almost no-one who is successful and moral wants to step into the cesspool that VinchyDC is.
Another point I would like to make while I an here is, “Trump is not a Republican”, he used that vehicle to get to be Pres elect, thus out smarting all of the “R” smart folks. Believe me they hate him as much as the Dems do.
See y’all in another month or two.
Congratulations not celebrations: Countries who slammed Trump send best wishes
“a world is collapsing before our eyes”
Let’s hope so.
“Do I need to remind anybody that Putin also came from the Soviet elites?!”
While I know very little about Mr Putin, or Russia in general, I think this is a rather misleading statement. Trump, as I recall, was born a billionnaire (or very close). Putin’s family was quite poor, and of course endured the Siege of Leningrad. If Mr Putin became one of some kind of elite, it was entirely and exclusively through merit and his own efforts. To this day, as I understand, he takes little interest in accumulating wealth.
Agree, and, in any case, he was rised to the elites from a grey office in St. Petersburg town hall, for who knows which destiny by Andropov´s roof, I fear, from what i know from the “old strategist”.
Only I hope that those who have supported this scoundrel The Donald withh all their means at hand by campaigning for him without rest will have to watch one day a socialist Russia ( and even a socialist China ) very different from what they were, so dreamfully, promising for themselves.
I hope to be able to see it also….since .I am also able to dream….
talking to students–still very very divisive opinions………….will not accept it, their young people’s world seems to have ended,hopefully HC supporters will not want to move to massive civil unrest just cos they don’t like things…..
Sky news etc bringing out the NATO scaremonger NATO spokesperson CV and eg.Anders Rasmussen worried about Baltics , isolation…all the lies against DT seem to be well established ie he is PresidentPutin’s friend etc…..they will continue to be promulgated I am sure, every opportunity will be made to denigrate him…Rasmussen saying there must be “open societies, free trade”….ie a Soros type of world and NATO free to continue its aggression………..
The German Defense Minister said that she had a shock when heard about Trump’s win.
Yeah, LEY that dumb stupid girlie will have to march to Stalingrad alone as it seems. I hope the whole lot there in control will soon be massacred by the elections next year, nothing else then massive election fraud will save them, a tsuname is coming their way for certain.
its already started and you can see the provocateurs leading he mob probably
trained and funded by soros just llike in egypt’s arab spring.
and there are hundreds of death threats for trump on twitter….will they be prosecuted?
a sarcastic tweet in britain about blowing up the airport because of frustration at the delays
got one guy 6 months in the clink a year or so ago.
Brexit,Killaryexit…next Renzi(04 dec referendum),Hollande and I hope Merkel?Not a done deal yet as this morning she is pushing for more EU,more NATO,tafta(not dead)etc…this woman is the new Killary european version(maybe even worse?).
Expect a neocon or an A Carter false flag at any moment or a JFK 2.0 for Trump.Killary just spoke and with a very low profile(afraid of the FBI maybe?).
According to politico and presstv there are a few neocons forseen in the Trump team.
Msm and eurocrats in full panic mode.
First consequence, since The Donald was against the approach to Cuba:
“Cuba announces military exercises throughout the country”
Obviously, those who have suffered most along history because of the American Hegemon, soundly, expect nothing good from this election.
Rarely I have been so glad to be wrong. I thought, with many, that the immense power of the establishments and the cabal would have made impossible an alternative choice to the woman “whose sole name blisters my tongue.”
Of course, this is not the beginning of the end, but it lets us hope that it may be the end of the beginning.
Nevertheless, I still cannot believe my eyes or ears that the American people as a whole told the corporate media to f…k off.
Therefore, I’ll say with Shakespeare, “… he that throws not up his cap for joy / Shall for the fault make forfeit of his head.”
As for the Saker’s analysis, I can only say, “The Saker for President” – though he may not necessarily like me for saying or hoping it.
Here’s how it’s going to play out.
If Trump is a fraud, it’s the continuation of status quo hegemonic policy leading to WWIII.
If Trump really intends to rebuild the country’s infrastructure by doing it the only way possible — by moving funds from the military-security-intelligence-surveillance complex to where it’s actually needed by the people — then here’s the algorhythm:
1) Assassination.
2) Sacrifice of the Patsy.
3) Camps are open for business.
4) Fill them up with anyone who objects.
5) Get the war machine producing those profits again!
The Powers That Be are playing a game where the only outcome is win, or knock over the board if they can’t.
Good Luck Trump! You’ve got some Augean Stables to clean with Gods who don’t want that to happen at all costs…
This article is “once again” one of immense insight. I couldn’t agree more. We “may” be (hopefully) at an historic moment. As Saker says ,we can’t know what is ahead this early. But we certainly do know what we faced under a Clinton regime,war and more war.If Trump does have the “will” to “drain the swamp” of the neo-con crocodiles,the World (and the US) has a “chance” for peace. But it will still be a hard struggle. The neo-con ideology is pervasive,in both the Democrat “and” Republican Parties. And Trump is going to have to work very hard to root it out.Its important to remember that the neo-cons “used” to be even more embedded in the Republican Party ,than in the Democratic Party.It was only when Trump refused to be “one of them”. That they, in mass, moved to support Clinton.For years they’ve had a lot of influence among the Democrats too. But they “owned” the Republican Party.And their tentacles are still deep in the Republican Party establishment. Even though he denies it today. I’m hoping Trump has a vindictive streak on that one subject. And doesn’t overlook the way they betrayed and trashed him.If he can rid himself totally of their power,the World has a better future for peace. But if he forgives them and lets them keep their influence,then little positive will come of this Trump win.
What gives Trump a different shape, is that he wasn’t a party “soldier” who executes the orders of a certain party, being democrat or republican. He was and remained a business man, hence his rationality and way of thinking is different. Probably this is why he had and has the capacity to be more close to the realities of daily life and thus has a greater approach towards the larger majority of people. Being very rich (the 148 richest in the US) he knows from very close, the greed of many of his former “partners” of business, being himself one of the “insiders”. This may sound harsh, but if he is a real change-man who wants to get rid of what he knew from within, and he stays strong to his views, then he will do something really good. For now, he looks like a mystery man, the time is too early to judge indeed. Just my opinion.
I think you are right. Also,there are “basically” two types of business men in the US.Those tied to globalism (military-industrial complex,and off-shoring business),and those tied to the US homelands economy. While Trump does have interests overseas,they aren’t the “factory” type. The military-industrial complex makes money off of wars and chaos abroad.And the off-shoring takes money from the homelands economy.Trump’s businesses,need peace,and for the homelands economy to prosper.That,if for no other reason ,is an incentive for him to not want war.
I read on some site that he told his (then) girlfriend Melania that he was interested in making a run for president, already in 1999.
If this is true, he may have been a more active observer of the political merry-go-round than most imagine. Not just acting on impulse when he announced his candidacy.
I saw on RT where he had told Larry King he was “thinking” of running several times over the years (even in the 1980’s). And then last year told King he “was” going to run in this election. So while it might have been “spur of the moment” in making the firm decision.He had been considering it for years.
Now all the vassals of the Great Satan are paying their respect on occasion of new boss in the WH including Vlad, the Eastern partner appeaser. He already wants to be a member in the Crime Syndicate but it’s not up to him at all. He’s just a pest for the exeptionalists. He must bring Russia in his teeth to them. He makes a fool of himself again in the eyes of World Community.
I for one voted for Trump out of fear of Hillary. I told my wife that I hope our votes don’t bite us in the ass over the next 4 years. I always thought that Obama would not escalate any of the wars America is currently in because Hillary would do much better. What do you think the chances are that the Neolibcons will escalate Syria and the rest before Trump officially takes office? Or perhaps some kind of false flag before Obama leaves office.
That is a concern. We have almost 3 months left to worry about it.
From 231,556,622 Americans eligible to vote: 25.6% voted Clinton 25.5% voted Trump 1.7% voted Johnson, and 46.9% choose not to vote.
So the nation is very divided, and I am more concerned for 46.9% that whom choose not to vote, compared with 25.6% that voted for Clinton.
The New President is promising good things. The question is: Who is going to pay for these good things. Where the money is coming from. The National Treasury doesn’t control the money supply, and there not all the people like Mr. Donald Trump.
Keynesian economics say that government borrows to spend its way out of depression.
Isnt there tons of money lying around in banks?
There is not near enough money in banks to cover what is being spent, only a bunch of IOUs. Banks are simply revolving doors of debt. What they are borrowing from is our grandchildren’s earnings. Notice I did not say their savings–everything we saved for them, we have spent already. We have nothing left to spend and nothing to borrow against except a promise that when our future unborn descendants grow up and earn money, they will pay our debts for us.
How about we fine the banks the billions they stole from us?
But apart from that, let the state borrow money interest free if need be.
The creation of jobs in building infrastructure benefits the economy through taxes and goods manufacture.
It is a virtuous circle. But I am not an economist. Just makes sense.
This is realism, yes man, with foot on Earth, great analysis.
Another reasonable expectative.
Thanks for to bring in the numbers, so, then, there is almost a half of the population who does not aprobe the actual US system…..
Glad to hear, this would be the good news of today, because what it means is that there is still hope, not the Pyrrhic and petty gain of some, though “some”, could never make its way in any legitimate way more than supporting an extreme rightist like The Donald
The biggest thing about this US election is that the majority of people in the US reject the crap dished out by controlled MSM. No matter what happens now, that alone is cause for optimism.
BBC calling! BBC calling!
World media shock and dismay at Trump win
Ha-Ha! Never was MSM shock and dismay more richly deserved.
‘Putin did it’ meme is uncharacteristically absent for the vassal BBC propaganda bullhorn although Russia news outlets are mentioned along with those of other countries.
I did however notice that ‘related topics’ at the end of this article are ‘Russia’ and ‘Trump’.
And Hollywood is under shock, after some big names have fallen in the nest of Hillary, making not too pleasant remarks against Trump. I’m sorry for Robert De Niro, he also did it.
Hollywood is a mafia system, which in turn is a satanic system, of the rule of Fear, not Love.
Like the character in the God Father, who was set to testify, but caved in when he saw a few old Sicilians from La Cosa Nostra in the court room, staring at him, De Niro has seen the Mal Occhio, the evil eye, and caved a long long time ago.
A few good scripts and people work in the corners and put out a few good things. But it is mostly a witches brew.
In the Godfather, the government witness clams up, of course, and knowing that he still faces death even for thinking about turning against evil. marvels at “how wonderfully” the system of Fear “works!”. Pathetic slave! It works to turn society into a sewer pit.
And part of that process is the fantasizing audience, who consider GodFather to be their “favorite movie”, in the millions of persons.
So they could fantasize about wielding such “power” themselves. Stupid suckers!! Mind controlled idiot slaves!
Robyn Williams did a great job in the Dead Poets Society. Skilled actors, both he and De Niro. Some real insights to be able to play the part so well. But any sort of moral or political guide??? Forget about it. Almost ALL are creatures of the Hollywood AZ Empire swamp, to one degree or another under the thrall of the occult priesthood who run it.
I hope this helps put your admiration of/disappointment in Robert DeNiro a context that makes sense. It’s important to do so.
When I saw a video of Givi and Motorola relaxing a couple of years ago and responding to reporter’s questions about how they would like to be or see themselves in terms of movie action heroes, and Givi responds “Denzell Washington!”, I immediately thought, “Watch out guys! Cultural warfare is an even more fundamental form of the struggle than the military form which you have shown yourselves skilled at. Be careful when you go to the movies to remember that.”
I know, Hollywood is not the place where angels resides, many of the actors have been co-opted for propaganda purposes, many films have been created with the same scope. If you ask me if I could name an actual actor or recent big film, I can’t do that because I don’t watch them. But in the past, there were times when the film was a piece of art. After a while everything has developed in the film industry – like in a factory (film factory) where everything comes like cars on the roll band. The niveau (level) of these are very questionable at least. The guys in Hollywood say, they have to satisfy the needs of the peoples in this sense – needles to say, by creating a lot of trash, lowering the spirit and intellect of a large portion of people (mainly young, of course) – pushing them into spiritual chaos. And the “creators” have a good fun, cause they have shot two targets at one shut : creating many idiots and earning from them a lot of money.(the idiots are paying with pleasure)
The Working Class Won The Election
Paul Craig Roberts
The US presidential election is historic, because the American people were able to defeat the oligarchs. Hillary Clinton, an agent for the Oligarchy, was defeated despite the vicious media campaign against Donald Trump. This shows that the media and the political establishments of the political parties no longer have credibility with the American people.
It remains to be seen whether Trump can select and appoint a government that will serve him and his goals to restore American jobs and to establish friendly and respectful relations with Russia, China, Syria, and Iran.
It also remains to be seen how the Oligarchy will respond to Trump’s victory. Wall Street and the Federal Reserve can cause an economic crisis in order to put Trump on the defensive, and they can use the crisis to force Trump to appoint one of their own as Secretary of the Treasury. Rogue agents in the CIA and Pentagon can cause a false flag attack that would disrupt friendly relations with Russia. Trump could make a mistake and retain neoconservatives in his government.
With Trump there is at least hope. Unless Trump is obstructed by bad judgment in his appointments and by obstacles put in his way, we should expect an end to Washington’s orchestrated conflict with Russia, the removal of the US missiles on Russia’s border with Poland and Romania, the end of the conflict in Ukraine, and the end of Washington’s effort to overthrow the Syrian government. However, achievements such as these imply the defeat of the US Oligarchy. Although Trump defeated Hillary, the Oligarchy still exists and is still powerful.
Trump said that he no longer sees the point of NATO 25 years after the Soviet collapse. If he sticks to his view, it means a big political change in Washington’s EU vassals. The hostility toward Russia of the current EU and NATO officials would have to cease. German Chancellor Merkel would have to change her spots or be replaced. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg would have to be dismissed.
We do not know who Trump will select to serve in his government. It is likely that Trump is unfamiliar with the various possibilities and their positions on issues. It really depends on who is advising Trump and what advice they give him. Once we see his government, we will know whether we can be hopeful for the changes that now have a chance.
If the oligarchy is unable to control Trump and he is actually successful in curbing the power and budget of the military/security complex and in holding the financial sector politically accountable, Trump could be assassinated.
Trump said that he will put Hillary in prison. He should first put her on trial for treason and war crimes along with all of the neoconservatives. That would clear the decks for peace with the other two major nuclear powers over whom the neoconservatives seek hegemony. Although the neoconservatives would still have contacts in the hidden deep state, it would make it difficult for the vermin to organize false flag operations or an assassination. Rogue elements in the military/security complex could still bring off an assassination, but without neocons in the government a coverup would be more difficult.
Trump has more understanding and insight than his opponents realize. For a man such as Trump to risk acquiring so many powerful enemies and to risk his wealth and reputation, he had to have known that the people’s dissatisfaction with the ruling establishment meant he could be elected president.
We won’t know what to expect until we see who are the Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries. If it is the usual crowd, we will know Trump has been captured.
A happy lasting result of the election is the complete discrediting of the US media. The media predicted an easy Hillary victory and even Democratic Party control of the US Senate. Even more important to the media’s loss of influence and credibility, despite the vicious media attack on Trump throughout the presidential primaries and presidential campaign, the media had no effect outside the Northeast and West coasts, the stomping grounds of the One Percent. The rest of the country ignored the media.
I did not think the Oligarchy would allow Trump to win. However, it seems that the oligarchs were deceived by their own media propaganda. Assured that Hillary was the sure winner, they were unprepared to put into effect plans to steal the election.
Hillary is down, but not the Oligarchs. If Trump is advised to be conciliatory, to hold out his hand, and to take the establishment into his government, the American people will again be disappointed. In a country whose institutions have been so completely corrupted by the Oligarchy, it is difficult to achieve real change without bloodshed.
I am not stupid enough to dream, even for a nanosecond, to challenge the A-10 Thunderbolt II.
@”Rogue elements in the military/security complex could still bring off an assassination,”
I know many fear this outcome, and so do I. At the same time, I can help but think that the Aemrican people have wised up since 1963, and I cannot imagine that a genuine attempt on Trump’s life would not very seriously backfire in terms of political mayhem and revolt. I just cannot imagine Americans allowing another president to be stolen from them without exploding.
Another thought occurs to me: Once Trump is sworn in he will have access to a lot of the earlier dirt.
It has been speculated that what really brought Nixon down was not (just) the Watergate break-in and cover-up but alos his starting to nose around trying to get info on the true circumstances of the JFK assassination. So, Trump has to tread very carefully and keep h is enemies close but monitored by a cadre that is totally loyal to him. Maybe bring in some Slovenian relatives . . .
“It also remains to be seen how the Oligarchy will respond to Trump’s victory.”
Well, because, I do not know if Mr. Roberts is aware, but he is the oligarchy himself!
The Neocons and the CIA/MIC will be smarting from this as will some of the 0.1%.
Wil they enact retribution a la JFK or is Trump all part of the larger game?
Most probably he is part of a larger game, just wait and see.
Also, get yourself a chair, not going to get tired.
Saker, You say
“I have always said that the choice for the lesser evil is morally wrong and pragmatically misguided”
But then you go forth in sympathising with, thus implicitly advocating, the very same choice.
Firstly, morally wrong? Based on which morals exactly. Pragmatically misguided? That’s an oxymoron since the origin of this is in pragmatics, making the best of any given “non-hypothetical” situation.
You will find that you will fail to back up your claim with a real life situation. ‘Real life’ not made up hyperbole to prove your point.
I agree. If there are literally only two options, you have to choose the lesser evil. As you note, life is full of such occasions. The case of voting is different: here you don’t have to vote at all. This is a third choice. Whether not voting is morally right is a debatable point, depending on one’s assumptions. In any case, there are in life sins of ommission as well as sins of commission.
Yes, but, normally, “sins of comission” are much more harmful and malicious, and that is why they are more punished by law, when there is real justice, of course.
Well, take cases where someone is getting beaten, raped, murdered, and no one does anything–this happens; crimes committed in plain view of people around the scene. Or people begging, and no one gives anything.
From Quora:
In Spain:
“Failure to provide assistance” (“Omisión del deber de socorro”) is explicitly against the law. And not only refers to accidents that have happened, but also to those that are imminent or very likely to happen.
You are excused of providing assistance if “unable” for any reason or if by doing so you put yourself or others at serious risk (“non feasance”). But in this case you still have a legal obligation: requesting assistance to a third party, and doing so as soon as possible.
If you are responsible for the accident, actively or by negligence, non-compliance is considered an aggravating circumstance. If you are a health sector professional non assistance to a pre-existing accident it is also an aggravating circumstance.
In many states, a teacher is required by law to report any suspicion of child abuse or child neglect and, so long as the report is done in good faith, is immune from any law suit should it turn out that no abuse or neglect occurred.
Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
James 4:17
Humour -there are several different pictures out there of triumphant Trump and depressed Obama with the heading ‘Orange is the new black’ .
Since I don’t have a TV I wasn’t aware until searching that there is some kind of TV series by the same name.
“The worst case? Trump could turn out to be a total fraud. I personally very much doubt it, but I admit that this is possible”.
I agree. With Americans nothing would shock me, but lets hope he is real.
Want more evidence that Trump really doesn’t want to be elected? Two days before the polls opened, he leaked his choices for his top cabinet positions: Reince Pribus for chief of staff, the crazy general Michael Flynn for defense secretary, Goldman Sachs veteran Michael Mnuchin for Treasury, Newt Gingrich for Secretary of State and Rudy Giuliani as Attorney General. It’s the equivalent of pre-wrapping his administration in crime-scene tape.
The Cataclysm: Notes on Election Day and the Politics of Hubris
Posted By Jeffrey St. Clair On November 9, 2016
My dear American siblings, it is now up to you. We learnt during the Obama years that capturing the Presidency is not enough. That seat in the end is only one centre of power among many in the States; and not the most powerful. What your President needs is their own centre of power; you.
Democracy is not five minutes every four years, but every day of our lives. We have been asleep too long, we’ve gotten fat and lazy, and we have left the running of our communities to the wrong people. It is time for the Silent Majority to find it’s voice.
I thought I might be too world-weary to ever feel hope again, but I do today. I had given up on the American people ever rising up against the Masters of the Universe. We have seen so many false dawns before, but they still retain their beauty. Evil triumphs when good people do nothing. So have at it!
I fear that the “Silent Majority”, or almost it, as it is shown in the data brought in by a commenter above, just decided to stay at home in front of two candidates each one more unacceptable than the other.
So this is, again, a false dawn for at least half of the population in the US.
I fear that the only ones who could see this as a real dawn would be the “golden souls” of, well, Golden Dawn and the likes, can not see other option.
Low voter turnout is a long-standing feature of the American political scene.
Given that fact, this year’s low voter turnout is not an outlier, and doesn’t change the fact that those who vote end up making decisions for all, and the majority determines everyone’s fate. Obviously, there is no way to know whether the outcome “represents” the views of those who didn’t vote, or not. But legally, it does.
Since polls are conducted among “probable” voters, I wonder whether a lot of pollees didn’t just lie.
I got one automated call to participate in a poll—first time I was ever polled for an election.
It amused me to give misleading answers— it was obvious to me, from the questions, how they were designed to create “clusters” relating to age, race, political choice, etc. I was just feeling ornery, but now I think I did the right thing. Maybe a lot of people did the same. Annoyed at being “managed.” It is, actually, kind of stupid for pollsters to assume that citizens would tell them the truth and that they don’t know how their responses will show up in the predictions of the “experts.” The pollsters themselves are kind of predictable . . .
It is certainly a great day and we all have every reason to hope for a new beginning in peace. The american people have achieved in their endless candor what the Germans missed before WW2, namely to see through the propaganda machinery and break it. This result is, like Saker rightly says a mortal wound to the NWO. The american people have been laughed about when not feared and they have now with absolute sovereignty shown the world a lesson of decency and civility while setting the crazies of the basement out of the fight. We couldn’t be happier.
On the ohter hand, if we follow Steve Pieczenik’s theory of what has happened behind the curtains we become more aware of what Trump meant in his first speech. Here Dr. Steve Piecznik video, self explanatory:
What I mean to say is that Trump might be a lot less of a lone ranger that we think and that there is an important portion if the IC and military behind him. We therefore can hope that the right steps will be taken and the involved people will be brought to the justice. There is simply too much at play.
“…a lesson of decency and civility ..”
By whom?
Will not be by The Donald?
Please, Vercia, have you forgotten the people beated at his meetings or all what have come from his bigmouth?
Have you been co-opted or what?
There is a great deal of evidence that came out in the Creamer emails that disruptions at Trump rallies were arranged and paid for by Creamer and others in his team.
I recall very clearly being quite taken aback and quite angry, this summer, when protesters showed up to block roads etc. to Trump’s rallies, and this was loudly applauded in the press, including the left-wing press. Trump and his followers were not accorded any of the rights of free speech and association—it was as though *anything* was OK that would obstruct his campaign.
This is in fact the kind of behavior—disrupting other groups’ legitimate political activities—acting as political agitators and, like Brown Shirts, breaking up Communist rallies.
you got my point Katherine
have you not seen the veritas videos where out of their own mouths
the clinton ‘operatives’ boast how the organized the trouble at trump rallys?
1500 dollars per person was the going rate.
Hola Elsi
Good to see you back. I am not totally back. Still have a lot going on privately and have not time for long online conversations. I do miss you all.
Regarding the subject in question, you probably know as good as everybody that in this type of riots nothing at all is spontaneous, moreover they are a very successful product of the Soros franchise for regime change. Not to forget Soros nephew is married to Chelsea Clinton.
Secondly, my dear friend, whether we like it or not, this is was a lesson in civility which can only be compared to the Referendum that ended with the Crimean annexation to Russia. I do not have a problem to acknowledge this silent victory of the usa-people.
By the way, did you watch the video?
What video do you refer?
That of his speech after election? I have seen some excerpts televised here, those where he promised to be the “president of all the american people” and so on, and “thanks Hillary for her good service to the nation”.
Simply, he seems another different person from who he showed to be in his campaign.
Who is the real Donald? Who knows….
How to beileve in this man? I simply do not. That´s all.
He showed his bad arts in campaign trying to divide US working people and throw ones against the others, and besides boasted of avoiding paying taxes in front of millions of contributors who pay. For me enough.
How the American people swallow that, I do not know.
Well, that they had no other option? Let´s say that then. But, then, do not try to make me believe that this is democracy, because when you have no other option than to elect someone who does not deserve it, that is not democracy but something else.
I believe these are the videos referred to:
More at
What is historic about this election is the fact that the american people took the opportunity to show where the majority of america stands, – opposed to unending crminal wars – and the now overt peddling of the elites with astronomical sums with 0.001% trickle down, money which the common will have to pay for, or in more clear terms outright theft and ripoff of a whole country held hostage. It further displayed that it will not elect a proven murderous witch into office and make themselves accomplices of her and her handlers crimes and immorality, spiritually a VERY, VERY important message !!!!!
If one looks at the county maps of the voting results everything is red, only the large city areas are blue, therefore the heart of the country is still healthy and possesing some critical agencies regarding the ‘unevitable’ as it is sold all around the Western Empire. A hard blow to the satanic scripters anyway. Whether Trump will be able to deliver, most likely not, unless he has an invicible Army at his hand, remember Presidents have been murdered for much less, but this is secondary important is the signal which has been sent out.
Beware that The Donald is not belonging also to the “satanic scripters”. Wait and see, although, some here most probably know that, yes, this is so.
Too much champagne for what it represents…..
the donald…doesn’t seem to talk as much as the elsi
Quite true!!
I just watches mr Trump’s speech from today.
He is introducing some friends.
Rudi Pull it Giuliani is among them.
You know, the man who knew that building 7 was to collapse on 911.
Also General Mike Flinn is one of his Friends.
As far as I can tell from the internet, the man seriously thinks that Iran is a bigger treat than ISIS:
Iam really happy that Clinton did not win, but somehow I have this after election hangover.
Listen to Trump’s acceptance speech. Not once does he praise America’s current military or current military actions. Not once does he boast about America’s military might. This is ***unprecedented***.
Yes he talks about ‘veterans’- respected those who fought in *old* American wars- but that’s not a pro-miltary thing at all- quite the opposite.
A *lot* of people will try to convince you that Trump is ‘business as usual’ now that their ‘woman’ has lost. It’s the usual tactic of exploiting a fear by the masses that all potential leaders are compromised- and is 100% a propaganda method of the ‘deep state’. The psychology goes “you don’t like Trump as a person, so obviously that means Trump is ‘owned’ by the usual forces”. A *lot* of people who pretended to be anti-Clinton used this tactic to smear Trump.
Truth is that Trump is an Alpha-male Right-leaning liberal business man- and his psychology is pretty obvious once you understand this. His ‘class’ isn’t from the deep state ruling elite, but of the mega-wealthy ‘have an idea and somehow I can get it done, cos money speaks’. His type loathes the deep state types.
The deep state will try to entangle Trump in such dreary ‘complexities’, that he becomes a ‘sleeping’ president who hands over power to as many deep state operatives the GOP can infiltrate into his inner circle. At 70, they’ll do their best to *drug* him to make him ‘sleepy’ and ‘lazy’ – a tactic they’ve used with many aged leaders in the past. However, 70 isn’t old these days, and while Trump feels energised he’ll ensure this doesn’t happen to him.
The *business not war* dominance of his position and speech is all you need to focus on- for no country can do both well, and yet either can sate the population. If he gets the ‘business’ stuff going, it’ll be like the 70s and 80s in the USA all over again, where the American people learn to be anti-war.
In the meantime, all the ‘chattering classes’ in the USA, left, right and centre, will continue to claim that Trump is the ‘devil’ in public, for fear of how they will be perceived by their peers if they don’t. Peer pressure is another tool of the ruling elites- who hate true freedom of expression. The idea that an individual, for good or bad, should feel free to speak his/her mind, is an anathema to these demons- groupthink is everything (and ask yourself how much *you* like groupthink these days, so long as the ‘group’ is ‘thinking’ what you think is *your* way- even if your current groupthink is anti-demon, the demons love that you have given in to groupthink, for they can always hope to exploit that fatal weakness at some other time in the future).
And many are simply jealous of Trump’s wealth and position, and allow this to colour their thoughts about the man as well. People like Trump are the way they are because that part of the societal ecosystem requires his characteristics. Don’t dislike him for that, because Trump represents the unvarnished *honesty* of what positions like his represent. The alternative is a two-faced liar, masked to seem ‘acceptable’ to the chattering classes, but far worse in reality.
So, if he does not fullfill any of his promises, it will be because they have become him a “sleeping” president?
Man, I can see that your have prepared yourself for to excuse even the worst outcome. That way, he always win, isn´t it?, as he is accustomed to do, and even can go scot-free…he was sleeping, you, is it that you can see it!
Only that …‘business’ stuff going, …. like the 70s and 80s in the USA” meant genocide in mass for whole generations in Latin America and Asia.
Could you expand yourself a bit on how he will be able to mantain “business stuff going” without repeating that?
That of the “sleeping president” is the best I have heard since “The sleeping beauty” when still in the nursery.
The “sleeping president” notion may have been planned for Hilary, given what has been revealed about her bad judgement and general lack of respect for it in her circle.
Hilary’s notorious health problems may not have been entirely due to hard living conflicting with aged natural biology. Her own people had qualms about her running for President, save for the benefit to themselves if she succeeded.
Trump hasn’t even been sworn in yet. The A-Z Deep State can fix wagons by doing a lot more than just making someone dozy.
That some of us do not jump preciselly for joy with The Donald victory does not mean that we are a tool of Hillary or thye elites, but that we are more in line with the Kremlin officials´ oppinion, as it is shown in this article:
“Russian diplomat says Trump’s win no reason to ‘jump for joy’”
Also some comments here, although not all bad for The Donald, but attention to the experts with respect to China. This is why I have not hope of wars ending.
“Experts say Russia should not indulge in illusions over Trump’s victory”
I’m sorry folks, time is limited for me at this point and it’s quickly running out, so, I didn’t read all the comments as I usually do before I post.
But this is what I wanted to say since I’ve heard the news this morning:
*sigh* At worst: WWIII is less likely to happen now than if Killary won – at best: WWIII got averted!
How’s that bad news?
I don’t know about you folks…. but I’m drinking to this one :) with gusto!
I woke up this morning hearing a voice saying: “America could become again a ‘beacon on the hill’ instead of a searchlight for its Navy!”
It is a ‘beacon of hope’ at least. The hope that after 100 years the rotting corpse of the ‘revolution’ would eventually be buried. I hope that the corpse of Lenin would follow suit.
This is a Russian perspective regarding the fact that Trump won the elections:
“There will be no miracles. None. There is no need to expect friendship or a radical change in US-Russian relations from Trump. The fact that Trump won the elections, despite the strong resistance put up by a significant part of the American political and economic elite, was already a miracle. Demanding a bigger one is tempting fate. There’s no need to do this.
The new president is a man who is very, very strongly disliked by those who have formulated the US’ extremely aggressive foreign policy over recent years and dragged the country directly towards military confrontation with Russia and China. Now American politicians of a different nature with different interests and ideologies have the chance to work out a different foreign policy.
This is the first time in many years that this could really be in the US’ interests. No, I haven’t misspoken. Trump’s victory is to a certain extent a victory of the American elites, specifically those elites who have preserved at least some kind of American identity and the feeling of being Americans, not globalists. This is their victory over the supranational oligarchy and bureaucracy about whom Vladimir Putin recently spoke as the main problem of the world.” Quote
Voting for the lesser evil is just another way of voting for the greater good; its just that the contents of either chalice are kind of dodgy and ‘lesser evil’ is usually contextually apt.
Consistently voting for the lesser evil should logically eventually bring the electorate into good territory. Choices then become between the greater good versus a lesser good, barring some reset of the logical progression back into the evil zone. Deep State games are all about rolling back the progression from lesser evil into greater good, pulling some reset crisis or another.
Trump may not want war, but the A-Zs still do and they are global. Being set back in one country simply means falling back to another and leveraging back.
Russia is total A2AD, and internally purged of the worst oligarchs and Western NGOs. Russian compradors are neutered; all that’s left is to throw away the key in a final purge of the Atlanticists that resist withering and dying away. Russia can’t be pawned against the U.S..
So the U.S. doesn’t want war, and Russia doesn’t want war, and the impetus to war in the U.S. is being Trumped. China doesn’t want war either… doesn’t it?
Going back to Mackinder, the whole point of the A-Zs regime change games was to prevent the Eurasian world heartland from coming together and eclipsing the North American world heartland.
Unfortunately China did not have the wisdom to toss out Western NGOs even after the so-called Umbrella Revolution in Hong Kong. A-Z collaborators share one trait with bethren in other nationalities – willingness to sell out. Chinese compradors are no less willing to sacrifice China and world peace to the dubious ‘greater good’ of A-Z globalism (tyranny sold as something more flattering like human rights and democracy).
Through Western missionaries, Chinese compradors, through Chinese Compradors, China, through China Russia. Failing that, thrashing China (cruise missiles raining upon world cultural treasures like the Forbidden City, anyone?) would satisfy A-Z/Western sinophobes mightily.
If U.S. corporations have to leave, as Trump wants them to, they will leave a mess on the way out. Temper tantrums from the spoiled and ignorant classes in China, clones of their Western counterparts, will follow. Trump obviously isn’t asking U.S./Western NGOs and venture finance hitmen to leave China nor would he necessarily recognize them as his domestic enemies in a foreign land, trying to force war with Eurasia from the other side.
China has begun to sell off U.S. treasuries in response to devaluation games with the Yuan, which won’t be great for the $U.S. in the short term. Inevitably the Chinese economy will downturn as part of the natural business cycle, which is global now. Lean times can be made more confrontational times than they have to be.
One game ends, a new one begins. The prize – a Eurasian split and/or war with China.
But all games lead to Moscow.
Thankfully, It’s Not Madam President… Hold the Cheers for Donald Trump…
By Stephen Lendman
Global Research, November 09, 2016
Thankfully humanity is freed from the scourge of a third Hillary and Bill Clinton crime family co-presidency – she in the lead role with her finger on the nuclear trigger as US military commander-in-chief, perhaps eager to squeeze it.
Newsweek magazine jumped the gun, printing a special edition, distributing it to outlets before November 8 – Hillary on the cover below the heading “MADAM PRESIDENT.”
Shades of November 3, 1948, the Chicago Tribune headlining “DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN.” A beaming President HST held up a copy of the broadsheet, saying: “That ain’t the way I heard it!”
Like polls predicted a Hillary victory this electoral cycle, they said Dewey would defeat Truman back then – wrong both times.
Madam president wasn’t to be. Some day eventually in America, someone other than Hillary. Overnight Tuesday, her political career ended with a bang, not a whimper.
If it was Christmas, we’d sing Joy to the World. Hold the cheers for Trump. He’s no populist leader, his policies less than people friendly. His “Contract with the American Voter” includes disturbing promises he’ll pursue as president.
A previous article discussed them. Here are the lowlights:
Let business operate as regulation-free as possible, facilitating greater corporate predation.
Direct the Treasury security to declare China a currency manipulator – on the one hand wanting better relations with Russia, he says; on the other, contesting China’s economic policy unfairly.
Allow unrestricted fossil fuel production, instead of prioritizing development and use of alternative green energy sources.
Authorize construction of the environmentally destructive Keystone Pipeline and similar projects.
Cancel US participation in UN climate change programs.
Replace Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia with someone matching his right-wing extremism.
Cancel federal funding for Sanctuary Cities.
Mass deport millions of undocumented (largely Latino) immigrants.
Cancel visas to foreign countries unwilling to take them back.
Suspend immigration from so-called “terror-prone regions,” largely the Middle East, ignoring America’s responsibility for creating ISIS and likeminded groups.
Simplify the tax code from seven to three brackets.
Cut taxes, largely benefitting high-income Americans.
Cut the corporate tax rate (few firms pay) from 35 – 15%.
Replace Obamacare with health savings accounts – swapping one failed system for a worse one.
Cut approval red tape to let inadequately tested drugs be offered for sale.
Build a wall along America’s border with Mexico, its government funding the cost.
Increase America’s gulag prison system population by imposing mandatory minimum sentences for undocumented immigrants reentering the country after being deported.
Get tougher on crime and so-called illicit drugs than already.
Increase funding and other resources for already militarized state and local police.
Additional policies he’ll pursue include greater support for Israel than already, including recognizing Jerusalem as its capital, breaching international law.
He wants the Iran nuclear deal abolished. He’ll likely ignore it rather than rescind an international agreement involving seven countries, including the five permanent Security Council members.
He wants a more robust, expanded US military instead of major cutbacks needed along with ending all imperial wars.
He saved humanity from the scourge of nuclear war on Russia, while unlikely to pursue peace over war in multiple theaters involving US forces or their surrogates.
A new dawn won’t arrive in America under his leadership. Expect dirty business as usual to continue – short of devastating nuclear war.
OK, so where’s the downside? Compared to Hillary, that is. I’ll take the ego-maniac in need of a thesaurus over a demonic psychopathic grifter. Success leaves clues and if Trump makes the world more peaceful and the U.S. more Constitutionally observant than count me a fan. Otherwise, I’ll keep the popcorn ready and the AKM loaded.
A Hilary administration might try and continue business as usual, and prolong the game a little longer, but would likely fail at containing karma if only because they would be incapable of recognizing or admitting there is a problem.
They spent the entire election fudging poll numbers and blaming everyone but themselves for problems they created for themselves.
A Trump administration at least knows business as usual is likely not in the cards and hopefully act accordingly.
.. you didnt mention two important components:
1) the huge debt crisis – US has the biggest national debt in the world.
2) Capitalism’s own logic must enslave – this means that the US needs a working class Party.
Will the average Joe ever learn? The US gov’t–along with its banking agents– is the monopoly issuer of its currency. It issues all currency by crediting accounts with computers. Try to grasp this simple fact.The US and other developed nations use a fiat, floating exchange, non-convertible currency. It’s a spreadsheet system, a digital system. Sadly, the public–and the American public is the most ignorant and intellectually bone-lazy public on earth. It apparently is unable to educate itself in these matters and thus is totally bamboozled and easily manipulated by the powers that shouldn’t be. So, understand, no dollars would exist unless the US gov’t spent them into existence. They don’t fall out of the sky. Taxes are used to ensure that dollars will be used by the private sector. The gov’t doesn’t need the very currency or credits it issues in order to buy anything or to pay interest. Etc., etc. Of course, your average boob–including the majority of its politicians–will sneer and smirk. Fine. Stay ignorant. Otherwise, get off your duff and educate yourself–by which I mean forget the mainstream.
Here’s a start:
This is going on since 1913 and is working great. It is true that US$ it is not covered in gold so it is just a promise. To understand better get a ONE $ bill and read on the top of WASHINGTON face, on the top left side (Small Letters) and on the other side at the bottom of PYRAMID in Latin. Why this note survived for more than 100 years.
Because this is a Hard Currency. People USE it because they have the confidence in US $. Why they have confidence?
Because FEDS has kidnapped the biggest part of gold reserves in the world. They OWN 75% of the World’s Gold. All the Gold of Germany, Canada and … is in the Vault of the Feds.
For how long this game will go on and on I do not know, but it is working great.
“Empires expand until someone stops them to do so.” Attila the Hun.
Not just gold; a nearly invincible stable military. There are a lot of supporting factors, but being able to defend the dollar underpins everything.
Gaddafi had gold and wanted a Libyan gold dinar to be the African currency of choice.
NATO demonstrated to him that gold is not enough in and of itself.
Second day of the zionazi “maidan” for america.
#NotMyPresident: Angry Americans Take to Streets in Protest of Donald Trump Win
The zionazis had big plans for a clinton regime which obviously Trump represented a serious wrench in the works. Expect the things are just beginning their oposition.
being paid no doubt – that’s where all the Clinton insiders were when nobody was at there election night get together – they were scheming – I knew it would be something…by the way vt – send me an email some time okay ?
chants of racist, sexist, anti LBG…….exactly what they have been taught , become indoctinated in the cult of the ego self at at the cost of anyone else,and blindly follow……….Katie Hopkins article yesterday exactly right
“I was right. Trump’s triumph has crushed the lefty luvvies, useless pollsters, multicultural mafia and gender Nazis who refuse to listen to regular people. So, from a Brexiteer, thank you America”
PUBLISHED: 11:04, 9 November 2016 | UPDATED: 13:35, 9 November 2016
Obama, Clinton, and Sanders remain silent; just let the riots happen.
There’s probably going to be a December 19 surprise; the Electoral College could vote Trump out no matter how safe Trump plays the appointment of his cabinet-in-waiting. All these protests are likely intended to legitimize an anti-Trump EC vote. The option was floated months ago.
Add to that Trump may face problems from Republicans traitors already within his circle or trying to get in, and appointed to Cabinet and the 4000 or so positions needed to be filled.
Things will become clearer by December 13.
If the EC does dump Trump, it won’t be rationally democratic in the least and only affirm corruption and rigging accusations. Neither candidate ran a campaign based on winning the popular vote.
An EC Clinton save just won’t fly, but given the putative independence of the EC, could legally happen and Trump would either have to cede or spend more money in court.
The main question here is how valuable is the appearance of U.S. government legitimacy anymore?
Actually, I’ve been listening to Putin’s press conferences and I thought he had come to an agreement with China. Maybe he will convince Trump to lay back on his anti-Chinese rhetoric. The funny thing is that China has not been “stealing our jobs”, as Trump like to claim. Whe
n Bill Clinton signed NAFTA, American companies, including Trump’s, sent their jobs to China for lower labor costs. (Of course the Chinese have national health care and subsidized housing from their government, so they can afford to work for lower wages.)
China is not exactly what you seem to think it is. Like in the U.S., people are motivated to work because they need the company health plan. Unlike the U.S., the ‘company town’ is not a distant relic of the past.
Chinese healthcare cannot be called publicly provided for workers unless they work at a publicly owned company. For the employed its a kind of a public-private partnership between robber barons and the state, and the company deducts insurance premiums from the employee paycheque.
No job, then only partially subsidized health coverage exists with the patient and whatever family and friends can pay covering the rest (60%), plus whatever private insurance can be afforded.
Its hard to characterize China as communist where the state comfortably subsidizes the workforce. Its more like robber-baron America with robber baron company towns and their vague pseudo-socialist characteristics where everything is provided for – out of your pay.
Housing is not much different; there’s the company dorm or there’s the private rental market hoping for a piece of whatever workers have left.
OMG !! The toothless deplorable Hoi Polloi voted for Trump & not for a caring, concerned Satan’s daughter ??
The peasants are revolting ??
If you want to know what President Elect Trump will do, it is important to understand what the international banking interest (IBI) that selected him, want done.
Trump’s campaign rhetoric was designed to parallel the aims of the transformation of the international monetary system, from the USD as the uni-reserve currency into the multi-lateral system now coming on line.
With that in mind we can begin to follow what the money wants and that should bring into sharp relief how Trump’s plans line up with IBI goals.
A devalued USD means several things, American made goods become more affordable, so jobs return. Less money for military adventure and funding of NATO, make deals not war.
Don’t be fooled, Trumps anti-globalist stance is part of the plan for a more consolidated global governance frame work.
“The actions Trump takes in the first few months in office will further revel the more complex aspects of this transformation. The alignment between Trumps foreign policy mandates and the mandates of the larger multi-lateral transition have been confirmed with the response of Putin to the election results. The Anglo-American establishment which has developed and got rich off the international role of the USD has now been countered internationally by Russia and other geopolitical moves such as the re-alignment between once American allies, and also countered domestically by the Trump victory.”
“The international banking interest no longer require this Anglo-American establishment and have orchestrated it’s removal from the halls of power in Washington. This represents the largest shift in how the world operates since at least WW2. Donald Trump serves as the seed for this removal and transformation of the establishment. A casual view of his interviews from the 1980’s is suggestive of this clandestine operation.” By JC Collins, Philosophy of Metrics
For a more in depth and much more intelligent study of these concepts go to ‘philosophy of metrics’ that’s where plagiarize all my best stuff.
interesting – unfortunately it seems we must just wait & see.
the biggest problem Trump will face is subversion and sabotage from within.
Trump could not find Ukaine on a map with Kiev labeled. The man is mentally deficient, and declining, in some imitation of Reagan. (Who also promised to share USA futures with the USSR, remember?) I haven’t seen in Trump the character or moral basis upon which saker stakes his optimism, even cautious optimism.
That man’s mind is deranged and ill-fit — witness by the mouth and eyes contortions in expressing thoughts. Also, mental breakdown is the general rule in longtime shysters and precarious tycoons, not an outlier. He could not read, comprehend, and reply to a single comment here.
How are you so optimistic? Does that extend to the next in the replacement line, (or, ‘acting on behalf of an incapacited president’), Pence?
Most telling, for me personally, and agreed somewhat with Astro Mundane Diary writing here, this Jack of Clubs Trump seems assaultive and darkly wicked in his born composition, and fates. That is, he was born under a bad sign. A dark moon lunar eclipse, June 14, 1946. The day the Baruch Plan was presented at the UN, proposing nuclear co-restraint unilaterally, and from which, later fashioning US-Russia relations for nuclear (non)actions ever since. Trump embodies and personifies that ‘failing to translate nuke knowledge’ zeitgiest in the scope of his hour of birth.
(First 5 words join last 7 words in that paragraph.)
He is a ruse and a sleight-of-hand, becoming executive dysfunction, in my estimation. But we shall see what bears out, eh? Does anyone expect his time in office turns his hair grey? No? I say that’s a ruse.
One thing he could do that I might love him for: appoint Alex Jones director of the CIA. Imagine foreign relations realignment! Can we light that meme fuse and launch it viral? Alex Jones for CIA director.
It seems you expect Trumpeters to seige the Empire, maybe break it. I’m wary he tries to seize the Empire … for Emperoric enrichment … as we both see in Hillary’s grasping.
well if you claim he has little intelligence, then undoubtedly Pres. Putin can deal with this.
Unless he is part of the larger game and all this election nonsense was just window-dressing, Trump will have to watch out for impeachment or stray bullets. It sounds like many feathers are ruffled and seething with revenge.
I expect Killary to deteriorate within years if not sooner from Parkinson’s or whatever she suffers but I don’t expect any prosecution and certainly not for the hundreds of thousands of deaths in Libya etc. she has precipitated in her vile career.
I find it utterly amazing that so many were upset by obnoxious words/character in Trump yet were rooting for a serial killer.
Exactly my thoughts. The concerns over Trump’s remarks about sexism, illegals etc… is (or should be) of secondary concern only. The more important concern is that the lives of innocent people are not destroyed through wars etc… which Hilary would have ensured happen for the next 8 years.
Such twisted thoughts of apparently intelligent people in the western world really leaves a lot to be desired – my office colleague in Australia commented that should would need to buy a strong drink after hearing of Trump’s win. Many celebrity women are continuing to express their outrage as are other groups through the MSM presstitutes. Let’s see how many actors and anti-Trump personalities hold onto their promise to leave their homeland should Trump win presidency.
Where were all the protesters when an increasing number of manufacturing jobs were being off-shored, when civilians were being killed from perpetual US led wars and is the rising US debt level not enough to make civilians rise up against their previous (Republican and Democrat) governments? When the two Bushs publicly get together and vote Hilary, you know which side of the establishment they belong.
As an aside, it is my opinion that the Occupy movement looked promising, it looked like it could spark hopes of anti-government uprising but suffered a self implosion probably once the CIA thoroughly stamped out the movement. The MSM described the Occupy Movement as being an anti-capitalist movement which was totally incorrect… but that’s how the empire works to quell dissent.
What we are witnessing now is a large coordintated anti-Trump effort with street protests etc… Actors are used to convery the message as well. The MSM are also unrelenting. International leaders are having to recant their previous derogatory comments about Trump and some are having to even eat their words…
No doubt the Elites are starting to sabotage Trumps reign early. The security intelligence briefing that Trump is being exposed to is probably not really necessary (as all US security issues are both self-serving and self-inflicted) but I am sure it is what the Elite do to make sure Trump tows the line.
Lastly, I am not sure of why Trump stated in his speech that the US owe Hilary a lot of gratitude for her years of government service… when he threatened to put her and her cohorts in prison? Maybe Trump was advised to say something neutral to let the markets bounce back after nose-diving upon news of his election win?
Not sure either (since I am not a mind reader), but it may be what is called graciousness in victory.
Victor speech not the time to issue threats.
Trump will need the Clinton apparatus for some time during the transition.
Better to walk softly and carry (but hide, I hope) a big stick.
It would be silly to shout threats from the podium with the first speech.
Declaration of war against beaten rival as first move. Not smart.
If he is to go after her and her accomplices, which I hope he does, it will have to be through the DoJ. Otherwise it just looks like a vendetta. And, as has been stated elsewhere, Trump has to walk carefully *because* Hillary is a woman. Despite the campaign’s narrative.
Now he has to walk carefully, after having promised during all the campaign that he will jail her?
You have an alibi for everything. Well, “who does not console itself, it is because it doesn´t want”, that we say around here.
This is only the first of his electoral promises broken. Just wait.
Well, just hearing on the radio that he has already retired also the point on forbbiding the entry of Musmlims in the US……
While I think that he is doing well in retiring that point ( well, perhaps only to calm aims, since, from the photos watched, it seems that there are many muslims amongst the protesters ), not so in not fullfilling what he promises about Hillary and why many people voted him.
BTW, I would like to know what The Saker thinks about the point of sending Hillary to jail retired, since, if I do not recall bad, it was one of his main points in defending the presidence for Trump.
Dearest Elsi:
In the USA a president cannot just “jail” someone because he feels like it or because he stated on the campaign stump “She is going to jail.”
And when legal shortcuts have occurred or seem to have occurred it is of course an abomination (as with Manning, Snowdon, Assange, other whistleblowers who have gotten shafted by the justice system).
As Serbian Girl noted, and most people do grasp, there is a difference between campaign statements such as “She belongs in jail” and (1) what one says in one’s victory speech and (2) how one chooses to carry out that promise, using the legal system and laws in place. Choosing what to say and how to say it in differenct circumstances and settings in the mark of a mature person, actually. I, too, hope that Trump will go after Hillary and her cohorts, but I don’t think it will fly unless done very carefully and very thoroughly prepared. Appointment of a special prosecutor might be the way to go.
Once elected the victor is, like it or not, the president of all the people, including those who voted against him. He must uphold the law. What don’t you get about that? I don’t think you are an American citizen, I don’t think you live in the USA, I don’t think you actually understand very much about the American political system and context, such as it is, yet you seem to appoint yourself the all-knowing Cassandra of the American political system and electoral politics in general. Despite the sense of relief that Hillary did not win, we are all anxious about the future with Trump in charge and trying to be hopeful after this nerve-racking election. Which is exactly what was expressed in the Saker’s op-ed..
What dog do you have in this “fight” that makes you so belligerent? Your tone is puzzling.
The dog I have in this fight is that the aftermath of your electoral system have always the worst part for the rest of the world, including Europe, and so Spain. Also, besides, I have a great love for the Middle East, where i have friends, you know, and that have been totally destroyed by your governments of any sign.
I think it´s it enough, but on the other hand, I am here posting my opinion since this is a forum for discussion opened to all people of all nations, and if I am not wrong is not of your propiety, and so , I will be doing till the host ask me to go, if you do not mind.
For puzzling your tone, madam.
Try to disuss my point and if not, forget me please, is you and the other lady who promised not to engage with me anymore who are going after me like dogs.
What´s your problem with my opinion, friend of Cassandra?
For “dearest” Katherine, so as to not be so bossy:
I hear on some newscast of a rumor that Trey Gowdy (sp?) might be next AG.
That would not be good news for Hillary Clinton.
I too love the Middle East—well, the culture of the ME that I know—and have friends from Middle Eastern countries.
Although I have not been there.
I also have friends in this country who are American-born converts to Islam.
And of course I know that American elections affect the whole world.
As do I think all who post here.
That is, I believe, the basis of the general consensus here that Trump, in spite of his many flaws and the fact that he is a political cipher, was a better choice than Hillary. Which is what The Saker wrote and is the underlying premise of the thread.
So, I guess it is satisfying to harp on the possible perfidy of Trump, and useful to keep banging this point home.
I guess most people might otherwise forget this and forget to be worried about what Trump might do and not understand what we as Americans must do in the future.
I agree Katherine.
Campaigning and governing are two different things and require different tone & rhetoric.
We’ll have a clearer idea of his policies when we see his cabinet appointments. Btw, it looks like Giuliani might be DOJ. He seems to want to go after Hillary..
Thanks for the Giuliani link.
Giuliani is quoted as saying:
““That’s why I don’t think President Obama should pardon her,” Giuliani added. “I think President Obama should leave it to the system that we all believe in to determine, is she innocent or is she guilty?”
The relevant phrase here is “the system that we all believe in.”
I.e., the legal system.
The NYPD has a major investigation under way, Trump can let that go forth and remain hands off.
Now its a replay of their snipers on the maidan govno.
Mass Shooting Reported Amid Anti-Trump Rally in Downtown Seattle
The goatsods have the “creative intelligence” of a gay new york waiter.IE: make a lot of offensive noise till somebody punches your lights out, then play victim.
Trump is above all a businessman – a smart one at that. He sees the world from a business perspective – as full of opportunities to ‘make deals’. He approaches any problem from that perspective – get all you can out of a deal without poisoning the water for the next one. That was where the neocons went wrong – they saw the world strictly in terms of a zero-sum game, not deal-making. That inevitably led to conflict, not partnership.
I think Trump will see reality like the businessman he is and get the most out of it for his country that he can manage without destroying relations with his ‘partners’.
Personally, I look forward to his style of rule.
0) DJ Trump is a brand. And his wealth is intrinsically linked to the brand. From a distance, there is very little difference between Trump and and fashion brands in decline (Benetton, Tommy Hilfiger, Balmain, Cardin, …)
1) DJ Trump never engaged himself in any presidential election bid without having a financial incentive to do so. His most recent one, started on an escalator trip down was triggered by the necessity of refreshing his brand to renegotiate his TV show contract.
2) The US State agencies, patriots, republic vigilante etc… were actively looking for a way to deny the presidency to H R Clinton whose money allegiance to radical political backers and the penetration of her inner circle (no Bill, not this one…) by Middle-East agencies were presenting too big a risk for US should she access the higher office in the land. The risk being first and foremost her ability to take control of the intelligence agencies, essentially giving the keys of US to her backers. Dealing with assets becoming liabilities are to intel agencies what chapter 11 is to companies.
3) The Clintons+Inner circle have been for so many years under constant agencies surveillance as they were a wonderful information conduit to all kinds of misfeasances home and abroad. She knew it and was trying all tricks on the book to keep these agencies busy, not to evade their surveillance (she knows it is pointless): Changing devices, setting up her server, etc…
With the obligation of retention of data borne by the ISPs and the constant surveillance she was subject to, if someone really believes there was anything either lost or unknown by all the agencies on the planet, please contact Ed Snowden: He has a tunnel to sell. Does it cross anybody’s mind that an AT&T or Verizon wired or wireless connection to any home of any political person would be more than scrutinized and routed by proper channels? Ever heard of the services regularly sweeping places for bugs? Does anyone realize that being granted a security clearance, even at a very low level, automatically waives any right or expectation you might have of privacy?
4) When the pied piper candidates strategy the DNC and her team was so fond became solid intel, DJ Trump was selected by the agencies and given all required support and resources. At the same time, sanitization order of all possible damaging documents against him was swiftly organized, leaving HRC with characters assassination and lewd comments as any political ammunitions. There has been a full team of handlers, cleaners, fixers and informants running 24/7 to cover the tracks of DJ Trump and carefully craft an entertaining campaign. Including her amazing picture-ready collapse on 9/11.
5) Medias, moguls and celebrities played their assigned role, helping creating the Myth of Don Quixote Trump with a spicy topping of Batman. At times, The Don sounded so much as “Bane” that I wonder if one of his handler was not cutting corners to save time. It happened with Melania plagiarism, so…
Note the superb performance of Chris Christie and Rudy Giuliani alternatively playing Sancho Pancha. If you do not think that this entire exercise was scripted, I have a book of Statistics 101 for you. Think harder: If you control a news media or newspaper, what kind of visit would make you side with all your competitors in endorsing the same candidate and be able to successfully align all your journalists, reporters, correspondents, field analysts? I’ll make it simple for you. Select one of the following:
a) A phone call from the Pope
b) Men in black
c) Your conscience
And having as single Don Quixote endorsing newspaper in the great city of Las Vegas, ask yourself what Las Vegas is renown for: Priesthood Seminary? Puritanism? Manufacturing industry? Opposing Trade deals?
6) You can figure out all the other dots and the connecting “leaks”. Sign of the digital times, it happened with a lower number of casualties, for a change. The DNC staffer might very well have been whacked after he accidentally found out who was really hacking into the DNC. Julian Assange was genuinely worried when he posted a reward for information on this. After all, he better than anybody understands that WikiLeaks is only allowed to publish by the very same people who leaked the information. No need for extreme prejudice. Sorry for those reading this post believing that there actually is an uncontrolled “dark web” where unchained freedom strives and prospers: I have a few untampered Cisco routers to sell you…
7) Finally, as many have already written, shouted, said, published: “When you are offered something for free, be it a product, a show, a social network, a Russian invasion, an electoral campaign… You are the product”.
All of this has been as ancient as Humanity. And what was once upon a time fought with Humint only had to evolve to compensate for the growth of the human race. Sigint became prevalent and spearheading revolutions via mobile devices and social media has replaced the good old storyline where political dissidents were created, arrested, beaten, jailed, heralded then selected for power.
What will be the reaction of the currently defeated side? How do they plot their comeback?
Stay tuned.
As -now citizen elect- Vice-President Kane said “They Killed us, but they Ain’t Whupped us yet”.
William Faulkner Vs Miguel De Cervantes
Thousands across the USA protest Trump victory
US anti-Trump protesters block streets, smash windows (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)
Live: Millions of protesters take to streets in US to voice anger at Donald Trump Presidency
Any of the readers here surprised by this show ? How the “Powers that be” can create such situation when democracy does not deliver as per their expectations ?
In India, we are accustomed to this after Narendra Modi got elected as PM. (In India, President is only a Titular Head). And the so called ‘Libreal, intellectual, Secular’ groups called others “Intolerant” .
elites do turn on each other,
PLATO’s Law of Revolutions – cannot succeed unless ruling class is divided
Trump has already turned to Wall Street and Republican zealots to fill his cabinet. What in his debates and campaign gives you any hope that you are dealing with a sane man? He loses his mind over the slightest poke to his ego. He lies and exaggerates everything he does. He can’t take criticism. His mentor, was Joe McCarthy’s hatchet man.
I’m convinced that all he is interested in is the title, he has neither the intelligence, the emotional stability nor the drive for the job. With his narcissism he’s an intelligence agent’s wet dream, blow smoke up his ass and you can sell him anything. He has no experience, he knows zilch about governing. Who’s going to teach him, Mike Pence? He probably doesn’t know it yet, but he’s going to get rolled like a drunk on payday in Brooklyn.
“This exchange, right there, is enough of a reason for the entire planet to rejoice at the defeat of Hillary and the victory of Trump.”
This summed it all up for me, thank you Saker.
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion from Handel’s Messiah
My kid said last night her teacher told them Trump was going to start a world war.
Luckily being a 7 year old girl she didn’t have a clue what that meant.
If only she understood irony.
can’t wait the outcome of Moldavian presidential elections this sunday.
Trump + pro russian pdt in Moldova (not forgetting the Dutch refusal of EU visas to ukies) moight mean the begining of the end for the junta.
Some totally unsubstantiated musings.
First of all, I’m surprised that Trump won. Actually, I thought he would win the real voting, but La Clinton would win the reported voting and be President, just as in any normal banana republic. Yes, I expected Hilary to cheat.
So why didn’t she cheat (much)? Here’s the totally unsubstantiated part… Did the late reopening of the FBI investigation into the e-mails stored on Werner’s laptop scare her enough to stop the cheating?
After all, the reopening of the investigation proved one thing, which is that she doesn’t yet control a rather large fraction of the FBI. Perhaps a fear of being investigated for election fraud, along with having to answer for all the other sleaze in her background, frightened her into being almost honest for once.
So Trump is now the president-elect.
The issue of voter fraud and electronic manipulation was highlighted as never before through the net.
That’s why I think the ‘dirty tricks’ were not rolled out anywhere near as much as they could do.
The focus instead was on Trump’ s chauvinism.
I am personally relieved the US has opted for a peacenik (so far) chauvinist over a psychopathic warmonger.
The cheating went on as planned; Hilary was Plan A. Trump wasn’t plan B, but there would be a Plan C ‘contingency’ for him.
Hilary ‘won’ the popular vote by 1.5%, around 2 million votes. How much of that was rigged by various techniques across the country? Recall, she was totally crushed by the Electoral College vote 290-228. The Trump’s campaign was optimized for the EC, not the popular vote. Had Trump needed a popular vote, his campaign would target voters differently.
The close (and widely believed cheated for Bush) Bush-Gore vote in 2000 was 271-266 – just 5 EC votes for Bush – but accompanied by a close popular vote, favouring Gore by 0.5%. Where Trump beat the spread by state, would come out nationally in the popular vote as Hilary’s popular vote.
Uncaught flipped votes and ballot stuffing likely happened as usual across the country. Only an overwhelming Trump turnout thwarted rigging by beating the spread state by state.
Cheating would add up nationally, even as it became harder to pull off the more that were needed.
Looking at just one mid-sized state, say Pennsylvania, where Trump wins by 1.2%. Suppose one wanted to rig the vote by 0.8% (Jill Stein’s); that’s already 48 912 votes that have to be scraped up, and not all flipped votes will go unchallenged by the voter. Rigging by 2.4% (Gary Johnson’s vote) would require 142 653 votes. A few thousand here, a few thousand there, quickly adds up over 50 states.
Rigged voting would work best kept under a percentage point. It wouldn’t be plausible to cheat by more than 2.5% or so and still have the election withstand scrutiny and a court challenge at key polls. Since Hilary won the popular vote by 1.5%, its not impossible to suspect that was very close to the rigging percentage. However, it would have to be spread nationally, not concentrated on swing states alone where it would be obvious.
Reinforcing this, a major criticism in hindsight of the MSM polls, was that they were not focused on the state-by-state tallies but national vote. Although the wrong vote to focus on, the national popular vote was probably the only perspective flattering to Hilary requiring minimal poll rigging.
Many voters would call flipped votes and only a few shy Trump supporters would be afraid to come out. The more who see cheating with their own eyes, the more ‘conspiracy theory’ becomes conspiracy fact, undermining the point of voting in the first place, to give credibility to the government.
Likewise only so many votes can be stuffed by individual multiple votes. Trump already called 1.8 million zombies (interpreting a legit Pew study) as the possible cheating margin by that technique alone.
So cheating likely did happen, but the overwhelming number of Trump voters trampled the spread.
It is not over until it is over!!!
The US presidential elections are not finished yet. The election results at this point are still preliminary, as, technically, the US citizens have only chosen the Electoral College who will later vote for president.
When the electors gather on December 19 to cast their ballots for the president, they are generally expected to vote according to their pledge.
Most states give their votes to the candidate who leads in the state, regardless of the margin.
The electors rarely vote against the candidate they have pledged for. The so-called faithless electors can be punished by law in 29 states and Washington, D.C.
In mid-November, the governor of each state prepares seven Certificates of Ascertainment and sends one of them to the US archivist. The rest are held for the December 19 meeting of the electors. When they have cast their votes, the Certificates of Vote and the six Certificates of Ascertainment are divided into six packages, one of which will then be sent to the Senate for the official recount in January.
On January 6, the two houses of the Congress will meet for a joint session chaired by Vice President Joseph Biden and count the votes. There are special provisions for the Congress actions in case they receive the conflicting results from the Electoral College. Assuming that this will not happen in 2017, one last possibility of challenging the results of the election remains. Written objections to the results of the election signed by at least one member of Senate and one Representative may be submitted to the Parliament.
Read more:
I wonder how many people in the US and the rest of the world know about that. I for sure did not.
I suppose that it is like the Brexit vote, I could not understand all the fuss about it, because nowhere was it stated that the vote would overrule decisions made by the Parliament. And now, 4 months later, people say “Hey, look, it is up to the Parliament to decide”. Well, duh..!
trump’s victory is giving other countries hope for real freedom:
Wilders’ Plan For Holland: Time For Liberation
“We must also liberate ourselves from the Europhiles in Brussels who wipe the floor with our identity, our sovereignty and our prosperity. We are no longer in control of our own borders, our own money, our own democracy. If we decide in a referendum that we do not want something, like the association agreement with Ukraine, then they force it down our throats anyways. Because the will of the people is not relevant to the elite. They are laughing at us.”
a video from RT Moscow of reasonable Russians in the street talking about Trump’s victory – a question, does anyone know the name of this street in Moscow?
If relations between the U.S. and Russia improve, I think the Russians are going to miss those magazine covers with menacing images of Putin on them.
Great article!
I would imagine Plan B was being formulated as soon as Trump hit 235 college votes …. no actually ….. as soon as the Podesta emails started to hit the fan. The Saker hit the nail on the head though, we (the 99% of mankind) are not out of the woods yet and only time will tell!
You said:
“The “Occupy Wall Street” did not succeed in achieving anything tangible, but the notion of “rule of the 1%” did emerge from that movement and it stayed.”
Respectfully, I must disagree. What started in Wisconsin in Feburary, 2011, moved to NY City as Occupy in September, 2011. This was not the “Others”. This was the working/middle class. When media giant Bloomberg took a four million dollar bride to the police department from media darling Jamie Dimon to loose the establishment on Occupy and shut them down, this was a Winter Palace moment. I am not saying it was as violent as “Bloody Sunday”, but the outcome was the same. Trust was broken, never to be repaired, and a percolation of unrest and resistance begun. Because you cannot see it, does not mean that it is gone.
Distrust has grown, despite the Shriek-O-Meter claiming all is well. Inflation, job numbers, job growth, unemployment number are perceived as lies, lies, lies. If you are in trouble, don’t call the police. Don’t carry cash, the police and the courts will steal it. The war on terror is bogus. Putin enjoys a higher rating approval than all those insider-trading backbenchers we call congress. Bankers are gangsters. The Establishment is the enemy of the 99%. The working/middle class is angry and awakening. That is the tangible result of occupy.
Maybe. Distrust is hard to measure, unless, of course, I consider that the distrust towards the system of the Occupy Wall Street movement resulted in the Trump election. Maybe.
Good point. Kind regards,
The Saker
That’s interesting about Dimon.
He has just issued a letter along the ‘heal the wounds’ line Trump himself used.
Rumour has it some Trump staffers want Dimon on board.
So it looks as if co-option is the preferred tactic of the banksters, assuming Trump was serious about tacking the concentration of finance-capital in Wall Street.
Whether or not Trump is the champion of Main v Wall Street is far from clear: but it looks like Wall Street doesn’t trust him to preserve the system, if it is wheeling out Dimon in olive-branch mode.
‘Beware of Greeks bearing gifts….’
‘Never look a gift-horse in the mouth?’
We’ll see.
I’m a lefty-Green Party voter in the US, but to me this election became as simple as ABC….. Anybody But Clinton.
So, I caucused for Bernie to help him fight for the nomination. And then I voted for Trump.
What amazes me today is watching all the leftists out protesting in the streets because Goldman-Sachs lost an elections. I’m amazed watching the left out protesting because the pro-war neocons who started all of these wars were finally defeated.
And gee, for all the Democrat propaganda about Trump not respecting the constitution, now its the left that’s out in the streets threatening and using violence to overturn the defeat of Goldman-Sachs and the pro-war neocons.
“I’m amazed watching the left out protesting because the pro-war neocons who started all of these wars were finally defeated. ”
Yeah, me too. A real eye opener, that.
And to see the gnashing of teeth and tearing of hair and threats to kill oneself! It must be the sheer shock of it, after all the media “authorities” turned out to be wrong.
Hillary meant almost certain conflict with Russia. I for one am feeling some sense of relief that this was avoided.
It remains to be seen what Trump will do. He is inexperienced. He is temperamental. He has expressed support for Israel, animosity against Iran, and wants to reverse the warming of relations with Cuba. These are not good things. I can only hope he gets some good, non-Neocon advisers. We’ll have to wait and see what happens.
@ Katherine November 10, 2016 · at 11:17 pm UTC
Katherine, you say the president cannot just jail anyone. Then you say sometimes it happens and mention a few people to whom it has happened, but that does not seem to count in your view, because when it happens, “it is an abomination”. You could have added all the Guantanamo guys. Another abomination, so I guess it doesn’t count.
I will tell you what, the president (at least Obama) not only can jail anyone, he can kill anyone. Ask all those people attending funerals and weddings that he has blasted away with hellfire missiles from a drone.
Your attempt te present the US as a country where normal human laws are followed is not convincing. We can see what is going on.
Re”Your attempt the present the US as a country where normal human laws are followed is not convincing. We can see what is going on.”
I assure I can “see what is going on”!
I did not say that that all is right with the American legal system. I did not say or “attempt to present” anything of the sort. Please.
The context of my comment was that Elsi was upset that Trump didn’t repeat in his victory speech that he would throw Clinton in jail.
I stand by my point, which was (1) If Trump wants to go after Clinton he will have to do it the legal way. Trump cannot just throw Clinton in jail. He cannot just order a drone strike on her. To think he can is silly. And (2) to demand that he repeat this in his victory speech to show his good faith with his supporters is also, IMO, naive.
However, if he is indeed considering Trey Gowdy for AG, that is not good news for Hillary.
Now, someone could arrange an assassination or an accident for her to be “suicided” in some other way, although that would seem to serve more the purposes of the insiders and play-to-pay cronies around Clinton than Trump. I think Trump’s, and the country’s, goals are served by having a thorough investigation and expose to the public of the Clintons’ criminal activities and to bring them to justice. Also to expose the corruption in the Dem. Party and to create the conditions to set it on a better path.
And people in Hillary’s position—basically, disgraced—have been known to fall on their swords (“What a Difference a Day Makes . . . Twenty-four Little Hours . . .).
But that discussion gets rather far afield.
I’ve been waiting for the news that the Clintons and their co-conspirators have caught a midnight flight to some country that doesn’t have an extradition treaty with the US. Probably asking Mark Rich for advice right about now.