So it has happened: Hillary did not win! I say that instead of saying that “Trump won” because I consider the former even more important than the latter. Why? Because I have no idea whatsoever what Trump will do next. I do, however, have an excellent idea of what Hillary would have done: war with Russia. Trump most likely won’t do that. In fact, he specifically said in his acceptance speech:
I want to tell the world community that while we will always put America’s interests first, we will deal fairly with everyone, with everyone — all people and all other nations. We will seek common ground, not hostility; partnership, not conflict.
And Putin’s reply was immediate:
We heard the statements he made as candidate for president expressing a desire to restore relations between our countries. We realise and understand that this will not be an easy road given the level to which our relations have degraded today, regrettably. But, as I have said before, it is not Russia’s fault that our relations with the United States have reached this point.
Russia is ready to and seeks a return to full-format relations with the United States. Let me say again, we know that this will not be easy, but are ready to take this road, take steps on our side and do all we can to set Russian-US relations back on a stable development track.
This would benefit both the Russian and American peoples and would have a positive impact on the general climate in international affairs, given the particular responsibility that Russia and the US share for maintaining global stability and security.
This exchange, right there, is enough of a reason for the entire planet to rejoice at the defeat of Hillary and the victory of Trump.
Will Trump now have the courage, willpower and intelligence to purge the US Executive from the Neocon cabal which has been infiltrating it for decades now? Will he have the strength to confront an extremely hostile Congress and media? Or will he try to meet them halfway and naively hope that they will not use their power, money and influence to sabotage his presidency?
I don’t know. Nobody does.
One of the first signs to look for will be the names and backgrounds of the folks he will appoint in his new administration. Especially his Chief of Staff and Secretary of State.
I have always said that the choice for the lesser evil is morally wrong and pragmatically misguided. I still believe that. In this case, however, the greater evil was thermonuclear war with Russia and the lesser evil just might turn out to be one which will gradually give up the Empire to save the USA rather than sacrifice the USA for the needs of the Empire. In the case of Hillary vs Trump the choice was simple: war or peace.
Trump can already be credited with am immense achievement: his campaign has forced the US corporate media to show its true face – the face of an evil, lying, morally corrupt propaganda machine. The American people by their vote have rewarded their media with a gigantic “f*ck you!” – a vote of no-confidence and total rejection which will forever demolish the credibility of the Empire’s propaganda machine.
I am not so naive as to not realize that billionaire Donald Trump is also one of the 1%ers, a pure product of the US oligarchy. But neither am I so ignorant of history to forget that elites do turn on each other, especially when their regime is threatened. Do I need to remind anybody that Putin also came from the Soviet elites?!
Ideally, the next step would be for Trump and Putin to meet, with all their key ministers, in a long, Camp David like week of negotiations in which everything, every outstanding dispute, should be put on the table and a compromise sought in each case. Paradoxically, this could be rather easy: the crisis in Europe is entirely artificial, the war in Syria has an absolutely obvious solution, and the international order can easily accommodate a United States which would “deal fairly with everyone, with everyone — all people and all other nations” and “seek common ground, not hostility; partnership, not conflict“. The truth is that the USA and Russia have no objective reasons for conflict – only ideological issues resulting directly from the insane ideology of messianic imperialism of those who believe, or pretend to believe, that the USA is an “indispensable nation”. What the world wants – needs – is the USA as a *normal* nation.
The worst case? Trump could turn out to be a total fraud. I personally very much doubt it, but I admit that this is possible. More likely is that he just won’t have the foresight and courage to crush the Neocons and that he will try to placate them. If he does so, they will instead crush him. It is a fact that while administrations have changed every 4 or 8 years, the regime in power has not, and that US internal and foreign policies have been amazingly consistent since the end of WWII. Will Trump finally bring not just a new administration but real “regime change”? I don’t know.
Make no mistake – even if Trump does end up disappointing those who believed in him what happened today has dealt a death blow to the Empire. The “Occupy Wall Street” did not succeed in achieving anything tangible, but the notion of “rule of the 1%” did emerge from that movement and it stayed. This is a direct blow to the credibility and legitimacy of the entire socio-political order of the USA: far from being a democracy, it is a plutocracy/oligarchy – everybody pretty much accepts that today. Likewise, the election of Trump has already proved that the US media is a prostitute and that the majority of the American people hate their ruling class. Again, this is a direct blow to the credibility and legitimacy of the entire socio-political order. One by one the founding myths of the US Empire are crashing down and what remains is a system which can only rule by force.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn used to say that regimes can be measured on a spectrum which ranges from regimes whose authority is their power and regimes whose power in in their authority. In the case of the USA we now clearly can see that the regime has no other authority than its power and that makes it both illegitimate and unsustainable.
Finally, whether the US elites can accept this or not, the US Empire is coming to an end. With Hillary, we would have had a Titanic-like denial up to the last moment which might well have come in the shape of a thermonuclear mushroom over Washington DC. Trump, however, might use the remaining power of the USA to negotiate the US global draw-down thereby getting the best possible conditions for his country. Frankly, I am pretty sure that all the key world leaders realize that it is in their interest to make as many (reasonable) concessions to Trump as possible and work with him, rather than to deal with the people whom he just removed from power.
If Trump can stick to his campaign promises he will find solid and reliable partners in Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. Neither Russia nor China have anything at all to gain from a confrontation or, even less so, a conflict with the USA. Will Trump have the wisdom to realize this and use it for the benefit of the USA? Or will he continue with his anti-Chinese and anti-Iranian rhetoric?
Only time will tell.
The Saker
Tough words, clear analysis. Keep it coming.
“Ideally, the next step would be for Trump and Putin to meet, with all their key ministers, in a long, Camp David like week of negotiations in which everything, every outstanding dispute, should be put on the table and a compromise sought in each case.”
If Trump is serious about improving relations with Russia, he ought to meet with President Putin urgently and come forward right away with that proposal, emphasing his willingness to consider the Russian president’s conditions for a return to normal relations between the two countries.
That is precisely what the Empire, Russia and, indeed, the whole world now need.
“I’m amazed watching the left out protesting because the pro-war neocons who started all of these wars were finally defeated. ”
Yeah, me too. A real eye opener, that.
And to see the gnashing of teeth and tearing of hair and threats to kill oneself! It must be the sheer shock of it, after all the media “authorities” turned out to be wrong.
Trump to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg:
You’re fired!
(How nice that would be)
Heya the Saker
1260 days Orantes hides in the wilderness come to end 1st quarter in the new year.
Bernie Sanders issues statement of qualified support for Trump:
Some comments from the trenches:
(‘eureka springs’ at naked
” I spent most of the day and night consoling truly shocked and horrified people, mostly but not all women. And though I made a point of listening for a long time before saying anything I simply could not understand from any fact based reasoning why they were so upset. How so many can see one candidate is against their interests yet fail so completely to see the other is equally if not more against their interests continues to amaze us all. So no, I do not think identity politics is dead or even an awareness outside of blog bubbles.
They were so locked up in D vs R. What few issues they had in their heads for Hillary d’s were simply wrong. They had never heard of TPP, of had any understanding of wars, our collective warmongering from all sides, had no understanding for people like me who are just above the subsidy threshold of Obamney not care – that 400 hundred a month with a six thousand dollar deductible was beyond an outrage, insult, impossibility. Had blank stares when I did mention the complete denial of paper ballots, much more, hand counting.
I also heard from many people who said they were unable to vote because of so few machines and long lines…. even when many came back and tried two or three times. I was denied a paper ballot so did not vote at all. In my county only early voters were allowed the paper ballot option.
Fortunately when I did speak I was coming from a position of supporting neither of the two ongoing criminal enterprises… parties. And though I was not defending Trump after speaking I had several Trump voters take the time to thank me for pointing out so many contradictions, including Trump contradictions. And seemed to have calmed many nervous D’s.
As for the future and losening the grip of identity politics – I still think independents, greens and bernie bros and sisters need to get away from the D party as if it were the plague it is. Let the D and R party kettle and divide the top 15 to 20 percenters. I also think there are significant numbers of trump-tarians who would join up in no time. I think we need to establish a truly democratic process within beginning now… and the first step should be establishing a party/election/candidate platform of what the people want, bottom up. The sooner the better, let the polling begin so the other parties know now what the people truly want with no push polled questions or filtered answers. I would contibute money to that end today! That followed by immediate recruiting of candidates/representatives who work from said platform not the other way around. This would also make it much easier for regular Joe’s and Josephine’s to run for orifice on all levels with substance, popular support and consistency in the all important talking points. We need to stop wondering what a top person might do and know what they have been directed /signed a contract to do. The people/platform/template matters and should be first not a last non-binding afterthought.
I’ve been pleasantly surprised by voters all around on on specific ballot issues… there are signs of much more unanimity and clarity from those results than even my conversations or listening garnered. Bernie proved a lot, but failed on the levels needed. He was not the shark Trump is and that’s why he lost to the criminal d party apparatus. bernies suit was never wrinkled, Trump was at least willing to light his on fire. We should learn from bernie including that he’s been part of the problem ever since – supporting Hillary, D’s in general and now perhaps worst of all back in the United States Senate which should be abolished.
All that said, if Trump truly does eliminate the mandate of obamney not care whilst turning toward single payer or tri-care (my preference) and he really does get infrastructure going…including, perhaps especially establishing affordable unlimited fiber internet to rural citizens in all the red blob on the electoral map… he could be king for a long time.”
Another comment from the trenches:
“A guy I know lives in rural Wisconsin. He went to his polling place early in the morning thinking he could vote on the way to work as usual. His polling place is located adjacent to the county facility where snow plows and other vehicles are parked, and so has use of their immense parking lot. When he approached the polling place he found all the lots full of vehicles, and all the ditches on both sides of the road filled with cars, up and down the road.
My friend went back to vote after work, and a poll worker told him that she was seeing whole families who hadn’t voted in a dozen years.
I don’t think these are folks afraid of telling pollsters how they intend to vote, I’ll bet they were never asked.
Both the parties true bases are members of the 10%, the credentialed class if you will, people who are doing pretty well and have little empathy when it comes to the masses of voters who make up their respective shares of the electorate.
We the people are clearly done being influenced by the smug, self-satisfied, mis-leadership class in all their various flavors.
IMO, that is the central reality that we should understand about the election results.
We the people have not been served well by our supposed representatives, and the result on the democratic side was the remarkable ease with which Bernie led his inspiring mutiny, and on the republican side the mutiny was Trump’s, and for the same reasons.
The people are ready for change.
Sander’s people are not soft-headed commies, and Trumps people are not angry racists, we’re all people badly served, abused if you will by the policies of the Washington consensus.
We the people have come to the end of our collective rope, and given the Washington establishment a traditional, one-finger FU salute.
Now we’re hoping that somebody is properly decoding what should be a clear and resounding message.”
Saker, curiosity, makes me ask why this pic for Trump?
Given that Trump can change his stance even within the same sentence, the only rational attitude is wait & see.
I recall GW Bush campaigning on a somewhat similar platform back in 2000: the military should “skip a generation of weapons”, the US shouldn’t engage in nation building adventures abroad… we all know what happened the last time a right wing demagogue took power in the US.
Do you recall the term “Nattering Nabobs of Negativity”.
Give the ‘right wing demagogue’ a bit of a chance. We have not had that many of them.
And surely we should be praying to all the gods for the bullet dodged in being spared the utterly debased and revolting Clinton Dynasty.
It now 40 years since THE KANSAS CITY TIMES published this Vision of the Future on September 13, 1976. That Future is unfolding NOW.
““He came to town for the Republican National Convention and will stay until the election in November to do God’s bidding: To tell the world, from Kansas City, this country has been found wanting and its days are numbered […] He gestured toward a gleaming church dome. “The gold dome is the symbol of Babylon,” he said.”…………….He wanted to bring to the Public’s attention an “idea being put out subtly and deceptively” by the government that we have to get prepared for a war with Russia.”
On the 1st part, Donald Trump essentially campaigned on the idea the Days of the US are numbered if he is not elected President. He used other words, but he trumpeted the same General Idea to get elected.
On the War with Russia part, THE KANSAS CITY TIMES published a 2nd report after the Republicans left town on ALL SOULS DAY, November 2, 1976.
I was probably the only human on earth to notice at the TIME of the 1983 TV movie ‘THE DAY AFTER’ Kansas City was destroyed in a Nuclear Holocaust, the movie pauses at the exact same picture frame THE KANSAS CITY TIMES used in their follow up ALL SOULS DAY report 7 years earlier.
The 2 original 1976 KANSAS CITY TIMES reports can be expanded and read following the link. Clips from ‘THE DAY AFTER’ and more can also be seen.
The Billionaire President-Elect has experience with workers that did the work that made him rich.
The VP is a Christian fundamentalist. The Evangelicals supported Trump, ignored the many Biblical references about the Rich.
I wonder if they will bring to Trump’s attention, this “prophecy” in the Bibles they never discuss in Public or on TV, but insist the People follow all Bible teachings?
Go to now, you rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth eaten.
Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. You have heaped treasure together for the last days.
Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by FRAUD, cries: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth.
You have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; you have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter.
You have condemned and killed the just; and he does not resist you.
Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waits for the precious fruit of the earth, and has long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.
James 5
The last line imples “regime change” of the rich elites the voters elected a Billionaire to bring about.
I can only hope and pray, the Future President Trump is born again from the divisive Candidate Trump. Hopefully, like Clinton, he had one policy in Public for the campaign, but another private one, and will make the spirit of this letter a constant guiding light governing his behaviour and decision making for the next 4 years,
“I want to tell the world community that while we will always put America’s interests first, we will deal fairly with everyone, with everyone — all people and all other nations. We will seek common ground, not hostility; partnership, not conflict.”
Why people vote the way they do is a mystery to me. I have never voted Conservative and I never will. I know their record even though every day the Media wants me to forget it. If I could have voted, because of her record, I would not have supported Hillary Clinton. We know the many lies that Hillary has told, but more impotently we know the truth about her and the media wanted us to ignore it. Everything that I know about Trump and his public record is better than what Hillary is done in public office.
We have two candidates who are liars. Hillary’s actions cost thousands of lives Trump’s record is simple, it put more money in his pocket. He used the law and so did Hillary and her gang , repugnant as it is, but available to big business to get rich. If you want to ignore lives taken by Hillary’s as meaningless than Hillary’s is your candidate not mine. Ninety percent of what was said about Trump was said by liars in the Media who were in Wall Street’s , Military Industrial Complex’s , Corporate and Hillary’s corner. She is their candidate not mine.
Because of his record, If I could have voted, Bernie Saunders would have been my candidate. How can anyone forget what the media and Hillary’s people did to him. There is much more hope with Trump after eight years of failure with Obama.
Hillary supports big banks, and mega trade deals which impoverish workers. She wants Russia as an enemy, and she supported invasions based on lies of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Kosovo (which killed over a million people) including American soldiers. Please tell me why any of these invasions were justified? She favors fossil fuels, ignores poverty and claims that its due to individual bigotry not due to the corporate agenda. We can conclude that she is a corporate agent. She thinks that US elections are democracy when they are nothing more than a media smokescreen for big money. If elections were democratic she would be president today since she won the popular vote
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (look it up) that Clintons signed, which Wall Street wanted, ended Glass-Steagall Act, which had separated investment banking (stock-brokerage) from commercial banking (checking and savings accounts). This action caused the economic crisis in 2008 leading to huge theft of taxpayers’ money and investments by the one percent. Hillary was paid to support this theft and that is why her campaign received millions in donations from Wall Street that is why Hillary was their ace in the hole.
TRUMP STATED THAT HE WOULD BRING BACK THE GLASS-STEAGALL ACT. If Trump does this he will place the rules of finance into the hands of GOVERNMENT where it belongs not into the benevolence of traders on Wall Street, Bay Street, Pender Street and the City of London. What is done behind closed doors and bedrooms by Corporatists and their representatives in government must return to the transparency of the legislatures in Washington, Ottawa, Victoria and London so that working people understand if their interests are protected. Glass-Steagall Act. reinstatement will stop the one percent from gambling with workers, retirees meager investments and savings.
Let’s look at NAFTA that Bill Clinton passed and TPP that Obama wants. Let me make it clear I am in support of trade because through trade working people capture the benefits of comparative advantage but not when their jobs are outsourced to $4 dollar a day countries. Trade is good between equals but a disaster for workers whose jobs are outsourced, commodities shipped raw to $4 dollar a day countries while majority workers wages are stagnant. If we write into trade contracts that Mexican and Chinese workers get the same wages as US and Canadian workers there would be no point in outsourcing.
Donald Trump has loudly condemned those treaties while Hillary supported them. During her run against Obama she criticized his Ad “Only Barack Obama fought NAFTA and other bad trade deals” saying that she did as well which was another lie. NAFTA, both in USA and Canada, destroyed the gains of labor, farm workers, environmental standards, healthcare and human rights laws.
The problem is not that we have NAFTA the problem lies in the substance of NAFTA. You tell me if the wine maker and logger in Kamloops BC has the same comparative advantage as the winemaker and logger in California and if so you tell me why the US government is challenging the softwood lumber trade deal and the regulation that only local wines can be on shelves in supermarkets in BC. Its very simple our stumpage fees are low and keeping US wines from store shelves gives us an advantage a subsidy over US producers just like low wages give Mexico, Chile and China a comparative advantage in pricing of US and Canadian products. The point is that such trade deals place control of decisions of our parliament and legislature on economic issues into corporate hands
What about Russia? Trump wants cooperation Hilary wants confrontation. Why? Corporations want regime change in Russia to partition it in order to give the corporation a free hand into the huge wealth of Russia’s resources. Russia is not a threat but an opportunity for Hillary’s backers and she is willing to bring us into a nuclear confrontation which could distroy civilization.
Since the October Revolution the threats from Russia to the corporatists has always been ideological not military. Wall Street is not anti Russian nor is their girl Hillary anti Russian, they are anti socialism which they identify with Stalin, another lie, century old which to this day resonates well because the media lie about socialism has become the truth in the minds of many. .
Trump sees Russia as a partner against terrorism, and why not, since Russia has suffered more from the same disease as we have. The problem is that the media sees Russian death due to terrorism as “enemy of my enemy is my friend” so is that why Hillary and Obama have armed ISIL, and other anti Assad terrorists? Everything that weakens Russian strengthens Wall Street’s world control over oil, gas, commodities, agriculture, domination that they have been seeking since WWI.
Syria is pivotal to selling energy, controlled by US corporations, into Europe, but with Syria as a Russian base Russia rather than Halliburton holds the spigot which they want to turn into their advantage. Trump sees an opportunity to do business with Russia while Hillary wanted it all for Wall Street.
US has spent $4 trillion on regime change. I want to know from anyone reading this are the countries that they destabilized better off today than they were 20 years ago? Are the Yugoslavs better off not owning anything of value today in their homelands, when once they owned all of it. Are the former Yugoslav republics better off individually with a total debt of over a trillion as opposed to $17 billion when they were together. Are they better off now with unemployment on average of 25% as opposed to less than 8% when they were together? What about Libya, Iraq, Syria or Ukraine are they better off now than when they had healthcare, free education and socialized economy? You need to answer that for yourself after you look at the disaster that we have created with regime change in these countries . Did our action get us intended consequences or unintended ones? Personally I think we intended this because by our actions we have created chaos or as Trump said “we have created a Harvard of terrorism” that we will exploit for a generation. A simple question that Trump asks, “would US be better off today if they had spent $4 trillion on rebuilding American infrastructure rather than giving it to the Military Industrial Complex and Wall Street?” I know what a sane person’s answer will be to this question..
The political system in US is rigged, I know it and everyone else knows it, and Trump at his peril admits it. It has been rigged since the two party system has been established back in 1887. I think that was the date when the two party monopoly or rule by money was established.
The fascist in Obama’s administration vilified Trump (Victoria Neuland and her cabal that brought fascism to Ukraine) as did the fascist in the Republican Party. Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton caught the pass from the Bushes and turned America towards fascism, Trump by luck or by stupidity of big money that put him into power, wants to give America back to the people and what is wrong with that. You might say what about Trump’s misogyny, and racism. My answer to that is look at who were his accusers and what they had to gain by these accusations?
Trump has ascended as America’s leader of the world wide movement to smash the globalist elites wherever they are. A great victory in a battle that continues as seen in the Purple Counter-Revolution sprung this time on United States streets instead of the Ukraine by the World’s Sorcerer George Soros!
The Duran reveals anti-Trump “protesters” being paid through Soros backed NGOs,
The election is not over yet. Its not over till December 19 when the Electoral College takes its final vote and affirms a Trump victory.
While most informed people are celebrating in relief Hilary didn’t get in, and the wiser cautiously appraising Trump, lets not forget the Electoral College has not yet cast its final vote and sealed a Trump victory. We’ve been set up to be blindsided.
There was always a Plan ‘C’ contingency for Trump.
Defense in Depth Stage One: Setting the stage for an EC insurgency against Trump.
The Electoral College is the only way to thwart a Trump electoral victory. While the MSM put out misleading polls based on national popular vote, the insiders had the real thing. They would have known early on the Electoral College would likely be their last stand electorally therefore they had to win the popular vote.
The tactic is nothing special – just another typical Soros colour revolution ™. Purple this time.
That Dilbert guy explains things well up to a point. People are revolting against the system, but a substantial number were programmed to think Trump was the system and not the rebellion. The grassroots Progressives have gone full zombie and need serious cult deprogramming.
To quote a recent article by G.H. Eliason, a little out of context but an astute psychological observation,
“Nazism or Axis-Nazism [and Progressivism] are political beliefs and principles that structure your government the same as Republican or Democratic control would. The only difference is the “ism.” The “ism” means everything you do in your life revolves around your politic so it’s not just political or social guides or guidelines. It’s your lifestyle and everything wraps around it. Anything or anyone that goes against it is an enemy of the state, and it is personal.”
Most of the rioters on the street are not defending cushy jobs within the system; they’re defending their cut of the social pie; their imaginary social position as politically empowered ‘progressives’. They may not be as rich as their handlers, but they feel an equal part of something greater than themselves irregardless of reality.
The internal contradiction between calls to assassinate Trump, hate Trump and bully his supporters with being morally rational, tolerant and compassionate just doesn’t click with empurpled-with-rage progressives.
The fascist roots of progressivism should be well known. Modern progressivism tries to shed the dark roots, but its seems obvious the stated objective of a compassionate utopia is incongruous with the psychopathic methods used to achieve it.
Its far more logical to assume the point of progressivism is really to express psychopathy under a more acceptable guise. A sociopath, is a empathically normal person trained to express psychopathy under specific circumstances. Soldiers are regular people trained to kill on command and feel god about it. Progressive activists are trained to hate and bully on demand and feel good about it.
The first wave of zombies in this little drama fell at the voting booth. (While the Daily Beast article seeks to pooh-pooh its own title, it does have to concede zombies can and do exist).
Defense in Depth Stage Two: A second wave of zombies swarms the EC, while a third will concurrently swarm the Trump administration door. Likely all the windows and other exits too… distracting Trump from the EC counterstrike.
While the MSM and elites coddle Trump and let him think he’s the President Elect, the public is being carefully gauged and primed for readiness for the Electoral College to defeat Trump. If it appears they can get away with an Electoral College surprise over Trump, Plan C will conclude.
Team Hilary’s plan was to set progressive zombie viral fires that, it turns out, are strong enough to keep burning after her supposed defeat by Trump.
Trump has one last surprise election battle he may not yet be aware is a real threat – the showdown at the Electoral College, the bonus level of this little video game.
Its not over till Zombie Lady croons in victory or shrieks in final defeat the EC.
Trump is a guy from Queens – not a regular Joe – because his family had money. But not enough money that he was that far removed from reality and humanity like the neocon occultist stooges.
My take is that there was a holy shit moment within the US nationalist elites who realized that the greater israel crowd had gone over the edge.
Enough money and power got behind Trump to form a putsch to finally remove the zionists. Of course the American people connected because they were no longer blinded by the 90’s illusions of neo-liberalism and Clinton globalism. America and the world live now in a despair of perpetual war, austerity and exponential widening of the class gap.
America is no longer on top of the heap – but tossed on the fire by the globalist oligarchy like everybody else. This is a shocking realization to most Americans that the completely discredited MSM cannot hide.
The Orwellian nightmare is beyond what Orwell would have imagined – with a so called progressive left wing defending the likes of Killary – who was prepared not only to start ww3 but had been directly responsible for the destruction of Libya and the merc invasion of Syria.
The fake protests are a combination of zionist brainwashing and free flowing Soros cash – but to no avail – the revolution has already happen and it was not led by the iphone tapping – gluten free ME CROWD drones running around the US cities.
An interesting thing that Trump has done – according to recent reports – bringing in his family to help in forming and transitioning the POTUS. The neocons are definitely on the out – no usual occultist suspects yet.
True enough. Its getting crowded at the top of the shrinking pyramid and someone had to be voted off the island of power.
Millionaires and billionaires are used to having privileges on top of rights regardless of political clout. Then suddenly the game becomes too real; they’re expected to be courtiers, lackeys and flunkies to powerful politicians, bankers, and officials like even the richest merchants and powerful lords could be reduced to grovelling supplicants in monarchial eras. Or else.
Rich Americans usually try to cultivate that ‘just folks’ aura to hide their actual power and the system, but the foundation of middle class rights and freedoms made them the most free and privileged people in history. Some are starting to realize that’s being taken away.
Having to be politically connected at ever-escalating cost, or be no better off than the regular middle class or less, would be a shock and result in pushback. The talk of making the rich pay their fair share is for populist effect; what’s really happening is challenging their independent power.
The ‘make the rich pay’ tax cheat mob mentality is a threat to the wealthy the same way ‘make drug dealers pay’ civil forfeiture is to ordinary people. The official story sounds righteous, but the resulting abuses of power makes everyone a potential victim.
Its not like a Hilary administration would spend public money any better than they do every other American’s taxes, but the super-rich Americans can actually say no, I’m not paying for that. Or at least think they do.
Cautious optimism is a good way to put it. The bad: John Bolton”s name is being thrown around for secretary of state, a known neocon. While I’m not crazy about Gingrich, the other name in the hat he is better than Bolton.
The good: General Flynn”s name being tossed around for defense secretary. His relations with Putin are cordial, overall level headed guy.
Trump still has the Electoral College hanging over his head thanks to Hilary’s supposed winning of the popular vote. There’s not much Trump can do until December 19.
The Donald will have to tread a fine line until he’s securely sworn in.
For the globalist elites, the safest thing to do is foster enough of an illusion of anti-Trumpism to excuse an Electoral College vote for Hilary. At the same time, forcing public concessions from Trump noxious to his base will separate him from them, weakening him in the near and long term.
The Purple Insurgency petition ploy can’t be matched with another petition because signatures can be forged; they could fake massive support for Trump. Meanwhile no Trump supporter is going to surrender personal information to an obvious personal information collection racket. Hopefully Trump won’t take that bait or give it any kind of legitimacy.
Public protests can’t be matched because while the police will coddle and protect purple insurgents, they won’t protect Trump supporters. Refraining from pro-Trump marches is a smart move.
Trump supporters can take the fight to social media, however. They can make clear a substantial number of people expect Trump to be treated fairly and sworn in as POTUS in due course.
Call out A-Z globalist games for what they are. Trump is my President.
(Actually, I already have an adequate Prime Minister, but you get the idea).
Sounds like Molotov-Ribbentrop to me
With Mike Pence, it seems that neocons still have a man in the house.
Perhaps the will of the people will shame him into becoming a statesman. All the neocons need to experience such shame. Humanity deserves better.
Powerful understandable analysis, thank you.
I permanently moved out of the USA spring in 2005 after applying for government aided housing in Amsterdam in 2000. It is over a 10 year wait now.
The US CIA was so upset I moved out they closed my one US bank account in December 2005! Stopped and closed the living trust I set up to pay my rent and income in Netherlands. This was criminal but knowing the US federal Government during and after 9/11 I simply packed up my new flat, sold the new furniture, and flew back to get my old job back, move back into the Berkley Boston YWCA room where two meals a day are part of the rent. (I knew the reason the Clintons agreed with 9/11 and that it was done to remove all US law to begin, NATO memberships in Europe were to remove EU law and, has done so quite effectively.) Backlash is late but here, finally. As is usual for Europe, Russia is our saviour. I will never step foot in the USA again
They assassinated my youngest son using a heavy metal cocktail inserted in his foods that took two years to kill him. My father was poisoned over three years as a very old man anyway, a healthy one though at first. He adored life and his last wife too, had many reasons to hang on. He could have run away, he did not. Ordered by the US. My youngest son’s death will always pain so much, except, he lived, throve, became an incredible professional artist. With the concrete plan to move to Europe, be of the world, which is why he was killed, plus we were close. Not allowed.
My oldest son was to move here last September with his wife and son, later his grown daughter would follow him. Long story short, they were to fly here last September, all was ready for them to move, and the Feds refused to send him his passport, still now. Under not one reason. He was threatened not to appeal this in any way, but he has begun doing so. The threat told him for doing that was to make sure he is a no-fly for the rest of his life, staying there. There were three attempts on my life in Amsterdam last year. I was not sure I would survive them. I have. With Trump as President everything is other.
I am going to apply to Russia for asylum. When I moved back to the land of my birth I asked my free lawyer for asylum in Netherlands. She laughed and stated I did not need it as this country is my home, human rights laws still operated. MH17 was done by the US/Israel proves otherwise. Trump is welcome as he will not bring world war, maybe instead, common sense. A direct first cousin of human rights. The slavish obedience to USA by NL is less than it was in 2005, yet is more as too as the silence about the unrelenting pressures to obey USA has grown deafening.. The NL referendum about Ukraine begat Brexit I’d guess..that has been our role as a country since Hitler, maybe before. But we were 7 million at the start of WW11, at least half of us still here during that time was were Nazi, by belief or to self protect. USA made sure our Naziism was never washed out. As it was in Germany.
Sort of.
I attend the Russian Orthodox Church in Amsterdam walking distance away for where I live. I am orthodox since 2002, Greek.
Agree. Undoubtedly Donald owns its success, partly at least (Adelson money had help too…), to a certain flavoured social sector…which shows its ignorance level, but mainly a definite and strong aspiration for a classical, “incorruptible” capitalism. Young ones maybe were deceived, betrayed or just left alone by Bernie (who resisted to fight but inside a known putrid system). If Bernie had not appeared with unchallenged leftist (oh, my…is it not that strange?) proposals, maybe young ones had opted not for the fell queen which would had created an interesting internal synergy…the resulting remnant sector, fed up of predictable bull crap dynasties offer, is not necessarily the best to support the imperatives of Rational Justice…Donald is learning a lot of things fulfilling its almost empty but strong untimely mind…are its supporting sector learning something new too?…I doubt it but they are living from its original illusions. I suppose Mr. Trump should send some kind of errata/confirmation messages to its base…otherwise it will be a signal some other ones are eating him…maybe alive…
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. As saker warns, this is a 1% oligarch. Given Russias last experience with trusting the goodwill of the oligarchs and the west in the yeltsin regime , its wise not to be too euphoric… though the very short-term threat of war has receded… But,
e.g. Trump proposes a massive military expansion. Once that is done, will the huge military sit around singing ‘ peace to the world ‘ or ‘Amerika Uber Alles’ ?
His military and infrastructure expansion may boost growth in a keynesian way, but what will his 1% instincts to slash taxes for the rich (reduce corporate taxes from 35% to 15% etc) do to the deficit ?
Can his agreements be trusted ? he seems to have often reneged on his contractual promises to his small suppliers after their services had been delivered, paying them less than agreed.
The U.S. military is also for the most part out of date, the country is broke, and so are all of the Western economies propping up the $U.S.. Its for all too see; a lot more than a simple arms buildup would be needed for the U.S. to become a greater offensive threat than it is now.
Expansion and modernization together would require an overall smaller military leveraging post-modern force multipliers over size. Expansion and modernization plus expansion or simply maintaining today’s presence only in modernized form would have to come out of the corruption column. Odds are, that isn’t happening. The F-35 habit is embedded in MIC culture.
Unlike Russia, which modernized fairly quickly, the U.S. MIC is hopelessly corrupt. Weapons systems are meant to splash the cash to insiders, not actually fight a peer opponent. M.A.D. nukes mean modern armies are only good for defending the nuclear option, or beating up on non-nuclear states. The constant push for an EU army, for example, is probably less to defend against Russia and more to defend neocolonialism.
The real fighting the U.S. does is by hybrid warfare, which uses the covert services. Of the BRICS nations, Russia has so far fared as the best of them, despite taking the point of the spear.
Its interesting to see the U.S. applying hybrid warfare openly upon itself in the aftermath of a Trump election.
Yes, you are right, and Putin can’t wait to take advantage!
“Or will he continue with his anti-Chinese and anti-Iranian rhetoric?”
John Bolton, anyone?
Trump and Pence are both Zionists. They both have been carrying on with their filthy pro-Zionist rhetoric for years now. Trump is associating with the Iron Dome Alliance – a Zionist/terrorist think tank that is pushing hard for a “one state solution.” Their goal is to wipe Palestine off the map and claim Jerusalem as the “undivided eternal home of the Jewish people.” This is going to set Trump at odds with BRICS, Putin, Iran, China, and Russia. Will Trump abandon NATO? Of course not. Will he pull out of Ukraine? No. Will he stop US funding of ISIS? No. Trump is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, he is a Zionist and he will help to continue destruction of the Islamic and Christian world in order to help the Zionists bring about the coming of their Moshiach aka antichrist.