By Salah Lamrani (Sayed Hasan)

On September 9, 2015, Sayed Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader, repeated the Islamic Republic’s commitment, in word and deed, to liberate Palestine and put an end to the so-called State of Israel, the last colony on Earth, just as vicious as it is anachronical. He stated that in spite of the nuclear deal, the USA or “Great Satan and enemy of the peoples”, worse than the Devil himself, are never to be trusted, as they cannot possibly depart from their imperialist policies, and should therefore always be considered as enemies with whom any negotiation or contact is forbidden. Iran can and should only rely on its own people and development to preserve itself from external threats and aggressions, he said.

Subtitled extract of Sayed Khamenei speech :

As regards Israel, the ‘Zionist Entity’, Sayed Khamenei predicted that within 25 years, there will be no such thing on the map of the Middle East, confirming the Islamic Republic’s long-stated position and vision, summed up by Imam Khomeini’s famous 1979 sentence : ‘Israel is a cancerous tumour that must be wiped out of existence’. In fact, ever since the Islamic Revolution, Iran has always been the spearhead and main supporter and provider of the armed struggle against Israel, helping the Palestinian and Lebanese Resistance factions and the Syrian state in every possible way (financially, militarily, diplomatically, by providing training and expertise, etc.), declaring repeatedly that it would help any country or force fighting Israel. In November 2014, at the height of the war against ISIS/ISIL and of the P5 + 1 nuclear negotiations, Sayed Khamenei explicitly underlined  the necessity to arm the Palestinians of the West Bank in order to open a new frontline against Israel and liberate more occupied territories. Around the same time, Sayed Hassan Nasrallah evoked the same issue for the Syrian Golan Heights, where a high-level Iranian Revolutionary Guards presence has been confirmed in January 2015. And even after the nuclear deal, Sayed Khamenei confirmed this stance, saying that Iran’s support to the struggle against Israel was unnegotiable and would only increase, IRGC commanders stating that Israeli officials and assets should not feel safe anywhere in the world. Indeed, one cannot be more seriously committed to the destruction of Israel. Hezbollah and Iran proved once again that they are both masters in the art of turning a threat into an opportunity.

Of course, Netanyahu voiced his country’s despair in his October 1st UN speech, entirely devoted to Iran. Though his accusations of genocidal intentions are nonsense (Israel started and will end just like French Algeria, with the settlers packing back to their loving West, the only genocide committed being the one suffered by the indigenous populations), his ridiculous performance and pathetic 45-seconds ‘staring-contest’ defiance shows very eloquently the ‘legitimate’, visceral fears of the illegitimate Judaic State, the exact alter ego of the Islamic State. Body language and charisma (or the lack thereof) say it all: both ISIL and Israel will know the same fate, and happily so, that is extinction. And Iran is playing a major role in both frontlines against fanatical terror, for the greatest interest of the peoples of the region.

Extract of Netanyahu UN Speech :

What makes this prediction more relevant than ever is that, as Sayed Khamenei said, the Arab-Muslim Nations have awakened, and the last plot hatched against the Middle East’s sovereignty, ISIS/ISIL, is actually turning out as the means of its revival. America and Israel are now more clearly than ever seen by all as the very root of evil in the region, and the slogan “Death to Israel” (and “Death to America”), though initially chanted by Shia crowds (from Iran to Iraq through Lebanon and Yemen), run deeply, consciously or unconsciously, in the heart of the vast majority of Arabs, Muslims, Oppressed people and noble and free men, women and children in this world, and is more and more overtly affirmed by all.

An illustration of this can be seen in many videos from crowds not only burning Israeli (and US) flags all over the world, but also, in a less blatant but perhaps more revealing way, in street TV interviews conducted since at least a year in Arab countries (Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, etc.) where people are merely asked the question “Where is the State of Israel located?” but, most often, refuse to answer. They protest that there is no such thing as an Israeli State, only an usurping, cancerous Zionist entity on the Occupied Territory of Palestine, bound to disappear by all the Human and supra-Human laws and principles (indeed, one can put forward the United Nations, Reason, History, Demography, Moral, Justice, etc.). And undoubtedly, these facts will impose themselves to all, just like the liberation of French Algeria did to the disbelieving French military, settlers and people, who deemed the ineluctable criminal and impossible until the very last moments, and then, as always, reluctantly catched up with reality. One cannot but observe that in addition to Iran’s vision, its very rhetoric has now spread throughout the Arabic and Islamic world, by the mere force of its truth, justice and exemplarity.

Subtitled street interview (Where is Israel located?) :

 Cairo, October 5, 2015

Finally, Saudi Arabia’s ‘Custodian-of-the-Two-Holy-Sites’ bluff and the alleged but non-existent ‘Sunni-Shia-war’ has been exposed, and the Arab and Muslim peoples are clearly seeing the Saudi regime for what it has always been, a Trojan Horse of Western hegemony, a heresy, the source and provider of terrorism and the very cancer of Islam: ISIS has indeed nothing to do with Islamic teachings, but everything to do with Muhammad b. Abd-al-Wahhab’s and the House of Saud, whose vision they faithfully implement. Before the Western interference, the Islamic World knew how to deal with their predecessor, Ibn Taymiyya, a very marginal, rabid figure who spent most of his time in the dungeons he belonged to. And were it not for the direct involvement of British Imperialism, the Saudi Arabian regime would never have made it through the XXth century and the country would still be known as Hijaz, nor would have the Wahhabi doctrines been spread all over the world thanks to the inexhaustible persuasiveness of the petrodollar. But today, the developments in the region, especially in Yemen, where Saudi Arabia and their allies are enduring serious setbacks and face a crushing defeat (as was predicted by both Sayed Khamenei and Sayed Nasrallah), and in Syria, where their proxies are being wiped out by the joint offensive of the Syria Arab Army, Iran, Hezbollah and Russia, the fall of the House of Saud is ineluctable. It will be followed by the liberation of all the Israeli-Occupied Territories (Golan Heights, West Bank, Galilee, etc.) – of which the ISIS mop-up is a prefiguration –, the ultimate destruction of Israel and the end of the so-called Pax Americana or rather Age of International Terror, to which will succeed a multipolar world where these known evil forces, at least, will have disappeared. It is only a matter of time, and God willing, we will live to see it happen.

Israel’s decades of indiscriminate humiliations, torture, brutalization, mass destruction and murder, terror and ethnic cleansing inflicted on the neighbouring countries and on the Palestinian themselves made it impossible for Arabs and Israelis to coexist in the region. Israel was born and lived by the sword, and could only survive as long as it was invincible and feared, but it has now been humbled and defeated more than once. As Sayed Nasrallah reminded, Ben Gourion himself said that Israel would fall after losing its first war. Having failed to kill the fighting spirit of the Palestinian people and the Arab, Muslim and World’s commitment to the cause, and being well inside the cycle of setbacks and crushing military defeats since May 25, 2000 and August 14, 2006, up to the 2008-9, 2012 and 2014 Gaza wars, without any doubt, the Zionist colonial project is doomed. Besides, colonial & racist entities are meant to rule with an iron grip or disappear, and though it will never happen, even if, for some unfathomable reason, the Israeli settlers were offered to stay, an overwhelming majority of them would refuse and leave of their own accord rather than live on an equal footing with Arabushim (a derogatory, racist Hebrew term for Arabs), let alone be ruled by them. Only in 1979 and 1982 did one need to be a visionary to see this.

Let us hope that we are indeed assisting to a Third Intifada in Palestine, and that as Sayed Khamenei predicts, the Occupiers will not know a single day of peace and security. Let us hope that the Palestinian people will finally understand that there is no possible negotiation with Israel, disavow and kick out his corrupt, collaborationist and infamous rulers, and fully embrace the Armed Resistance, following the Hezbollah 2000 and 2006 example and exhortations. Let us have faith and prepare to rejoice.

Courage, Mr. Netanyahu ! Though IDF terrorists are not as fearless as ISIS’s, you won’t need be drown into the sea. Sayed Nasrallah did promise that in the next war that will change the face of the Middle East, only the boats entering Occupied Palestine will be targeted, not the ones leaving it packed with Israeli settlers going home. But even if you were exposed to be thrown overboard, the like of you always know when to abandon a sinking ship and are very good swimmers.

Salah Lamrani (Sayed Hasan)

Reviewed by Jenny Bright

See also:  

Iran nuclear deal: the Triumph of the Islamic Republic (and why Israel has reason to worry)

Iran nuclear deal: the Islamic Republic sticks to its guns 


Sayed Ali Khamenei: USA are World’s Worse Evil, Israel Will Disappear Within 25 years (Eng Sub)

Supreme Leader’s Speech in Meeting with People from Different Social Backgrounds – September 9, 2015

Full speech transcript :

Extract :

[…] This is America. America completely ruled over the country for 25 years. These were the orders that it used to issue to the Shah’s generals. The Americans had the final say in Iran in economic, political and security matters and in the area of foreign policy. This is the complete rule of America during the time of the taghuti regime. Such a regime used to rule over our country. Its officers, its minister of finance, its minister of defense, its prime minister and even the Shah himself obeyed America unquestioningly! Such a regime used to rule over our country.

America ruled over our country like Pharaoh: “Truly Pharaoh elated himself in the land and broke up its people into sections, depressing a group among them. Their sons he slew, but he kept alive their females” [The Holy Quran, 28: 4]. They used to behave like this towards the people, but Musa of the time appeared and overthrew this Pharaoh and his followers. This is what the Revolution did. One year and two months after the event of Shahrivar – that is to say, in Aban of the year 1358 – the youth who followed Imam’s (r.a.) line conquered America’s Den of Espionage. They imprisoned the Americans with their hands tied and their eyes blindfolded. This time, Musa defeated Pharaoh like this. Now, some people ask, “Why do the Americans show hostility towards Iran?” Well, this is the reason. Iran was completely in America’s fist and hands. The entire country moved with the willpower of the Americans, but Imam (r.a.) came and threw America out with the help of the people. Naturally, they should be our enemies and they should show such enmity. In the present time too, they are showing enmity.

Our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) said, “America is the Great Satan.” This phrase is a very meaningful one. The boss of all shaitans in the world is Iblis, but according to the Holy Quran, the only thing that Iblis can do is to tempt human beings and nothing more. He tempts and deceives people, but America kills, imposes sanctions and behaves in a hypocritical way as well as tempting and deceiving. He raises the flag of human rights and claims to support human rights, but ever so often, an innocent and unarmed person rolls in their blood and is murdered by the American police, let alone other crimes and disasters committed by them.

And this was their behavior in Iran during the time of the taghuti regime: they used to wage wars and create warmongering groups like the ones that are busy committing crimes in Iraq and Syria in the present time. These are the things that America does! Now, some people insist on ornamenting this Great Satan – who has qualities worse than those of Iblis – and on portraying him as an angel. Why do they do that? Even if we exclude religion and revolutionary spirit for a moment, what about loyalty to the interests of the country? What about reason? What reason and what conscience allows one to choose a power like America as one’s trusted friend and as a liberating angel? They are like this. This is the truth of the matter.

They dress elegantly, they wear a tie, they use perfume and they appear in an elegant manner to deceive naïve individuals. This is the truth behind the regime of America. This is how they behave towards us and they behave in the same manner towards other countries. The great people of Iran threw this Great Satan out of the country. So, we should not allow him to come back. Now that we have thrown him out of the door, we should not allow him come in through the window. We should not let him penetrate because his enmity will not come to an end.

After the JCPOA [Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action] and the deal whose fate is still unclear, they are busy hatching plots against Iran in the U.S. Congress. The news that we receive shows that some individuals in the U.S. Congress are busy passing a bill in order to bother and create obstacles for the Islamic Republic. This is their enmity: it will not come to an end.

And these enmities will continue, but until when? Until you become strong, until the people of Iran become so strong that the enemy becomes frustrated with political, security, military and economic invasions, sanctions and the like. We should become strong. We should strengthen ourselves inside the country. I have frequently spoken about how we should gain the strength that is necessary for the country. First, it should be achieved through a strong economy. One of the ways is to work on the economy of resistance whose policies have been announced. It should be implemented in the form of groundwork and a practical plan and it should be pursued as strongly as possible and without wasting any time. Well, our friends in the administration are thankfully carrying out certain tasks. So, one of the ways is to strengthen the economy of the country. The youth of the country should not be jobless and their talents should not remain untapped. This is one of the ways.

Another way is developing science. The caravan of science should not lose its fast speed. We should move forward in the area of science because everything is dependent on it. So, this is another way to strengthen the country.

One of the most important ways to strengthen the country from the inside is to preserve the revolutionary spirit in the people particularly in youth. The enemies are trying to make our youth become decadent and indifferent towards the Revolution and to kill the spirit of valor and being revolutionary in them. This should be resisted. Youth should preserve their spirit of being revolutionary. And the officials of the country should respect revolutionary youth. Some spokespeople and writers should not constantly label hezbollahi and revolutionary youth as extremists and other such names. Revolutionary youth should be respected and encouraged to preserve their revolutionary spirit because it is this spirit that preserves and defends the country and that saves it in the face of different dangers.

These are the three main factors behind national power: having a strong and resistant economy, enjoying advanced and developing – on a daily basis – science and preserving the revolutionary spirit in all the people particularly in youth. These are the things that can protect the country. If these things are achieved, the enemy will become disappointed.

America does not even hide its enmity, rather it divides its responsibilities. One of them smiles and another prepares a bill against the Islamic Republic. This is a kind of dividing responsibilities. They pursue something called “negotiations”, but negotiations are just an excuse and a tool for penetration. Negotiations are an instrument for imposing their demands. We agreed to negotiate with the Americans only on the nuclear issue because of certain reasons that we have frequently mentioned. Well, our officials did so. Thankfully, our negotiators had a good performance in this arena, but we did not allow them to negotiate with America on other matters.

We are willing to negotiate with the whole world, but we will not negotiate with America. We are men of negotiation and understanding on a governmental, public – people from other countries – and religious level. We are men of negotiation and we negotiate with everyone except for America. Of course, the Zionist regime should not be forgotten about because the very essence of the existence of the Zionist regime is illegitimate and fake.

I would like to say a few things about the Zionist regime. After the nuclear negotiations were concluded, we heard the Zionists say in occupied Palestine, “With these negotiations, we will not have any concerns about Iran for the next 25 years and after that, we will think about it.” I would like to say to them in response that first, you will not see 25 years from today! By Allah’s favor and grace, nothing called the “Zionist regime” will exist by 25 years from now. Second, during this period of time too, revolutionary, epic, jihadi and Islamic spirit will not let you feel comfort even for one single moment! They should know this. Nations have awakened. They know who the enemy is. Of course, some governments and the enemy’s propaganda want to change the place of friends and enemies, but they will not reach anywhere. Nations – Muslim, particularly regional nations – are vigilant and aware. Well, this is the condition of the Zionist regime and America. […]


Benyamin Netanyahu, Speech at the UN 70th General Assembly, October 1st, 2015

Full speech :

Extract :

[…] Last month, Khamenei once again made his genocidal intentions clear before Iran’s top clerical body, the Assembly of Experts.

He spoke about Israel, home to over six million Jews.

He pledged, “there will be no Israel in 25 years.”

Seventy years after the murder of six million Jews,

Iran’s rulers promise to destroy my country.

Murder my people.

And the response from this body, the response from nearly every one of the governments represented here has been absolutely nothing!

Utter silence!

Deafening silence. [Follows a 45-seconds heavy silence]

Perhaps you can now understand why Israel is not joining you in celebrating this deal.

If Iran’s rulers were working to destroy your countries, perhaps you’d be less enthusiastic about the deal.

If Iran’s terror proxies were firing thousands of rockets at your cities, perhaps you’d be more measured in your praise.

And if this deal were unleashing a nuclear arms race in your neighborhood, perhaps you’d be more reluctant to celebrate.

But don’t think that Iran is only a danger to Israel. […]