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Tag "Sayed Hasan"

Nasrallah: CIA Director demanded release of top al-Qaeda leader in Yemen

From Sayed Hassan, Resistance News CONTAINS THE LEAKED PHONE CALL BETWEEN CIA DIRECTOR GEORGE TENET AND YEMENI PRESIDENT SALEH, WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES ISIS, Al-Nosra and Al-Qaeda are tools of US imperialism Speech by Secretary General of Hezbollah, Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, on March 18, 2021, on the occasion of the celebration of the Day of the Wounded of the Resistance, celebrated each year on the 4th day of the Islamic month

Hassan Nasrallah: We have all the missiles we need, Israeli soldiers desert combat units

Two extracts from August 26 and September 20, 2018. Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on August 26, 2018, on the occasion of the first anniversary of the Liberation of Lebanon against terrorist groups. Translation: Transcript:[…] I want to tell you, on this first anniversary of the (Second) Liberation (of Lebanon against terrorist groups in August 2017), that in these battles against the Al-Nusra Front on the

Hassan Nasrallah: Resistance Axis triumphs, US’ & Israel’s Wars are Over

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on August 14, 2018, for the celebration of the twelfth anniversary of the 2006 victory. Full transcript (except for the last section about Lebanon’s internal affairs). Translation: source: Support this work and subscribe to the Facebook Page and Dailymotion Channel to get around censorship. Transcript: The 2006 War and ISIS, two US Projects for Israel’s Sake I seek refuge in

Syria Imposes New Rules of Engagement on Israel

by Sayed Hasan translated for the Saker Blog Source : On Thursday 10th May 2018, an unprecedented exchange of strikes happened between Israel and Syria. The mainstream media, as well as some “alternative” media like Russia Today, were quick to relay the Israeli army version, according to which the Zionist entity “retaliated” to an “Iranian attack by Revolutionary Guards’ Al-Quds Force” consisting of “twenty rockets” fired at Israeli positions

Hassan Nasrallah: Israel has come into direct confrontation with Iran

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on April 13, 2018 in Beirut, in preparation for the May 6 legislative elections in Lebanon. Translation: Transcript: […] Today, the whole region goes through a worrying situation. Worry is one thing, and fear is another. We say a worrying situation. Why? Because many leaders, governments, analysts, personalities and people in general, even people at home, everyday people who perhaps do

Towards a Third Intifada: Why Israel has no Future in the Middle East

By Salah Lamrani (Sayed Hasan) On September 9, 2015, Sayed Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader, repeated the Islamic Republic’s commitment, in word and deed, to liberate Palestine and put an end to the so-called State of Israel, the last colony on Earth, just as vicious as it is anachronical. He stated that in spite of the nuclear deal, the USA or “Great Satan and enemy of the peoples”, worse than

From Palestine to Yemen: honour and shame of the Arab world

By Sayed Hasan Translated from French by Jenny Bright for Tlaxcala While Saudi Arabia is trying its best to supplant Israel in terms of crime, terror and barbarism, pushing a whole country to the edge of the abyss to general indifference, the poorest of the Arab countries gives the world a lesson in courage, dignity and lucidity, following the example of the Palestinian people. See also: War without mercy in

Iran nuclear deal: the Islamic Republic sticks to its guns

By Sayed Hasan Translated from French by Jenny Bright  (See previous article: “ The triumph of the Islamic Republic ”) Attached is the translation of the speech of Sayed Khamenei following the nuclear deal. On July 18th, 2015, in his first speech after Iran’s nuclear agreement signed four days ago, Sayed Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, sent a resounding message to the West, especially the United
