Dear friends,
A couple of item to bring to your attention today.
Short Absence
I will be gone all day tomorrow (my wife and I are celebrating our 20th anniversary!) and then busy for most of Thursday and Friday. I will leave an open thread, as usual, which I will do my best to moderate.
Trolls have been a royal pain in the rear recently. Some post their nonsense 3 or 4 times, so when I catch 2 or 3 one still gets through. Recently, I noticed the following ones being especially active:
a) Putin bashers
b) Defeatists
c) Nazis
I try my best to filter them out, but this is really hard. They take me by the numbers and then each of them slams me with 3-5 posts written in different comment section. Please hang in there, before the end of the mouth I should have a new server and one (alas not two) pre-moderator who will help me deal with this issue.
Two substantive points now:
Military situation of Novorossia
Yes, there are indeed two mutually exclusive accounts of the situation. The Ukies say that they are about to defeat the Resistance, as does most of the MSM, the Resistances is reporting huge Ukie losses. One commentator even asked how such losses were possible if the Resistance did not regain any ground at all. Actually, this contradiction is only apparent. Here is what going on:
1) The Resistance is numerically small. Too small to hold all the “front” everywhere. Yes, in one location, the southern cauldron, it does have the Ukies pegged down, but only thanks to the fact that the Ukies ran out of ammo and that the Resistance has enough weapons and mines to keep them from retreating. But even there the Resistances just does not have the manpower to mount an assault. For the Resistance every solider counts, not only for obvious reasons of decency, but also because if it would expand soldiers at the rate the junta does it would rapidly lose the entire war.
2) The Resistance lacks firepower and armor. This is getting better, but the Resistance does still not have what it takes to mount a counter offensive or even to engage the junta forces in open terrain.
The junta is fully aware of of these facts and it exploits these weaknesses by the following tactics:
i. always attack on all fronts at the same time
ii. use large armor formations
iii. use long range firepower (artillery)
iv. attack civilians to terrorize and weaken resolve
The Resistance is thus forced to do the following:
i. rapidly move artillery from one location to another
ii. engage in ambush tactics; attack from the flank; fake retreats
iii. try to draw in the junta forces into fire pockets and cut them off
iv. use a lot of small reconnaissance units
To some degree this could be compared to a fight between a bear and a swarm of bees, in which neither side is really capable of a clear victory against the other. The junta clearly has a huge numerical advantage and it is far from having used up most of its theoretical resources in hardware or men. What it lacks is the combination of motivated and skilled men capable of mounting a sophisticated urban assault and engage the Resistance on its own terrain.
Keep in mind that almost all of the Ukie repressive machine (military, oligarch’s terror squads, national guard, foreign mercenaries) is now engaged in the Donbass and that the only reason why this is possible is a mind-bogglingly shameful lack of resistance in the rest of the Ukraine. This might change when basic supplies begin lacking and the first colds come in. I bet you that the very same Ukies who don’t care one bit that their fellow-citizens are being murdered every day by a Nazi junta will discover in themselves a totally new resolve to resist as soon as they become hungry. I am sorry to have to bring up this shameful reality, but it simply cannot be ignored. Thus the Resistance of Novorussia needs to hunker down and hold the fort as best can be until the rest of the Ukies realize that the Nazi junta sucks for them too.
Russia’s compassionate treatment of Ukie soldiers: a civilizational choice
I have to say that I am shocked at the number of comments which condemned the Russian behavior as stupid, naive or otherwise misguided. Then I realized that it is all a matter of presentation. If you say “Russian is giving comfort, aid and support to Nazi war criminals who have butchered the innocent population of the Donbass” this does really sound crazy. But this is a gross mis-representation to what took place. First, the forces in the “southern cauldron” are light infantry, airborne and special forces. They are not Nazi death squads. Second, they were sent in under orders, often with threats to them and/or their families. Third, they showed a great deal of personal courage, being stuck without food, ammo or support for weeks, under quasi constant artillery strikes from all sides, and little or no hope for rescue. But most importantly, and this is what many people do not understand by no fault of their own, these guys are Russians as much as the Russians from Russia or the Russians from Novorussia. Please understand that only a tiny minority of the Ukrainian population is really composed of crazy psychopaths like Liashko or corrupt scumbags like Poroshenko. The vast majority of Ukrainians are really Russian culturally. Sure, some speak Ukrainian and a most of them also feel Ukrainian, but in the same sense as a Bavarian feels Bavarian or a Floridian feels Floridian: not anti-German or anti-USA. So when Russian soldiers see them, they see their own kind. This is very hard to describe or to explain, but it is so. Sure, these Russian soldiers think “now what have you achieved?” and “how do you like your friggin independent Ukraine now?“, bit mostly they feel sorry for them and what to show them a human, compassionate and, frankly, brotherly face.
Yesterday I saw a video of a group of Ukies crossing the border and surrendering to the Russian border guards. Somebody was recording this on a phone and asking on of them, a professional military man with 10 years of service, why he had decided to surrender. Listening to this Ukie officer speak, even I felt like this was one of my own people speaking, a fellow Russian who ended up in a terrible situation, but not one I wished any harm to. I did not see a Liashko or a Poroshenko. I saw a confused brother.
Keep in mind that a lot of the Russian soldiers welcoming the Ukie defectors are the very same ones who, a night, bomb the crap out of them right across the (very theoretical) border. So it’s not like Russia has gone insane and only have flowers and hugs for those who objectively are fighting for the junta. If they resist, the Russians will kill them. And all the real Nazis have zero hope for mercy from the Russians. But Nazis are a small minority of Ukrainians. Mos are simply brainwashed, ignorant, often zombified people maybe, but still people worthy of compassion once they put down their weapons. Just look at the following photo:
I much rather see that, then a humiliating incarceration or summary execution.
One more thing: the Ukraine, especially the Nazi-junta run Ukraine which I call “Banderastan” as always been about hatred. Hatred of the Orthodox Christians, first and foremost, but also the hatred for Poles, Jews and Germans. It has been about hatred for the Soviet Union and then for everything Russian. And today, when I listen to the crazy nonsense the mainstream Ukie political figures spew, I am awed at how stupid and hateful this russophobic mindset is. And look at the actions of these nationalists: from the burning of cops, to the use of sniper-provocateurs on the Maidan, to the betrayal of every single promise made or agreement signed, to the massacres in Odessa and Mariupol, to the use of White Phosphorus and ballistic missiles against civilians, at every step of its 6 months long existence this Banderastan has been ugly, vile, pathetic, uncivilized, dishonest, vicious, hypocritical, unprincipled and just plain evil. It is crucial that Russia defeat this abomination not only by force of arms, but also morally, but not acting like the Ukies would. In the end, it is a civilizational choice, one between a hate-filled materialistic ideology of total amorality versus an Orthodox Christian civilization which wants to uphold something more besides just the exchange rate of the Ruble or a visa-free entry into the EU. Again, I will use two photos to illustrate my point:
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Banderastan |
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Novorossia |
The struggle against the Empire cannot be just narrowly limited to the battlefield. It also means rejecting the imperial mode of operation, its values and its behavior. We cannot resist and empire whose norms and values we accept. Thus, it is essential for each one of us to either adopt an ancient code of conduct or develop a new one. For Russia, this means a return to an Orthodox Christian or an Islamic code of honor which encompasses not only such issues as personal piety and morality, but also how to deal with a defeated enemy or a deceived and confused brother. In Christian terms, this means that a correct faith (Orthodoxy) must be combined with the correct behavior (Orthopraxy) (I am sure that Islam has the same requirements). For a country which in the not too distant past inflicted some horrible and inhuman treatment on its POW (Germans after WWII) it is a very important moral victory to have ditched that culture of retribution and replaced it with one of compassion.
That’s it for right now. I hope to post some interesting reports written by contributors later tonight, and I will personally be back only on Saturday afternoon.
Kind regards to all and please make use of the open thread.
The Saker
The fronts seems static for now. The Ukraine junta is wasting a lot of troops and armored vehicles in an attempt to avoid a political defeat associated with the potential surrender of the remains of the 24th, 72nd, and 79th brigades.
It is like duck hunting from blinds, as the Donansk forces can see and hear the formations coming across open ground.
It appears the the surrendered portion of the 72nd brigade and a detached battalion that surrendered left their armor and weapons intact! Remember that a brigade consists of three battalions and it is likely that two battalion of the 72nd remain in the field.
The trapped 25th brigade continues to be reduced in their attempted breakouts.
The bad news appears to be the Junta’s use of ballistic missile(s).
Thanks, Saker, an important post. I too feel that a civilizational or moral choice is now clear in the world, and it’s very easy to come down on the side with Russia, Novorussia, the Islamic world, South America, Africa, whatever’s left of the American people . . . I choose the very opposite of the smiling death’s head neoliberal fascists of the west who have long oppressed me and my friends, who have turned my life into a war from day 1.
I identify with christianity and I consider it to be similar to the ideal of communism. Fuck capitalism. Fascism shall not pass. Nazis must die – Poroshenko, Obama, Cameron, Merkel, right on down the line.
this deeply touches my heart. Yes, this behaviour from the russians is the only valuable and the only possible. This is great, it rekindles hope for a better world. Yes I confirm that this is also the expected behaviour for muslims, and I hope I see it coming back amongst the muslim world.
I hope I will have a chance to go and visit russia some day. THe more all this evolves, the more I feel my heart warming to the great russian people.
Enjoy your time with your wife. I appreciate your work very much. You provide an island of sanity in an insane world. I also look forward to your return. (I’ll be going fishing in the gulf)
Peace to you brother. I love your reasoning from the heart. I can see Christ’s word of compassion all over it. I hope we all will be able to overcome hate and war with compassionate heart. God bless us!
Peace to you brother. I love your reasoning from the heart. I can see Christ’s word of compassion all over it. I hope we all will be able to overcome hate and war with compassionate heart. Keep on brother!
Congratulations to you and your wife on your 20th, saker. May you have many more, and, enjoy your day off. The good people wiil watch out for the trolls.
Hatred toward jews ? Well, they run Kiev. Yatsenyuk, Klitschko, Nuland, etc. Even Yarosh publicly express his submission to israel and even saved some israeli in Donbass.
Hi The Saker, I just read here
that money is needed for the resistance effort in the Donbass. It’s on VK so Russians reading it will donate some money, but wouldn’t it be a good idea to put it on your blog, so that your readers could decide to donate too? If you like the idea, maybe you should contact them for the details, so you could include it here and not every person on this blog has to send a separate mail to Donbass.
Fidel speaks . . .
‘US and EU underestimate the Russian people’
I find your comments in this particular blog rather disturbing, Saker.
1) If Putin had sent peace-keepers into Novorussia when all this started kicking off (which you argued powerfully against), thousands of lives would have been saved, nearly one million people wouldn’t have been forced to be refugees, Ukraine would now be two new nations, and sanctions against Russia would never have escalated to the current level. Putin deserves to be roundly criticised, and his highly suspect motives explored to the max.
2) Defeatism? The defenders of Novorussia will be slaughtered by the growing Ukraine war machine, backed in every respect by the might of NATO, within six months. Nothing can save them. If Putin belatedly goes in to Novorussia, Russian might alone will win the day, not the resistance. So why do the resistance have to fight and die, when only Russian forces can provide lasting victory?
3) Wasting time focusing on the well being on the mass murdering invaders. Palestinians were persuaded by people like you to adopt exactly this tactic with respect to the zionist butchers. “Be nice to the Israelis, even when they are carrying out the most evil atrocities against your people- and give up all effective methods of striking back”.
Saker, tell me, how did “turning the other cheek” work out for the Palestinians in the end? Oh, that’s right, the Jews of Israel saw it as a terminal weakness, bottled up helpless Palestinians in the world’s biggest concentration camp, and slaughtered them with World War class weapon systems.
Now, here’s a question for the rest of you. Men come into your village, rape and murder your wives and daughters, butcher your sons, and burn down your homes. Does their criminality change simply because they are wearing a ‘uniform’? Saker says “Yes”, but then he chooses to live in America where minorities are put to death by the state for crimes infinitely less significant than those carried out by every member of the invading Kiev forces.
What kind of hypocrite chooses to live in the USA, land of the ‘death penalty’, and then preaches that the defenders of Novorussia have no right to seek for death penalty for ADULT HUMANS that have travelled to their lands specifically to rape, mass murder and destroy everything precious that the people there own?
A true ‘pacifist’ would call for the resistance to lay down their arms, and for the people of Novorussia to allow themselves to be ethnically cleansed, and move across the border to Russia. After all, the government of Kiev would LOVE this outcome, and certainly allow the ethnic Russians to leave peacefully.
But if you support the fight, you have to support the defenders doing everything necessary to win an ultimate victory, or postpone an inevitable defeat as long as possible. And, BTW, there is absolutely ZERO chance of any PR victory for the defenders of Novorussia- the zionists have no regard for the truth, bury the ‘good’ and make up lies to blacken our side. So,who exactly is this pointless PR supposed to impress?
I really like the phrase “civilizational choice” about Russia’s treatment of the Uke soldiers.
Mindfriendo wrote about ISIS kidnapping the sister of a Peshmerga fighter after killing his brother didn’t convince him to join their side. That’s how amoral scum fight. They seem to be joined by the nazi sections of the Uke military.
I’m glad that Russia and the Novorossiyan militias are above that sort of thing.
I want to say this here first in case it is true.
Today, an American Major General (unnamed as of yet) was killed in Afghanistan.
Several days ago, it was alleged American Major General Randy Allen Kee was seriously injured in Novorossiya in an ambush by the militia and three other officers killed.
It would be most interesting if the General killed in Afghanistan turns out to be General Kee. I say this because the US military is known to make up fairy tales to explain away the death of men engaged in unacknowledged operations. It would be most interesting with the NAF alleging they have seriously injured General Kee, that perhaps he dies of his injuries, and then to cover up his death in the wrong theater, the American miitary fakes/uses an attack in Afghanistan to proclaim General Kee died in an “appropriate” setting in stead of in Mariupol.
Lets wait and see!
MUST READ ARTICLE about 9/11 and the connection to current events in Ukraine/Russia:
The Walls Are Crumbling Down Around 9/11 – Why?
An absolutely monumental shift is in process that most have not recognized yet. The truth, or at least some truth, is about to be shown to the American masses about 9/11. I say American masses because everywhere I’ve gone in the world outside of the US, with few exceptions, almost everyone knows that the US government conspiracy theory on 9/11 is for people with tinfoil hats that are either completely zombified or are under mass hypnosis. Most of the rest of the world looks on the US like “The Truman Show” and can’t believe how many people in the show don’t realize it’s not real.
See more at:
Spread it far and wide.
“Recently, I noticed the following ones being especially active:
a) Putin bashers
b) Defeatists
c) Nazis”
There is one other group, which is also aligned with the above three. The “don’t you dare criticise us Jewish people” group. Usually worded more diplomatically, but meaning exactly that. It is meant as an unspoken threat to the site owner.
In fact, the “nazis” and this 4th group are often one and the same people. They post their “alterego” nazi spam to discredit the site and discredit genuine anti-zionist views, while posting their objections to it under another guise. If they succeed in getting a censor regime going, then they go to work on their real agenda, which is silencing the genuine anti-zionists and filling the site with views more aligned with the ZPC. IE: the MSM sort. It’s a common trolling technique, sort of like an internet version of pro-Israelis false flag vandalising Jewish places to exaggerate anti-semitism and dishonestly garner sympathy.
вот так
Have a wonderful, wonderful time!
Boris Le Lay,
How ’bout just hating them that’s earned it. Not all Jews run Kiev, and not all of the Americans behind Kiev are Jewish. Being a Neoliberal or a Fascist or a Nazi is a choice, hating and killing likewise. But we don’t generally have the option of choosing our parents, you know?
Probably not a good idea for anyone living in the US to donate to anything that can get called a Terrorist Organization, unfortunately.
Anonymous 01:56,
The fate of the Empire.
Russia is not the Empire’s primary concern.
Ultimately, it isn’t money oil or gas which powers the Empire.
It is powered by the sacred life-force of subdued Humans.
The Empire’s enemy Nr.1.
– The ‘free-people-of-the-west’.
The fate of the Empire is determined by our inaction in general, by our actions in particular.
Hi Saker !
Have a great time with your wife…she’s so special to share you with your blog, which must take so much of your time…
There’s a really good Putin video that I saw a few months ago…its short and its subtitled (english) but in Russian (I think)_ its called “Unknown Episode in Putin’s Life (eng subtitles)…that’s the name of the Youtube…here’s the link ::
The ANNA news reports by Elena K. are again being subtitled in English. This is the latest, it has some new info I have not seen here yet, including the wounding of two more ANNA news people by nazi bombardment and the rumour Yarosh got wounded (hopefully more than a broken fingernail).
Сводка новостей Новороссии (ДНР,ЛНР) 5 августа 2014 / Summary of Novorossia News 05.08.2014. (Summary of news in the new Russia (DND,LDR) on 5 August 2014 / Summary of Novorossia News 05.08.2014.) (trans – summary below video)
“Critical situation in Lugansk
-In DND said about the destruction of the Ukrainian helicopter
-According to preliminary information, the leader of the “Right sector” Dmitry Yarosh wounded in Donetsk region
Two militia battalion “East”, guarding the field with rubble Malaysian Boeing, wounded near the village of Grabovo Mining area of Ukraine
-This afternoon in the center of Kiev, near the building of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, representatives of the Women’s movement of Kharkiv came to the peaceful anti-war rally
– Tsarev asked Obama to withdraw Ukrainian troops from new Russia
-On the territory of the Lugansk region, near the village Metalist, militia destroyed the warehouse phosphorous weapons”
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Many thanks by your wise words. It touched me very deeply.I agree completely with you.
God bless all this brave men fighting against this Evil.
My best regards, dear Saker..!
There is something that is both ominous and troubling in your excellent summary. As you said “The Resistance is numerically small. Too small to hold all the “front” everywhere”
Yet the front has been on the doorstep of cities of 100,000 and 1 million plus. Even when their own cities are being directly destroyed, people do not seem to have stepped up to fight.
This is ominous as even if/when the resistance gains a stalemate situation, they will have great trouble re-claiming any territory or of becoming a entity that could economically and politically survive.
This is ominous since, if this is the reaction of people whose lives are under direct physical attack, then it would seem to be verging on futile to think that the rest of Ukraine might take action to be rid of the ‘Junta’. No matter what the situation – lack of heat, massive casualties, economic collapse, etc – they do not have the motivating power of seeing your home destroyed or your family abused and murdered.
Ominous too is the ambiguity, or deliberate choice to remain uncommitted that this kind of stance reflects. Is the population so jaded that it really does not matter to them who rules or how? Does it not matter if they can speak their language or not? No wonder Russia has remained on the side-lines.
You cannot do for others what they will not do for themselves.
To me on the outside the most troubling thing is that it looks like the only group that is creating faith and belief is that of the Nazi groupings.
People need a vision! May the Novorussian leaders find their voice and may they find both vision and heart to help that community become whole and healthy for family, for faith, for their future and for their culture.
Irony and kamikaze tendencies.
Japan’s darling Natalia Poklonskaya on Tokyo Russia sanctions list
“Crimean prosecutor, Natalya Poklonskaya, an internet sensation, whose anime-style images gained her overwhelming popularity, particularly in Japan, has found herself among forty officials put on a sanctions list by Tokyo.
The list, made public by the Japanese Foreign Ministry on Tuesday, includes former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich, a number of top figures in the self-proclaimed People’s Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, as well as people believed to be “directly responsible for the annexation of Crimea.”
Adoration by the Japanese online community did not save the Crimean prosecutor, Natalya Poklonskaya, from being added to Tokyo’s black list.
Poklonskaya took up her post just days ahead of the March 16 Crimean referendum on independence from Ukraine, after four of her male colleagues refused to take the risk.
Her first press conference gained her YouTube stardom, garnering 3.7 million views in just three days.”
The irony being it was the Japanese made her so popular.
” Moscow now believes it “inappropriate” to hold diplomatic consultations between deputy head of the Foreign Ministry, Igor Morgulov, with his Japanese counterpart, Shinsuke Sugiyama, scheduled for the end of August.
“Now that Tokyo has adopted additional anti-Russian sanctions, we consider it inappropriate to hold this meeting. Consultations have been postponed,” deputy head of the ministry’s information department, Maria Zakharova, told journalists.
Apart from individuals, two Crimea-based companies have also fallen under Japanese sanctions – energy company Chernomorneftegaz and oil base Feodosia. Tokyo has also banned all imports from Crimea.
Japan has announced sanctions against Russia before. In April, it said it would not issue visas for 23 Russian officials.
Switzerland also expanded its sanctions against Russia on Tuesday. It announced the addition of 26 individuals and 18 companies to its sanctions list. This comes despite comments over the weekend from Switzerland’s Economy Minister, Johann Schneider-Ammann, who said his country wouldn’t duplicate EU sanctions against Russia.”
Japan’s subservience to the ZPC/NWO will end up isolating them in Asia. With Switzerland, and it’s bankster reliance, their motivations for grovelling to the fascist side are obvious.
вот так
вот так,
Oh Dear God, YES.
Funny, I was thinking the same thing. I wonder when they’ll name the guy. If ever.
@Anonymous 01:56
Either you are an extremely poor troll, potentially misguided, drunk on toxic neohasbara kool-aid or need to actually read what was posted above along with the vast array of other posts/comments and apply some critical thinking skills…
@Saker, congrats on such a special occasion, have some fun with your sweetie and please pass on our well wishes and thanks to her for lettin’ ya spend some time with us!
From your pals in Canuckistan
China Speaks:
Is Israel thinking of genocide?
The description in the second paragraph could be a perfect fit for Ukraine attacking Donbass.
“What the IDF has been doing in Gaza is disturbing to say the least. It has shelled UN schools, killing many refugees taking shelter there. It has bombarded hospitals again and again. It attacked a market during a ceasefire when it knew Gazans would take advantage of the ceasefire to stock up supplies, and so killed many shoppers. It bombed the sole power plant in the area so that the area’s water purification plant cannot operate properly. It razed 5,000 homes, flattening the entire Khuzaa district and strewing it with rotting corpses. So far, it has killed 1,680 Gazans and counting, with over 9,000 wounded.”
Sounds like Lugansk to me.
Why does the rest of the world ignore Novorossiya and then cries for Gaza?
Isn’t human life equal? Isn’t murderous artillery and bombing equal? Isn’t genocide equal?
Oh, I know the Armenian genocide is played down because of the sensitivities of Turks. And the Native American genocide is played down because my country can not admit it has some responsibility for the period after the Republic was founded.
But this focus on Gaza while concurrent and equivalent carnage is happening to Russian people seems careless and hollow.
If governments intend to liquidate people they don’t like and don’t want on the earth any longer, it is criminal in all cases.
Dear Saker
Thanks for this impressive post. You’re absolutely right. It’s a civilizational choice not only for the Ukrainians or Russians, but also for every person in the world.
Congratulations to you and your wife and enjoy your day!
Your comment section is one of the best I’ve seen with many thoughtful contributions. It is always important to keep the beast in all of us at bay. We are humans and our ideals keep us worthy. Rest and thank you for this blog…there have been times I’ve felt like dismissing the human race as an evolutionary experiment gone bad, but then you come through with music or poetry or an essay that reaffirms we are spiritual beings higher than the angels because they don’t have test of physicality yet still we can behave righteously with honor and love and faith. Never give up.
Barclay de Toly’s strategic withdrawal in 1812 in the face of Napoleon’s superior forces was also greeted with howls of defeatism. A lot of parallels can be drawn between Napoleon’s invasion and the current Kiev government’s offensive in that both are trying to win a quick victory before their logistical situations become untenable. The Ukrainian army may still have plenty of munitions but the Ukrainian economy is shakier by the day. Furthermore, in a civil war, breaking down the other side’s cohesion is more important than defeating their troops, the longer the war drags on for Poroshenko and company, the more infighting they will experience as IMF austerity bites into the population. Moscow understands that it needs to contest for more than just Donesk and Lugansk, it needs to win the strategic neutrality of most of Ukraine and that cannot achieved if surrendering Ukrainian soldiers are treated in a vindictive manner.
Furthermore, a civilizational choice is crucial because a multipolar world could easily end up as 1984-style scenario which is not necessarily that much better than a unipolar world. A victorious war that leaves civilization in ruins is only marginally better than a defeat.
Thank you for the video of Putin’s heroic act.
I had never heard of it. It is a great and not surprising from Putin the Great.
I have the greatest admiration for Putin and pray for him daily.
Have a wonderful time & happy anniversary to your and your wife.
We will keep the fort while you are out.:-)
Song (at 03:25) said: “Moscow understands that it needs to contest for more than just Donesk and Lugansk, it needs to win the strategic neutrality of most of Ukraine and that cannot achieved if surrendering Ukrainian soldiers are treated in a vindictive manner.”
Agree. That is why Moscow does not want to use any military action in Ukraine. It is too blunt an instrument. Putin’s approach is that of a neuropsychiatrist not a butcher
Regards, Spiral
Saker, you wrote: “Thus, it is essential for each one of us to either adopt an ancient code of conduct or develop a new one.”
Very true. Whatever front we battle on we must embrace honor, duty, commitment and love.
You wrote “For Russia, this means a return to an Orthodox Christian or an Islamic code of honor which encompasses not only such issues as personal piety and morality, but also how to deal with a defeated enemy or a deceived and confused brother.”
I am touched by your words and your faith and the way you draw on it to give expression to the love that shines from you. But do you really think people embraced Jesus or Mohammed because they invented or revealed a new morality? Or was it because they gave fuller expression and greater universality to something that was much older and deeper, older even than religion itself, an essence of what it is to be a human being, one that was being lost, crushed by an inhuman social order?
Are not history – and daily life – full of examples that refute the claim that this humanity, this life driven by commitment and love and the self-denial, even self-sacrifice that it can sometimes demand, can be learned from the words in a book or a particular doctrine? Must it not be lived and affirmed in action, in the concrete engagement with and commitment to others in the struggle for a common cause? How could such a love be forced into the confines of one doctrine or faith?
I feel deeply certain that you must know this, as Jesus certainly did. I have no idea what Orthodox faith entails, and draw my spiritual nourishment from other fonts, yet I feel you deeply and find inspiration in your words at the end of my day.
It is wonderful to me to think that we may even have a civilizational choice.
Before this year I was in despair that the grey ooze of a 1984-style hegemon would suffocate all the future of the world. The game changer has been the arising of Novorossiya, and an awakening to the true nature of Russia (and probably much of European “history” of the last century).
You, Saker, have played an enormous role in this for me. Be proud of your contribution, and I in turn will try to make it as valuable to the world as I can.
Since this is an open thread – I have wanted to say that I no longer really care that much about “winning” or “losing” the information war – really the propaganda war.
I feel deeply sad for all the people of my country, the US, who are missing this entire morality play, with its superb demonstrations of skill and perfect action, its true heart and its brave heart and its volcano flow of honor and devotion to the sacred.
Somehow it’s more important to feel sad for their lack of knowledge – at this early stage in the propaganda war (and it is really early) – than to try to change it. In the end, knowledge of these realities has a survival value, although the margins in the US for most people haven’t narrowed enough yet, perhaps, for this to become important.
I think it’s the same with the people of Ukraine, especially saturated as they are with propaganda 24/7 – toxic untruth absorbed through every pore with no escape. How could they know any different?
It takes time to know something new. The pain of not knowing is also a suffering we could be sympathetic towards – we few who luxuriate in all the knowledge that passes through these pages here. We very few. We happy few. We band of brothers and sisters. I wish we could share this bounty with all beings. We can’t, but we can honor the wish.
Regarding the POW issue, a lot of people have become infected with the hardened cynicism of the post-modern West. U.S. TV is full of useless beatings and wanton violence, even the women do it so its equality ! Sexual degradation is routine and part of the ‘porn culture’ that is mainstream.
It’s a cynicism that is rooted in cowardice and weakness, though; people who can’t change their situation and have given up trying.
Dear Saker,
Congratulation to your aniversary and try to pamper your wife till you are together. She must to be a very nice person with understanding your role in this turmulous world and I’m positive that she support you in this fight.
Your compassion is telling everything about you and your family who you are. Keep this work shine for the all world.
Today in one of the East European program called Panorama again have reminded us what Mr.Kissinger said that Israel will be resolved at latest in year 2017. I’m just wondering if this Gaza killing is not their last mad dog war before they will be forced to leave the land.
Enjoy your free time with your wife
Completely agree with you. The manner someone deals with its ennemy speak a lot about him, his moral values. Compassion, chivalry, shouldn’t be dead values, particulary in the orthodox civilisation. The real christian has to be generous with his defeated ennemy, except if this one is an absolute ennemy. Leaving an ennemy that commited war crimes against you people to go free is worst than folly, it’s criminal stupidity, because that ennemy won’t be gratefull to you, but will hate you much more. Then he will repeat his crimes.
Novorossia has formed a Russian orthodox army, and has reintroduced in this army the banner with the Holy Face of our Lord. With this banner forces of Novorossia will win. But only if they behave like true christians.
Saker you said : “the only reason why this is possible is a mind-bogglingly shameful lack of resistance in the rest of the Ukraine”
As long you and I (and everybody else) are not on the battlefield, I feel we should abstain of criticizing people that made the choice to stay alive.
Yes it’s probably a cowardly choice but would we do differently in the same situation ?
It is estimated that there was only a few thousand active people in the French resistance during WWII. Back then the moral choice was clearer : the French were invaded by a foreign army, they didn’t have to kill their own people, but still most of them chose life instead of freedom.
(I’m French btw, so don’t think I’m bashing France)
Yes, you are absolutely right, but forget religion. This Rule is known in all cultures and reads in its simplest form:”Do unto others as you would have others do unto you!”
@ Saker, wife and kids,
Congratulations [20 years is a heck of a time] and may the good fortunes of love and understanding be your eternal companions.
Group hug.
Indeed that was the million dollar question.. of whether the general killed in afganistan is a cover for him being killed in Ukraine.. LOL
Everyone needs to fully investigate that.. it will be a major scandal. My bet is IF that is the case and same general.. then they will try to hide it.. and use an alias never used before.
Interestingly the Novorosiya top administration ,forgot exactly who told it.. that they have information of foreigners participation in Ukraine and that they are waiting for the right time to release it.. apparently is something BIG ,that smell like IRAN Contras Scandal like withing Obama administration.
“For a country which in the not too distant past inflicted some horrible and inhuman treatment on its POW (Germans after WWII) it is a very important moral victory to have ditched that culture of retribution and replaced it with one of compassion.”
Sorry but I don’t agree. They was treated much better then the Soviet prisoners in German hold. Over a three year period the Germans had killed, raped, stolen and destroyed at a scale never seen before. Over 27 millions Soviet citizens died. I would say the German prisoners was treated way to nice.
The general killed was Harold Greene.
It’s very telling that so few of the local population actually supports the rebels, and that there is no sign of further outbreaks in the rest of the country, despite Kiev focusing all it’s forces in this relatively small area. It looks as if most of those who wanted to be independent or to join Russia have fled to Russia.
Fighting over the remaining ruins of a couple of cities will probably continue for a while, but what will happen next year? No doubt there will be discontent as social and economic conditions continue to deteriorate, and probably dissensions within the regime, but what will be the most likely outcome?
Will there really be renewed rebellion, fanned by Russian covert support, which turns the country into an Afghanistan within which US troops and proxies can defeat themselves?
Is it not more likely that a small group of rich crooks continue squabbling over the reduced pickings, while much of the demoralised population simply drifts off into beggary in the EU and in Russia.
EU funding of ‘civil society’ to subvert governments they don’t like. EU white paper outlines the method with the usual naueating weasel wording (no offence to the worthy mammal): e.g. “Improve the dialogue with governmental and non-governmental actors [e.g. nazis] of third countries when developing policy proposals with an international dimension [e.g. smashing a third country to smithereens, fomenting anarchy, promoting faux human rights, deposing a democratically elected president etc.].” The comments are mine. The source is [if you have the stomach for it]:
PS about 0.5 bn euros has been declared officially, while the EU Commission preferred to mention a sum of some 30 mn.
EU funding of ‘civil society’ to subvert governments they don’t like. EU white paper outlines the method with the usual naueating weasel wording (no offence to the worthy mammal): e.g. “Improve the dialogue with governmental and non-governmental actors [e.g. nazis] of third countries when developing policy proposals with an international dimension [e.g. smashing a third country to smithereens, fomenting anarchy, promoting faux human rights, deposing a democratically elected president etc.].” The comments are mine. The source is [if you have the stomach for it]:
PS about 0.5 bn euros has been declared officially, while the EU Commission preferred to mention a sum of some 30 mn.
Saker, best wishes to you and your family. I apologise for any redundancy in what I have to say:
In the ’90’s the Jewish oligarchs – a mostly self obsessed bunch – were paid off by the implicit agreement that they could keep their business empires in return for staying out of politics. Khodorkovsky aside this agreement worked and meant that Russia was able to enjoy a decade or so of good governance by mostly patriotic gentile types. As a result the economy recovered and the middle class began to thrive and expand – this latter being the key hallmark of good, pragmatic governance anywhere.
Unfortunately the local gentile oligarchy did not reckon on the angry response of the international Jewish oligarchy (that which had initially funded the Russian Jewish oligarchs) as headed up by point-man, the delightful Victoria Nuland.
This group had been angered by the fact that the local Jewish oligarchs had been prevented from exercising political control – at least behind the scenes – and moreover this failure (to control Russia) had impacted the wider concerns of the internationalists, particularly as they pertained to events in the Middle-East and to the more general roll out of the New World Order of global Zionist control.
Their revenge for this was the destabilisation of Ukraine – notably the particular ruthlessness of the Zionists in stoking the crisis and then deliberately preventing any rational solution or equilibrium from developing – because the ultimate target is regime change in Russia itself.
Putin therefore faces an up-coming dilemma. Assuming a coming defensive war over Crimea (if Kiev can pacify Donbas that is) does he then take the opportunity to take the war to Kiev (meaning regime change and the absorbtion, after referenda, of friendly oblasts) or does he merely repulse the attack and leave the Kiev regime – and Nato – in defacto control of Ukraine and Novo-rossiya? Again he is faced with a Zugzwang of sorts.
So his best hope would seem to lie with the success of the Donbas resistance movement – whatever the cost – covertly aided by Russia of course. And yet they seem hopelessly undermanned.
You’re starting to get it. But the US hasn’t got “some” responsibility for the Native American genocide here since 1776 — who else did it? They hardly all died of disease; if they had I wouldn’t be here either. Nor is our population particularly crying for Gaza: Israel is brazen enough to permit news coverage bc they know no one will lift a finger, that’s all.
The bottom line is, genocide happens when one group of people live on land another people want, and the murdering group then refuses to admit what they did and comes up with various ways to blame and/or ignore the victims instead. You — like most Americans, and Israelis, and now Western Ukrainians — were fed the myths and grew up on them and yeah, they’re part of your sense of country and thus sense of self and hard to extirpate fully. It takes a lot of courage to really admit how truly awful one’s country can be, but the genocide here in the Americas was the worst in human history. And now we’re behind the latest ones in both Gaza and Novorossiya. And the only way to stop any of them is to help people become aware of all of them, and duly horrified at their own unwitting complicity. Sadly, it’s a lesson that needs to be taught over and over again, to each new generation, with a few refresher courses for those who might have forgotten. We’re doing that here, really, and hopefully with others we talk to, bc the ugly truth is, any group who can do that to one people made “other”, can then turn around and do the same thing to anyone else who might be in the way. Like the We The People right now, maybe? I’ll paraphrase Dr. King: ain’t one person equal, ain’t nobody equal.
Dear Balaban,
Many people would say that the first ten years are difficult!
How about forty+? Well, it’s feasible!
Many happy returns and all the best from the bottom of my heart.
I am touched by your words and your faith and the way you draw on it to give expression to the love that shines from you. But do you really think people embraced Jesus or Mohammed because they invented or revealed a new morality? Or was it because they gave fuller expression and greater universality to something that was much older and deeper, older even than religion itself, an essence of what it is to be a human being, one that was being lost, crushed by an inhuman social order?
Dearest Brother C,
Well said! ~:)
It is the Islamic belief when our souls were created, we were told about God. The Shia go one step further, it is build in our instincts, knowing good and bad. We don’t need religion to teach us morality after birth.
Also, in Islam the first upright person and first Prophet was Adam (as). We were taught morality on day one of our creation. God didn’t wait until 0 AD (Jesus) and 600 AD (Mohammad) to teach us morality.
Best regards,
There is a lot of interesting news this morning, all of which strongly suggests that Kiev is in increasing disarray while Russia is maintaining her moral posture, strengthening her economic position and hitting back hard. I haven’t included the “food wars” but there are going to be a lot of Eastern and Central European farmers with nowhere to sell their goods.
1. Avakov claims 20,000 substitutes are needed bc of police defections and disloyalty.
3. At yesterday’s UNSC meeting, Churkin called the situation in Novorossiya “a catastrophic, full-blown war” and called for an international humanitarian mission with Russian and ICRC participation.
“By any human standards, the situation in the east, especially in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, is catastrophic,” Churkin said. “Today with certainty we can and should be talking about a real war – the International Committee of the Red Cross officially acknowledged the internal armed conflict in the east of Ukraine.”
“Artillery, tanks, as well as rockets are used. There is continuing information from locals about the use of phosphorus bombs and cluster bombs,” Churkin added. “There is indiscriminate shelling of housing blocks and critical civilian infrastructure. In many small towns about 80 percent of houses have been destroyed, according to most conservative estimates. More than 600 buildings have fallen.”
4. Pushkov called the US media “dead” bc of its control by the State Department.
5. Russian aerospace and military-industrial enterprises will purchase several billion dollars worth of electronic components from China (sanction boomerang, much?).
6. Russia has no current contracts on drones with Israel, and no plans for any more.
Remember Mazepa
“Mazepa’s decision to abandon his allegiance to the Russian Empire was considered treason by the Russian Tsar and a violation of the Treaty of Pereyaslav. However others argue that it was Imperial Russia who broke the treaty, because it failed to even try to protect the Cossack homeland while busy fighting abroad while Ukrainian peasants had complained about the conduct of local Muscovite troops, Cossacks had died while building Saint Petersburg and the Tsars planned to deploy Cossack troops far from their homeland”.
“During an event in Mazepyntsi to mark the 370th birthday (March 20, 2009) of Hetman Mazepa, President Viktor Yushchenko called for the myth about the alleged treason of Mazepa to be dispelled. According to Yushchenko the hetman wanted to create an independent Ukraine and architecture was thriving in Ukraine over the years of Mazepa’s rule, “Ukraine was reviving as the country of European cultural traditions”. The same day around a hundred people held a protest in Simferopol against the marking of the 370th birthday of Mazepa. The protesters held posters with slogans as: “Dog Mazepa, damn you and your ideological followers!”, “Eternal shame on the sickly Judas – Ivashka Mazepa and his followers!” and “Ukraine’s future is in alliance with Russia”. They also held flags of Russia, as well as portraits of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, and Russian Emperor Peter the Great. In May 2009 the Russian foreign ministry stated in an answer to Ukraine’s preparations to mark the 300th anniversary of the battle of Poltava and plans to erect a monument to Mazepa that those were attempts at an “artificial, far-fetched confrontation with Russia. We would like to remind the leaders of Ukraine that playing games with history, especially with hidden nationalist motives, has never led to any good.” (Wikipedia, of all!)
There are, this year, 360 years since the Treaty of Pereyaslav. Haven’t you seen even the head of the IMF talking about world events in terms of numerology?
There is a lot of interesting news this morning, all of which strongly suggests that Kiev is in increasing disarray while Russia is maintaining her moral posture, strengthening her economic position and hitting back hard. I haven’t included the “food wars” but there are going to be a lot of Eastern and Central European farmers with nowhere to sell their goods.
1. Avakov claims 20,000 substitutes are needed bc of police defections and disloyalty.
3. At yesterday’s UNSC meeting, Churkin called the situation in Novorossiya “a catastrophic, full-blown war” and called for an international humanitarian mission with Russian and ICRC participation.
“By any human standards, the situation in the east, especially in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, is catastrophic,” Churkin said. “Today with certainty we can and should be talking about a real war – the International Committee of the Red Cross officially acknowledged the internal armed conflict in the east of Ukraine.”
“Artillery, tanks, as well as rockets are used. There is continuing information from locals about the use of phosphorus bombs and cluster bombs,” Churkin added. “There is indiscriminate shelling of housing blocks and critical civilian infrastructure. In many small towns about 80 percent of houses have been destroyed, according to most conservative estimates. More than 600 buildings have fallen.”
4. Pushkov called the US media “dead” bc of its control by the State Department.
5. Russian aerospace and military-industrial enterprises will purchase several billion dollars worth of electronic components from China (sanction boomerang, much?).
6. Russia has no current contracts on drones with Israel, and no plans for any more.
re: The shameful lack of resistance.
You are making Glazyev’s argument. People can’t resist a state. Did citizens stop bad stuff, such as wars, in the USSR or Nazi Germany? Or, how about the US? What are people supposed to do? How could Americans have stopped what happened in Libya, Syria, or now the Ukraine?
Thanks for this. I am definitely not a fascist sympathizers, certainly not a Putin basher (my prayers go out to this guy as I can see the worry, heartache and sheer exhaustion in his face) but I can tend toward defeatism. It helps to have a truthful source of info on the situation there.
I too am disinterested to see the lack of resistance in other parts of the east. I think that’s probably the main reason Russia ‘ s assistance has been limited. Different story altogether in Crimea where there was a solid majority ready to defend their turf. I can see that the junta has truly relied on terror to achieve their objectives. I believe that Ukrainians in all regions are terrified of these people. If there was ever any doubt that any dissent would meet with unspeakable punishment, Odessa removed it (that was the point). So for this tragic phase to end, all of Ukraine, not just the east, will.have to gain the courage to oppose them. I also believe that if they had been allowed to make a free choice, most would have opted for federalization because it is the obvious solution to internal differences leading to peace and unity. This internal strife is the fault of the US/EU who are using Ukraine for their proxy war against Russia without regard for the fate of the people. This is of course why they are backing 100% this minority of hard core Russia haters. They are disregarding the moderate majority as if they were invisible – and they know it! When this moderate majority rise up and declare that enough is enough with this utterly destructive Nazi ideology, things will change dramatically and rapidly. May that day come soon!
The disease that has taken hold of Ukraine can only be eliminated by force. And even the removal of the government by force will not eliminate the thuggish ultranationalist groups running roughshod over people. Hoping for a widespread revolt due to hardship is wishful thinking. Hoping winter can bring down the government is wishful thinking. Given the milita numbers are apparently small, and not growing, it’s hard to see how they can keep holding their ground, let alone make any progress, without open help by Russia. I hope I am wrong.
“…ugly, vile, pathetic, uncivilized, dishonest, vicious, hypocritical, unprincipled and just plain evil…”
Well put.In fact this perfectly describes the essence of what many now know as the “NWO plan” or the phantasmagorical “vision” of certain segments of the age old “elites” at the top of the power pyramid.And this madness of a “plan” for some absolute control ComuNazi type of planetary GULAG is…well idiotic..self destructive…CRAZY!This whole “situation” we have today in the world is not a mere “physical” war but a collision of two(very different)visions for the future of mankind.
Could any russian speaker confirm this info ? It looks like Ukraine unity is only on the paper.
a) Putin bashers
b) Defeatists
c) Nazis”
Add “prozionists” to above and you have a describtion of typical banderist on payroll of Kiev junta.
The Real Axis of Evil: United States, Israel, and Saudi Arabia
Best regards,
Dearest Nora,
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
1. Where did these new slaves (the children) come from?
2. Whose children they are?
3. Where are their parents?
4. Did their parents allowed them to leave them?
5. Who gathered these masses and brought them to the border?
Of course, Russia has closed off any more adoption to USA due to massive abuses. The biggest one being pedophile and whoredom.
The beautiful and cute children will be sold into white slavery (whoredom), the rest will be sold in abusive adoptions.
Best regards,
Paul II,
“How could Americans have stopped what happened in Libya, Syria, or now the Ukraine?” O boy, that is really the question, isn’t it. And yet even the way you’ve stated it strongly suggests that, well, we can’t. I just don’t buy that: of course we can, we just haven’t yet figured out how! Whether or not we actually stopped anything in Syria is up for debate, but those calls and letters sent a pretty strong warning to all our Congresscritters — and we still have that potential given the upcoming mid-terms. Except, of course, that we’ve got a lot of work to do to get our numbers high enough to make a difference. Nobody said it’d be easy — resisting a state isn’t, ever –and yes, most people are sheeple. But are you really trying to argue that it’s not even worth trying? Hogwash!
You are very good in the way you explain difficult matters in English. I have to say that I agree with every word.
Not only is the Russians treatment of their captives humane but it is very good PR. Only about 30% seem to want to return home, the rest do the sensible thing and stay in Russia till this is over. Those that do go home are possibly (if not arrested) then able to spread the word that the Russians are human after all. Idoubt that this treatment is offered to the ‘bad’ guys, I note that in previous announcements officers were not to be captured, but it seems that this has fortunately been changed.
The sooner the Militia get hold of the extra hardware left in the cauldron the better, especially if the opportunity is taken to upgrade it on its way past the border.
Nora said…
Paul II,
Nobody said it’d be easy — resisting a state isn’t, ever –and yes, most people are sheeple. But are you really trying to argue that it’s not even worth trying? Hogwash!
Well Said Dearest Sister!
Either one claims that one lives in democracy, where one has the choice. Or one claims that one live in a monarchy, where one doesn’t have a choice. Even in a shitty monarchy like Saudi Arabia, the masses let them know they are for the Gazans.
It is like the Empire tried to show the world that they have the best Justice System in the World. What they showed the World that Rich People like O. J. Simpson can buy the Justice System. Judge Ito made the mockery of the gloves, allowing the gloves to be worn over gloves, let alone weight gain and other factors.
Best regards,
Okay folks, here is your LAUGH Of The Day. I promise!!!!!!! ;~)
I am not arguing against trying to make the world a better place. Not at all. But be realistic. In the US, one will not be burnt alive in a pogrom. There are terror teams all over the Ukraine looking for un-Ukrainian attitudes. Even saying something bad about Kiev might get one time in a cell or a beating. In addition, Russia is not offering a clear and better alternative – they would be contented to bring back the disaster of someone like Yanukovich, and he and his kind are a big reason for the current mess.
So the question is “What is to be done?” I don’t think politicians matter that much, at least in the Zionist parts of the West. A better approach would be to boycott bad corporations, and try to find a way to minimize Babylon’s influence in your world.
UK Deputy PM Calls to “Suspend Arms to Israel”
“”I think the question marks that Sayeeda Warsi has raised about the arms export licenses which we issue to arms exporters selling to Israel are very serious ones and I share her concerns,” Clegg said in a statement published on the Liberal Democrat’s official website.
Saying that the Zionist military operation in Gaza “overstepped the mark,” Clegg called the Zionist bombing of three UN schools an “outrageous spectacle” that breached the conditions of export licenses.
He said he wants to see export licenses suspended pending a “wider review of whether they should be revoked more permanently in the long run.””
Best regards,
Arab FMs to Visit Gaza Soon: Arabi
“Arab League chief Nabil al-Arabi said Wednesday that a delegation of Arab foreign ministers including those of Egypt and Jordan, will visit Gaza “soon” in a show of support for Palestinians.
“An Arab ministerial delegation will go to Gaza soon in solidarity,” Arabi stated.
The delegation, which is expected to expand, so far includes the foreign ministers of Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan and Morocco, as well as Arabi himself.”
Best regards,
Dearest Sister,
Now you believe me when I told you that both Obama and Putin are in cahoots.
Best regards,
Fwd from Canuckistan:
It would seem as if the “fear factor” is headed into the next phase. This has NOT been mentioned on-air but it is worth noting that the on-air narrative has been shifted to atheist China that has detained 2 “Evanvelical Christians” on spying charges.
If one were to read between the lines on this one, China and Russia are on the same page. It may be plausible to assUme that the 5-Eyes are hunkering down as the currency wars, trade wars, energy wars and food wars begin to hit, aka: boomerang.
Things here will start to disintegrate a bit slower, but the EU will be hit hard and quick.
For those that were puzzled why the RF has not entered East Ukraine, the short snippet may enlighten you. It is now becoming rather clear that NATO was trying to lure the RF into the gauntlet and already had the scripts in the pigeon hole. Since that was unsuccessful, the plan has reached the point of no return and must play itself out, by hook or crook…
Ukraine crisis: Russia could be poised to invade, NATO says
18 Ukrainian servicemen killed and 54 injured in clashes over the past day, Kyiv says
Thomson Reuters
Posted: Aug 06, 2014 5:51 AM ET Last Updated: Aug 06, 2014 11:05 AM ET
“Moscow could use “the pretext of a humanitarian or peacekeeping mission as an excuse to send troops into Eastern Ukraine”, she said.”
ISIL Takfiri terrorists continue attacks against Iraqi Christian
“Militants from the Takfiri ISIL cult in Iraq have continued their assaults on Christian areas in the northern parts of the country, eyewitnesses say.”
Best regards,
Dearest Sister,
The Jews and Christians have been living in the Middle East before the advent of Islam. However, the persecutions of Christians started from creation of Israel, first in Palatine, then Iraq, then Syria and now in Iraq again.
Best regards,
Kerry-Netanyahu call abruptly terminated
“”Their phone call was cut off,” said State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki on Tuesday. But a journalist at the press conference pressed the spokesperson, asking if Netanyahu hung up the phone on Kerry.”
Best regards,
“1) If Putin had sent peace-keepers into Novorussia when all this started …Putin deserves to be roundly criticised, and his highly suspect motives explored to the max.”
There are two battles: 1) Donbass and 2) stopping WW3, and there is no clear way to do both at once.
Putin’s best moves are to play for time while trying to split the various elements of the coalition being formed:
1) Washington vs EU
2) Washington vs world
3) which also includes banking mafia vs EU and world as the banking mafia control Washington
4) France and Germany vs EU/US
5) German business vs German EU politicians
6) Ukraine people vs oligarchs.
7) US military vs neocons
The Donbass fighters are fighting over Donbass but they are also helping to slow down WW3.
If elements in the US MIC want to stop the neocons and banking mafia then 9/11 would be a good way to do it.
“Will there really be renewed rebellion, fanned by Russian covert support, which turns the country into an Afghanistan within which US troops and proxies can defeat themselves?”
No but perhaps something much better, total passive resistance.
Thank you for you hard work, saker.
I was wondering if you’re aware of the VICE videos that cover the Ukie side of the conflict.
the video journal is called Russian Roulette: The invasion of Ukraine. It has been following the conflict pretty much since the start and just recently posted episode 65.
it can be viewed via the VICE site also. Occasionally, there’s a episode for another journalist who’s traveling with the Novorossia.
The Ukrainian army has suffered huge losses too, mostly conscripted men who never asked for this war and whose families grieve and suffer no less than those of the dead Donbass people. Compassion cannot be selective, it cannot be one-sided.