Dear friends,
A couple of item to bring to your attention today.
Short Absence
I will be gone all day tomorrow (my wife and I are celebrating our 20th anniversary!) and then busy for most of Thursday and Friday. I will leave an open thread, as usual, which I will do my best to moderate.
Trolls have been a royal pain in the rear recently. Some post their nonsense 3 or 4 times, so when I catch 2 or 3 one still gets through. Recently, I noticed the following ones being especially active:
a) Putin bashers
b) Defeatists
c) Nazis
I try my best to filter them out, but this is really hard. They take me by the numbers and then each of them slams me with 3-5 posts written in different comment section. Please hang in there, before the end of the mouth I should have a new server and one (alas not two) pre-moderator who will help me deal with this issue.
Two substantive points now:
Military situation of Novorossia
Yes, there are indeed two mutually exclusive accounts of the situation. The Ukies say that they are about to defeat the Resistance, as does most of the MSM, the Resistances is reporting huge Ukie losses. One commentator even asked how such losses were possible if the Resistance did not regain any ground at all. Actually, this contradiction is only apparent. Here is what going on:
1) The Resistance is numerically small. Too small to hold all the “front” everywhere. Yes, in one location, the southern cauldron, it does have the Ukies pegged down, but only thanks to the fact that the Ukies ran out of ammo and that the Resistance has enough weapons and mines to keep them from retreating. But even there the Resistances just does not have the manpower to mount an assault. For the Resistance every solider counts, not only for obvious reasons of decency, but also because if it would expand soldiers at the rate the junta does it would rapidly lose the entire war.
2) The Resistance lacks firepower and armor. This is getting better, but the Resistance does still not have what it takes to mount a counter offensive or even to engage the junta forces in open terrain.
The junta is fully aware of of these facts and it exploits these weaknesses by the following tactics:
i. always attack on all fronts at the same time
ii. use large armor formations
iii. use long range firepower (artillery)
iv. attack civilians to terrorize and weaken resolve
The Resistance is thus forced to do the following:
i. rapidly move artillery from one location to another
ii. engage in ambush tactics; attack from the flank; fake retreats
iii. try to draw in the junta forces into fire pockets and cut them off
iv. use a lot of small reconnaissance units
To some degree this could be compared to a fight between a bear and a swarm of bees, in which neither side is really capable of a clear victory against the other. The junta clearly has a huge numerical advantage and it is far from having used up most of its theoretical resources in hardware or men. What it lacks is the combination of motivated and skilled men capable of mounting a sophisticated urban assault and engage the Resistance on its own terrain.
Keep in mind that almost all of the Ukie repressive machine (military, oligarch’s terror squads, national guard, foreign mercenaries) is now engaged in the Donbass and that the only reason why this is possible is a mind-bogglingly shameful lack of resistance in the rest of the Ukraine. This might change when basic supplies begin lacking and the first colds come in. I bet you that the very same Ukies who don’t care one bit that their fellow-citizens are being murdered every day by a Nazi junta will discover in themselves a totally new resolve to resist as soon as they become hungry. I am sorry to have to bring up this shameful reality, but it simply cannot be ignored. Thus the Resistance of Novorussia needs to hunker down and hold the fort as best can be until the rest of the Ukies realize that the Nazi junta sucks for them too.
Russia’s compassionate treatment of Ukie soldiers: a civilizational choice
I have to say that I am shocked at the number of comments which condemned the Russian behavior as stupid, naive or otherwise misguided. Then I realized that it is all a matter of presentation. If you say “Russian is giving comfort, aid and support to Nazi war criminals who have butchered the innocent population of the Donbass” this does really sound crazy. But this is a gross mis-representation to what took place. First, the forces in the “southern cauldron” are light infantry, airborne and special forces. They are not Nazi death squads. Second, they were sent in under orders, often with threats to them and/or their families. Third, they showed a great deal of personal courage, being stuck without food, ammo or support for weeks, under quasi constant artillery strikes from all sides, and little or no hope for rescue. But most importantly, and this is what many people do not understand by no fault of their own, these guys are Russians as much as the Russians from Russia or the Russians from Novorussia. Please understand that only a tiny minority of the Ukrainian population is really composed of crazy psychopaths like Liashko or corrupt scumbags like Poroshenko. The vast majority of Ukrainians are really Russian culturally. Sure, some speak Ukrainian and a most of them also feel Ukrainian, but in the same sense as a Bavarian feels Bavarian or a Floridian feels Floridian: not anti-German or anti-USA. So when Russian soldiers see them, they see their own kind. This is very hard to describe or to explain, but it is so. Sure, these Russian soldiers think “now what have you achieved?” and “how do you like your friggin independent Ukraine now?“, bit mostly they feel sorry for them and what to show them a human, compassionate and, frankly, brotherly face.
Yesterday I saw a video of a group of Ukies crossing the border and surrendering to the Russian border guards. Somebody was recording this on a phone and asking on of them, a professional military man with 10 years of service, why he had decided to surrender. Listening to this Ukie officer speak, even I felt like this was one of my own people speaking, a fellow Russian who ended up in a terrible situation, but not one I wished any harm to. I did not see a Liashko or a Poroshenko. I saw a confused brother.
Keep in mind that a lot of the Russian soldiers welcoming the Ukie defectors are the very same ones who, a night, bomb the crap out of them right across the (very theoretical) border. So it’s not like Russia has gone insane and only have flowers and hugs for those who objectively are fighting for the junta. If they resist, the Russians will kill them. And all the real Nazis have zero hope for mercy from the Russians. But Nazis are a small minority of Ukrainians. Mos are simply brainwashed, ignorant, often zombified people maybe, but still people worthy of compassion once they put down their weapons. Just look at the following photo:
I much rather see that, then a humiliating incarceration or summary execution.
One more thing: the Ukraine, especially the Nazi-junta run Ukraine which I call “Banderastan” as always been about hatred. Hatred of the Orthodox Christians, first and foremost, but also the hatred for Poles, Jews and Germans. It has been about hatred for the Soviet Union and then for everything Russian. And today, when I listen to the crazy nonsense the mainstream Ukie political figures spew, I am awed at how stupid and hateful this russophobic mindset is. And look at the actions of these nationalists: from the burning of cops, to the use of sniper-provocateurs on the Maidan, to the betrayal of every single promise made or agreement signed, to the massacres in Odessa and Mariupol, to the use of White Phosphorus and ballistic missiles against civilians, at every step of its 6 months long existence this Banderastan has been ugly, vile, pathetic, uncivilized, dishonest, vicious, hypocritical, unprincipled and just plain evil. It is crucial that Russia defeat this abomination not only by force of arms, but also morally, but not acting like the Ukies would. In the end, it is a civilizational choice, one between a hate-filled materialistic ideology of total amorality versus an Orthodox Christian civilization which wants to uphold something more besides just the exchange rate of the Ruble or a visa-free entry into the EU. Again, I will use two photos to illustrate my point:
![]() |
Banderastan |
![]() |
Novorossia |
The struggle against the Empire cannot be just narrowly limited to the battlefield. It also means rejecting the imperial mode of operation, its values and its behavior. We cannot resist and empire whose norms and values we accept. Thus, it is essential for each one of us to either adopt an ancient code of conduct or develop a new one. For Russia, this means a return to an Orthodox Christian or an Islamic code of honor which encompasses not only such issues as personal piety and morality, but also how to deal with a defeated enemy or a deceived and confused brother. In Christian terms, this means that a correct faith (Orthodoxy) must be combined with the correct behavior (Orthopraxy) (I am sure that Islam has the same requirements). For a country which in the not too distant past inflicted some horrible and inhuman treatment on its POW (Germans after WWII) it is a very important moral victory to have ditched that culture of retribution and replaced it with one of compassion.
That’s it for right now. I hope to post some interesting reports written by contributors later tonight, and I will personally be back only on Saturday afternoon.
Kind regards to all and please make use of the open thread.
The Saker
The “experts” keep telling us that married men live longer than single men. The truth be told, it just SEEMS longer.
Ha!! I couldn’t resist. Enjoy your anniverary and keep up the fight.
About 25 years ago I heard someone say that prior to WWI Herbert Hoover, who would go on to be President of the US at the beginning of the Great Depression, owned the rights to petroleum production in Central Asia, having purchased them from the Czar. He said that world history has been about the West reacquiring that huge pool of energy.
I suspect that the US’s involvement in Afghanistan had more to do with TAPI, a pipeline that would have run from Turkmenistan, through Afghanistan and Pakistan, ultimately fueling factories in India. That failed because Afghans have not been sufficiently domesticated by the West to make it a safe pipeline route.
Ukraine offers an alternative. Shutting down Russian pipelines across Ukraine will open up the European market for American natural gas. This would also explain the behind-the-scenes diplomatic attempts to block Russia’s South Stream, which would bypass Ukraine altogether. If Russia had not seized Crimea the area would have been an excellent base for the US to project military power into Central Asia.
About a year ago there was a joint announcement for a gas pipeline running from Iran, through Iraq to Syria. It would have provided Europe another means of supplying gas to Europe, but it would have been a “Shiite” pipeline, competing with the House of Saud and its satellites. The blooming of ISIS has successfully stemmed that economic threat to western energy companies. Likewise, the continuing sanctions against Iran work against plans for a north-south pipeline in parallel to TAPI.
In the late seventies there was a song by a band from Atlanta, The Brains, called “Money Changes Everything” (later covered by Cyndi Lauper). Another, by Roger McGuinn, “You Bowed Down.” They both suggest what happens, not only in personal relations but what happens in international politics, when the main motivation is profit before the human condition.
A few questions for Saker on the same theme. Do you know what the senior officers in the Ukrainian army are thinking ? Are they 100% behind the junta ? Surely they can’t be happy that they are having to attacking their own population. Is there any possibility that they will pull the plug on the junta ?
Another update via Canuckistan:
Perspective means a lot and we have not “heard” much rhetoric spewing from China but sometimes real actions as opposed to worthless boomeranging sanctions speak louder than words. They have learned a thing or two about those that ally with the 5-Eyes, one that seems to stand out with this is, speak softly and carry a big stick…
China adds Chrysler, Microsoft to anti-monopoly probe
Foreign businesses say China uses investigations to hamper business and favour Chinese companies
The Associated Press
Posted: Aug 06, 2014 10:47 AM ET Last Updated: Aug 06, 2014 12:16 PM ET
“Foreign companies view recent investigations and prosecutions as politically motivated,” he said.
Thank you for correctly pointing out here that the USA has a right to control its borders (not the right to meddle endlessly in the affairs of other supposedly sovereign nations or run them into the ground ala Ukraine). This ‘children’s crusade’ is no accident and these kids with their parents did not suddenly make the decision to try for the U.S. on a perilous journey through Mexico without a green light from the authorities in Mexico and their own countries of Central America. The same goes for ISIS just ‘suddenly’ appearing with superb social media skills and a massive amount of ‘booty’ seized from Sunni parts of northern Iraq marching on Baghdad. ISIS has been a Frankenstein monster in the making for years.
Peace to you and your household.
JUST ANNOUNCED Black Box report to be in September!!! Blamed on lack of access to site.
Maybe they are hoping Kiev will have won by then. Could be a bad bet.
Machine translation:
Call me a troll, but I want tell you what I think:
In my country we say: “at brigand brigand and half.”
That said, I’m not able to judge the decisions of Putin, who I consider among the astute, prepared and smart government leaders that there are currently.
If he has chose these options he will have his reasons. I trust him.
But I do not think and I don’t hope these are dictated by a spirit of compassion, Christian or otherwise. This is a war, not a boy scout camp.
Putin must have a strategy. We’ll see what it is.
Again, winter is coming.
Arrives for the ukies and also for the partisans. And for the people of Novorossia.
Field not worked, destroyed infrastructure, factories in ruins. The hunger and the cold come for all.
If I think about the siege of Stalingrad and Leningrad, in what the inhabitants of these two cities have done (I don’t make examples, it’s too difficult for me because I’m not able to write in this language that is not mine) I ask myself: how is it possible that in city of one million inhabitants, the people agree to being blown to little pieces by the bombs without reacting?
In Somalia, it took two years for the population, with bare hands, grab the weapons to the military and oust Siad Barre. Two years in which the injured people was surgered without anesthesia, where the government used every means to suppress the revolt, where there weren’t antibiotics and medicine for the injuried, nothing. But they rebelled and won. What it comes after, and that continues today, is because of the European and Anglo-American neo-colonialism. But they drove Siad Barre.
After the treatment done by the 25th brigade to the prisoners, I would expect that the cauldron would become the second Little Big Horn.
Another thing: Russia sanctions agricoltural imports from USA and fruit an vegetable from Poland and generally from the EU.
BUT: california, who is the producer of vegetables and fruits responsible for 80% of U.S. consumption, is in crisis due to severe drought, and therefore the lack of production can be replaced by the European one (Poland, etc..), I guess. A good opportunity for the United States and not a great loss for Poland …
Call me troll, defeatist, or whatever, but if america wins this war (we all know that this is war) then it will be an hard and long 4th reich. And good night and good luck to Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Russia and the mess of European nations enslaved and idiotized for which I belong with my great misfortune.
Here comes the ebola in Nigeria, after a ride from parts of Sierra Leone and Liberia.
Look at the case in Nigeria oil companies Shell and BP have been virtually driven away, and in their place came the Chinese money …
This is a war. It needs no mercy, needs a good commander.
This is my personal point o view.
Latest Conflict Map in Donetsk and Lughansk Peoples Republics Except for Areas Controlled By ‘The Third Force’
Map is mostly correct except it doesn’t show the area controlled by ‘the third force’ sometimes referred to as the D.O.L.G. forces through Komsomolskye, Telmanove, Kuznetsovo, Lysyche, Starobesheve and Amrosviika.
Please report any corrections for next production.
Dmitri Yarosh has been reported by radio chatter to have shrapnel injures to the leg and to have been calling Ukraine Army for assistance which asked for his position and when given 5 minutes later that position was shelled by Rebels. He is thought to be with the 72nd found in the south of the map.
Maidan snipper Mikael Skillt is thought to be stuck with Svoboda leader and fellow Maidan executioner Andriy Parubiy in the white bubble on the far right of the map where fighting is under way in Dmytrivka. Russian VDV forces still on their side of the border with Donetsk Republic forces led by Motorolla are said to this Battalion Azov recon unit surrounded and are looking to take these criminal alive for trial on charges of murdering both police and protesters at Maidan in Feburary.
See link for HR image
HI Saker
Happy Anniversary to you and your no doubt lovely wife
My hubby sends his well wishes also.
Enjoy your day
An anniversary is more special then most realize
It means love and commitment, caring, sharing, worries, joys, sorrow, children growing & so many special or challenging things but in the end it’s all worth it to have this special someone in your world
I know cause next year will be our 3oth anniversary-
Enjoy your day, both of you :)
Thank you, my brother and yes, I know Palestinian Muslim families whose sons attended Christian schools and had a few Jews marry into the family as well. But that was pre-Naqba Now Christian priests have to hide their collars and Bibles just to walk down a street in Jerusalem. But I still don’t get the cahoots part…
Paul II,
You stated “People can’t resist a state” and asked directly about this country. I answered. I do not trust your defeatism nor have I any intent of following any of your advice. Besides, I seriously doubt Monsanto et. al. would ever notice. Which is kind of the point now, isn’t it.
Since the thread is open and surely there are many that may like to traverse the “economic” propaganda, here is something to chew on for a bit. On second though it might be wise not to be chewing on anything since you may choke. Here is the intro to get yo beanpie started..
Barack Obama talks to The Economist
An interview with the president
Aug 2nd 2014, 4:12 by The Economist
AS HE prepares to host a summit in Washington, DC, that will bring together leaders from across Africa, how does Barack Obama see the continent’s future (see article)? Does he feel let down by Vladimir Putin? Could he have designed a more elegant health-care law? And why don’t more business leaders admit that they have lunch with him?
In his cabin aboard Air Force One, returning to Washington from Kansas City, where he had been speaking about economic policy, the president talked with John Micklethwait, editor-in-chief of The Economist, and Edward Carr, our foreign editor. The prompt for the interview was the Africa summit, but the conversation ranged widely through the emerging world, China and Russia and the principles underlying his foreign policy. It ended with a lengthy riposte to those, including The Economist, who have criticised the White House for its treatment of business. Mr Obama was unusually relaxed and contemplative, buoyed by the recent economic numbers and looking towards his legacy as well as the mid-term elections and his wrangles with Congress.
Because the interview took place on board a plane with three people hunched round a microphone, the sound quality is less than perfect. You can listen to edited highlights of the president’s thoughts on Africa, Russia, China, multilateralism and American business, or listen to the full interview here. A full transcript, lightly edited for clarity, is available below.
“Putin Sanctions vs Ukraine Crisis” 101: Trade Wars, Currency Wars, Economic Wars and speculators all adds up to more BRICS in the wall.
Below are a couple of the latest articles published via the CBC that, if one can read between the lines, based upon the past incompetence of the Harper Regime simply do not add up. They have been trying to spin these sanctions into some sort of success by stating that the Russian economy is in free fall and mired in a historic recession, yet for some reason there has been virtually no mention of the ongoing and worsening real recession in the EU. Not to say “our” economy is much better but being isolated on Turtle Island gives both the US and Canada a lot of duck and cover room since the only thing that has gone up are part time jobs with no benefits and the cost of living. It should be worth noting that the recent “boomerang” sanctions laid by Russia have just cost the Agri-Business here in Canuckistan over $500,000,000 (half a billion) in one swoop…
Russia sanctions: Vladimir Putin retaliates, sanctions Canada
New economic sanctions and travel bans issued against Russian and Ukrainian people and organizations
By Laura Payton, CBC News
Posted: Aug 06, 2014 10:14 AM ET Last Updated: Aug 06, 2014 5:28 PM ET
Canada announced new economic and travel sanctions against Russian banks and high-ranking officials Wednesday, just ahead of Russia issuing its own ban on Canadian agricultural products.
In retaliation against Western sanctions, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday signed a decree limiting the import of agricultural, raw and food products from countries that imposed sanctions against Russia. The decree lasts for one year, a spokeswoman for the Russian Embassy told CBC News.
Russia’s sanctions on Canadian agricultural products are expected to hit the pork industry, although a spokesman from the Canadian Pork Council said the industry has “not received any official notices that would indicate a disruption in trade at this point.”
Canada’s new round of sanctions add 19 Russians and Ukrainians to the list of those banned from travel to Canada, and an additional 22 Russian and Ukrainian groups and economic entities.
Ukraine crisis: fear of escalation roils markets
Sanctions imposed on Russia by the EU, U.S also concerns investors
The Associated Press
Posted: Aug 06, 2014 8:53 AM ET Last Updated: Aug 06, 2014 4:47 PM ET
Fears that the crisis in Ukraine is escalating into a new and dangerous phase roiled financial markets Wednesday.
Following allegations of a buildup of Russian troops on the border of Ukraine and the prospect of tit-for-tat sanctions between the West and Moscow, investors have become increasingly vexed by the situation in Ukraine.
G’day Nora,
How ’bout just hating them that’s earned it. Not all Jews run Kiev, and not all of the Americans behind Kiev are Jewish. Being a Neoliberal or a Fascist or a Nazi is a choice, hating and killing likewise. But we don’t generally have the option of choosing our parents, you know?
This comment typifies humanity’s primary problem, namely inability or refusal to perceive that being a JEW is a CHOICE.* Judaism is Talmudism and Talmudism is a pernicious, anti-human political ideology which is imposed from cradle to grave on those born into that milieu. BUT Talmudism (Judaism) is NOT genetic, ie Jews are not a race. The pretense that Jews ARE a race is just one of many lies used by global Jewry’s controllers to deceive both ordinary Jews and the rest of humanity. After all, how could global Jewry ever get humanity to give them Palestine and allow them to ethnically cleanse Palestine and genocide Palestinians IF non-Jews understood that Judaism is just another political ideology (with about 13 million fanatic adherents)? Also, If humanity realised that Jewishness is just another CHOICE, like being a Catholic or a Muslim, or a Baptist or a Budist etc, the charge of ANTI-SEMITISM would cease to have any relevance would it not?
* WHY is it assumed that “Being a Neoliberal or a Fascist or a Nazi is a choice” BUT being a Jew or an ASHKENAZI (which spawns those negative ideologies) isn’t?
Arguably Judaism is not even a religion since most Jews are secular atheists. It is merely an extremely sophisticated mind control mechanism used to indoctrinate those born into its orbit so that they live and act in accordance with the requirements of those controlling the Judaic ideology.
Of course not all Jews run Kiev. For starters, many Jews are busy “running” the US, UK. Germany, EU, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and many other countries. And of course over half of the professing Jews in the world are women and children most of whom are not busy “running” any country although many are part time hasbara* “spiking” discussion sites like the Saker’s and others. And significant numbers are no doubt “sleeping’ sayanim who get activated occasionally. All such activities are done in the interests of a foreign power ie Rothschildslandia (Israel) and the City of London/Wall Street.
* See eg: Jonathon Blakeley: A guide to Hasbara trolls – And: Mossad’s One Million Helpers World-Wide – And: Israel: Agents, Assets and Sayanim –
If you think that its just a coincidence that Poroshenko, “Yats”, Kolomoiski et al are running the Kiev Junta just as Lenin, Stalin, Kaganovich et al ran the Soviet Union; and that Jews just “happen” by chance to run the US, UK, EU, French, German, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand governments and many others, I’ve got a bridge over Sydney Harbour to sell you.
PS It is inappropriate to “hate” “them that earned it”. HATE is based on fear and fear is the root of all evil because it is the opposite of love. If humanity and our world is to be saved we need to love our enemies because salvation rests in loving our neighbour AS ourselves for the love of God.
In effect,
“You have heard that it was said: Thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thy enemy. But I say to you: love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who persecute and calumniate you (Matt. 5:43-44).
Talmudism teaches that we should HATE our enemies. That is why it is a problem.
I watched this Vice interview with an American volunteer for Ukraine’s Donbass battalion. Am I mistaken or wasn’t serving in combat with a foreign army after acquiring a foreign citizenship sort of like renouncing one’s American citizenship? Any legal eagles out there know the answer to that question?
Of course beyond all the Maidan fluff and idealism contrasted with the sordid reality of Ukraine sending Battalion Donbass off to war in buses that this American concedes will likely be ambushed sooner or later, you have to wonder about the cognitive disonnance of this guy. He thinks ‘beating the terrorists, these separatists’ will save Ukraine from corruption, even while admitting there are zero civil affairs people following up the Ukrainian army’s ‘successes’ by restoring essential services his comrades have destroyed. Overall a very weird interview as I feel Mr. Ostrovsky is talking to a walking corpse — given the NAF’s desire to settle accounts with these ‘volunteer battalions’ this guy will probably be dead in less than a month when ‘Donbass’ gets blasted on the road between Lugansk and Donetsk. And I think what a needless death if only American-Ukrainians like this guy were volunteering to organize protests and stop this war, maybe this (former) countryman of mine wouldn’t be soon dying for nothing.
“Anonymous” 06 August, 2014 09:12
Sorry but I don’t agree. They [German prisoners in Russia] was treated much better then the Soviet prisoners in German hold. Over a three year period the Germans had killed, raped, stolen and destroyed at a scale never seen before. Over 27 millions Soviet citizens died. I would say the German prisoners was treated way to nice.
Ron: This statement is totally ignorant or worse. Prima facie it is Judaic propaganda. Huge numbers of Russian deaths were due to Stalin and his commissars forcing Russian soldiers into battle without adequate or any weapons etc, and shooting those who refused. Stalin also arranged the murder of millions of Russian POWs returned to the Soviet Union and many Russians who had been in areas occupied by Germany. the “lucky” ones were merely sent to Siberian Gulags. There is NO valid evidence of German atrocities against Russians comparable with what the Soviets did to Germans. See eg: The Zionist Destruction of Germany –
And: GRUESOME HARVEST The Costly Attempt To Exterminate The People of Germany
It really is time that humanity stopped BASHING Germany and Germans. Continued promulgation of the Jews’ lies about Germany before and during WWII (including but not limited to, the HoloHoax) totally distorts the real narrative about the 20th Century and thus facilitates the Judaic control of our world. IF relatively sane and insightful sites like this one continue to BASH Germany and Germans, 70 to 100 years after the Jew created WWI and WWII, there is bugger all prospect of the rest of humanity GETTING THE MEMO! Capiche?
Carmel by the Sea !
Thanks Carmel !!!
I have a crush on Putin and have watched all the tributes to Putin on youtube, but I was really lucky to find that one you just watched, because it wasn’t listed the very next day and doesn’t turn up anymore unless you know the link….
Hi Nora !
@ 14:18
I really believe that if humanity “Knows the Truth” then the Spiritual World can work through our knowledge…we are not alone…the stars are watching every move that happens on this planet…but if human beings won’t wake up, then the spiritual worlds can’t help us. It is up to us, but we are not alone….
Of course this isn’t to say that Novorussia doesn’t have to fight for the Truth, because this must also come to pass…
Robert Miller @ 19:09
Yes, and I read a headline by Nafeez Ahmed, who was one of the first 9/11 analysts, who is an Iraqi by birth…he wrote the book called “The War on Truth” as well as several others…very scholarly work… last week he wrote that the real reason for this Gaza catastrophe is the 4 trillion barrels of natural gas under Gaza….
Chronicles of an unsuccessful assault on Saur-Mogil
Junta sniper relating the defeat of their failed attempts to take the high point. The Junta commander of the 51st brigade was suspended for failing to take the high point at all costs.
The sniper also complained that the Donansk (Vostov) defenders have a special Russian rifle – “Vykhlop”, which has a sighting range of 1.5km and it actually shoots even further. And with high caliber – 12.7mm. And it also shoots with a bullet–”sharpened pencil” – and passes through a 50cm wall and a man in body armor of 6-th class.
The Saker: “1) The Resistance is numerically small.”
Total population of Donbas and Lugansk regions alone is 6,7 mio. If only 1% would join the Resistance…
Some time ago there was a brief discussion about the similarities between Ukraine and Israel. It is becoming increasingly obvious that someone or some group is projecting Ukraine as a new Israel.
Obvious Israeli interference manifested as purported support of the Right Sektor led Maidan against anti-semitism. More recently, there have been reports of the creation of a punitive battalion ‘Matalan’ with Jewish Ukrainian members. This seems to be focused on Dnepropetrovsk, the region controlled b Kolomoisky who pledged a bounty for captured/killed rebels.
The prime philosophy is that of a selective interpretation of Bandera. It calls for the ‘liberation of Ukraine from terrorists and invaders’. The ‘Matalan’ is based on the IDF Matalan group. Kolomoisky’s deputy, Boris Filatov, has stated “Ukraine needs reform of the arm on the Israeli model. We need Ukrainian IDF [sic]”.
The crude propaganda matches Israel/Ukraine against Palestinian/Novorossia/Russia.
There are Youtube videos transforming the presence of a Muslim in a militia group into the “Islamic State of Donbass and Lugant”. Group photographs show association of Pravi-Sektor, Israeli and Ukrainian flags standing together.
Kolomoisky managed to get himself the position of Governor of Dnepropetrovsk in the east. His company Privat Bank is the ultimate owner of Burisma, the oil company with leases in the fracking fields around Slavyansk. This company has appointed Biden’s son and has a high level ex-Polish government person on the board. An article “Instead of Novorossiya the New Israel?” suggests that Ukraine may be seen as an Israeli refuge from Palestinian ‘terrorism’. I don’t see Israel being abandoned as they hope to gain control of the Palestinian energy resources off the coast of Gaza. I see it as an additional attempt to gain control of energy resources in Ukraine and control of energy flow from Russia to Europe.
Mohammed said….
“Of course, Russia has closed off any more adoption to USA due to massive abuses. The biggest one being pedophile and whoredom.
The beautiful and cute children will be sold into white slavery (whoredom), the rest will be sold in abusive adoptions.”
Mohammed, this is simply not true. I worked in the field of international adoption for many years. I worked with many families who adopted children from Russia and Ukraine. Most children who are adopted live in loving and caring families and thrive in their new homes. I did follow-up work on adopted families for a long time. The children are carefully monitored after they are adopted and routine progress visits and reports are made and sent to their country of origin. Adopted children can, at times, be very challenging and some people break under the strain. There have been very unfortunate incidents, but the things you mention are nothing more than propaganda. For older children who cannot adjust and run away any thing can happen. It is the most extreme cases that end up in the international media. The fact that most adopted children are well loved and happy does not seem to really interest anyone and is not reported. I can assure you this is true.
Let me just add I have watched many adopted children grow up and have been in many many homes. They are not treated differently than biological children and are beloved by their families.
This is a really interesting inside look at who the National Guard Troops are and their view of the war. You will need to drop it into a translator.
The interviewee is a National Guardsman who first stood on the Maidan to protect Yanukovich and now fights in Donbass against Novorossiya. Just following orders …
Reading this makes sense of the behavior of the NAF – showing mercy towards the regular Army and its conscripts, but mercicless towards the National Guard and the volunteer mercenary batallions.
It also explains the slaughter seen in the Donbass meatgrinder – the National Guard are interior troops with almost no combat training going up against an NAF militia with a core of men with real military experience. I watched a video the other day of a middle aged NAF fighter from Dobropillya. He explained how the NAF’s fight mainly consisted of saving Army conscripts from their commanders and sending them home and slaughtering the National Guard troops. From what this particular National Guardsman is saying it sounds like the kill ratio is ont he order of 10:1 for Ukraine vs. NAF casaulties.
Ron Chapman,
We’ve been through this before, my hasbarat darling. Over And Out.
American Kulak,
I don’t remember offhand the dirt behind Vice, but I’m thinking it’s an Israeli outfit; what I do remember is that their bottom line is supposed to be pro-Junta disinfo/misinfo.
Hi back atcha! ;~) I agree with you entirely, but see it as the (endless, Sisyphean…) responsibility of those of us who are further along on that journey to help along those behind us. I guess I kind of see that knowledge as a small flicker in the darkness around us, and we must not only keep the wind from extinguishing it, but feed it the right way so that its warmth and light can nourish and preserve us all.
Nonsense! I know personally of several cases where foreign children were horribly abused. And I cannot believe you worked with Russian adoptees and didn’t see that. Your platitudes don’t hold water.
You’re starting to get it. But the US hasn’t got “some” responsibility for the Native American genocide here since 1776 — who else did it? They hardly all died of disease; if they had I wouldn’t be here either.
What happened is that many American Indians (whose population was greatly reduced on its own between 1492 and 1620 by Old World disease) intermarried with other American populations, especially blacks. When Bryan Sykes did genetic testing and “painting” of Americans for his book DNA USA, one of his most surprising results he said was the amount of American Indian ancestry found in almost all the American black population he tested. The other thing that happened was that American Indian populations who did not become official wards of the state in the early 1900’s lost any official status as “tribes” and ended up merging with the general population.
Not wanting to minimize the human suffering of the Trail of Tears and the like, but even in those events, the larger majority of the population was transplanted and those remaining at both ends (those who did not leave, and those who survived) eventually became assimilated and intermarried in the southeast or Oklahoma.
We see the same thing with the Acadians. Despite brutal expulsion, many Acadians survived and relocated to Louisana, and others escaped expulsion and remain in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick to this day. The ability to cause industrial scale and wholesale massacre simply did not exist in the time of muskets and no electronic surveillance.
Robert Miller:
Ukraine offers an alternative. Shutting down Russian pipelines across Ukraine will open up the European market for American natural gas
This whole concept that so many talk about of American sending LNG to Europe to replace Russia is just beyond stupid. America is a natural gas importer from Canada and Mexico. Anything “exported” has to be replaced with additional imports or destruction of the American internal market. The volume of Russian exports is on the order of 1/3 of total American production. So the suggestion of this cockamamie theory is that somehow America will eliminate its existing 10% of domestic demand in imports and also export 1/3 of its own production by further reducing domestic demand?
If Russia had not seized Crimea the area would have been an excellent base for the US to project military power into Central Asia.
Crimea and Ukraine are a good place to project power into the Caucusus and Russian heartland, not Central Asia. There is no access to Central Asia from Crimea except through Russian territory or Georgia/Azerbaijan which are already under NATO suasion.
Lastly, Russia did not seize Crimea, as if she invaded. Her troops were always there. Instead the people chose to join Russia. The same confusion is being used to talk of Russian troops “massing” on the Ukraine border. 25,000 of the alleged number are simply the Russian troops who have always been stationed in Crimea and Transnistria. The rest of the hooha is about 15,000 troops under exercises near Rostov and Belgorod
“Patricia said…,
Mohammed, this is simply not true. I worked in the field of international adoption for many years. I worked with many families who adopted children from Russia and Ukraine.”
Dearest Patricia,
I believe that my beloved sister Nora has already answered you so I am not going to delve further on this. But I want to think about 3 things:
1. Why is the infertility rate so higher in USA?
Because both the slaves (husband and wife) has to work full time?
The wives of white race are more interested in their careers?
2. In both Judaism and Islam, the marriage is a contract. The contract is broken anytime, when either party desires so. It is automatically broken on death on one of the party. Is marriage a contract in Christianity too?
In Christianity is it automatically broken on death of the one of the party, thus allowing the living party to marry if she/he choose to do so?
If so why does the women changes her maiden name on marriage, and why does she still retain the husband family name on divorce?
3. In Islam, it says in the in Holy Quran, a child has a right to her/his father’s name as the father does to his father, so that the children can inherit property of their father. Is this the same in Christianity?
I remember a recent case, where the husband wanted the plug to be plugged, the parents of the wife didn’t. The husband prevailed, and this will never happen in Islam as she will retain her father’s name after marriage. Your thoughts?
Same with someone adopting a child, in Islam that person or persons don’t have the right to change the father’s name nor the religion of the child. Your thoughts?
Best regards,
Odd disappearing update from Canuckistan:
We’re gonna post a couple of articles that have seemingly been disappeared from the CBC website. This may take a couple of posts so plz be patient. While they are Canadian Press articles they refer to AP articles and it should be noted that the CBC has switched over to regurgitating Reuters reports over the past few days. Seems as if pretty much all viewers have not been persuaded by the Associated Propaganda campaign. While it may not be possible to relocate the other recently disappeared article, we’ll post a quick snippet of this one so that we may access it a bit later…
Ukraine conflict: Shelling in rebel-held city kills 4
Fighting between government and pro-Russian separatists inches ever closer to the city centre
The Associated Press Posted: Aug 07, 2014 7:17 AM ET Last Updated: Aug 07, 2014 10:17 AM ET
Sustained shelling in the main rebel stronghold in eastern Ukraine struck residential buildings and a hospital, killing at least four people and wounding 10 others, officials said, as government forces pressed forward in their campaign to rout the separatists.
Mortar fire struck the Vishnevskiy Hospital in Donetsk on Thursday morning, killing one and wounding five others, Donetsk city council spokesman Maxim Rovensky told The Associated Press.
“There was a sudden explosion,” witness Dr. Anna Kravtsova said. “A mortar round flew through the window.”
The shelling, which destroyed an array of equipment in the dentistry unit, also hit three nearby apartment buildings.
It followed a night of shelling in another neighbourhood as the fighting between the government and pro-Russian separatists is inching ever closer to the city centre. The mayor’s office said in a statement posted on its website that three people had been killed, five wounded and several residential buildings destroyed during those attacks.
The government denies it uses artillery against residential areas, but that claim has come under substantial strain in the face of mounting evidence to the contrary.
Continue reading:
Canuckistan (…cont’d)
Pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine have been fighting the Kyiv government since April. Ukraine and Western countries have accused Moscow of backing the mutiny with weapons and soldiers, a claim the Russian government has repeatedly denied.
The West has also accused Russia of most likely providing the insurgents with surface-to-air missiles that may have been used to shoot down a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet over rebel-held territory on July 17, killing all 298 people on board.
Clashes in Kyiv
Clashes erupted in central Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, as city authorities sought to clear away the remnants of a tent colony erected by demonstrators involved in the street uprising against pro-Russia President Viktor Yanukovych. At the time, protesters were angry about endemic corruption and wanted closer ties with the European Union.
In scenes reminiscent of that revolt, which climaxed with Yanukovych’s ouster in February, demonstrators set alight tires in their face-off against a volunteer battalion overseeing the clean-up operation.
In eastern Ukraine, government troops have made tentative progress in their strategy to retake Donetsk and other towns and cities. Armed forces have refrained from pitched urban battles, and instead favoured pushing back their opponents with artillery fire. It has led to a growing number of civilian casualties.
Canuckistan (…cont’d)
Vishnevskiy Hospital, one of the city’s larger medical treatment facilities, is around four kilometres from the main square. It has been used to provide treatment to civilian victims of the ongoing conflict.
“The hospital became a nightmare. This is absurd,” said 37-year old patient Dmitry Kozhur. “We came here to keep living, but now we are risking death.”
Kozhur said he now wants to join the 300,000 people that the mayor’s office says have already abandoned the once 1 million-person strong city.
As AP reporters were leaving the hospital, they heard the sound of four rounds of artillery being fired from a nearby neighbourhood under rebel control. Although it wasn’t immediately possible to confirm the sequence of events, it appeared that the shells that hit the hospital may have been a response to rebel fire.
Canuckistan (…con’d)
‘New quality and quantity of arms’
Neighbours of a house struck by rockets Wednesday said their homes were also near a position used by rebel artillery forces.
Special forces detain an activist during a clash in Kyiv’s Independence Square on Thursday. (Efrem Lukatsky/Associated Press)
As the rebels struggle to push back Kyiv’s forces, fears of Russian intervention have grown. Western leaders have accused Russia of massing troops on the border with Ukraine and supplying rebels with weapons..
“We’ve noted with concern a new quality and quantity of arms and equipment flowing across the border from Russia into Ukraine, reports of shelling across the border as well as further attacks by illegal armed groups on targets in eastern Ukraine,” said Sebastien Brabant, a spokesman for the EU’s foreign policy chief.
Russia has always denied such claims.
The Ukrainian army strategy has focused on driving a wedge between Donetsk and the other main stronghold of Luhansk. Efforts to seal off the border with Russia have been thwarted as border troops come under sustained and heavy rocket fire. Ukraine says a lot of those attacks have been carried out by Russian troops, which Moscow also fervently denies.
We’ll try to locate the other article ASAP as it also contains some contradictory and conflicting statements that counter the months long propaganda narrative.
Well, waddya know, wonder if Porky will be next..
Netanyahu asks US to help Israel avoid war crime charges
By Geoff Earle
August 6, 2014 | 5:32pm
WASHINGTON — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked US lawmakers Wednesday to help fend off Palestinian claims that his country engaged in “war crimes” while defending itself against attacks from Gaza, one top lawmaker told The Post.
The Israeli leader later told international reporters that his country employed “extraordinary measures” to avoid civilian deaths in the nearly month-long conflict.
As a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas held for a third day, Netanyahu met with a group of US legislators, including Rep. Steve Israel (D-LI,) to discuss the country’s tense security situation and some fissures in US-Israel relations.
Netanyahu asked the delegation to help Israel stay out of the International Criminal Court, where its attacks on Gaza could come under scrutiny — even while responding to Hamas rockets fired at Israeli urban centers.
Palestinian leaders are getting ready to join the ICC, and met with officials in The Hague recently to discuss the implications of joining.
“The prime minister asked us to work together to ensure that this strategy of going to the ICC does not succeed,” Rep. Israel told The Post by phone from Tel Aviv.
Netanyahu “wants the US to use all the tools that we have at our disposal to, number one, make sure the world knows that war crimes were not committed by Israel, they were committed by Hamas. And that Israel should not be held to a double standard,” the congressman said.…
Update from Canuckistan:
Lickliy we did a copypast of the previou muti-part comment as the article has now been “updated” to respin the narrative cycle. Not sure what has been edited wirhin the article itself as of yet but we do know the url was edited, the title was edited and all of a sudden the idiot Anders Fogh Rasmussen was “inserted”.
Hopefully some of our friends here can do some digging as we light a fire with the CRTC, our MP’s and the ombudsmen…
Anogher quick updqte from Canuckistan related to the above mentioned article. It should be noted that the images were also rearranged and the image below was removed. The caption is located below the link. It would seem as if a media blackout is in effect regarding Maidan violence and Kiev activities…!/cpImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_300/ukraine.jpg
Special forces detain an activist during a clash in Kyiv’s Independence Square on Thursday. (Efrem Lukatsky/Associated Press)
Is this from that same book in 1913? Try better (i.e., past high-school or college-intro level) sources and for gosh sakes, learn how to sift fact from fiction, including, erm, POVs and hidden agendas. For someone with such incredible access to what’s going on in Novorossiya now, it’s a shame you can’t do better with what went before.
While some of what you are refering to with regatds to the DNA USA may be accurate, as far as the Acadian diviskon it is mich more comicated. In Canada the First Narions people intermixed with the “French” and subsequently, and to this day are know as Métis. Below you will find something of great interest and don’t forget that Quebec was also established and does not accept the British North America Act of 1867, but that is an entirely different can ‘o worms. In other words, many old treaties still exist and the First Nations have control of a lot of land and unceeded territories here, not to mention the Blackfoot Confederacy that spans across the “49th parallel” that neither the US nor Britain could defeat. Our ancestors still exist and will continue to assert our rightful ownership vs the Anglo-Empire.
MNC President on Supreme Court of Canada Decision on Aboriginal Title
Posted on July 4, 2014
Court of Appeal upholds landmark ruling on rights of Métis
Off-reserve aboriginal people say decision is yet another victory in what has been a long legal saga
The Canadian Press
Posted: Apr 17, 2014 12:38 PM ET Last Updated: Apr 18, 2014 3:09 PM ETétis-1.2613834
“Total population of Donbas and Lugansk regions alone is 6,7 mio. If only 1% would join the Resistance…”
If they’re not trained then it would be the same as the oligarchs in Kiev sending untrained soldiers to die.
Another quote from the Dutch Prime Minister finally saying the truth. Not that it was carried by the MSM.
The last sentence is the most important. So much for all the MSN ‘slander’ at the time.
The Netherlands’ prime minister has halted the search for remains of victims of the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 disaster in Ukraine, saying it is too dangerous to continue… found remains of only a few victims, despite expectations it might find as many as 80.
Rutte said that it now appears “fortunately that more was done after the disaster than we thought until now.” Local Ukrainian authorities carried out “an intensive search in the area with 800 volunteers, and there were many bodies recovered in those (first) days,” he said.
The way I see it with the pro-separatists is that they are a DEFENSIVE force, not an attacking one: they are defending their people, homes and land etc from a very offensive, satanic, nazi-like terrorist organ of state – the UA are the real terrorists. Calling someone by NAME a terrorist doesn’t make them one, it’s what someone DOES. By this definition, with the deliberate TARGETTING and killing of unarmed, innocent civilians, in civilian areas (including buildings, i.e. residential blocks of flats) with indiscriminate and inaccurate weapons, is something a TERRORIST does.
A war crime is defined as: ‘wantonly destroying cities, towns, villages, or any object not warranted by military necessity.’ This is what the Ukrainian Government/military is guilty of. Spread this far and wide. I have written to the ICJ in the Hague but have not yet received a reply.
A further point: our Foreign Secretary hammond last month said he wants ‘to encourage the separatists to disarm [SIC]’.