by Ghassan Kadi for the Saker blog
Mohamed Bin Salman’s (MBS) royal Saudi coup is still in the making and its stories of mystery and intrigue are unfolding.
Some recent articles written about this unprecedented Saudi development have focused on whether or not MBS was actually desirous of instigating reform within the kingdom of sand and capable of putting together the infrastructure that made such reform possible and how. Other more cynical articles have cast little doubt on his ability to create any change and classified him as yet another puppet of the legacy that his grandfather King Abdul Aziz, the founder of the Saudi dynasty, has forged with the West. In between the two extremes, many perhaps waited in anticipation to see what was to happen next in the now quick-changing kingdom that did not change at all in essence for nearly a hundred years.
To put recent developments into perspective, we must objectively look at MBS’s achievements and failures since his rise to prominence; with a special emphasis on the developments of the last few weeks.
MBS has failed to turn previous Saudi Government failed policy on Syria to his advantage by distancing his own legacy from it. If anything, the outcome of the Syrian opposition conference that was held in Riyadh was a farcical outcome of Saudi diplomacy. Not only did this conference coincide with the 20th of November 2017 Putin-Assad Sochi victory summit, but it is still “demanding” the removal of Syrian President Assad from power.
The arrogant and seemingly naive Saudis seem to be still under the illusion that they are able to dictate terms of settlement of the “War on Syria” despite the fact that they have put all of their efforts into winning it but have lost decisively. However, the more painful fact for them is that they lost without a single bargaining chip remaining for them to capitalize on.
Whilst MBS can be “excused” for not being able to find a face-saving way out of Syria, he has failed abysmally in the war that he orchestrated in Yemen, and as this war drags on, the international community is beginning to wake up to the atrocities and genocide that the Saudi-led coalition is inflicting upon Yemen, and no one can be held more accountable for this military failure and crime against humanity than MBS himself.
MBS also failed to contain the loss he “inherited” from the failures of previous Saudi policies in Lebanon and Iraq. If anything, his determination to remain steadfast with these has turned regional Saudi policies into a total joke.
So where did MBS score any success, if any at all?
In my previous related articles and herein, I have mentioned and reiterate that MBS is increasingly gaining popularity within the ranks of young and educated Saudi men and women of all ages and in general amongst the grass-roots of the population. Hence, in this venture, he is scoring two birds with a single stone. In rounding up more popular support, he is confiscating and freezing badly-needed cash under the pretext of corruption.
The estimates of the number of incarcerated Saudi princes and businessmen are not any less subject to a game of guess work than the funds involved in this kerfuffle. Ignoring how many men have been put under detention, the tally of funds confiscated and frozen is estimated at a minimum of USD 150 bn to a maximum of USD 800 bn.
Given that the total official Saudi savings reserve is in the tune of “only” USD 700 bn after decades of high financial times, even the low estimate of USD 150 bn is a huge sum by proportion and by any proportion of course. It is little surprise that MBS is trying to replenish into the coffers of the state such sums, and if he manages to do it, it would be to his credit.
Whilst on the subject of official Saudi savings, after many decades of huge petroleum exports and at elevated prices, the Saudi savings reserve figure should be in the vicinity of a few trillion dollars. But a huge proportion of Saudi petro-dollars has been squandered on royal funds, holidays yachts, prostitutes, drugs, bribes, theft, corruption at all levels, and on this account and this account only, MBS can be acknowledged for bringing corrupt individuals to account.
But whether or not MBS is able to stamp out corruption and/or whether or not he is guilty of the same charge, as his cousins and some others argue, how much command does he have over the affairs of the kingdom, and over the royal family he staged a coup against?
Inside, unconfirmed reports allege that whether or not MBS has any command on traditional local troops that he can rely on, he is not taking any second chances.
To elaborate, the reader ought to be reminded that the Al-Saud legacy built its reign of power (and terror) on Wahhabism and money. Wahhabism was used as the doctrine, and money was the catalyst for buying loyalty and support.
With MBS’s purge on the royals, no traditional royal supporter with known wealth is left feeling safe. How can they feel safe if they hear reports of news of princes like Al-Walid bin Talal not only being in custody, but also getting tortured and his assets frozen and sieged by the state?
In my previous article, The Second Saudi Dynasty: MBS’s Reset Button, , I wondered how can MBS count on any local supporters. Apparently, he is not.
Recent inside information that was later on published in various media, reports that MBS has been using Blackwater to do his dirty work.
If those reports are true, MBS has hired Blackwater to arrest, with orders to kill whoever resists arrest, Saudi princes and high-ranking businessmen, and to answer to no one but him. In retrospect, the fatal shooting of Prince Abdul Aziz, son of former King Fahed, was highly unlikely to have been done by a Saudi as this would attract a death sentence in the event of the coup failing.
It has even been reported that Blackwater personnel are driving around in tinted Saudi Police and security agency personnel vehicles in a manner that is totally unbeknown and hidden from the Saudi public. This cannot be corroborated any more than they can realistically be dismissed.
If true, such reports indicate that MBS’s coup is not over. They indicate that he is not taking any chances, but most practically, they indicate that he trusts no one; no one expect Blackwater.
Most importantly and significantly however, such news, if confirmed, indicates that MBS does not have a true hold on power. If such is the case, and seeing the ambition he has, there is more reason to believe that MBS is going to have no choice but to go with his cousins all the way to the wire and until he has destroyed them all and confiscated all of their assets.
After all, he needs their money to achieve his dreams and get his kingdom out of its financial mess. He needs to blame his failure on them. He needs to eliminate any possible claim they can make for the throne.
Almost overnight, MBS has changed Saudi Arabia from a kingdom of sand upon which Al Saud reigned with a solid foothold and strong base, to a kingdom of quick-sand upon which princes and power brokers no longer have a leg to stand on. They either have to pledge total and unconditional loyalty to MBS or fear persecution. On the other hand, if they do pledge that loyalty, and MBS’s coup fails as a result of a counter-coup, then they will risk being seen as enemies of the winners of the counter-coup. It is a damned if you do and a damned if you don’t situation.
Not any less perplexing than the dilemma of the princes is the dilemma of the lower tiers of power in Saudi Arabia; especially senior military officers and their subordinates. With its tribal mentality, Saudi Arabia has had several tiers of armed forces, some of whom are loyal to particular princes rather than to the state itself. Prince Mutaib for example, the son of former King Abdullah, was until the 4th of November, the Minister of the National Guard. The hierarchy within the National Guard are loyal to him personally, and now the big boss is in jail. MBS therefore has a few options; either to coerce those military officers to become loyal to him under the risk of them stabbing him in the back, or, to throw everyone in jail and bring his own people in. But, where would he bring his own people in from and who are they to begin with? After all, and despite all the great power he gave himself, he is Mr Johnny-come–lately and he hasn’t had the advantage of time to slowly build his own army. His practical alternative was based on pragmatism and securing his own safety, and to that effect, he cannot find a more faithful and better trained army than Blackwater. And even though Blackwater does not come cheap, but clearly to MBS the objectives he seeks justify the costs.
Some may argue that Blackwater can also be bought by counter coup leaders and even foreign governments. Whilst this is possible, MBS remains to have no better alternative. However, one would imagine that for a company like Blackwater, to guarantee its business success and continuity, it would have a strict code of conduct that stipulates that it will refrain from entering contractual agreements that can generate conflict of interest between its clients. After all, and irrespective of its criminal and underhanded mercenary modus operandi, who would hire it knowing beforehand that it is in the habit of breaking contracts and replacing them with ones with the adversaries? Whilst it is arguable as to whether or not any client of Blackwater can actually take legal action against it and win is another story because, without any doubt, Blackwater, inhumane and criminal as it is, cannot afford to see its reputation ruined.
To sum it up therefore, whilst MBS’s coup is still in the making and its final outcome remaining unclear, what is evident is that MBS does not have enough local Saudi power base that he can rely on in the upper echelons of power. Whilst his grass root popularity among the general population is on the rise, traditional power brokers can neither be supportive of him, seen to be supportive or seen to be against him. Either way, and even though some of them could potentially become strong and faithful proponents of MBS, at the moment any pledges of allegiance are highly risky for all involved.
In his reliance on Blackwater however, MBS is achieving a more guaranteed short term objective. However, this policy can backfire very violently; because it is allowing certain key Saudi power brokers to sit on the fence for a little longer until they see who is the final winner in all of this for them to eventually back.
Even if Blackwater has unusual loyalty to whomever pays them first, they are not the only such mercenary company out there. 2 decades of endless war and outsourcing of military and intelligence contracts have created a large pool of ex-military US vets to be employed by such companies.
We might get to see some mercenary vs mercenary action in this conflict. And then it might become interesting as to how long the mercenaries fight when tasked with fighting other trained, skilled and well equiped mercenaries?
And, the winning mercenary company would have a unique future selling point when they can say that they went head to head against other mercenaries and that they are the ones who came out on top. So, on one hand there is the natural tendency of mercenaries to decide that they aren’t ‘getting paid enough for this ####’ and cut and run, but the higher ups in such companies might see an opportunity to gain the upper hand in the mercenary market by coming out on top.
I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the currently arrested had left some money and some pre-arranged contacts with mercenaries as a back-up plan. A $100 milliion or $500 million or so would not be a lot of money to some of these people, and a friendly relative who has the phone number of a mercenary company stored in his phone and access to that sort of cash in case of emergency could launch an interesting counter-strike.
At this point in time, I’d guess that there are likely counter-plots brewing. Step one would be make yourself safe and confortable somewhere outside of the Kingdom. Step two would be to start talking with others and see who else doesn’t like the current situation. After that they could begin to make plans to strike. So, its not really a surprise that it hasn’t happened yet.
But I suspect you’ll either see a strike on MBS, or news stories that someone had tried it and MBS has come out on top. Either way , we haven’t seen the last of this tale as of yet.
Barbara Tuchman’s excellent “A Distant Mirror” on the XIV Century of disaster in Europe coinciding with the ravages of The Black Death, includes dismal accounts of the role played by the various condottieri, the PMCs of the day. The closest equivalent to Blackwater would probably have been:
For Arabia, interesting times ahead.
What a shit show. Is MbS going to give BW the Saud Air Force, as well? And start a war with Iran? While continuing a war in Yemen? And having lost the war on Syria? And over throwing his Own gov’t?
Where did he learn how to run a country? The U. S.?
Good point, Tall Bald and Ugly. I read elsewhere that much of KSA’s air force is already run by foreigners: a lot of Pakistani pilots fly Saudi fighter jets. Without a doubt, count Israeli pilots, Israeli agents discreetly working overtime for MBS. Just as the war in Syria wasn’t really a civil war, but a war of Syrians against foreigners, a Saudi attack on Iran or Lebanon would also entail a significant, international non-Saudi component.
well caligula did not have the power to bomb other empires like MBS has now, or even bad king john signed the magna carta so we have to wait and see the silver lining in this mad episode .One thing to keep in mind is this; sand kingdom was found by the british empire so it goes with the vein that there should be periodical waves of madness.Does anybody here realise he is continuing to kill babies wantonly, this is beyond madness.. caligula just wanted respect and was not into killing babies and helpless people.One can even say caligula killed cause he was abused what kind of abuse did MBS suffer to kill babies?Karma works in mysterious ways so we will see,the only good thing about this episode is some very powerfull funders of moderate head chopping are getting their asses handed to them..hoooray…those whom god seek to destroy first makes mad.
The quicker the Saudi coffers run dry the better. I am sick of the saudis financing mosques and religious institutions around the world with their haram money and importing their tribal version of Islam.
Iran and Hezbollah must be extremely vigilant against a possible false flag aimed at liquidating Saad Hariri in Lebanon, and blaming it on Iran and Hezbollah.
They have to bear in mind that in 2005 his father, Rafic Hariri, was blown up in a false flag operation, that was immeduately blamed on Syria and Hezbollah.
Rafic Hariri’s assassination was used to manufacture anger against Syria and used as an excuse to push Syrian troops out of Lebanon – a goal long sought by Israel.
Remember, they’ve already floated the idea that Saad Hariri’s life is under threat in Lebanon, and we all know that Israel and the US, will not hesitate to kill him, if it means that their nefarious plans are advanced by it.
Therefore, if he should be killed for whatever reason, it will be blamed on Iran and Hezbollah by Saudi Arabia, the US and Israel, and it will be used to impose turmoil on Lebanon whilst putting pressure on Iran and Hezbollah.
Please dont get me wrong, cause I’m no fan of Saad Hariri. He is a fool and a coward who allows himself to be used by his Gulf handlers as a willing and convenient tool against Iran and Hezbollah.
However they will have to overlook this, and understand that if he gets killed they will get the blame and fall prey to the machinations of their enemies.
They must therefore ensure in whatever way they can, that no harm befall him, in the short to medium term.
Highest likely location for a FF soon was mentioned on another forum, & it’s that SE Syria area where the ‘forces of freedom & liberation’ have those useless bases in the contiguous Kurd areas, because they’re cut off & isolated.
Could be blamed on anything/anybody, from putin flying in some Kalibrs to another contrived gas story.
They need a cause celebe last ditch attempt at ginning up an excuse for more troops into there, just as they’ve announced is happening in Ghanistan.
As for Sandi Wahhabia, stories or rumors recirculate on schedule, like the one a year ago where the magical mahdi army of some 100,00 or more was going to assemble out of nowhere, all trained & equipped of course, and was going to drive N. from S.A. into southern Syria to open the southern front war.
Their real purpose was to drive an armored spear unit right through into N. Syria to rescue the Frenchies,trapped like desert rats in their base at Kobani that has them isolated, too.
Hmmm usa announced building up its presence on a Jordanian airbase too today….sumptin brewing?
Right. It’s Blackwater Arabia.
The ‘Saudi’ part of this Zionist satrapy has outlived it’s usefullness, and MBS will be jettissoned when he is no longer useful, as are all such puppets.
The connections between the Trump administration and Blackwater should not go unmentioned. Zionist gangster-elites do as they please and your only choice will be accepting a microchip when it is offered — at the point of a gun.
All aboard the train to Neom.
“After all, and irrespective of its criminal and underhanded mercenary modus operandi, who would hire it knowing beforehand that it is in the habit of breaking contracts and replacing them with ones with the adversaries?”
Ha ha, “mercenaries” means you fight for compensation. The history of mercenaries starts and most likely ends with mercenaries changing sides. There is plenty of evidence of this occurring most recently even in the Syria theatre, where even supposedly committed, believing jihadists are reported to have changed sides frequently, even on occasion agreeing to fight for the government side.
If MBS’s success relies on the loyalty of mercenaries, then he is, IMHO, in deep shite.
RT today posted an article “Israel ‘covertly’ cooperates with Arab states, Netanyahu says” (Nov 24 2017) – Link.
It’s rather out of character for Israel to admit this publicly … very much so. With the feud between Qatar and KSA still simmering, it looks like Israel is taking this opportunity to psychologically & diplomatically isolate the KSA from countries with strong anti-Israel sentiments and lay the groundwork for the eventual Saudi spring that may plunge the KSA (and region) into chaos. If Israel can’t take out Iran as a primary goal, it’ll settle for taking out Saudi Arabia as a secondary. Let’s be honest, both pose potential threat to the Zionists.
What Israel fears most is peace breaking out in the region. For if this was to happen, all their attention would turn to Palestine and Israel. All the Arabs are being played like fools, blind to the viper in their midst.
What I would love to see is for MBS”s high stakes gamble to fail badly, and the House of Saud gets toppled, and is replaced by a popular administration that is anti-Israel with all those $billions in weaponry at its disposal and willing to work with Iran.
The cowardly war criminals in Tel-A-Viv would start wetting their pants for sure.
I believe Israel is already wetting it’s pants. Just about every move Israel has made since Netanyahu told Congress that invading Iraq would be “good for the region” has had unexpected negative consequences both for the US and Israel.
Now they see a powerful Shia/Sunni bloc of countries, battle hardened, that stretches from the Persian Gulf to Lebanon. Iran is basically self sufficient in terms of weapons production and they have (presumably but not publicly) S-400 hybrid systems and the ability to supplies weapons right across the Bloc.
All Israel can do is threaten others with their non-existent nuclear arsenal. Looks like Israel’s Chutzpah has run out, big time.
total quicksand – I wouldn’t want to trade places with that devil for all the oil on earth. Thanks Ghassan – I love your articles
Niccolò Machiavelli knew all about mercenaries – 500 years ago. Not much has changed since.
“How many kinds of Soldiery there are, and Concerning Mercenaries”
Here is an extract:
“And as with these examples I have reached Italy, which has been ruled for many years by mercenaries, I wish to discuss them more seriously, in order that, having seen their rise and progress, one may be better prepared to counteract them.”
Egypt was ruled for centuries by mercenary slaves. Much the same applied in Ottoman Turkey.
MBS is not well-read. He will learn his lesson too late. :)
And Machiavelli goes on:
“Mercenaries and auxiliaries are useless and dangerous; and if one holds his state based on these arms, he will stand neither firm nor safe; for they … [T]he ruin of Italy has been caused by nothing else than by resting all her hopes for many years on mercenaries.”
As for MBS’s popularity – among the young and the women, I hear – I doubt it will last: it cannot survive such wholesale torture and humiliation of so many people who are after all his own family, not matter how dislike by the people.
MBS will have to reign by terror, or not at all.
In my opinion, the speculation about the new saudi regime being more friendly to Russia/China can be pretty much put to rest. The actions of the saudis since the coup, along with their use of blackwater point to rather a retrenchment of subservience to israeloamerican power. My guess is the coup is part of an israeloamerican strategy to forestall any saudi leaning towards an Asian multipolar alignment and regroup their quislings for more terror war and disruption.
The war against Syria is failing, the israeloamericans are doubling down yet again and planning to expand their war making further. That was always the plan, to eventually set much of the ME and central Asia on fire to isolate Russia and China and pry off India.
As outrageous as it might seem, in a brief moment of clarity I came to the conclusion that the ultimate goal is for Uncle Scam to take over Saudi Arabia. This would occur after MbS has been done in, under the guise of R2S: Responsibility to Stabilize. The oil would go via Israeli connections. I think this is the result of the great, in depth thought processes of Babyface Kushner. Selling it to Pops would be easy: like Trump said, ‘we’ll take their oil’. Of course the hubris and arrogance of such a ‘plan’ will be total failure.
“I came to the conclusion that the ultimate goal is for Uncle Scam to take over Saudi Arabia.”
The usa took over sa decades ago when they usurped their previous brit colonial masters as hq for capitalist exploitation, inc. With the pindo take over of the uk in the 1920s, formalised by the “washington naval treaty”, the usa also got control of britain’s colonies. Then, during the 1980s the faggots of the raygun regime handed over power to israel and its zionazi network. The saudis have been little more than fools gold plated gofers from the beginning. No need to take them over, just the need to prevent exposure of their back room indescressions reaching impressionable western ears. :-D
If SA collapses with the end of MBS rule (by assassination or otherwise), then Arabia will become a satrapy of the zionazis, plain as day. Who else can move into the vacuum of power? There will be a mad scramble to put some humpty dumpty back together again and make him a willing puppet. Will it work??
Some think that those at the top in sa are crypto jews; as part of greater Israel, sa is due to lose its upper part.
Trump endorsed the new leader.
I read about this crypto theory and i think that it is fabricated, it doesn’t have any reliable source. I’ve also read about Egypt’s president El-Sisi being a crypto, but again no proof.
Unless of course their is a bigger plan in the context of normalizing relations with Russia. This speculative plan would involve a U.S./Russian joint takeover of the saudi oil fields, the elimination of M(bs) and the seating of a new provisional government in that “nation”. jared and israel would be tossed under the bus and a new world oil cartel would rise up in place of OPEC with all GCC states volunteering under threat of a similar fate. Nigeria, Iran and Venezuela would also come on board, the latter two with the promise of normalized relations as incentive. While the long term stabilization of global oil markets and peace in the ME ensues, the focus turns to the Palestinian issue. New alliances + China and “old Europe” (minus castrated and subjugated england), impose a final two-state solution based on pre-1967 borders including a full right of Palestinian return with reparations, the disarming of israel and the global recognition of East Jerusalem as the new Palestinian capital. To facilitate this process, the U.N. is reorganized and resituated in the East where the rise of global power is near complete. Dues are in equal amount for each member nation to avoid corruption and ambassadorships are limited to appointees who meet certain qualifications such as having actual knowledge of geopolitical issues to ensure that votes aren’t corrupted by incompetence or political favoritism (think nimrata h.). However, to ensure ultimate transparency on the issue, a global plebiscite is held with anyone 25 years or older (some accumulated knowledge beyond high school being pertinent) able to vote on the following “yes” or “no” question: Should a two-state solution be imposed between the Palestinians and Israel that comprises pre-1967 borders, that provides a right of return with reparations to any Palestinian or their descendants wrongfully removed from land in pre-1967 Israel, that provides for the disarming of Israel of all their offensive armaments, including their nuclear weapons, with U.N. oversight of their Dimona reactor, and that provides and acknowledges East Jerusalem as the official recognized capital city of the newly formed Palestinian nation. As a goodwill gesture, the newly formed global oil cartel could provide the funds to administer the plan after the voters of the world foreseeably and near unanimously approve it. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful conclusion to the 16 years of chaos and misery that followed the dawn of the new century. You have my vote!! Peace on Earth and goodwill to all this Christmas season.
Further confirmation mbs is israel-america’s new boy.
Imperial Apologist Thomas Friedman Fawns Over Saudi Crown Prince in NYT
I’ve read that the zio-media has been running pro mbs coup material, though since I don’t follow them, I can’t confirm that view. But a thumbs up for the guy from friedman means mbs is approved by israel, and therefore their tool.
And when a tool is worth more in scrap than in function, it is scrapped, a la Rafik Hariri, Boris Nemtsov, and 6 million people who didn’t want to live in some else’s desert.
Yemen: 10 Myths Debunked and a Global Call to Action
“As was written in an article by Vanessa Beeley with 21st Century Wire, “The following report from Randi Nord of Geopolitical Alerts debunks 10 of the mainstay myths that are being promulgated by the colonial media in the west to muddy the waters on Yemen and distract from the Saudi coalition ethnic cleansing-project reality:”
As mentioned in “myth 1”, the israeloamericans are also using blackwater in Yemen.
See also:
9 Things the MSM Doesn’t Want You to Know About the War in Yemen
YEMEN: Ten Myths about Saudi War of Aggression Debunked
Iran hits back at saudi insulting Iran…..
MBS is patently a psychopath: ruthless, arrogant, impulsive, treacherous, without mercy or conscience. My guess: he will be eliminated by family and those loyal to those he has arrested and tortured–perhaps directly even by the US mercenaries he has hired. In the meantime a hornet’s nest will have been stirred-up, with repercussions throughout the ME.