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Tag "war on Iran preparations"

In one week the US will have three aircraft carriers facing Iran

(many thanks to HL for this info!  S.) Zerohedge reports:US Aircraft Carrier John Stennis Arrives By Iran Ten days ago, when we last tracked the progress of the third US aircraft carrier, CVN-74 Stennis, with destination Arabian Gulf, aka Iran, we reported that it was “within a week of reaching” its destination. Sure enough, as the latest Stratfor naval update confirms, CVN-74 has now reached its destination for which it

Mujahideen-e Khalq goes from “terrorist” to “freedom fighter” in perparation for war on Iran

Just as it had done with the KLA before the US/NATO war on Serbia, the USA is about to take the local terrorist group, in this case the Mujahideen-e Khalq, off its official terror list.  That makes sense politically and it is legally necessary to make it easier to fund, train and otherwise assist it: US assistance to various terrorist groups worldwide is usually provided only covertly which, of course,

Extremely strong words by Hassan Nasrallah at the “Prophet Loyalty Rally “

These are uncharacteristically strong words form the Hezbollah leader and I wonder if that is not also a way of preparing the Middle-East for a US attack on Iran. In the meantime, one of the most pathetic US puppets in Lebanon, Amin Gemayel, actually took the risk of condemning Hassan Nasrallah and, once again, that just makes me marvel at systematic way the Lebanese Phalangists always end up on the

Why a US attack on Iran is inevitable

Over the past few months there appears to be a dramatic rise in the number of articles, opinions and rumors discussing the likelihood of a US and/or Israeli military attack on Iran.  Even the Israeli press is now regularly reporting various opinions about the desirability, or not, of such an attack while keeping a rolling tally of those officials who favor and oppose, often in very strong terms, such an

Strait History and Iran’s Options

by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich George Santayana wisely said: “”Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Oblivious to history and its lessons, America and its Western allies are repeating their actions of the 1950’s — that of imposing an oil embargo on Iran. The American-led alliance has forgotten the past. Iran remembers. When under the leadership of the nationalist Dr. Mossadegh, Iran opted to nationalize its oil industry,

Anti-Shia plans finalized by NWO elites?

The leaders of the New World Order are clearly engaged in major and intense consultations of how to deal with the “Shia problem”.  Check out this agenda: May 18th – May 19th: G8 Summit in Camp David, MD. May 20th – May 21st: NATO summit in Chicago, Il. May 31st – June 1st: Bilderberg Conference in Chantilly, VA. On the agenda?  Syria and Iran, of course, at least according to

Three articles about the US war on Iran

I found these three on Informationclearinghouse We Want War, And We Want It Now By Pepe Escobar Our Men in Iran? By Seymour M. Hersh Report: U.S. Trained Terror Group By Glenn Greenwald Informationclearinghouse is really doing a good job at covering topics like Syria and Iran and it would be a good idea to help him by visiting his “support” page here: . Cheers!

Russian and Hezbollah in consultations

According to official website of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon,, A Hizbullah delegation visited on Monday Russian Ambassador to Lebanon Alexander Zasypkin in the Embassy headquarters, and delivered greetings on behalf of Hizbullah’s leadership for the presidential victory of Vladimir Putin.  The Hizbullah delegation was led by Head of Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc member Mohammad Raad, and included MP Nawwar Saheli and Hizbullah International Relations Official Ammar Moussawi. 

Interesting hypothesis for a US aggression on Iran

I just have listened to a very interesting interview of a Russian military expert named Vladilav Shurygin.  For the Russian speakers I am posting it below: Now for those of  you who do not speak Russian, I want to summarize Shurygin’s main hypothesis: that the US will use a “two-phase” approach to Iran very similar to the one it used on Iraq: a) The first phase would involve a massive

What does the civil war in Syria really mean for Iran, Russia and China?

I was recently asked by a reader to update two of my past articles, Iran’s asymmetrical response options and For Israel war is the continuation of national suicide by other means, and that is an excellent idea, considering that the first one was written in 2007 and the second one in 2010.  I did touch upon these issues in a more recent article, Iran in the crosshair again, which does

Congress pushes iran regime change over diplomacy

Commentary: Amazing interview, isn’t it?  Read between the lines and think about it: what is Wilkerson *really* saying?  He is saying that the entire US political establishment, the entire US polity, is completely controlled by, and powerless against, the Israel Lobby.  Even though many politicians and government officials fully understand that the USA is headed towards a disastrous war against Iran, they are unable to do anything to prevent that

Why Did Defense Secretary Panetta Say Iran Not Building Nukes?

LEON PANETTA, U.S. SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: Are they trying to develop a nuclear weapon? No, but we know that they’re trying to develop a nuclear capability, and that’s what concerns us. And our red line to Iran is: do not develop a nuclear weapon. That’s a red line for us. BOB SCHIEFFER, FACE THE NATION (CBS): What would happen if Israel does decide to take this matter into its own

Iran in the crosshair again?

I am sure you all have followed it.  From Panetta’s threats about Iran crossing a “red line”, to the saber-rattling of pretty much all the Republicans except Ron Paul, to the Israel’s lobby renewed efforts to get the US to not only impose illegal sanctions against Iran, but to actually attack it. So is this really going to happen? Last time it appeared that Iran was about to be attacked

Deluge of articles about a possible Israeli attack on Iran

Haaretz poll: Israelis evenly split over attacking Iran Iran says united and ‘ready for war’ with Israel Iran military head warns of ‘heavy damage’ should Israel attack Decision to attack Iran must be made with a clear mind UK military steps up plans for Iran attack amid fresh nuclear fears US fears uncoordinated Israeli strike on Iran Halper: Israel may attack Iran so that we won’t hear the word ‘Palestinian’

Senior WP editor calls for war with Iran to rescue US economy

A truly seminal editorial by David Salzer Broder in the Washington Post: ——-The war recovery? David S. BroderSunday, October 31, 2010; Washington Post A27 When the midterm election cycle began, the prevailing opinion was that Barack Obama was cleverer and more inspirational than anyone else on the scene. As it ends, nothing appears to have changed. OH, YES, I know that Democrats have fallen into a peck of trouble and

Americans for Peace Now interviews Yossi Alpher – ex IDF and Mossad analyst

Americans for Peace Now interviews ex IDF and Mossad analyst Yossi Alpher: Alpher answers questions about the possibility of an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear program, and the status of Israeli civil-military relations. Q. Jeffrey Goldberg’s “Atlantic” article on the possibility of an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear program is causing quite a stir. What’s your take? Yossi Alpher A. The article contains a lot of interesting perspectives and is

Israeli Generals and Intel Officials Oppose Striking Iran

By Gareth Porter on Intifada Palestine What Jeffrey Goldberg Didn’t Report Pro-Israeli journalist Jeffrey Goldberg’s article in “The Atlantic” magazine was evidently aimed at showing why the Barack Obama administration should worry that it risks an attack by the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Iran in the coming months unless it takes a much more menacing line toward Iran’s nuclear programme. But the article provides new evidence that
