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Tag "war on Iran preparations"

War with Iran: Memorandum for President Obama

By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity August 3, 2010 MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) SUBJECT: War With Iran We write to alert you to the likelihood that Israel will attack Iran as early as this month. This would likely lead to a wider war. Israel’s leaders would calculate that once the battle is joined, it will be politically untenable for you to give anything

The Real Aim of Israel’s Bomb Iran Campaign

by Gareth Porter for  Truthout   Reuel Marc Gerecht’s screed justifying an Israeli bombing attack on Iran coincides with the opening the new Israel lobby campaign marked by the introduction of House resolution 1553 expressing full support for such an Israeli attack. What is important to understand about this campaign is that the aim of Gerecht and of the right-wing government of Benjamin Netanyahu is to support an attack by

46 Representatives introduce in the House a resolution supporting an Isareli aggression on Iran

H.RES.1553 — Expressing support for the State of Israel’s right to defend Israeli sovereignty, to protect the lives and safety of the Israeli people, and to use all means necessary to confront and… (Introduced in House – IH)HRES 1553 IH 111th CONGRESS 2d Session H. RES. 1553 Expressing support for the State of Israel’s right to defend Israeli sovereignty, to protect the lives and safety of the Israeli people, and

Obama Is Preparing to Bomb Iran

Webster G. Tarpley for After about two and a half years during which the danger of war between the United States and Iran was at a relatively low level, this threat is now rapidly increasing. A pattern of political and diplomatic events, military deployments, and media chatter now indicates that Anglo-American ruling circles, acting through the troubled Obama administration, are currently gearing up for a campaign of bombing against

The ALBA countres in Latin American voice their support Iran’s rights

By Hamid Golpira fpr Mehr News The countries of the ALBA alliance have expressed their support for Iran’s right to use nuclear energy meant for peaceful purposes and have condemned the imposition of sanctions on the country. Ambassadors and heads of missions of five member states of the Bolivarian Alliance of the People of Our America (ALBA) signed a declaration in Tehran on Wednesday expressing support for Iran’s right to

Chomsky and Castro warn about the upcoming war on Iran

Chomsky quotes Dan Plesch, director of the Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy at the University of London: “They are gearing up totally for the destruction of Iran, US bombers and long range missiles are ready today to destroy 10,000 targets in Iran in a few hours, the firepower of US forces has quadrupled since 2003” Castro outlines the pretext for war: I do not harbor the slightest doubt that

USS Carrier Harry Truman Now Officially Just Off Iran, As Israel Allegedly Plotting An Imminent Tehran Raid

(many thanks to J. for pointing out this source to me! VS)by Tyler Durden for Zerohedge As we first reported last week, in an article that was met with much original skepticism, the Pentagon has now confirmed that a fleet of 12 warships has passed the Suez Canal, and is now likely awaiting orders to support the escalation in the Persian Gulf. The attached image from Stratfor shows the latest

12 American Warships, Including One Aircraft Carrier, And One Israeli Corvette, Cross Suez Canal On Way To Red Sea And Beyond

by Tyler Durden for Zerohedge (thanks to L. for pointing out this item to me – VS) Arabic newspaper Al-Quds al-Arabi reports that 12 American warships, among which one aircraft carrier, as well as one Israeli corvette, and possibly a submarine, have crossed the Suez Canal on their way to the Red Sea. Concurrently, thousands of Egyptian soldiers were deployed along the canal to protect the ships. The passage disrupted

Three articles about the ongoing escalation

Informationclearinghouse just republished three articles about the US preparations for the upcoming war on Iran: US Special Forces Pave the Way for a Military Strike on Iran By Giles Whittell and Michael Evans Such plans “are always going to be under serious consideration,” Anthony Cordesman, of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, said, “because you are dealing with a serious threat” General Petraeus’s Secret Ops By Robert Dreyfuss

Rahm Emanuel invites Netanyahu to discuss shared ‘security interests’ with Obama

“Rahm Emanuel invites Netanyahu to discuss shared ‘security interests’ with Obama” – that is the headline which Haaretz chose. They might as well have written “Rahm Emanuel invites Natanyahu to finalize war plans on Iran”. The number of indicators and warning which point to a joint US-Israeli attack on Iran is rapidly increasing. Though probably not imminent, we are probably talking a few months at the most.

An Act Of War – Statement of Congressman Ron Paul

By Congressman Ron Paul via Informationclearinghouse Statement of Congressman Ron Paul – United States House of Representatives Statement on Motion to Instruct Conferees on HR 2194, Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability and Divestment Act – April 22, 2010: Mr. Speaker I rise in opposition to this motion to instruct House conferees on HR 2194, the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability and Divestment Act, and I rise in strong opposition again to the

Has the countdown to the bombing of Iran begun?

by Rob Edwards for the Herald Scotland Hundreds of powerful US “bunker-buster” bombs are being shipped from California to the British island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean in preparation for a possible attack on Iran. The Sunday Herald can reveal that the US government signed a contract in January to transport 10 ammunition containers to the island. According to a cargo manifest from the US navy, this included

Mullen Wary of Israeli Attack on Iran

by Ray McGovern for Consortium News: Adm. Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, came home with sweaty palms from his mid-February visit to Israel. Ever since, he has been worrying aloud that Israel might mousetrap the U.S. into war with Iran. This is especially worrying, because Mullen has had considerable experience in putting the brakes on such Israeli plans in the past. This time, he appears convinced

Israeli troop movements

Several sources are reporting Israeli troop concentrations at the border with Lebanon. That, combined with very bellicose statements of at least one Israeli minister are resulting in rumors about an imminent Israeli attack on Lebanon (Netanyahu already denied any such intentions). I do not believe that the Israelis are about to attack Lebanon, and most definitely not with a ground operation. The only circumstance in which I think that could

Israel gaffe reveals ‘Iran ship photos’ were forged

Press TV reports: After Israel released photos it said proved that a huge shipment of weapons for Hezbollah came from Tehran, Iranian news agencies publish evidence showing that the photos are forged. Israeli naval sources recently claimed that they found a large cache of Iranian-made arms when they stormed a vessel near Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea. They claimed that the ship was heading for the Hezbollah resistance movement, either

US Generals Flood Israel for Exercise against ‘Specific Threats’

By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu for IsraelNN via Information Clearing House An unprecedented number of American generals, along with 1,400 U.S. army soldiers, are participating with top IDF brass in the high-level Juniper Cobra military exercise that one U.S. Navy commander said is aimed at “specific threats.” Public affairs officials interrupted the naval commander in order to divert the conversation from the scenario of Israel attacking Iran’s nuclear facilities and defending

War on Iran still very much “on the table”

Information Clearing House is continuing to publish articles under the heading “Manufacturing Consent For Attack On Iran”. Here are just some of the latest ones: Obama Times Calling Out Iran For Impact Keeping Iran Honest Everything You Know About Iran Is A Myth Obama warns Iran: Won’t rule out military action I completely agree with Tom – the attack on Iran is very much “on the table” and I wonder

Riyadh ‘offers airspace’ for Israel attack on Iran

Press TV reports: Israeli fighter jets have been allowed to use Saudi airspace to launch go-it-alone air strikes on Iranian nuclear installations, says a recent report. The issue ahs been discussed in a closed-door meeting in London, where British Intelligence Chief Sir John Scarlett his Israeli counterpart, Meir Dagan, and Saudi official have been present Daily Express. According to the report Scarlett has been told that Saudi airspace would be
