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Tag "war on Iran preparations"

The Guccis have abandoned their legal challenge

I have it from a very good source that Mousavi and Karroubi have not showed up at a meeting of the Guardian Council which was to investigate their claims. Only Rezae was present. Since they were not present to present their case, the Guardian Council will most likely declared that it cannot proceed with the case. In sum – the Guccis have dropped the facade of legality. As predicted, the

The Guccis have abandoned their legal challenge

I have it from a very good source that Mousavi and Karroubi have not showed up at a meeting of the Guardian Council which was to investigate their claims. Only Rezae was present. Since they were not present to present their case, the Guardian Council will most likely declared that it cannot proceed with the case. In sum – the Guccis have dropped the facade of legality. As predicted, the

Will Israel Attack? Mixed Messages from Washington Could Lead to Catastrophe in Iran

By Roane Carey for via Alternet Israel has been steadily ratcheting up pressure on the United States concerning the grave threat allegedly posed by Iran, which seems poised to master the nuclear fuel cycle, and thus the capacity to produce nuclear weapons. The new Israeli prime minister, Likud Party hawk Benjamin Netanyahu, has warned President Barack Obama that if Washington does not quickly find a way to shut down

Neo-cons Still Preparing for Iran Attack

By Robert Dreyfuss for Information Clearing House What, exactly, does president-elect Barack Obama’s mild-mannered choice to head the Department of Health and Human Services, former senator Tom Daschle, have to do with neo-conservatives who want to bomb Iran? A familiar coalition of hawks, hardliners and neo-cons expects Obama’s proposed talks with Iran to fail – and they’re already proposing an escalating set of measures instead. Some are meant to occur

Uncle Shmuel grants US citizenship to 16 key terrorist figures

Press TV reports: The US has granted citizenship to 16 leading members of the blacklisted Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO), an Iraqi security official says. The official told Fars news agency that the MKO members who were given US citizenship were directly engaged in acts of terror against Iranians and the Iraqi people. According to the security official, the terrorists, who had earlier exited Camp Ashraf, were reportedly transferred to a

Israel of the Caucasus

By Arnaud de Borchgrave for the Middle-East TimesWASHINGTON, Sept. 2 (UPI) — NATO guarantees that an attack against one member country is an attack against all are no longer what they used to be. Had Georgia been inside NATO, a number of European countries would no longer be willing to consider it an attack against their own soil. For Russia, the geopolitical stars were in perfect alignment. The United States

A U.S. Naval Armada heading towards Iran?

According to the website Stop War on Iran a major US naval force is headed for Iran. I have no conformation of this (can anyone confirm this info?). Here is the email they sent out today: Growing threat – Join us in mobilizing to Stop War on Iran! As we write, the arrival of new U.S. warships will mark the largest build-up of Naval forces in the Gulf since the
