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Tag "USA"

Pak army vows to confront US attacks

Press TV reports: Pakistani military reiterates it will not allow any incursions by the US-led NATO troops into its volatile tribal region near Afghan border. There has been no change in the rules of engagement with the US forces and the Pakistani military will not permit any aerial or ground incursions by foreign troops, the security officials said at a briefing on anti-militancy operations in the North West Frontier Province

US, Pak troops clash on Afghan border

Press TV reports: The US says the Pakistani army and the American troops have exchanged fire near the Afghan border after tensions over incursions flared. The latest incident took place along the Pakistani border with the eastern Afghan region of Khost on late Thursday. A senior US military official said skirmishes broke out after Pakistani soldiers fired warning shots near two US helicopters. US Central Command spokesman Rear Admiral Gregory

The ghost of Stalingrad: can Russia prevent NATO expansion?

This will appear in the next issue of Al-Ahram Weekly The ghost of Stalingradby Eric Walbert NATO’s metamorphosis from Cold War Euro-policeman into the unabashed global military arm of the United States over the past 18 years has left a trail of debris from the Balkans to Afghanistan that will take decades to clear. It is a flagrant violation of the agreement James Baker III made with Soviet president

Chavez threatens to halt US oil supply

Press TV reports: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has threatened to cut off oil export to the US in case of any ‘aggression’ against his country. “If there is any aggression towards Venezuela” from Washington, “there would be no oil for the people of the United States,” said Chavez as quoted by Reuters. The threat came after Chavez accused a group of current and former military officers of trying to assassinate

US-Iraqi agreement: leaked

from Raed Jarrar’s blog via Palestinian Pundit: I read about a leaked copy of the US-Iraqi agreement a few days ago when a radio station in Iraq mentioned some of its details, then it was mentioned in some Arab newspapers like Al-Qabas and Al-Sharq Al-Awsat. A couple of days ago, one Iraqi website (linked to an Iraqi armed resistance group) published the leaked draft on their web page for less

Amy Goodman Arrested at RNC

Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman, Sharif Abdel Kouddous and Nicole Salazar were arrested by the Minneapolis Police Department. Charged with conspiracy to riot. Footage from Rick Rowley and Brandon Jourdan. FOR IMMEDIATE September 1, 2008 Contact: Dennis MoynihanMike Burke ST. PAUL, MN—Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman was unlawfully arrested in downtown St. Paul, Minnesota at approximately 5 p.m. local time. Police violently manhandled Goodman, yanking her arm, as they arrested

The real meaning of the South Ossetian war: Part II – what’s next?

I ended my previous article about The real meaning of the South Ossetian war with the words: historians will probably look back at the month of August 2008 as the moment when Russia decided to strike back at the Empire for the first time. Today, I want to pick up this conclusion and take a look at what might happen next. But before looking into the future, I want to

Washington’s Hypocrisy

By Dmitry Rogozin for the International Herald Tribune The U.S. administration is trying to stick the label of “bad guy” on Russia for exceeding the peacekeeping mandate and using “disproportionate force” in the peace-enforcement operation in Georgia. Maybe our American friends have gone blind and deaf at the same time. Mikheil Saakashvili, the president of Georgia, is known as a tough nationalist who didn’t hide his intentions of forcing Ossetians

Former Bosnian Foreign Minister Mohammad Sacirbey confirms US-Karadzic deal

Press TV reports: Mohammad Sacirbey, former Bosnian foreign minster says that US diplomat, Richard Holbrooke made an unambiguous political deal with Serb leader Radavan Karadzic. Sacirbey pointing out that he has been telling this story for more than a decade now, said the Holbrooke-Karadzic pact called for Karadzic to give up leadership of his political party and to drop out of public life in return for his already existing war

Iran will target 32 US bases if attacked

Press TV reports that Iran says its Armed Forces would target the heart of Israel and 32 US bases before the dust settles from an attack on the country. “If the enemy was confident that it would emerge victorious from an attack on Iran, they would not put it off for even another day,” an aide to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Mojtaba Zolnoor said on Saturday. Today, through

Let’s get some things straight about the upcoming war with Iran

The upcoming war with Iran is again back in the news and while the international media is awash with reports and discussions about the recent Iranian missile test, some usually savvy observers, such as Tom Englehardt and Tony Karon, now say that the US-Israeli aggression on Iran will not happen at all. So which is it – Iranian missiles raining down on Israel or no war at all? Neither. First,

The Ongoing Persecution of Sami Al-Arian

By Alexander Cockburn for The Nation (thanks to M. for this article) There are few prospects in the justice system so grimly awful as when the feds decide never to let go. Rebuffed in their persecutions of some target by juries, or by contrary judges, they shift ground, betray solemn agreements, dream up new stratagems to exhaust their victims, drive them into bankruptcy, despair and even to suicide. They have

US, anti-Iran groups hold secret meeting

Press TV reports: US officials and heads of four Kurdish anti-Iran groups have held a secret meeting in the Iraqi city of Sulaimaniyah, a Kurdish website says. The two-day meeting was aimed at coordination of the US and the anti-Iran groups on mounting more pressure on the Islamic Republic. Ten American military officers and leaders of four Kurdish terrorist groups attended the meeting in the Palace Hotel in Sulaimaniyah, northern

US envoy pelted with stones in south Lebanon

Al-Manar reports: The US charge d’affaires to Lebanon was greeted with stones and chants of “Death to America” on Wednesday by Lebanese residents as she met with a local official in the south of the country. “Some 200 people, including women and children, surrounded the house of Abdullah Bitar as he met in Nabatiyeh with charge d’affaires Michele Sison and they began throwing stones,” a security official said. He said

Imperial Congress blackmails Iraq to recognize Israel

The Jewish Daily Forward reports that Congress has passed a resolution demanding that Iraq recognize Israel or loose billions of dollars in US aid: To the many challenges facing the fledgling Iraqi government, Congress may soon add this: Recognize the State of Israel and establish diplomatic ties with Jerusalem, or else risk losing some of the billions in aid that Baghdad receives from the United States. A nonbinding resolution demanding

Maliki: US-Iraq Security Deal Fails

Alalam News reports: Iraq’s Premier Nuri al-Maliki said on Friday that negotiations with the US on a security agreement that extends US presence in the war-torn country beyond 2008 has reached a “dead end.” Maliki said that the talks have failed because of US demands that infringe Iraq’s sovereignty. During a visit to neighboring Jordan, Maliki told journalists: “We have reached a dead end, because when we started the talks,

Senior Iranian Cleric: US plan for Iraq ‘impractical’

Press TV reports: A senior Iranian cleric says the US should withdraw its troops from Iraq if Washington seeks to survive the quagmire in the country. The military agreement that the White House wants the Iraqi government to sign is ‘impractical’, said Tehran’s interim Friday prayers leader Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati with regards to the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) drawn up by Washington. The US echelons are currently negotiating with
