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Tag "USA"

Bolton, Eagleburger and Rodman’s warning about Kosovo

(Note: I think that there is an American saying which says that even a broken watch is correct once every 12 hours. So please spare us the ad hominems about the authors of this piece – what matters is not who they are/were but what they say; or, if you prefer, that even they are saying what they say. In other words, recognizing Kosovo is something which even a patented

Leo Panitch, Chalmers Johnson and Tom Engelhardt on the reasons for the inevitable US economic collapse

Tom Dispatch ‘s Tomgram: Chalmers Johnson, How to Sink America Within the next month, the Pentagon will submit its 2009 budget to Congress and it’s a fair bet that it will be even larger than the staggering 2008 one. Like the Army and the Marines, the Pentagon itself is overstretched and under strain — and like the two services, which are expected to add 92,000 new troops over the next

US and Turkish Generals to discuss anti-Kurdish cooperation

(The following was sent to me by a reader to whom I am most grateful. VS) source: “Turkey, US to discuss anti-PKK work, defense ties” by Umit Enginsoy, Turkish Daily News, 29 January 2008 [emphasis added] A top Turkish general will meet with his U.S. counterparts in Washington this week to review the military cooperation against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and to discuss bilateral defense matters. Gen.

Blood Price For The US Support To Turkey’s PKK Operation: A Military Base Against Iran

by Mehmet Yaman (source: ANF Fırat News Agency) Editor’s note: This was translated from Turkish by Cem Ertür from CASMII. Having given no support to Turkey’s struggle against the PKK for a long time, the US supported the Turkish army’s recent bombing of the Qandil Mountain. The reason behind this support is becoming clear now: An agreement made between the US, Turkey and the Federal Administration of South Kurdistan for

Interesting declaration of ex-Italian President Francesco Cossiga

I personally take no other position on 911 other than claiming that the official version is so obviously full of holes that it is an insult to anyone’s intelligence. My hunch is that several foreign intelligences agencies, including the Russians, Israelis and French, had warned the USA but in yet another display of its trademark incompetence the US government never acted on this info. The cover-up today is most likely

Torture versus international law: a highly interesting interview with the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture

In the US of A it is often considered “de bon ton” to trash the United Nations and all the other international institutions which were created after World War II to replace the rule of the jungle with the rule of law in international affairs. Ignorant inbred rednecks hate the UN because they fear that the “Black Helicopters” will invade their villages, libertarians hate the UN because they hate anything

Reconciling Fascism with Reality

By Pervez Dastoor for “Information Clearing House“ Fascist! A word that is thrown around all too commonly in today’s political debates and partisan quibbling that is common among the cable “news networks.” A flip of the channel on any night to CNN, FOX, Headline News or other similar programs reveals time slots devoted to the latest celebrity scandal or any other unimportant story. When not emphatically debating the latest celebrity

Venezuela, Argentina Accuse US of Smear Campaign

December 13th 2007, by Chris Carlson for Government authorities from both Venezuela and Argentina accused the United States of carrying out a smear campaign against them yesterday after US officials arrested four individuals accused of being agents of the Venezuelan government. US officials alleged that the arrested individuals were involved in trying to cover up an “international scandal” between Venezuela and Argentina, but both countries have rejected the claims.

Americans treated like cattle, electric torture used everywhere

One of the most worrying trends in the US society since 911 has been the grotesque bloating of the power of the various intelligence, police and security forces in the USA. Even the TSA goons at the airport randomly yell at people not immediately obeying them. The ‘trademark’ of the new post 911 US is that those in authority now want to be obeyed immediately and if the citizen does

Venezuela to donate more heating oil to U.S. poor

By Jason Szep BOSTON, Dec 10 (Reuters) – Standing on the deck of an oil tanker in Massachusetts Bay on Monday, Venezuelan energy officials kicked off the third year of a controversial program of delivering subsidized home-heating oil for the U.S. poor. A Houston unit of a state-owned company backed by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, a foe of the Bush administration, will supply oil at 40 percent below market prices

Saker interview with Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

I have recently posted an interesting piece by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich entitled “Iran Intelligence Report: Another Psychological Warfare?“. This was not the first time I had read Soraya’s very interesting and insightful articles about Iran and this latest piece prompted me to contact Soraya and ask her for an interview. Soraya kindly agreed to my request and it is my real pleasure today to resume my “Saker interviews” series with a

Peace and its discontents: the Israeli takeover

Commentary taken from the blog “Lenin’s tomb”: Israel and Palestinians commit to peace trumpets The Guardian, with a sick-making portrait of Bush, Olmert and Abbas holding hands. How’s that commitment working so far? Well, let’s not forget that having launched a ‘civil war’ against Hamas and used Dahlan’s goons to foment war in Gaza on behalf of Israel, Mahmoud Abbas supports Israel’s war on the Gaza strip. There is no

One more political prisoner in the Empire’s Dungeons

From today’s Democracy Now headlines: Palestinian Professor Sentenced to 11 Years For Refusing to Testify: In Chicago, a federal court has sentenced a Palestinian-American activist to more than 11 years in prison for refusing to testify before a grand jury in 2003 about the activities of the Palestinian group Hamas. Abdelhaleem Ashqar defended his refusal to testify saying that he shouldn’t have to give testimony that would aid the Israeli

When is the use of the “F” word appropriate?

A friend of mine recently commented that using the “F” words was inappropriate when referring to the regimes in Washington or Ankara. He wrote “I think you overdo the “fascist” label (next US Prez and Turkey will not/isn’t anywhere near a fascist regime) too much too, but that would be good to have as a debate on your newly-directed blog I suppose“. I think that this is a crucial issue

Poll: Majority of Voters Support Iran Strike

Rick Moran A new Zogby poll out today shows that 52% of likely voters would support a strike against Iran to prevent them from building nuclear weapons. Another 53% believe it “likely” that such an attack will take place before the next election: Democrats (63%) are most likely to believe a U.S. military strike against Iran could take place in the relatively near future, but independents (51%) and Republicans (44%)

Ron Paul on US policies towards Cuba

Struggling for Relevance in Cuba: Still No Cigars by Rep. Ron Paul Since Raul Castro seems to be transitioning to a more permanent position of power, the administration has begun talking about Cuba policy again. One would think we would be able to survey the results of the last 45 years and come to logical conclusions. Changing course never seems to be an option, however, no matter how futile or
