Al-Manar reports: The US charge d’affaires to Lebanon was greeted with stones and chants of “Death to America” on Wednesday by Lebanese residents as she met with a local official in the south of the country.

“Some 200 people, including women and children, surrounded the house of Abdullah Bitar as he met in Nabatiyeh with charge d’affaires Michele Sison and they began throwing stones,” a security official said.

He said the crowd also shouted “Death to America, Death to Israel, we don’t want you in south Lebanon”, as extra Lebanese police converged on the site.

The official said Sison’s car was hit by several stones as she was being evacuated from the area, but she emerged unharmed.

A US embassy official would not comment on the incident, saying only that Sison “had a very productive day in Nabatiyeh” and enjoyed her lunch with Bitar.

US President George W. Bush earlier this month selected Sison as ambassador to Lebanon but her nomination requires the Senate’s approval.