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Tag "terrorism"

Reflection By His Grace Bishop Angaelos on recent terrorist attacks in Egypt and elsewhere

Reflection By His Grace Bishop Angaelos on recent terrorist attacks in Egypt and elsewhere Coptic Orthodox Church UK Media and Communications Office Coptic Orthodox Church (Europe) Media and Communications Office Reflection By His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, on recent terrorist attacks in Egypt and elsewhere You are Loved 27 May 2017 Once again, we find ourselves experiencing pain before which words

The disaster of the Russian military Tu-154 – a few short first thoughts (UPDATED)

It is too early to conclude what happened with this aircraft, but since I have been asked about this by email, here are my own, personal and provisional, thoughts: Mechanical failure: unlikely.  The Tu-154 is a three engine aircraft and an extremely strong beast.  It’s safety record is comparable to most aircraft of its time, even though it was often used in extreme conditions other aircraft types did not have

A few initial short thoughts on the murder of the Russian Ambassador to Ankara

Okay, so tonight we have the name of the assassin, it is Mevlut Mert Aydintas, a 22 year old policeman who had been recently fired following the anti-Gulenist crackdown of Erdogan against the forces which had attempted to overthrow him recently. We also have a very useful video of the murder. That video of the attack also shows something very important: the only shots fired are those fired by the

Interview of President al-Assad to Denmark’s TV 2: Moderate opposition is a myth…

President al-Assad to Denmark’s TV 2: Moderate opposition is a myth… We won’t accept that terrorists will take control of any part of Syria   Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad affirmed that the United States doesn’t have the will to reach any agreement about Syria, and that Syria knew in advance that the US agreement with Russia will not succeed because the main part of that agreement is to

POLITE ANALYTICS: failed Crimean sabotage Ukraine the causes, results, items, effects

POLITE ANALYTICS: failed Crimean sabotage Ukraine [the causes, results, items, effects] by RoSsi BaRBeRa Translated by Scott Humor Previous posts  on the Ukrainian terrorism in Crimea Armed attack on Russian border guards in Crimea SITREP August 8th The Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s main intelligence directorate terror plot foiled in Crimea August 2016 SITREP Statement by the foreign ministry of Russia on terror attacks in Crimea Other articles by the same author


STATEMENT BY THE FOREIGN MINISTRY OF RUSSIA August 11, 2016 Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has disrupted a plot to carry out terrorist attacks in the Republic of Crimea. The attacks, planned by the Ukrainian Defence Ministry’s Chief Intelligence Directorate, targeted critical infrastructure and facilities in Crimea. Russia’s intelligence services take the view that these planned acts of sabotage and terrorism were intended to destabilise the socio-political situation in the

A curious case of Moty Cristal, Chabad, and Israeli militants in Odessa, by Scott [Updated]

On Sunday, February 14th, an English RT’s Senior Political correspondent Anissa Naouai interviewed Moty Cristal, a self proclaimed specialist on terrorism, an attorney, founder of Israel-based Nest Consulting LTD. On his twitter account Mr. Cristal names his fields of expertise as “Negotiator. Trains & consults worldwide on complex negotiations and crisis management. Political activist & designer of operational networks.” Threats (S3E16) Published time: 14 Feb, 2016 07:38 Interview starts at

Double bombing in Volgograd – a first assessment

The recent double bombing in Volgograd (ex-Stalingrad) represent a definitive escalation in the low-level but constant war which has opposed Wahabi insurgents to not only the Kremlin, but also to all the traditional Muslim authorities in Russia.  Before looking into what these latest attacks could mean for Russia in general and for the upcoming Sochi Olympic games, it would be helpful here to go over some basic fact.Chechnia:First, it would

Lack of change we can all believe in

So Obama, having betrayed every promise he ever made, was in a popularity free fall for a looooooong time already.  Then he decided to announce that he would seek a second term.  That did littele to improve his ratings.  Then OBL was “killed” (on Holocaust Day!) while Obama was about to depart for a trip to New York to visit “ground zero”.  That did the trick and his popularity jumped

Domodedovo suicide bomber named

The Russian magazine “Life News” has obtained the name of the 20 year old suicide bomber who detonated himself inside Moscow’s Domodedovo airport.  He is Magomed (Mohamed) Evloev, a resident of Ali-Iurt in Ingushetia.  The Russian FSB has so far neither denied nor confirmed this information.  But if this information is correct, one can only wonder what Vladimir Putin meant when he said this explosion was not linked to the

Putin: “Blast in Moscow not linked to Chechnia”

Russian Prime Minister Putin has just declared on the NTV television news channel that “according to the preliminary results of the investigation the terrorist act is not linked to the Chechen Republic” (Нынешний террористический акт не имеет отношения, по предварительным данным следствия, к Чеченской республике). According to Russian sources, the terrorist was, quote, “of a Mediterranean type which would include Arabs”, unquote. More details soon, hopefully.

Blast in Moscow’s airport

Dear friends, I am totally sick with the flu and I don’t feel like writing much, but I hear so much nonsense about the blast in Moscow that I want to share some really quick thoughts with you: 1) Don’t rush to blame the Chechens for what happened.  Yes, it most definitely *could* be them, but there are *many* other possible explanations including, but not limited to, the following: a)

It is sometimes hard to tell Russia and the USA apart

I have been watching the news out of Moscow over the past 24 hours and they make for a rather depressing viewing indeed. No, I am not referring to the two blasts in the Moscow subway system which, of course, are tragic events, but to the rhetoric of the Russian authorities. Listening to the Russian news, I was wondering if the script had been written in Washington, DC. President Medvedev

Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah was executed by the FBI

Democracy Now reports: In Michigan, explosive details have emerged from the long-awaited release of the autopsy report for a Detroit-area Muslim imam slain by the FBI in October. The imam, Luqman Ameen Abdullah, headed a Sunni Muslim group called the Ummah. He was shot dead during an FBI raid shortly after being indicted on charges of conspiracy to commit federal crimes. Local Muslim leaders have questioned if authorities are trying

Train bombing serious blow to Russian security

by Eric Walberg The worst terrorist attack to hit Russia in five years, the bombing of the Nevsky Express train last week, was almost certainly by Islamist extremists, and security forces are just not prepared for these less spectacular acts of terrorism, Russian security experts say. The cause of the crash was identified as a homemade bomb that exploded on the tracks between Moscow and St Petersburg, killing 26, wounding

Top Israeli official openly calls for war crimes in the next Israeli war against Lebanon

Al-Manar TV reports: Israeli reserve Brigadier General Gabriel Siboni called for striking Lebanon’s infrastructure in case of a new war. In an article published on the Israeli Institute for National Security Studies’ internet site, Siboni said that the “current predicament facing Israel involves two major challenges. The first is how to prevent being dragged into an ongoing dynamic of attrition on the northern border similar to what in recent years

Uncle Shmuel grants US citizenship to 16 key terrorist figures

Press TV reports: The US has granted citizenship to 16 leading members of the blacklisted Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO), an Iraqi security official says. The official told Fars news agency that the MKO members who were given US citizenship were directly engaged in acts of terror against Iranians and the Iraqi people. According to the security official, the terrorists, who had earlier exited Camp Ashraf, were reportedly transferred to a

Iranian commander survives assassination

Press TV reports: An Iranian navy commander leading a unit that arrested 15 UK sailors in the Persian Gulf last year survives an assassination attempt. The attack on Colonel Abolqasem Amangah, the commander of the Arvand Rud Navy Base in southern Iran, occurred while he was driving in the eastern Sorkh Hesar district of Tehran on Monday. Two groups of unidentified assailants, a group on a motorbike and the other

Pakistan will extradite US-backed terrorists to Iran

Press TV reports: Pakistan, Iran agree on Jundullah’s fate Tehran says members of the Jundullah terrorist group taken into custody in Pakistan may be extradited to Iran as early as next week. “We are currently discussing the matter with the Pakistani government and there is a possibility that the terrorists will be turned over to Iran in the coming week,” caretaker Interior Minister, Mehdi Hashemi told reporters on Saturday. Hashemi
