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Tag "Sergei Lavrov"

Listening to Lavrov giving up on the West

Yesterday, I watched with interest a talkshow called “The Right to Know” which featured an hour long interview with Sergei Lavrov (those who understand Russian can watch it here).  It was an interesting exchange between Lavrov and five Russian reporters.  It was not important enough to warrant translating it all into English, but I want to share with you something which I had noticed in the past but which was

Foreign Minister Lavrov interviewed by Bloomberg

I really admire Sergei Lavrov for many things, but listening to this (otherwise interesting) interview, I marvel at his patience with this constantly interrupting “yapping-dog-style” Bloomberg journalist. I just could not have had that kind of patience. I would have smashed my fist in the face of this arrogant jerk ten minutes into the interview. Good thing I am just a blogger and not a diplomat I guess :-) Anyway,

The US plan for the Ukraine – a hypothesis

Listening to Lavrov today I came to the conclusion that the regime in Kiev was indeed about to try to attack the eastern Ukraine.  It’s not only Lavrov, the Russian Internet is on “red alert” and chock-full of rumors and speculation about an imminent attack.  This begs a number of questions:1) Why would the junta in Kiev so overtly renege on the Geneva agreement?2) Why would it attack when the

Lavrov press conference in Geneva after agreement with USA (with link to Kerry’s press conference)

Important:make sure to also listen to the press conference by John Kerry gave in another room (to signal that the US and Russia are really enemies I suppose) at the same time.  Click here to listen to it.  The video is choppy and “jumps”, blame the US State Department or YouTube, not me.  If I get a clean one I will post a link to it here below.

A chance for you to say “no, not in my name!”

After reading the open letter to President Putin signed by over 300 Germans, one of the readers of this blog decided to emulate their example and write his own open letter to President Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov.  Unlike the German letter, this letter is much more simple and very much to the point.  This is its full text: Many citizens of western countries greatly respect your measured responses to

Sergei Lavrov: It’s not Russia that is destabilising Ukraine

by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov for The GuardianThe west has been needlessly whipping up tension – if we don’t co-operate soon, chaos may take hold The profound and pervasive crisis in Ukraine is a matter of grave concern for Russia. We understand perfectly well the position of a country which became independent just over 20 years ago and still faces complex tasks in constructing a sovereign state. Among them

Foreign Minister Lavrov’s press conference today (in English)

As always, Lavrov makes a brilliant case for his point of view.  I still think that Russia made a major mistake, but I can’t help liking Lavrov a lot and finding him absolutely brilliant.  I hope that he has some kind of game-plan I am not aware of.It’s a long press conference, but at least listen to his reply to the first question as it is about Syria and his

Lavrov: US blackmails Russia over Syria’s entry into the OPCW and demands Chapter VII Resolution at UNSC

RT reports:The US is pushing Russia into approving a UN resolution that would allow for military intervention in Syria, in exchange for American support of Syria’s accession to OPCW, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said.“Our American partners are starting to blackmail us: ‘If Russia does not support a resolution under Chapter 7, then we will withdraw our support for Syria’s entry into the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical

A small but victorious skirmish in a much larger battle of a even bigger war – but a victory nonetheless.

It is impossible to predict what will happen following the recent meetings between US Secretary of State Kerry and President Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov in Moscow.  After all, all which can come out of such a meeting are only words.  Still, words matter, and in the case of the highest level officials of the two major powers on the planet, they matter a lot.  And a lot of very

The West ‘prays’ Russia and China will continue blocking Syria action

RT reports:The West has “no appetite” for a military intervention in Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Saturday. At the same time, Moscow’s intelligence shows the Arab country’s chemical arsenal is “so far” secured, he revealed.“No one has any appetite for intervention. Behind the scenes, I have a feeling they are praying that Russia and China go on blocking intervention, as sanctioning it would mean they must act

Very interesting press conference of Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov

Translated into English: Original Russian version: Saker Commentary:  I have to say that I am extremely impressed by Sergei Lavrov whom I consider to be one of the best diplomats I have ever listened to (the other one being James Baker whose views I never shared, but who undoubtedly was a top level diplomat). Russia is really fortunate to have such an excellent team as Sergei Lavrov and Vitalii Churkin
