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Tag "Saker Community translations"

Expensive and Humiliating. Poland Bought Gas in the USA (Ruslan Ostashko)

TRANSCRIPT: An extra billion cubic meters of absolutely unnecessary, and highly costing gas, the president of the US has managed to sell it to Polish nationalists. The full beauty of this “Ukrainian victory” can be understood only if you remember the history of the issue. Andrzej Duda’s visit to Washington was marked not only by loud statements that (showed the depth of the historical illiteracy of the Polish President.

Does Italy want to ditch the euro?

Translation by Y, subtitles by O. Italy is under fire in Brussels after the victory of Matteo Salvini in the last European Elections. While the Commission is threatening an excessive deficit procedure against Rome, the Italian Parliament has authorised the testing of a new form of payment, a kind of currency parallel to the euro:

Saudi/Bahraini FM’s dodge reporters after first-ever public meeting with Israeli PM – English subs

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Munich Conference Showed That America Is Losing Ground

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Scott and captioned by Leo.   The annual Security Conference, traditionally hosted by Germany in Munich, this time was not attended by neither the leader of Russia nor by the head of the United States. The latter was replaced by Vice President Mike Pence, who tried to convince the audience that America is strong. This came out not very convincing.   It has been 12

Nasrallah on ‘real reason’ why US continues ’40 years of war on Iran’ – English Subs

Note by the Saker: Middle East Observer (MEO) is now also uploading video content on its new channel on the, partly due to YouTube’s increasing intolerance for alternative viewpoints and voices. Below is MEO’s latest video, which can currently only be found on its Daily Motion channel. Description: Hezbollah’s leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah reveals the ‘real reason’ why the United States has been ‘waging war on Iran for the

Reporter’s Diary from Venezuela

Reporter’s Diary from Venezuela. Georgy Zotov (author of AIF weekly) This is the personal view of the correspondent on today’s life of Caracas. Translated by Scott   Day one… Our Air France flight was grounded in Paris for 5 hours; no one wants to land in Venezuela in the middle of the night, due to the “dangerous criminal situation.” The airliner is half empty, the passengers, judging by nervous conversations,

Trump Is Withdrawing From NATO “Under Putin’s Orders”

Trump Is Withdrawing From NATO “Under Putin’s Orders” by Ruslan Ostashko Translated and captioned by Leo. “Trump is discussing withdrawal from NATO,” says the frightening American headline in The New York Times. No, so far it didn’t say “from Putin’s orders”, but Russia, of course, is mentioned. It seems that the Democrats have invented a new horror story for the American electorate. This is exactly how it can be interpreted

Europe Recognized Ukraine As a Safe Country, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and captioned by Leo. Make sure to press CC for English captions.   While various clowns that imitate “Svidomo” (Ukr. – “national conscious”) politics sing the anthem of Ukraine in the PACE, and in the same place perform the Nazi salute, the European bureaucrats are steadily bending their line. This line is to isolate the Ukrainian “patriotic” abscess, the creation of which was supported by the same European Union.

Germany is reluctant to fight the war against Russia with the rest of NATO, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and subtitles by Scott Humor.   We have received an interesting data in regard with the saber-rattling NATO drill in Norway. German army admits most of its newly acquired military hardware is faulty & unfit for service. Why would it be so? The Western Media headlines are screaming that NATO has never hold military exercise on the scale of the Trident Juncture. Under the aegis of a “unifyed 3-prong

Will There Be A Second ATO in Zakarpattia? by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and captioned by Leo. Make sure to press CC for English captions.     A Ukrainian female journalist published a video capturing the movement of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the direction of Zakarpattia. Against this background, a question arises: did they really hit their heads in Kiev so much that they decided to start a second ATO? Svidomo journalist Anna Kulchitskaya claims that in the Starosamborsky district of

The US Sanctions – Hit Trump, so That Russia Is Afraid by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and captioned by Leo. Make sure to press CC for English captions.     On Facebook, there is only talk about the new sanctions, and not only there, of course. Against the background of the rise of the dollar, the deafening chorus performing the operetta “This is the end,” tries to block the voices of those who are not inclined to rash conclusions. Basically, “you won’t strangle our song,

Roger Waters: “You want to start a war with the Russians? Are you crazy?”

Translated by Scott Humor Roger Waters – about his upcoming concerts in Russia, his humanitarian activities and conflict with the “White helmets.” source: An exclusive interview for the Izvestia newspaper. At the end of August, Roger Waters, one of the founders of Pink Floyd, will visit Russia as part of his Us+Them World Tour, and the audience in Moscow and St. Petersburg will be able to see his new show.

Why the Operation to De-Legitimise Ukraine Should Be Extended to 2019

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: What people were saying about 4 years ago concerning the probable (even desirable) future absolutely imperceptibly became the reality. The US, which staged the Ukrainian and Syrian crises for the sake of preserving their hegemony, lost the position of the sole world leader. They launched trade wars not only with China, India, Russia, but also

Pension reform as a fifth column tool to overthrow Putin

By Vadim Potapenko/Mikhail Khazin Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with Source: Original title: “About a fair pension system” The full version of this study authored by Vadim Potapenko that this article is based on can be read here (in Russian only) The pension system can be considered fair when it can maintain an acceptable standard of living for pensioners and at the same time
