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Tag "Palestine"

Israel Carries Out Massive Strike On Gaza, Locals Protest Against US-backed Forces In Syria Tensions between the local population and the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are growing. Protests against the SDF have recently erupted in the cities of Manbij, Hasakah and Raqqah. The predominantly Arab local population protested against behavior and policies, including forced conscription, implemented by the SDF. Forces of the US-led coalition were even forced to intervene into the situation in Raqqa in order to stop infighting between the Kurdish

Syrian War Report – May 15, 2018: Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Fuels Syria Crisis At least 59 Palestinian protesters were killed and 2,771 were injured by Israeli forces near the so-called security fence in the Gaza Strip during the May 14 demonstrations denouncing the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem. Various sources provide conflicting numbers of people involved in the protests, but all of them agrees that there were at least 35,000-40,000 people at the security fence and in the nearby area.

Middle East Is On Verge Of New War Following Trump’s Recognition Of Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital On November 28, SouthFront released a video analysis entitled “Would Anyone Profit From a New War in the Middle East?”. The video said that despite tensions in the region the possibility of a new war in in the near future was relatively low because no regional player was interested in it. The only side, which could be interested in the conflict, was the United States. Such a war will

Palestine-Syria War Report – December 8, 2017: Jerusalem Standoff On December 7, the Palestinian al-Nasser Salah al-Deen Brigades fired several rockets at the Israeli settlements of Hof Ashkelon and Sha’ar HaNegev north of the Gaza Strip. The group said in a statement that this was only the first response to the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and said that more actions will follow. The Israeli Defense Forces said that a battle tank and a warplane

Abby Martin speaks the plain truth about the Zionist regime in Palestine

Note by the Saker: interesting interview with Abby Martin, I highly recommend it.  Please try to set aside the typical Leftist clichés and language and just listen about what she experienced while visiting Palestine for the first time.  I wanted to share this video with you because Abby’s experience exactly mirrors mine.  Except that I was even more clueless than her when I set foot in Israel for the first

Thinking the Unthinkable: A Lamentation for the State of Israel – Well, Not Exactly

by Roger Tucker The following essay was inspired by a recent article in the Jewish magazine ‘The Tablet’ entitled “Thinking the Unthinkable: A Lamentation for the State of Israel.” A good, well written example of what is fast becoming a genre bemoaning the rapidly disappearing notion held by liberal Zionist Jews that a Jewish State in Palestine could be ‘both Jewish and Democratic.’ Mr. Rosenbaum’s strained but passionate elegy to

What are the Israelis up to next?

Amazing article in Ha’aretz today. Check this one out (my comments added in blue): Defense establishment paper: Golan for Syria peace, plan for Iran strike By Barak Ravid A defense establishment paper recommends making contingency plans to attack Iran, reaching an agreement with Syria that includes leaving the Golan Heights and preventing new elections in the Palestinian Authority, even if this means a confrontation with the United States. The paper

Tractatus Logico Palestinicus

by Gilad Atzmon for Palestine Think Tank Atzmon tries to lift the Palestinian Discourse where Wittgenstein left it… 1 “What can be said at all can be said clearly, and what we cannot talk about, we must pass over in silence.” (Ludwig Wittgenstein 1918) 1.1 Humanism and ethics are ends worth fighting for. 1.2 Western politics and political discourse (on the other hand) are concerned with power and hegemony. 1.3

The definition of occupation

By Abdelnasser Rashid, April 15, 2006, 11th Grade student, PALESTINE Occupied, terrorized, genocidewhile the whole world is hypnotized,Sixty years, incessant tearsno day passes by without countless fearsFor our lives, our wives, our children cryyet the world turns away, and our spirits die.For my land, I do standbut I remain hopeless without a helping hand,Oppression, suppression, depressionof every aspect of my life, you’ve taken possession,Our weapons are stones, to protect our

Reflections on the Israel-Hezbollah Prisoner Swap Deal

by Khalid Amayreh for Palestine Think Tank The latest prisoner swap deal between Israel and Hezbollah is a healthy indicator that at least some Arabs are beginning to understand the depraved Zionist mentality, and act accordingly. Such mentality is based on arrogance, insolence, and religious and ethnic superiority. Israel, a country whose collective mindset views non-Jews as virtual animals or at least lesser human beings, had to face a new

Israel’s dead end

(thanks to Mari for this interesting contribution) Zionist dreams of clearing “Greater Israel” of all Palestinians continue to be played out via insidious and violent means, but they won’t be realized, writes Jonathan Cook in Al-Ahram Weekly. In 1895, Theodor Herzl, Zionism’s chief prophet, confided in his diary that he did not favour sharing Palestine with the natives. Better, he wrote, to “try to spirit the penniless [Palestinian] population across

Palestinian Think Tank born today!

Haitham Sabbah, Mary Rizzo and Gilad Atzmon are very pleased to announce their new site. Palestine Think Tank. It is a site containing news, analysis, art and more to further the cause of justice for Palestinians. It concentrates on many aspects of the resistance, but also focuses on the issues affecting the entire Middle East. Please visit us at, share this news with those who might be interested, and

Saker interview with the Palestinian Pundit

It is a great honour and long awaited pleasure for me to interview a real expert on Palestine and the rest of the Middle-East: Tony, the author of what is definitely one of the best Palestinian blogs – Palestinian Pundit, a “must visit daily” for anybody interested in the Palestinian drama. I have been reading Tony’s posts for quite a while already (many thanks to datta for drawing my attention

Gilad Atzmon – The Right to Self-Determination – A Fake Exercise in Universalism

Originally published on the (excellent) blog PeacePalestine, reprinted with the kind permission of thecutter In the picture, a visual explanation of Jewish Self-Determination The right to self-determination is a luxurious approach at conservation of power reserved for the rich, strong and privileged. Since Zionists hold the reigns on international political power through their influence in important positions as well as the military might to maintain their ‘right to self-determination’, any

Survey: Haniyeh more popular than Abbas in PA

By Reuters (via Ha’aretz) Israel Defense Forces attacks in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip have boosted the popularity of the Islamist group’s leader Ismail Haniyeh among Palestinians in that territory and in the West Bank, according to a poll released Monday. The survey by the West Bank-based Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research showed that if new presidential elections were held, Haniyeh would receive 47 percent of the vote compared

Two-state Dreamers: If one state is impossible, why is Olmert so afraid of it?

By Jonathan Cook in Nazareth (from Informationclearinghouse) If the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the world’s most intractable, much the same can be said of the parallel debate about whether its resolution can best be achieved by a single state embracing the two peoples living there or by a division of the land into two separate states, one for Jews and the other for Palestinans. The central argument of the

Gush Shalom: Assassinations in Bethlehem and Tulkarm – grave provocation

Press Release, March 13, 2008 Gush Shalom: Assassinations in Bethlehem and Tulkarm – grave provocation The government does not want a ceasefire, but a new flareup Those who sent the assassins to carry out “liquidations” today, in Tulkarm and Bethlehem, knew what they were doing – a grave act of provocation which might blow up the serious chance which had opened up, to reach ceasefire and calm. This is a

No room for two states

The case for a single state solution for Palestine is irrefutable By Hassan Nafaa “Al-Ahram” — – -Is there truly hope for the establishment of a viable, sovereign Palestinian state living side-by-side with Israel in peace? Sadly, I doubt it very much, at least in the foreseeable future, in view of current local, regional and international conditions. The creation of a Palestinian state should not be regarded as an end

Ahmadinejad to meet Mubarak in Cairo next month

Al Manar TV reports that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has accepted an invitation from Cairo to visit Egypt sometime over the next month. This mark the first time an Iranian president will visit Egypt since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. The invitation was extended to Ahmadinejad through the Iranian speaker of parliament, Gholam Ali Haddad-Adel, who held talks in Cairo over the weekend with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. The Iranian student
