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Tag "Palestine"

The Saker interviews Jonathan Cook from Nazareth

Today I am publishing the second interview in my new series “Saker interviews” (which began with the Israeli peace activist Uri Avnery) with a Q&A email exchange with Jonathan Cook, a British journalist who lives in occupied Palestine and who recently wrote a book, entitled ‘Blood and Religion: The Unmasking of the Jewish and Democratic State‘, which was published by Pluto Press in Britain in April and in the United

One of the Immediate Challenges to Hamas

A Comment by Tony Sayegh Hamas has displayed both political and military decisiveness in finally putting an end to the Palestinian Contras’ plans of spreading “creative destruction” in Gaza in a manner similar to Iraq and to ultimately destroy Hamas politically and militarily. As I said before Hamas had to act and it did. The swiftness of the Hamas response and its ability to rout the Dahlan Contras in just

Fatah-affiliated Al Aqsa Brigades reject decree of President Abbas

Ma’an News Agency report: Fatah-affiliated Al Aqsa Brigades refuse to dissolve or to disarm and reject the truce in the West Bank Bethlehem – Ma’an Exclusive – The Fatah-affiliated Al Aqsa Brigades have announced that they have rejected the presidential decree regarding the disbanding of militia in the occupied Palestinian territories. The spokesman of the brigades, Abu Oday, told Ma’an that, following consultations with the brigades’ leaders in the West

US Congress to curb Bush enthusiasm for Abbas

Khody Akhavi, The Electronic Intifada, 27 June 2007 WASHINGTON, Jun 26 (IPS) – US President George W. Bush threw his full support behind President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority (PA) last week, declaring the Fatah leader “the president of all the Palestinians.” With Hamas, the Islamist political party backed by Iran and described by the US as a terrorist organization, firmly in control of Gaza, the administration is now

The Empire’s strike back – last preparations

There is no better source of information about Palestine than the excellent blog of the Palestinian Pundit. His recent posts outline a systematic plan for the invasion of the Gaza sector, the repression of its main democratically elected political party, Hamas, and the total destruction of that party throughout Palestine (at least that’s the plan, whether it will work is a different issue). First, the Empire is sending a poodle

Isma’il Haniyah: ‘We are the legitimate government’

Interview with Palestinian [National] Authority Prime Minister Isma’il Haniyah by Patrick de Saint-Paul in Gaza. Some people accuse Hamas of having carried out a coup d’etat in the Gaza Strip. How do you reply to that? I reply to them with a question: a coup d’etat against whom? Against ourselves? We embody legitimacy. We are the legitimate government, resulting from a democratically elected parliament. Why take control of Gaza by

American Orthodox Jew donates 1,5 million dollars to rebuild Palestinian home

by Tovah Lazaroff for the Jerusalem Post An Orthodox American Jew has donated $1.5 million to fund a campaign against the demolition of Palestinian and Beduin homes throughout Israel and the territories, the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions announced on Monday. The committee plans to use those funds to rebuild as many as 300 Palestinians homes it expects to be demolished this year either by the Interior Ministry, the Jerusalem

The Neocon regime in Washington starts yet another war

First there was Afghanistan, then Iraq, then Somalia (yes, this is a US started war), and now there is Lebanon/Palestine. Please follow me here step by step: For a description of the US “redirection”, i.e. using Al-Qaeda to fight Hezbollah and the Shia in Iraq, please read this. Then for a description of what the effects on the groud are, read this. For a confirmation that the US is, indeed,
