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Tag "NATO war against Libya"

The “coalition” has no clothes

By Justin Elliott for An emphatic part of the White House messaging about the bombing in Libya is that the operation is truly international in character. But it’s quickly becoming clear that the bombing campaign — at least so far — is almost entirely an American operation, albeit one that has been packaged to give it an international look. It’s a dissonance that brings back memories of George W.

Putin likens UN Libya resolution to crusade call

RIA Novosti reports: Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Monday likened the UN Security Council resolution on Libya to a Medieval crusade call. Russia abstained from a UN Security Council resolution adopted on Thursday imposing a no-fly zone over Libya and measures to protect civilians from leader Muammar Gaddafi’s forces. “The Security Council resolution is deficient and flawed; it allows everything and is reminiscent of a medieval call for a

Three top contenders for the Guinness Book of World Records in the “biggest hypocrites” category

What is happening in Libya makes me sick to my guts and gives a strong desire to scream insults at somebody.  And yet, when I saw these headlines today I really had to laugh.  Here are the headlines, verbatim (typo included): Arab League criticises Western strikes on Libya Russia criticizes Western military intervention in Libya China Criticizes the Allied Attacks against Libya When I read this I just had to

French attack Libyan GROUND vehicle as part of the “no-FLY” zone

The BBC reports: A French plane has fired the first shots in Libya as enforcement of the UN-mandated no-fly zone begins. The target was a military vehicle, the French defence ministry said.  So there we go: hypocritical powers pass a hypocritical resolution and use it to enforce a hypocritical no-fly zone by hypocritically strike a vehicle on the ground. Let us translate all this in pain English: The US and
