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Tag "NATO war against Libya"

Libya is now “Bosnia version 2”

According to the BBC, the International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi, accusing him of crimes against humanity. Clearly, in the minds of leaders of the US Empire, Libya as now become “Bosnia v2”. Disgusting.

Libya is now “Bosnia version 2”

According to the BBC, the International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi, accusing him of crimes against humanity. Clearly, in the minds of leaders of the US Empire, Libya as now become “Bosnia v2”. Disgusting.

Rebel Atrocity Videos

by Caustic Logic for The Libyan Civil War: Critical Views The following post will discuss several videos from the Libyan civil war once hosted on Youtube. These were originally put up and allowed, despite Youtube’s general ban on violent and gory images,perhaps for the posters’ stated aims of supporting the rebel cause and freedom. For weeks they sat there, each in several posting watched thousands of times. But more and

Rebel Atrocity Videos

by Caustic Logic for The Libyan Civil War: Critical Views The following post will discuss several videos from the Libyan civil war once hosted on Youtube. These were originally put up and allowed, despite Youtube’s general ban on violent and gory images,perhaps for the posters’ stated aims of supporting the rebel cause and freedom. For weeks they sat there, each in several posting watched thousands of times. But more and

There Was No Libyan Peaceful Protest

(Many thanks to I. for calling my attention to this article! VS) Just Murderous Gangs and Nic Robertson By Jay Janson for Nic Robertson and Anderson Cooper are surely aware of their achievement in promoting the human carnage of civil war and the destruction of a beautifully well-kept and prosperous nation, the 53rd highest developed country in the world with free health care and education. A standard of living

U.S., Rebels Reject Gaddafi Proposal

DemocrayNow reports: The United States and Libyan rebels have rejected a new offer from the regime of Col. Muammar Gaddafi as the conflict in Libya enters its fifth month. Gaddafi’s son, Saif al-Islam, had said his father would hold elections within three months and would step down if he lost. But the Obama administration rejected the proposal, calling it “too late.” NATO warplanes have resumed bombing Tripoli as rebels attempt

Col Muammar Gaddafi’s letter to the US Congress

Dear Sirs/Madam, The Government of Libya Jamahiriya reviewed with great interest the deliberations of the Congress on the issue of the participation of the United States of America in NATO’s aggression against Libya, and I want express my sincere gratitude for your thoughtful discussion of the issues. We are confident that history will see the wisdom of your Country in debating these issues. As we have constantly expressed in the

More details about the latest Gaddafi ceasefire proposal

I just finished watching an interesting Russian TV report.  According to the Russians, NATO attempted to prevent Gaddafi from airing his speech making a ceasefire proposal by bombing the TV station which was airing it (that is nothing new, just remember how NATO bombed the TV station in Belgrade into a pile of rubble or how the Israelis attempted to silence al-Manar in Beirut).  In both cases, the destruction of

Keeping track of ceasefire/peace proposals in Libya

In a previous post of mine I began keeping track of the various ceasefire/peace proposals made in the Libyan conflict.  I will continue to and in the coming weeks.  Though I am just a small irrelevant blogger, I will do all I can not to allow Libya to turn into a another Bosnia (where all the ceasefire/peace plans were dumped into an Orwellian memory hole). So far I had: African

While imperial powers are invading, Gaddafi offers a peace plan

The BBC reports: France, the UK and Italy are now officially sending “small teams of military officers”.  In the same BBC article we also learn that “Libyan Foreign Minister Abdul Ati al-Obeidi said the presence of foreign military personnel would be a “step backwards”.  He proposed that there should be a ceasefire followed by an interim period of maybe six months to prepare for an election which would be supervised

The civil war in Libya is about to turn into a NATO invasion – does anybody care?!

Dear friends, First, a couple of recent headlines which grabbed my attention France ‘should send in commandos to Libya’ British military officers to be sent to Libya Libya’s Late, Great Rights Record Another Shocking UN Cover Up About Libya FYI – Check out the UN Humans Right report on Libya Now, let’s turn to what has been gnawing at me: I have to say that I am rather baffled by

Russia, Egypt, Libya: A kind-of-silver lining

by Eric Walberg: Russia has always looked on at events in the Middle East from afar, shut out of the action, and remains an onlooker today, absorbed by its own problems. Eric Walberg looks at the implications for Russia of the revolutions and no-so-revolutions sweeping the Middle East Russian politics is in turmoil as a result of the uprisings in the Arab world, in particular the Egyptian revolution. Those fed

US-NATO options in Libya

There is a lot of nonsense in the media about what is going on in Libya and what the so-called “no-fly zone” is achieving.  I would like to make a few short comments to clarify some of the misconceptions about what is taking place. The ‘no-fly’ zone is, of course, not a no-fly zone.  At least not primarily.  We have all seen how lame and inept Gaddafi’s air force is

President Medvedev makes a VERY defensive statement about Libya (UPDATED!)

Absolutely amazing stuff.  Russian President Medvedev has just make an extremely defensive declaration about Russia’s decision not to veto the UNSC resolution on Libya.  Here it is in Russian (sorry for those who do not speak the language – its the only version I have found so far): As soon as I get a transcript or a subtitled version I will post it here. My own personal feeling that the

Russia’s stance on Libya – a hypothesis

Ever since Russia’s mind-boggling abstention at the UNSC on a resolution which effectively allows for a US/NATO war on Libya I have been trying to make sense of what the hell had happened.  First, I was so mad at Russia that I did not bother looking a little deeper into possible Russian motives.  Then, when Russia joined China and the Arab League in criticizing the resolution they had just authorized,

Medvedev rebuts Putin over Libya

(many thanks to C for keeping an eye on this fascinating development!) RIA-Novosti reports: In a rare faceoff with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, President Dmitry Medvedev said on Monday he stood by Moscow’s decision not to veto the UN Security Council resolution on Libya. “Russia did not exercise [the veto power] for one reason: I do not consider this resolution to be wrong. Moreover, I believe that this resolution
