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Tag "media"

Politico: Veterans Today and SouthFront turn American servicemembers and veterans into a fifth column Politico, the most read “Capitol Hill” publication online, has released an investigation arguing that Veterans Today and SouthFront are shaking pillars of American society, foremost among them the military. From our own point of view the article written by Ben Schreckinger provides another evidence of a high evaluation of our collaborative effort by mainstream media outlets and think tanks funded by corporates and governments. It explains why more and

Russian “Liberal” Media’s Foreign Sponsors The hysteria concerning the alleged Russian “interference” in the US presidential election appears to be a mirror projection of techniques that have been used against Russia, with little or no success, with the aim of  interfering in its political processes. While the propaganda campaign aimed at Russia has sought to foster the impression that the country’s media is strictly controlled, in actuality the “liberal opposition” newspapers and radio stations

Request for assistance: Strelkov press conference media coverage

Dear friends,I promised myself that I would go away from the keyboard but I could not, there is just so much going on!  I am working on a analysis/commentary of the Strelkov press conference and I could need some help here.  Can you help me find out which media did cover it and how?For example, not a single Russian TV channel has said a word about it, at least so

Plunge into the depths until you reach the truth

by “Ya_Baqiyatullah” We live in a world where the media helps shape our lives; be it for social, economical, political or entertainment purposes the importance of media cannot be underestimated. It is something which builds our personalities due to the information it feeds us. We are in many ways attached to this source and make it our comfort zone. Today, where the World has reached a critical stage in every

Israel Arrests Iranian TV Correspondent

Fars News Agency reports: Israeli forces have arrested Iran’s Al-Alam News Network’s correspondent reporting from the occupied Palestinian territory. The man’s lawyer said the Palestinian was also suspected of passing confidential information to unauthorized persons – “a very harsh security offense” – but gave no further details. Khadr Shahine, who reported for Iran’s state-owned Arabic language Al-Alam television station, violated the censorship rules when he reported the beginning of Israel’s

“One would think under those circumstances, we’d shut up.”

Is the New York Times (and the rest of the US power elites) finally seeing the writing on the wall? Check out this interesting commentary in the NYT: In Georgia Clash, a Lesson on U.S. Need for Russia By HELENE COOPER for the New York Times WASHINGTON — The image of President Bush smiling and chatting with Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin of Russia from the stands of the Beijing

Good news: the Imperial propaganda outlets (aka corporate media) are hurting

I just picked up this piece from American Goy’s excellent blog: More Americans turning to Web for newsNEW YORK (Reuters) – Nearly 70 percent of Americans believe traditional journalism is out of touch, and nearly half are turning to the Internet to get their news, according to a new survey. While most people think journalism is important to the quality of life, 64 percent are dissatisfied with the quality of

The Iraq news blackout in the US corporate media

How the press spent its summer vacation by Eric Boehlert News that Katie Couric would anchor the CBS Evening News from Baghdad this week created a major media splash. After earlier suggesting that type of assignment would be too treacherous for a single mother of two, Couric did an about-face. She stressed that as a journalist she wanted to get a better sense, a firsthand account, of how events were

Why Bush Can Get Away with Attacking Iran

When Wishful Thinking Replaces Resistance By Jean Bricmont Many people in the antiwar movement try to reassure themselves: Bush cannot possibly attack Iran. He does not have the means to do so, or, perhaps, even he is not foolish enough to engage in such an enterprise. Various particular reasons are put forward, such as: If he attacks, the Shiites in Iraq will cut the US supply lines. If he attacks,

Intelligence Services, The Media And Anti-Iran Propaganda

by Paul Ingram and Mehrnaz Shahabi (CASMII) Paul Ingram is Senior Analyst at the British American Security Information Council. His subject areas include nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament (with a focus on Iran and the UK); defence economics, particularly subsidies of exports in the UK; and transatlantic security. He is the Chair of Crisis Action, and co-teaches systems thinking and practice on the Top Management Programme at the National School of

Saudi Arabia’s true role in the insurgency in Iraq

Saudi Arabia’s Myth of Moderation By Barbara Koeppel Almost daily, the Bush administration ratchets up the war-like rhetoric about Iran’s alleged role in destabilizing Iraq. Eerily, like the pre-Iraq War drumbeat, the U.S. press repeats the accusations with little skepticism and Congress marches in lockstep, as a new Middle East villain is marked for punishment. On Aug. 15, front-page stories in the New York Times, the Washington Post and other

The Iran Attack That Wasn’t

How reporters trumped up a story about Iranians killing Americans in Iraq by Gareth Porter On July 2 and 3, The New York Times and the Associated Press, among other media outlets, came out with sensational stories saying that either Iranians or Iranian agents had played an important role in planning the operation in Karbala, Iraq last January that resulted in the deaths of five American soldiers. Michael R. Gordon

No Evidence of Iran’s role in violence and instability in Iraq – confirms British Foreign Minister

by Mehrnaz Shahabi, Wednesday, July 18, 2007 (CASMII Columns) David Milliband, British foreign secretary, confirmed in an interview (1) with the Financial times, 8th July, that there is no evidence of Iranian complicity in instability in Iraq or attacks on British troops: Asked by the FT, “What do you think of Iran’s complicity in attacks on British soldiers in Basra”?, Miliband’s first response was, “Well, I think that any evidence

Interview with President Chavez in Teheran

By Amir Mahdi Kazemi In an interview with Iran’s Press TV, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez comments on his country’s relations with the Islamic Republic In an interview with Iran’s newly launched Press TV, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has commented on a number of issues particularly the South American nation’s foreign policy. The following is the text of the interview with the president: Reporter: In his comments on website Globovision, the

Intelligence Services, The Media and anti-Iran Propaganda

by Paul Ingram and Mehrnaz Shahabi (source: CASMII ) Wednesday, June 27, 2007 Paul Ingram is Senior Analyst at the British American Security Information Council. His subject areas include nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament (with a focus on Iran and the UK); defence economics, particularly subsidies of exports in the UK; and transatlantic security. He is the Chair of Crisis Action, and co-teaches systems thinking and practice on the Top Management

“Wiped off the Map” – The Rumor of the Century

by Arash Norouzi Across the world, a dangerous rumor has spread that could have catastrophic implications. According to legend, Iran’s President has threatened to destroy Israel, or, to quote the misquote, “Israel must be wiped off the map”. Contrary to popular belief, this statement was never made, as the following article will prove. BACKGROUND: On Tuesday, October 25th, 2005 at the Ministry of Interior conference hall in Tehran, newly elected
