Dear friends,

I promised myself that I would go away from the keyboard but I could not, there is just so much going on!  I am working on a analysis/commentary of the Strelkov press conference and I could need some help here.  Can you help me find out which media did cover it and how?

For example, not a single Russian TV channel has said a word about it, at least so far or, if it has, then I missed it. I checked all the following ones:

REN-TV: nothing
Channel 1: nothing
News Russia 1: nothing
NTV: nothing
RT in English: nothing (at least on the website)

Then I looked at the big Russian newspapers (online and paper):

Rossiiskaia Gazeta: nothing
Vzgliad: nothing (that surprises me)
Regnum news agency: excerpts only several short excerpts

I don’t have the time to continue checking media source, so if you could post in the comments section the names of the information outlets which did cover this press conference I would be very grateful.

Did anybody publish a full transcript?

Many thanks and kind regards,

The Saker