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Tag "Gonzalo Lira"

Gonzalo Lira is missing!

BitChute embedding powered by Note by Andrei: if Gonzalo has been seized by the local Gestapo, his only chance of survival is either being freed by a Russian special operation (assuming the Russians can find out where he is held) or an exchange.  To be honest, both options are highly unlikely.  Please keep him in your prayers!

Gonzalo Lira – “Why The Western Elites Are Foolish and Amoral”

As a graduate from two top US universities, the School of International Service – SIS – from the American University and the Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies – SAIS – from Johns Hopkins University, I can confirm that every word spoken by Gonzalo Lira are true and spot on.  Listen to the man, every word he says is 100% true! Andrei
