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Tag "Eric Zuesse"

The Russiagate hoax is now fully exposed.

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog The last leg of the Russiagate hoax to become exposed was on August 16th, when Gareth Porter bannered at The American Conservative, “U.S. States: We Weren’t Hacked by Russians in 2016”. He revealed there that, “A ‘bombshell’ Senate Intelligence Committee report released in July repeated the familiar claim that Russia targeted the electoral websites of at least 21 states — but statements from

Adding Context to ‘News’ about Venezuela

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog This past week’s meeting of the U.S.-and-Canada-created anti-Venezuela Lima Group of nations failed to achieve the U.S. regime’s intention of organizing a coalition of its members to participate in a U.S.-led invasion to overthrow Venezuela’s Government and install Trump’s choice, the self-styled ‘interim President’ of Venezuela, Juan Guaido, to rule there. Although 100 nations had been invited, only 60 attended, and the U.S.

The Democratic Party’s AIPAC Candidates

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog Joe Biden and Kamala Harris might as well be Israelis, though they’re both running for the Presidency of America. The PAC (officially a “lobbying organization”) called AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee, instead of “American Israel Political Action Committee”) represents some American Jews and Christian evangelicals — it represents the ones who place Israel’s Government above America’s Government, and who therefore lobby in

Turkey Will Get a Chunk of Syria: An Advantage of Being in NATO

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog The success of Turkey’s takeover of Syria’s most pro-jihadist province, Idlib, is making less and less likely that Syria will be able to continue maintaining Idlib as being a part of Syria. (This is something I had predicted, back on 14 September 2018, to be possible or even likely, and now it is actually happening.) On July 10th, Reuters headlined “Assad hits a

Hypocrisies About Refugees

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog Here are two visuals from the latest annual U.N. report about the world’s refugee situation, “UNHCR Global Trends 2018”, and though these images don’t pack the emotional punch of a child’s corpse that has just been washed upon a beach after drowning when his family had attempted to escape from a country that the U.S. and its allies were ‘trying to make free’ by

The Civil War Now in America

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker blog America is controlled only by its wealthiest, and they are solidly in control of both political Parties. However, now that they are in control, they are fighting bitterly amongst one-another. They are on two sides. Concerning foreign policies, and domestic policies, Republican Party billionaires hate especially Iran, and especially all progressivism. By contrast, concerning foreign policies, and domestic policies, Democratic Party billionaires hate

Absolute Proof that Trump Is Stupid

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog On June 26th, U.S. President Donald Trump told Fox Business News that, as the Washington Post immediately headlined it, “War with Iran Would Not Involve Ground Troops and Would Not Last Long”. He said: “I’m not talking boots on the ground. … I’m just saying if something would happen, it wouldn’t last very long.” However, even if his planned surgical missile-strikes against Iran’s

POLL: Crimeans Still Strongly Prefer Russia Over Ukraine

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog Whereas the U.S. regime and its allies demand that Crimea be returned to being ruled by the Ukrainian Government, as it had been during 1954-2014 (but Russian at all other times), all polls, ever since at least 2013 (when the U.S. Government started polling this) have shown that approximately 90% of Crimeans want to be ruled instead by Russia’s Government, and the latest

Why Only Fools Trust America’s Mainstream ‘News’ Media After the 2003 Invasion of Iraq

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog Here will be yet another current example to demonstrate that all U.S. mainstream ’news’ media hide from their respective publics that the U.S. Government is lying, when the U.S. Government lies — i.e., that all of the mainstream ’news’ media in America hide the truth, when the Government itself is lying. In other words: the U.S. mainstream ’news’ media are propaganda-organs for the

What the Press Hides From You About Venezuela — A Case of News-Suppression

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog INTRODUCTION This news-report is being submitted to all U.S. and allied news-media, and is being published by all honest ones, in order to inform you of crucial facts that the others — the dishonest ones, who hude such crucial facts — are hiding about Venezuela. These are facts that have received coverage only in one single British newspaper: the Independent, which published a

The Private Wealth Within Nations, Now and in the Future

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog The annual Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report is the gold-standard for estimates of private wealth around the world. The latest is Global Wealth Report 2018. It’s at: Some aspects of this report (as in previous years) raise more questions than answers, but any informed estimations of where things stand economically within the world’s nations and even globally, has to take seriously what

The U.S. Government’s Plan Is to Conquer Russia by a Surprise Invasion

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog The following combination of articles explains — and they link to conclusive evidence proving — that the United States Government is actually designing its nuclear forces now with the intention to win a nuclear war against Russia (World War III), and no longer (if they ever really were) adhering to the idea (“Mutually Assured Destruction”) that WW III would produce unacceptable catastrophe for

All U.S. Gov’t. Accusations Against Russia’s Gov’t. Are Lies

by Eric Zuesse  for The Saker Blog THE FIRST ACCUSATION, which is the source of the Magnitsky Act sanctions against Russia, was in 2012 under U.S. President Barack Obama, and it alleged that Sergei Magnitsky had been a whistleblower in Russia who was a lawyer who uncovered corruption in Russia’s Government and was imprisoned for that and beaten to death there for that. Magnitsky was, in fact, no whistleblower, and

The Meaning of a Multipolar World

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog Right now, we live in a monopolar world. Here is how U.S. President Barack Obama proudly, even imperially, described it when delivering the Commencement address to America’s future generals, at West Point Military Academy, on 28 May 2014: The United States is and remains the one indispensable nation. [Every other nation is therefore ‘dispensable’; we therefore now have “Amerika, Amerika über alles, über

U.S. Protects Al Qaeda in Syria, Proven

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog There’s plenty of proof that the U.S. Government protects Al Qaeda in Syria. Right now, America is protecting Al Qaeda’s main center throughout the world, which is the province of Idlib in Syria. This protection is part of a bigger picture, no merely isolated phenomenon. For example: the key point of difference between the Obama Administration in America and the Putin Administration in

The Global Alliance for Evil

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog The global alliance for evil is the system that’s behind the current reality, which some call “permanent war for permanent peace,” and others call “perpetual war for perpetual peace,” but it’s the same thing no matter what it’s called: the ‘national security’ system that exists today, and that was accurately foreseen (and dramatically embellished) in George Orwell’s allegorical novel, 1984. What it is,

Israel an Enemy of Freedom-Loving People Everywhere

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog Israel is fighting constantly not only against Gazans, and against Palestinians generally; it is fighting constantly against freedom-loving people everywhere, who oppose dictatorship of any type, and in any country, on principle, irrespective of nationality. Here’s an example showing how much of a dictatorship and enemy of democrats it is: Anna Dressler was a ship-hand on a flotilla of two small boats launched from Palermo Italy that were manned by

Trump Lied About His Intentions Toward Russia

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog On August 20th, Gallup headlined “More in U.S. Favor Diplomacy Over Sanctions for Russia” and reported that, “Americans believe it is more important to try to continue efforts to improve relations between the countries (58%), rather than taking strong diplomatic and economic steps against Russia (36%).” And yet, all of the sanctions against Russia have passed in Congess by over 90% of Senators

Are the mainstream U.S. ‘news’media evil?

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog William Binney, the U.S. National Security Agency’s former technical director for global analysis, has, for the past year, been globe-trotting to investigate the actual evidence regarding the official Russiagate investigations, and he finds that the Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, who is prosecuting Russia’s Government, can only accuse Russian officials, not convict any of them on at least the important charges, because conclusive evidence

Vladimir Putin’s Basic Disagreement with The West

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog Vladimir Putin’s Basic Disagreement with The West Vladimir Putin’s basic view has been expressed so many times, in so many different contexts, and it’s always the same: that the only people who have a sovereign right to any land, are the people who live on that land — nobody who lives outside that land does. In other words, his basic view is a
