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Tag "Eric Zuesse"

Trump Plans to Keep U.S. Troops Permanently in Iraq

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog A reliable and exceptionally knowledgeable source, who doesn’t wish to be publicly identified, has confidentially informed me that an agreement has been reached in which U.S. troops will remain permanently in Iraq but under exclusively NATO command, no longer under the command of CentCom (US Central Command in the Middle East). On February 12th, NATO’s defense ministers agreed to increase operations in Iraq.

U.S. Demands Iraq Either Join U.S. War Against Iran or Be Destroyed

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog U.S. officials have now made clear that if U.S. forces become removed from Iraq as Iraq’s Parliament unanimously demanded and Iraq’s Prime Minister affirmed on January 5th, then the U.S. will try to break Iraq up into separate Sunni and Shia nations, and will also definitely impose sanctions against Iraq or (if Iraq becomes successfully broken up) against the Shia-governed portion of Iraq,

Trillions of Dollars in U.S. Military Spending Are Unaccounted-For

Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog This article from 21 July 2017 is here updated and expanded to the present; and the dead links in it have been replaced by functional (this time, archived — and thus more permanent) links:  Before documenting that many trillions of dollars in U.S. Government military spending have been and are unaccounted-for, and that by far the most corrupt U.S. federal Department is the ‘Defense’

Trump Assassinated the Leading General Who Fought Against ISIS.

Eric Zuesse for the Saker Blog  Even some mainstream U.S. ‘news’-media (but none that are Republican) acknowledge the fact that Qasem Soleimani was among the most effective of all nations’ generals who fought against ISIS. Other mainstream U.S. ‘news’-media seem very reluctant to do so, because the entirety of America’s mainstream ‘journalism’ has spewed hatred against Iran’s Government after Iranians in 1979 succeeded at overthrowing the dictator Shah whom America’s

Further Proof: U.S., UK, & France Committed War-Crime on 14 April 2018

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog U.S., UK, and French ‘news’-media hide the fact, but it is now incontestably a fact, that they committed an international war-crime on 14 April 2018. The OPCW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) does everything they can to hide this fact. Therefore, starting with the latest, and then proceeding in chronological order, with the earliest and then the subsequent ones that had

Which are more important — ethnic or class-differences?

Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog Craig Murray, a whistleblowing UK Ambassador who was then fired from UK’s Diplomatic Service and became instead a great independent investigative journalist specializing in foreign-policy issues, has one of the most-read blogs on the internet (if not the most-read of them) dealing with international relations, generally from a progressive political standpoint, but occasionally from a liberal standpoint (mixing progressivism with conservatism) instead. Even when

UK’s Tory Victory Likely to Bind U.S. & UK against Europe & Asia

Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog Huffington Post headlined on December 21st “I Left Increasingly Right-Wing Britain And Now I Don’t Know If I Will Ever Return Home”, but the young woman who wrote it seems to have had no idea of the deep international forces that — as she sadly noted — are driving ever-larger numbers of young Brits, like herself, to relocate to continental Europe. This is part

Proof that America’s “Deep State” Exists and Controls the Government

Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog The readers at the international-news site South Front tend to be technologically far more knowledgeable about the internet than most people (including myself) are, and so their responses to a news-report that I did on December 17th, titled “Former NSA Tech Chief Says Mueller Report Was Based on CIA-Fabricated ‘Evidence’”, not only corrected a misspelling of a particular spoken acronym (my “PHAT” there should

Hillary Clinton’s Six Foreign-Policy Catastrophes

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog INTRODUCTION TO THIS UPDATED REPUBLICATION Though Hillary Clinton will, of course, be the direct topic here, we are now in the primaries-season for the 2020 elections, and almost all of the contenders for the Democratic Party nomination — and especially Biden, Buttigieg, and all of the others, except for Sanders and Gabbard — are foreign-policy clones of Ms. Clinton and of her former

Some False Statements Made in the Trump-Impeachment Hearings

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog In the December 4th statement that was made by Stanford University law professor Pamela Karlan was this: We have become the shining city on a hill. We have become the nation that leads the world in understanding what democracy is. One of the things we understand most profoundly is it’s not a real democracy, it’s not a mature democracy if the party in power

Should Publishing Lies Be a Crime? 

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog Writing or otherwise saying lies should be civilly but not criminally illegal, but publishing lies needs to remain entirely legal unless the publisher has not practiced due diligence to exclude falsehoods. The responsibility to avoid expressing lies is 100% the responsibility of the violator, the person who lies; but the U.S. First Amendment principle, that “Congress shall make no law … abridging the

Member of Ukraine’s Parliament Leaks Trove of Biden Financial Records

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog On Wednesday, November 20th, Russia’s Tass news agency headlined “Joe Biden’s son and his partners received $16.5 million from Burisma — Ukrainian MP”, and reported: The Ukrainian Office of the Prosecutor General has drawn up an indictment against the owner of the Burisma Holdings energy company, ex-Ecology Minister Nikolai Zlochevsky, that contains information that the son of former US Vice President Joe Biden, Hunter,

Ukraine, Trump, Biden — The Real Story Behind “Ukrainegate” 

Ukraine, Trump, Biden — The Real Story Behind “Ukrainegate”  IN FOUR PARTS Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog PART ONE: TRUMP’S 25 JULY 2019 PHONE-CALL TO ZELENSKY Since this news-report is going to be especially harsh regarding today’s Democratic Party in the United States, readers should be aware that until that Party nominated Hillary Clinton in 2016, this writer was, and consistently voted as, a Democrat, and that I have

Poll Shows Trump’s Israel Policy Is Opposed Even By Republicans

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog On Monday, November 18th, Reuters headlined “U.S. backs Israel on settlements, angering Palestinians and clouding peace process” and reported that, “The United States on Monday effectively backed Israel’s right to build Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank by abandoning its four-decade-old position that they were ‘inconsistent with international law,’ a stance that may make Israeli-Palestinian peace even more elusive.” This article made

Bernie Sanders Warns Democrats He Might Run as an Independent?

by Eric Zuesse for the Saker Blog On October 23rd, an extraordinary article was published online at Newsweek, but merely as “Opinion,” and this not coming from Senator Sanders’s Democratic primary campaign for the U.S. Presidency, but only from a supporter: “‘BERNIE OR BUST’ IS A WARNING—IGNORE IT, AND TRUMP WINS | OPINION”. It would be a historic article if the Sanders campaign endorses it. And, on October 27th, they

Tulsi Gabbard’s ‘Hail-Mary Pass’ Against Hillary Clinton Failed

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker blog For a few days, active Democrats were stunned by — and America’s political news-media were focusing heavily upon — this string of tweets from Democratic Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard: Tulsi Gabbard✔@TulsiGabbard Great! Thank you @HillaryClinton. You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from

That we live under a dictatorship is now unquestionable: The Assange Case

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog What else can we call it when a publisher does what the New York Times did when it published the Pentagon Papers and was ruled by the Supreme Court in 1971 (New York Times Co. v. United States) to have been protected by the First Amendment, but the publisher this time has been kept for years in various types of imprisonment without trial,

Russian Government Condemn’s European Parliament’s Blaming Stalin as Having Started WW II

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog On October 1st, Russia’s Tass news agency reported that the Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin condemned the European Parliament for having blamed Stalin along with Hitler as having started World War II. He said, “The recent resolution adopted by the European Parliament that assigned the historic blame for the outbreak of the Second World War on the Soviet Union

Here is the dirt Trump wanted from Zelensky about the Bidens and why Zelensky doesn’t want to give it to him — hidden by rampant falsehoods in the press

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog In order to understand why Ukraine’s President Voldomyr Zelensky doesn’t want the dirt about Joe Biden to become public, one needs to know that Hunter Biden’s boss and benefactor at Burisma Holdings was, at least partly, Zelensky’s boss and benefactor until Zelensky became Ukraine’s President, and that revealing this would open up a can of worms which could place that former boss and

U.S.-UK Deep State Tries to Grab Hong Kong

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog What can explain these recent instances, proven by Agence France-Press, in which outright frauds — lies (in the form of faked photos and videos) — are being spread online to support the agenda of breaking off, from China, Hong Kong (which has historically always a part of China), so as to make Hong Kong an ‘independent’ nation?: —— This video actually shows
