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Tag "CrossTalk"

CrossTalk: Vault 7

    Mar 10, 2017 Wikileaks strikes again. On full display are the CIA’s spy tools and methods. Snowden provided a briefing book on U.S. surveillance, but the CIA leaks could provide the blueprints. And your Samsung TV and iPhone are a big part of this. CrossTalking with Larry Johnson, Suzanne Nossel, and Patrick Henningsen.

CrossTalk: Revolt in the West

  The West appears to have entered into a new era – the era of the political upsets, growing anger, and increased disillusionment with ruling elites. It is not a question of leftwing – rightwing politics. It is all about a failing status quo. CrossTalking with Stephen Haseler, Marcus Papadopoulos, and Joaquin Flores.
