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Tag "AngoZionist Empire"

Return of the Magyars: Hungary’s President Calls Out the US as Morally and Financially Bankrupt

Note from The Saker: amongst my many blind spots and list of topics I know practically nothing about there is, to my great shame, the topic of Hungarian politics. Therefore please address your comments, criticisms and reactions (and thanks!!!) to American Kulak but not to me. I am most definitely the least qualified to say anything at all about this. Cheers and enjoy! The Saker——-  Return of the Magyars: Hungary’s President

The thing which everybody seems to be missing

Okay, I decided to squeeze in one more post before taking time off for Holy Paskha, this is well worth it.Some of you have asked about China’s role in all this, in what the real interests of the USA are, how the EU is positioning itself and what Russia does or does not want.  And, somehow, bogged down by the minutiae of the unfolding events I managed to never mention

Today every free person in the world has won!

We feel that we won; Lebanon won; Palestine won; the Arab nation won, and every oppressed, aggrieved person in this world also won. Our victory is not the victory of a party. I repeat what I said in Bint Jbeil on 25 May 2000: It is not the victory of a party or a community; rather it is a victory for true Lebanon, the true Lebanese people, and every free

How the US dream of world supremacy was buried in Crimea

written specially for the Asia Times These are official results from the referendum in Crimea: 96.77% voted for Crimea to join Russia 02.51% voted for Crimea to remain a sovereign autonomous republic inside the Ukraine 00.72% of the votes were declared invalid 83.10% of the eligible voters participated in this referendum (thus:16.9% did not vote) As a reminder, this is the official ethnic makeup of Crimea (in 2001): 58.32% Russians
