A video of the 83 local choir members singing the iconic for Zaporozhye  song from the legendary movie “Spring on Zarechnaya street”.


Vocal flash mob has become a creative gift of the TV5 channel  to celebrate the significant day for people of  Zaporozhye  .  On November 16th the  industrial giant  “Zaporizhstal”  will celebrate his 83rd birthday.

“Anyone at such a solid age it is difficult to surprise for their birthday. But, but despite of the impressive age, “Zaporizhstal”  is developing  dynamic and young company. So we decided to give it a modern trend and thought that the song from the Soviet cult film, shot in Zaporozhye, at “Zaporizhstal” is a pleasant, soulful and memorable gift for each employee of the plant.

Moreover, in carrying out this flash mob we invested a part of the soul, as everyone in Zaporozhye  feels being close to every line of the famous film, which is imbued with the spirit of people of Zaporozhye  and all the factory workers, teachers and other professions”, – said General Director of TV5 Maksym Onopriyenko.

During the flash mob, held on  November 13, vocalists of the Zaporozhye musical College of Mayboroda performed at the railway station “Zaporozhye-1” by singing the hit song from beloved by millions classic film “Spring on Zarechnaya street”.


Watch online Spring on Zarechnaya Street with English subtitles


The theme song from 1956 film “Spring in Zarechnaya Street”

Улица родная

Когда весна придёт, не знаю,

Пройдут дожди… Сойдут снега…

Но ты мне, улица родная,

И в непогоду дорога.


На этой улице подростком

Гонял по крышам голубей,

И здесь, на этом перекрёстке,

С любовью встретился своей.


Теперь и сам не рад, что встретил,

Моя душа полна тобой

Зачем, зачем на белом свете

Есть безответная любовь?

Зачем, зачем на белом свете

Есть безответная любовь?


Когда на улице Заречной

В домах погашены огни,

Горят мартеновские печи,

И день и ночь горят они.


Я не хочу судьбу иную.

Мне ни на что не променять

Ту заводскую проходную,

Что в люди вывела меня.


На свете много улиц славных,

Но не сменяю адрес я.

В моей судьбе ты стала главной,

Родная улица моя.

В моей судьбе ты стала главной,

Родная улица моя.


My Home Street

I do not know when spring is bound

There’ll come the rain to sweep snow clean

But you, my home street, no doubt

In nasty weather are as dear


In this same street when a teenager

I used to fly my pigeons up

At that crossroads over there

I met my first, my first true love


And now I wish I hadn’t met love

So full of you is all my soul

Why do we have love unrequited

That still exists in this wide world?

Why do we have love unrequited

That still exists in this wide world?


When in my street Zarechnaya

All lights go out in the dark

The open hearths of furnace fires

Will blaze on brightly day and night


I do not wish another man’s lot

I wouldn’t change for the whole world

That entrance point to my steel workshop

That’s made a man of me for all


The world may boast lots of famed streets

But never change address will I

To me you have become the only

The only main home street in life

To me you have become the only

The only main home street in life


Thank you for your time,



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